Swift protocol covariant properties [duplicate] - swift

This question already has answers here:
Why can't a get-only property requirement in a protocol be satisfied by a property which conforms?
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Can anyone explain why this doesn't compile?
// In MyViewKit.framework
protocol UserRenderable {
var name : String { get }
protocol PostRenderable {
var title: String { get }
var author: UserRenderable { get }
// In MyDataKit.framework
struct User {
let id: String
let name : String
struct Post {
let id: String
let title: String
let author: User
// In MyApp
extension User : UserRenderable {}
extension Post: PostRenderable {}
But this (below) does? Apparently, read-only property requirements in a protocol can't be satisfied by a property which conforms to them (according to the answers to this question.)
What is typealias doing here?
// In MyViewKit.framework
protocol UserRenderable {
var name : String { get }
protocol PostRenderable {
var title: String { get }
var author: UserRenderable { get }
// In MyDataKit.framework
struct User {
let id: String
let name : String
struct Post {
let id: String
let title: String
let author: User
// In MyApp
extension User : UserRenderable {}
extension Post: PostRenderable {
// what is type alias doing here? Note: there are no associated types.
typealias User = UserRenderable
UPDATE Just clarifying why IMO this isn't a duplicate to Why can't a get-only property requirement in a protocol be satisfied by a property which conforms?. I understand the limitation in the Swift language: I'm trying to also understanding whether or not this is a valid workaround.

A typealias has nothing to do with associated types in this particular instance. Typealias is just a way to let the compiler know what is the associated type in a protocol if it cannot be inferred, but a typealias can be used in different contexts as well.
Your second example compiles, because you change User from a concrete type to a typealias for UserRenderable in your Post extension. If you check the type of author in Xcode, you'll see that its type is actually UserRenderable after the extension rather than User. Due to the typealias, inside Post, User won't refer to the User struct, but rather it will be UserRenderable due to the local overwrite you did with the typealias.


How to use a protocol inside a function in Swift? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm going through a series of Swift tutorials and I don't want to move forward without understanding the point of this
protocol Identifiable {
var id: String { get set }
We can’t create instances of that protocol - it’s a description, not a type by itself.
But we can create a struct that conforms to it:
struct User: Identifiable {
var id: String
//: Finally, we’ll write a `displayID()` function that accepts any `Identifiable` object:
func displayID(thing: Identifiable) {
print("My ID is \(thing.id)")
This is the tutorial page
Say I want to now run displayID and get the thing.id, how would that work?
You can try it on swift playgrounds this is one way you can use it for example:
import Foundation
protocol Identifiable {
var id: String { get set }
struct User: Identifiable {
var id: String
class ViewController {
func displayID(thing: Identifiable) {
print("My ID is \(thing.id)")
let vc = ViewController()
let user = User(id: "12")
vc.displayID(thing: user)
// My ID is 12
Usually protocols are seen like contracts (interfaces in java/android) for a class or struct to follow, so you know that making a class or a struct comforming to a protocol will assure you an implementation of your basic methods that you might require for that kind of object/instance in future.
As well they are meant to allow you to provide in your automated tests for example a mocked sample of the implementation in order to get a mock id instead of a real one as in this example.
A protocol simply means ...
you MUST have all the stuff stated!
That is all a protocol is!
Here's your protocol
protocol Identifiable {
var id: String { get set }
all that means is you MUST have a "id" !
So this:
class Test: Identifiable {
is wrong !!!
But this:
class Test: Identifiable {
var id: String
is correct !!!
That's all it is!
Protocols are that simple!
Yes, it is true you cannot create an instance of protocol. But you can create an instance of classes and struct that implements protocol. Protocol just ensure that the struct or class that implements this protocol must have all these properties and methods that are defined in the protocol. You can say that Protocol is a contract. You need to fulfill it if you implements it.

Can I get the name of a type conforming to a protocol from that protocol?

I would like to know if I can find the name of a type conforming to a given protocol, from that protocol. I was thinking of protocol extension to avoid repetition in every type conforming to that protocol. I tried this:
protocol T {
var type: String { get }
extension T {
var type: String {
return String(describing: T.self)
struct S: T {}
let s = S()
But this is showing T instead of S.
Is there any way I can do this?
Naturally it's printing T, that's what you asked for with String(describing: T.self). T is always the protocol itself.
Inside the protocol extension Self (capital 'S') is how you refer to the conforming type.
So the extension should be:
extension T {
var typeName: String {
return String(describing: Self.self)
Aside, the built-in type(of:) function already gives you the dynamic type of any object, so it's not clear that you really need to duplicate this functionality on your own.

