How do I extract the name from pg_timezone_names()? - postgresql

In postgres I am trying to extract the name from pg_timezone_names() ( Right now, it is returning all the records in 1 column.
The version of Postgres is 8.0.2, and the below image is what select pg_timezone_names() returns:

After spinning my wheels on this for quite some time, I figured out how to make this work on Redshift (which is based off an old version of Postgres).
When you use just select pg_timezone_names() it returns a composite row record:
> select top 5 pg_timezone_names()
However, we need to break down the composite record into separate columns before we can make use of them individually. This can be done like so:
> select top 5,
from pg_timezone_names() tz(name text, abbrev text, utc_offset interval, is_dst boolean);
name | abbrev | utc_offset | is_dst
Antarctica/Macquarie | +11 | 11:00:00 | false
Antarctica/McMurdo | NZST | 12:00:00 | false
Antarctica/Davis | +07 | 07:00:00 | false
Antarctica/Rothera | -03 | -03:00:00 | false
Antarctica/DumontDUrville | +10 | 10:00:00 | false

Atleast on Postgres 10+, there is a pg_timezone_names view that can be used for this.
Simply use either of the below queries:
select * from pg_timezone_names;
select name from pg_timezone_names

t=# \sf pg_timezone_names()
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_timezone_names(OUT name text, OUT abbrev text, OUT utc_offset interval, OUT is_dst boolean)
LANGUAGE internal
AS $function$pg_timezone_names$function$
so pg_timezone_names() is a function that returns a SETOF. This is why you see the whole row as one column, try:
select * from pg_timezone_names()
or in case of super old version maybe:
select * from pg_timezone_names() as t(name,abbrev,utc_offset,is_dest)


PostgreSQL query to return free rooms for booking availability calender

I need bit of a help in writing an SQL query.
A simple scenario is that I have a table named BookedRooms in which three columns are used most, checkInDate and checkOutDate, both are of type timestamp and roomId which is a foreign key to the Rooms table.
Now Rooms table has PK, name column and roomNo column.
This is BookedRooms table
| PK | checkInDate | checkOutDate | roomId | |
| 1 | 2022-05-26T00:00:00Z | 2022-05-29T00:00:00Z | 2 | |
| 2 | 2022-05-29T00:00:00Z | 2022-05-30T00:00:00Z | 3 | |
This is Rooms table
| PK | name | roomNo | |
| 2 | Deluxe | 102 | |
| 3 | King | 103 | |
Now, i wanna write a query in which if i put the month number like 4 , it tells me name and roomNo of Rooms which are free for each particular day of the month.
The logic to check if a room is occupied is that, if for example room 102 has a checkin date of 03 of month April and checkout date of 06 of month April , then the query will not include this room in the result set until the checkout date has come, only for that date and onwards would it include room 102 in the result set, again until this room appears in another checkInDate column somewhere.
Thank you
I recommend creating an exclusion constraint on bookedrooms. Not only can the GiST index that implements the constraint speed up the search you want, but it will also exclude double booking.
tstzrange(checkindate, checkoutdate) WITH &&,
roomid WITH =
The query you need is
SELECT roomno FROM bookedrooms
SELECT roomno FROM bookedrooms
WHERE tstzrange(checkindate, checkoutdate) &&
date_trunc('year', current_timestamp) + INTERVAL '1 month' * 4,
date_trunc('year', current_timestamp) + INTERVAL '1 month' * (4 + 1)
&& is the "overlaps" operator for ranges.

