I've installed OpenMapTiles Map Server. The step-by-step setup works for importing data, and everything works as shown in the videos.
How can I change the current data set without first deleting the current dataset?
I tried downloading data from https://openmaptiles.com/downloads but got a message saying that the data has to be downloaded directly into the OpenMapTiles Map Server.
when you use docker, you can delete the mapped data folder. I don't know but it works .p
Based on the TileServer GL documentation you can specify the location of the mbtiles-file via the Configuration file or simply move the mbtiles-file away from current working directory.
I am using CloverETL Designer for ETL operations and I want to load some csv files from GCS to my Clover graph. I used FlatFileReader and tried to get file using remote File URL but it is not working. Can someone please detail the entire process here??
The path for file in GCS is
And I need to get this csv file into the FlatFileReader in CloverETL Designer
You should use the Google Cloud Storage API to GET the file; Clover's HTTPConnector component will allow you to pass in the appropriate parameters to make a GET request (you will presumably have to do an OAuth2 authentication first to get a token), and send the output to a local destination specified in "Output File URL." Then you can use a FlatFileReader to read from that local file.
GCS has several different ways to download files from your buckets. You can use the console and the Cloud Storage browser. Steps: open the storage browser, navigate to the object you want to download, right click, and save to your chosen local folder. If you use Chrome the save appears as “Save Link As…”.
To use the GS Utility, use this command:
`gsutil cp gs://[BucketName]/[ObjectName] [ObjectDestination]`.
Or you can use client libraries or the REST APIs to download files. With these last options you could work with a number of files or create a job to download them. Once they are in a location known to Clover ETL the process is straightforward.
Within Clover designer, under the navigation pane you can right click a folder and choose import. Pick the one in which you placed your GCS file. Once the file is imported then you can use data from it like any other datafile in Clover. Since this is a .csv file, remember to edit your metadata (right click the component, choose extract metadata then edit inside the Metadata Editor -- for data types, labels and such.) Assign metadata to the edges of your components so they know what is coming in/going out of that step. Depending on your file, this process may be repeated many times.
Even with an ETL tool, getting the data and data types correct can be tricky. If you have questions about how to configure data types or your edges in an ETL project, a wiki may help. The web has additional resources may help you get the end analysis you’re looking for.
Hi I am using extract to view a workbook in tableau server.
I deleted the local extract as well as the extract in the server.
I am still able to see that data is being pointed.
Struggled a lot to understand this.Does tableau create temp folder to store?
FYI It is not in live mode(since the data is not being changed until I refresh).
How do I point to server extract?(is it automatic)?
If a workbook on Server is pointing to a server hosted data source and that data source is delete, then it would not render. If you're still able to view the data, then it sounds like the workbook was uploaded with the extract. Check the file size, if it's large, that's probably what happened.
I have download a partial area data file (OSM format) to local. I have a local server which not connect to internet. So I want to build a local map app only with local OSM file (I use OpenLayer js).
I searched openstreetmap.org wiki, but find no solution.
Is there any way or documentaton to solve this?
By "local" you mean local on your machine or a local web server?
First you need to generate map tiles. Then you prepare the map HTML, including the OpenLayers code. The tile URL should point to your tiles (in case of a local machine, just use the "file://" protocol for URLs).
Here's one way how you can generate tiles (you can skip some of the steps): http://braincrunch.tumblr.com/post/9921938947/maperitive-tutorial-a-hiking-web-map-in-ten-easy-steps
1) i have to create an API that connects to a locally downloaded openstreet map and does to following:
2) Given a GPS location display the location on the map.
3) Be able to display the route to the location and update while the individual is on the move.
Numbers 2) and 3) are not yet my problem. number 1) is my problem for now. i don't even know where to start. i have been searching but still saw nothing i can understand.
what i want to know is: where to download OSM that i would be able to use locally? an example or a tutorial on an API that connects to the map locally and able to display it(and maybe able to zoom in, zoom out)?
the API can be in java, c#, or c++. but any other language is welcome as i have no choice.
I have recently started working with a fresh install of FMS 4.5.0 and am having some issues getting my media to load with the VOD application.
After uploading some of my own FLV/F4V content to "/webroot/vod/", I am currently only able to load the samples from the installation.
Is there some sort of configuration that needs to be made to access my media?
Do I need to create a manifest for each video?
I have been running tests through:
And have had luck accessing the videos that came with the install by using the following:
Video Source (URL): http://[my host]/vod/sample1_1000kbps.f4v
But when I change this to point to one of my recently uploaded videos it fails everytime.
Another strange note, I was able to play one of the samples but then I changed its name and it was still able to load that one specific video using the same filename when the file's name had changed. This leads me to believe that it isn't really loading the right files or perhaps I am uploading to the wrong directory. But I can't find any other directories that have video in them.
Please let me know if there is any more info you need to help me. I'm fairly new to this and am not sure what to include.
Thanks in advance for any help!
EDIT: This was a pathing issue.
This has been resolved.
Apparently my webroot directory for the server was not set up correctly and after it was pointing to the right directory it was fixed.
I’ve looked through the posts on the Cloudmade site here and I get some of it, but not all. I've posted the question below, but haven't had the help I need, so I thought I'd ask the question here.
I can see that I need to:
download the tiles for the required area to my Mac (but can’t see how to do this)
convert these to a sqlite database using the map2sqlite utility, changing the code to output the tiles to a table called “ZCACHE”, not “tiles”
Copy the DB to the Application Bundle
insert some code to copy this DB on first run, from the Application Bundle to the Documents Directory
Somehow get App to use this DB and not an online one – I can’t see how that’s done.
Any help would be warmly welcomed,
The best solution for me to have iPhone offline maps is:
1.- Generate your own maps with TileMill and then export to MBTiles format.
2.- Get the mbtiles-ios-example and use the MBTiles file you just generated. In order to compile it, you need to download Route-Me and add it to the project.
Now, there is another option (not for free): Mapbox.
please check this tutorial, it can help - http://www.gisnotes.com/wordpress/category/sqlite3/.