Conditional Conformance: Using 'T' as a concrete type conformance to 'T' is not supported [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Protocol doesn't conform to itself?
(3 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have some very basic code as I'm trying to learn about conditional conformance:
protocol Animal {
var name: String { get }
protocol Social {
func speak()
class Cat: Animal, Social {
var name: String
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
func speak() {
class Dog: Animal, Social {
var name: String
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
func speak() {
extension Array: Social where Element: Social {
func speak() {
forEach { $0.speak() }
let array: [Social] = [Dog(name: "Rocco"), Cat(name: "Gozer")]
When trying to execute the last line array.speak(), I get the error:
"Using 'Social' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'Social' is not supported."
The way I read the line where I extend Array is this:
The array conforms to protocol Social if all elements in the array conform to Social. Is this correct? The following works just fine:
array.forEach { social in
Which makes me believe I've done things right, as far as declaring/initializing the array.
I've looked at multiple posts regarding conditional conformance, but none just give me the basics on how to declare the array (if that's my problem) in order to use it and conform to the protocol Social.
I'm currently reading the book "Swift Apprentice" by Ray Wenderlich and they show everything except actually using the code in an example.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Change the extension to Element is rather than Element conforms to
extension Array where Element == Social {
func speak() {
forEach { $0.speak() }
The constraint Array : Social is irrelevant.
A protocol does not conform to itself. Element: Social means that Element must be a type that conforms to Social. Social is not a type that conforms to Social. (Imagine if Social included an init() requirement. What class would Social() return? This is why Social does not conform to itself.)
In this particular case, you probably want both [Social] and [Dog] to get speak(), and in that case you (somewhat unfortunately) have to say so by duplicating the extension, once for Element == Social and once for Element: Social.

Working with generic constraints

I know this question has been asked before but I have no idea how to solve this current problem. I have defined a protocol MultipleChoiceQuestionable with an associatedtype property:
protocol Questionable {
var text: String {get set}
var givenAnswer: String? {get set}
protocol MultipleChoiceQuestionable: Questionable {
associatedtype Value
var answers: Value { get }
struct OpenQuestion: Questionable {
var text: String
var givenAnswer: String?
struct MultipleChoiceQuestion: MultipleChoiceQuestionable {
typealias Value = [String]
var text: String
var givenAnswer: String?
var answers: Value
struct NestedMultipleChoiceQuestion: MultipleChoiceQuestionable {
typealias Value = [MultipleChoiceQuestion]
var text: String
var answers: Value
var givenAnswer: String?
Types which conform to this protocol are saved in an array as Questionable like so:
// This array contains OpenQuestion, MultipleChoiceQuestion and NestedMultipleChoiceQuestion
private var questions: [Questionable] = QuestionBuilder.createQuestions()
Somewhere in my code I want to do something like:
let question = questions[index]
if let question = question as? MultipleChoiceQuestionable {
// Do something with the answers
question.answers = .....
This is not possible because Xcode warns me: Protocol MultipleChoiceQuestionable can only be used as a generic constraint. I've been searching around on how to solve this issue since generics are quite new for me. Apparently Swift doesn't know the type of the associatedtype during compile time which is the reason this error is thrown. I've read about using type erasure but I don't know if that solves my problem. Maybe I should use generic properties instead or perhaps my protocols are defined wrong?
If the action you want to apply to your sub-protocol objects does not rely on the associated type (i.e. neither has the a generic parameter nor returns the generic type) you can introduce an auxiliary protocol which just exposes the properties/methods you need, let your type conform to that protocol, and declare the question in terms of that protocol.
For example, if you just want to know some info about the question:
protocol MultipleChoiceInfo {
var numberOfAnswers: Int { get }
extension MultipleChoiceQuestion: MultipleChoiceInfo {
var numberOfAnswers: Int { return answers.count }
// do the same for the other multiple-choice types
Then you can access the questions through the new protocol like this:
let question = questions[index]
if let info = question as? MultipleChoiceInfo {
As I said, if you cannot provide an abstract (non-generic) interface then this won't work.
If you need to process the generic data inside your questions you can extract the logic depending on the concrete generic type into another "processing" type which provides an interface to your questions. Each question type then dispatches its data to the processor interface:
protocol MultipleChoiceProcessor {
func process(stringAnswers: [String])
func process(nestedAnswers: [MultipleChoiceQuestion])
protocol MultipleChoiceProxy {
func apply(processor: MultipleChoiceProcessor)
extension MultipleChoiceQuestion: MultipleChoiceProxy {
func apply(processor: MultipleChoiceProcessor) {
processor.process(stringAnswers: answers)
Just create a type conforming to MultipleChoiceProcessor and do the type-check dance again:
if let proxy = question as? MultipleChoiceProxy {
As an aside, if you don't have more protocols and structs in your real application, you might also just ditch the protocol stuff altogether... for this kind of problem it seems a bit over-engineered.