Get spare time out of stored activities start and end times

I am trying to implement a function that calculates the spare time out of stored activities start and end times. I implemented my database on PostgreSQL 9.5.3. This is how the activity table looks like
activity_id | user_id | activity_title | starts_at | ends_at
(serial) | (integer) | (text) | (timestamp without time zone) |(timestamp without time zone)
1 | 1 | Go to school | 2016-06-12 08:00:00 | 2016-06-12 14:00:00
2 | 1 | Visit my uncle | 2016-06-12 16:00:00 | 2016-06-12 17:30:00
3 | 1 | Go shopping | 2016-06-12 18:00:00 | 2016-06-12 21:15:00
4 | 1 | Go to Library | 2016-06-13 10:00:00 | 2016-06-13 12:00:00
5 | 1 | Install some programs on my laptop | 2016-06-13 18:00:00 | 2016-06-13 19:00:00
Actual table definition of my real table:
CREATE TABLE public.activity (
activity_id serial,
user_id integer NOT NULL,
activity_title text,
starts_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
start_tz text NOT NULL,
ends_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
end_tz text NOT NULL,
recurrence text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none'::text,
lat numeric NOT NULL,
lon numeric NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_activity PRIMARY KEY (activity_id),
CONSTRAINT fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id)
REFERENCES public.users (user_id) MATCH SIMPLE
I want to calculate every day spare time for this user using PL/pgSQL function that takes (user_id INTEGER, range_start TIMESTAMP, range_end TIMESTAMP) as parameters. I want the output of this SQL statement:
SELECT * from calculate_spare_time(1, '2016-06-12', '2016-06-13');
to be like this:
spare_time_id | user_id | starts_at | ends_at
(serial) | (integer) | (timestamp without time zone) |(timestamp without time zone)
1 | 1 | 2016-06-12 00:00:00 | 2016-06-12 08:00:00
2 | 1 | 2016-06-12 12:00:00 | 2016-06-12 16:00:00
3 | 1 | 2016-06-12 17:30:00 | 2016-06-12 18:00:00
4 | 1 | 2016-06-12 21:15:00 | 2016-06-13 00:00:00
5 | 1 | 2016-06-13 00:00:00 | 2016-06-13 10:00:00
6 | 1 | 2016-06-13 12:00:00 | 2016-06-13 18:00:00
7 | 1 | 2016-06-13 19:00:00 | 2016-06-14 00:00:00
I have the idea of subtracting the end time of one activity from the start time of the next activity happening on the same date, but I am stuck with implementing that with PL/pgSQL especially on how to deal with 2 rows in the same time.
To simplify things, I suggest to create a view - or better yet: a MATERIALZED VIEW showing gaps in the activities per user:
SELECT user_id, tsrange(a, z) AS gap
SELECT user_id, ends_at AS a
, lead(starts_at) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY starts_at) AS z
FROM activity
) sub
WHERE z > a; -- weed out simple overlaps and the dangling "gap" till infinity
Note the range type tsrange.
ATTENTION: You mentioned possible overlaps, which complicate things. If one time range of a single user can be included in another, you need to do more! Merge time ranges to identify earliest start and latest end per block.
Remember to refresh the MV when needed.
Then your function can simply be:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_freetime(_user_id int, _from timestamp, _to timestamp)
RETURNS TABLE (rn int, gap tsrange) AS
SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY AS rn
, * tsrange(_from, _to) AS gap
FROM mv_gap g
WHERE g.user_id = _user_id
AND && tsrange(_from, _to)
SELECT * FROM f_freetime(1, '2016-06-12 0:0', '2016-06-13 0:0');
Note the range operators * and &&.
Also note that I use a simple SQL function, after the problem has been simplified enough. If you need to add more, you might want to switch back to plpgsql and use RETURN QUERY ...
Or just use the query without function wrapper.
If you have many rows per user, to optimize query times, add an SP-GiST index (one reason to use a MV):
CREATE INDEX activity_gap_spgist_idx on mv_gap USING spgist (gap);
In addition to an index on (user_id).
Details in this related answer:
Perform this hours of operation query in PostgreSQL

Remove duplicate with lower Date from SQL result

I have following table:
CREATE TABLE Kundendaten (
erstelldatum DATE,
anschrift VARCHAR(40),
sonderrabat INTEGER,
PRIMARY KEY (erstelldatum, beschreiben_knr)
If i make this query:
select * from Kundendaten ORDER BY erstelldatum DESC;
i get:
beschreiben_knr | erstelldatum | anschrift | sonderrabat
1 | 2015-11-01 | Winkelgasse 5 | 0
2 | 2015-11-01 | Badeteich 7 | 10
3 | 2015-11-01 | Senfgasse 7 | 15
1 | 2015-10-30 | Sonnenweg 3 | 5
But i need to get only the entry for the highest date entry if there are more then one. In this case the last row should not appear.
How can i achieve this in postgresql?
You want something like WHERE erstelldatum = MAX(DATE) but that doesn't work. You can use a sub-query to get the newest date.
FROM Kundendaten
WHERE erstelldatum = (
SELECT MAX(erstelldatum) FROM Kundendaten
(SQL Fiddle)
Postgres will optimize that subquery so it is only run once, but you'll want to make sure erstelldatum is indexed.

