How to use <jt:span /> tag with nested <jt:forEach></jt:forEach>? - jett

I got parse error exception when I try to use with nested .
Can Span tag use along with nested loop?
Subunit | Fiber | IL | RL | XX | RL
<jt:span factor="${wo.serialNumbers.size}" value="${}"/>|<jt:forEach items="${workOrders}" var="wo"><jt:forEach items="${wo.serialNumbers}" var="sn">${sn.fiber}|${}|${sn.rl_a}| XX |${sn.rl_b}</jt:forEach><jt:forEach>

Yes, a jt:span tag can be used along side a jt:forEach, even if it's nested. The error you're getting is most likely because you're referencing the variable wo in the jt:span tag on the left from outside of the jt:forEach loop it's defined in, which is the cells to the right.
If you plan to have multiple span tags, one for each work order, then include it in the body of the outer jt:forEach tag. Move the outer jt:forEach tag to the beginning of the leftmost cell.
Subunit | Fiber | IL | RL | XX | RL
<jt:forEach items="${workOrders}" var="wo"><jt:span factor="${wo.serialNumbers.size}" value="${}"/>|<jt:forEach items="${wo.serialNumbers}" var="sn">${sn.fiber}|${}|${sn.rl_a}| XX |${sn.rl_b}</jt:forEach><jt:forEach>
This will make wo be in scope in the outer jt:forEach tag and produce the spans for the inner jt:forEach tags.


How to use dynamic table name for sub query where the dynamic value coming from its own main query in PostgreSQL?

I have formed this query to get the desired output mentioned below:
select, tbl.label, tbl.input_type, tbl.table_name
case when tbl.input_type = 'dropdown' or tbl.input_type = 'searchable-dropdown'
then (select json_agg(opt) from tbl.table_name) as opt) end as options
from mst_config as tbl;
I want output like below:
id | label | input_type | table_name | options
1 | Gender | dropdown | mst_gender | [{"id":1,"label":"MALE"},
| | | | {"id":2,"label":"FEMALE"}]
2 | SS | dropdown | mst_ss | [{"id":1,"label":"something"},
| | | | {"id":2,"label_en":"something"}]
But, I'm facing a problem while using,
select json_agg(opt) from tbl.table_name) as opt
In the above part "tbl.table_name", I wanted to use it as dynamic table name but it's not working.
Then, I have searched a lot and found something like Execute format('select * from %s', table_name), where tablename is the dynamic table name. I have even tried the same with postgres function.
But I faced an issue again while using the format method. The reason is I want to use the variable for which the value needs to come from its own main query value instead of already having it in a variable. so this one was also not working.
I would really appreciate if anyone can help me out on this. Also if there are any other possibilities available to achieve this output, help me on that as well.

T-sql: Highlight invoice numbers if they occur in a payment description field

I have two sql-server tables: bills and payments. I am trying to create a VIEW to highlight the bill numbers if they occur in the payment description field. For example:
|bllID | bllNum |
| -------- | -------- |
| 1 | qwerty123|
| 2 | qwerty345|
| 3 | 1234 |
TABLE payments
|paymentID | description |
| -------- | ---------------------------------- |
| 1 | payment of qwerty123 and qwerty345 |
I want to highlight both the 'qwerty123' and 'qwerty345' strings by adding html code to it. The code I have is this:
SELECT REPLACE(payments.description,
FROM bll
WHERE COALESCE(bll.bllNum, '') <> '' AND
PATINDEX('%' + bll.bllNum + '%', payments.description) > 0), ''),
'<font color=red>' +
FROM bll
WHERE COALESCE(bll.bllNum, '') <> '' AND
PATINDEX('%' + bll.bllNum + '%', payments.description) > 0), '') +
FROM payments
This works but only for the first occurrence of a bill number. If the description field has more than one bill number, the consecutive bill numbers are not highlighted. So in my example 'qwerty123' gets highlighted, but not 'qwerty345'
I need to highlight all occurrences. How can I accomplish this?
With the caveat that this is not a task best done in the database, one possible approach you could try is to use string_split to break your description into words and then join this to your Bills, doing your string manipulation on matching rows.
Note, according to the documentation, string_split is not 100% guaranteed to retain its correct ordering but always has in my usage. It could always be substituted for an alternative function to work on the same principle.
select string_agg (w.word,' ') [Description]
from (
case when exists (select * from bill b where b.billnum=s.value)
then Concat('<font colour="red">',s.value,'</font>') else s.value end word
from payments p
cross apply String_Split(description,' ')s
Example DB Fiddle
Okay, I understand, I can put code in the front-end application by looping through the bill numbers and replacing them as they are found in the description. Just thought/ hoped there was a simple solution to this using t-sql. But I understand the difficulty.