Protocol function implementation without actually conforming to a protocol

I am a beginner Swift learner and I have a question about protocols. I have followed a tutorial that teaches you about linked lists, which is as follows:
class LinkedListNode<Key> {
let key: Key
var next: LinkedListNode?
weak var previous: LinkedListNode?
init (key: Key) {
self.key = key
And the linked list:
class LinkedList<Element>: CustomStringConvertible {
typealias Node = LinkedListNode<Element>
private var head: Node?
// irrelevant code removed here
var description: String {
var output = "["
var node = head
while node != nil {
output += "\(node!.key)"
node = node!.next
if node != nil { output += ", " }
return output + "]"
The var description: String implementation simply lets you to print each elements in the linked list.
So far, I understand the structure of the linked list, my problem isn't about the linked list actually. What I don't understand is the protocol CustomStringConvertible. Why would it be wrong if I have only the var description: String implementation without conforming to the protocol? I mean, this protocol just simply say "Hey, you need to implement var description: String because you are conformed to me, but why can't we just implement var description: String without conforming to the protocol?
Is it because in the background, there is a function or some sort that takes in a type CustomStringConvertible and run it through some code and voila! text appears.
Why can't we just implement var description: String without conforming to the protocol?
class Foo {
var description: String { return "my awesome description" }
let foo = Foo()
print("\(foo)") // return "stackoverflow.Foo" (myBundleName.Foo)
class Foo: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String { return "my awesome description" }
let foo = Foo()
print("\(foo)") // return "my awesome description"
When you use CustomStringConvertible, you warrant that this class have the variable description, then, you can call it, without knowing the others details of implementation.
Another example:
(someObject as? CustomStringConvertible).description
I don't know the type of someObject, but, if it subscriber the CustomStringConvertible, then, I can call description.
You must conform to CustomStringConvertible if you want string interpolation to use your description property.
You use string interpolation in Swift like this:
"Here's my linked list: \(linkedList)"
The compiler basically turns that into this:
String(stringInterpolationSegment: "Here's my linked list: "),
String(stringInterpolationSegment: linkedList),
String(stringInterpolationSegment: ""))
There's a generic version of String(stringInterpolationSegment:) defined like this:
public init<T>(stringInterpolationSegment expr: T) {
self = String(describing: expr)
String(describing: ) is defined like this:
public init<Subject>(describing instance: Subject) {
_print_unlocked(instance, &self)
_print_unlocked is defined like this:
internal func _print_unlocked<T, TargetStream : TextOutputStream>(
_ value: T, _ target: inout TargetStream
) {
// Optional has no representation suitable for display; therefore,
// values of optional type should be printed as a debug
// string. Check for Optional first, before checking protocol
// conformance below, because an Optional value is convertible to a
// protocol if its wrapped type conforms to that protocol.
if _isOptional(type(of: value)) {
let debugPrintable = value as! CustomDebugStringConvertible
debugPrintable.debugDescription.write(to: &target)
if case let streamableObject as TextOutputStreamable = value {
streamableObject.write(to: &target)
if case let printableObject as CustomStringConvertible = value {
printableObject.description.write(to: &target)
if case let debugPrintableObject as CustomDebugStringConvertible = value {
debugPrintableObject.debugDescription.write(to: &target)
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: value)
_adHocPrint_unlocked(value, mirror, &target, isDebugPrint: false)
Notice that _print_unlocked only calls the object's description method if the object conforms to CustomStringConvertible.
If your object doesn't conform to CustomStringConvertible or one of the other protocols used in _print_unlocked, then _print_unlocked creates a Mirror for your object, which ends up just printing the object's type (e.g. MyProject.LinkedList) and nothing else.
CustomStringConvertible allows you to do a print(linkedListInstance) that will print to the console whatever is returned by the description setter.
You can find more information about this protocol here: https://developer.apple.com/reference/swift/customstringconvertible