Postgresql less than equal on dates

This looks like a postgresql (v9.4) bug to me, or is this expected behavior? -- ads with created_at 2015-02-06 are in the table but do not show up in the 2nd query using <= operator
addb=# select max(created_at)::date from ads;
(1 row)
addb=# SELECT created_at::date,
count(*) as num_ads,
'created'::text as "activity"
FROM ads where created_at>='2015-02-04'::date and
created_at<='2015-02-06'::date group by created_at::date;
created_at | num_ads | activity
2015-02-04 | 1153 | created
2015-02-05 | 1230 | created
(2 rows)

adding missing date in a table in PostgreSQL

I have a table that contains data for every day in 2002, but it has some missing dates. Namely, 354 records for 2002 (instead of 365). For my calculations, I need to have the missing data in the table with Null values
| ID | rainfall | date |
| 100 | 110.2 | 2002-05-06 |
| 101 | 56.6 | 2002-05-07 |
| 102 | 65.6 | 2002-05-09 |
| 103 | 75.9 | 2002-05-10 |
you see that 2002-05-08 is missing. I want my final table to be like:
| ID | rainfall | date |
| 100 | 110.2 | 2002-05-06 |
| 101 | 56.6 | 2002-05-07 |
| 102 | | 2002-05-08 |
| 103 | 65.6 | 2002-05-09 |
| 104 | 75.9 | 2002-05-10 |
Is there a way to do that in PostgreSQL?
It doesn't matter if I have the result just as a query result (not necessarily an updated table)
date is a reserved word in standard SQL and the name of a data type in PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL allows it as identifier, but that doesn't make it a good idea. I use thedate as column name instead.
Don't rely on the absence of gaps in a surrogate ID. That's almost always a bad idea. Treat such an ID as unique number without meaning, even if it seems to carry certain other attributes most of the time.
In this particular case, as #Clodoaldo commented, thedate seems to be a perfect primary key and the column id is just cruft - which I removed:
CREATE TEMP TABLE tbl (thedate date PRIMARY KEY, rainfall numeric);
INSERT INTO tbl(thedate, rainfall) VALUES
('2002-05-06', 110.2)
, ('2002-05-07', 56.6)
, ('2002-05-09', 65.6)
, ('2002-05-10', 75.9);
Full table by query:
SELECT x.thedate, t.rainfall -- rainfall automatically NULL for missing rows
SELECT generate_series(min(thedate), max(thedate), '1d')::date AS thedate
FROM tbl
) x
LEFT JOIN tbl t USING (thedate)
ORDER BY x.thedate
Similar to what #a_horse_with_no_name posted, but simplified and ignoring the pruned id.
Fills in gaps between first and last date found in the table. If there can be leading / lagging gaps, extend accordingly. You can use date_trunc() like #Clodoaldo demonstrated - but his query suffers from syntax errors and can be simpler.
INSERT missing rows
The fastest and most readable way to do it is a NOT EXISTS anti-semi-join.
INSERT INTO tbl (thedate, rainfall)
SELECT x.thedate, NULL
SELECT generate_series(min(thedate), max(thedate), '1d')::date AS thedate
FROM tbl
) x
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tbl t WHERE t.thedate = x.thedate)
Just do an outer join against a query that returns all dates in 2002:
with all_dates as (
select date '2002-01-01' + i as date_col
from generate_series(0, extract(doy from date '2002-12-31')::int - 1) as i
select row_number() over (order by ad.date_col) as id,
ad.date_col as date
from all_dates ad
left join your_table t on ad.date_col =
order by ad.date_col;
This will not change your table, it will just produce the result as desired.
Note that the generated id column will not contain the same values as the ID column in your table as it is merely a counter in the result set.
You could also replace the row_number() function with extract(doy from ad.date_col)
To fill the gaps. This will not reorder the IDs:
insert into t (rainfall, "date") values
select null, "date"
from (
select d::date as "date"
from (
right join
(select date_trunc('year', min("date")) from t)::timestamp,
(select max("date") from t),
'1 day'
) s(d) on t."date" = s.d::date
where t."date" is null
) q
) s
You have to fully re-create your table as indexes haves to change.
The better way to do it is to use your prefered dbi language, make a loop ignoring ID and putting values in a new table with new serialized IDs.
for day in (whole needed calendar)
value = select rainfall from oldbrokentable where date = day
insert into newcleanedtable date=day, rainfall=value, id=serialized
(That's not real code! Just conceptual to be adapted to your prefered scripting language)