get all rows preceded and followed by whitespace

for example i have the following table (let's call it, comodity)
|name |
|kemasan |
|fe emas ex |
using the following query
SELECT * FROM comodity WHERE name ILIKE '%emas%'
give me two rows kemasan and fe emas ex, however I want to select only the second row fe emas ex. how to do that?
PS: it's also SHOULD NOT preceded/followed by any visible character.
Thanks in advance
('blah emas blah'),
('1 emas'),
('emas 1')
) as commodity(word)
WHERE word ~* '\yemas\y'
Use a regular expression that matches words or start and stop markers.

How do you exclude a column from showing up if there is no value?

Question about a query I'm trying to write in SQL Server Management Studio 2008. I am pulling 2 rows. The first row being the header information, the second row being the information for a certain Line Item. Keep in mind, the actual header information reads as "Column 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,.... etc."
The data looks something like this:
ROW 1: Model # | Item Description| XS | S | M | L | XL|
ROW 2: 3241 | Gray Sweatshirt| | 20 | 20 | 30 | |
Basically this shows that there are 20 smalls, 20 mediums, and 30 larges of this particular item. There are no XS's or XL's.
I want to create a subquery that puts this information in one row, but at the same time, disinclude the sizes with a blank quantity amount as shown under the XS and XL sizes.
I want it to look like this when all is said and done:
ROW 1: MODEL #| 3241 | ITEM DESCRIPTION | Gray Sweatshirt | S | 10 | M | 20 | L | 30 |
Notice there are no XS or XL's included. How do I do make it so those columns do not appear?
Since you are not posting your query, nor your table structure, I guess it is with columns Id, Description, Size. If so, you could do this and just replace with your table and column names:
DECLARE #columns varchar(8000)
SELECT #columns = COALESCE (#columns + ',[' + cast(Size as varchar) + ']', '[' + cast(Size as varchar) + ']' )
FROM YourTableName
DECLARE #query varchar(8000) = 'SELECT Id, Description, '
+ #columns +'
(SELECT Id, Description, Size
FROM YourTableName) AS Source
FOR Size IN ('+ #columns +')
) AS Pvt'
Anyhow, I also agree with #MichaelFredickson. I have implemented this pivot solution, yet it is absolutely better to let the presentation layer to take care of this after just pulling the raw data from SQL. If not, you would be processing the data twice, one on SQL to create the table and the other in the presentation when reading and displaying the values with your c#/vb/other code.

PostgreSQL LIKE operator doesn't match hyphen

I've a problem with LIKE operator in PostgreSQL. It does not match patterns that contain the - character. I've tried to escape these characters using the ESCAPE option, but it still does not work.
select * from footable where trascrizione like '% [---]is Abraam %';
Sample data (contents of column trascrizione):
[---]is Abraam [e]t Ise[---] / ((crux quadrata))
How can I solve this problem?
That pattern would not match because there is no space before [---]is Ambraam. There is a space in your pattern, between the % and [ characters, and it's requiring that space to be in your data. Try LIKE '%[---]is Abraam %'.
Please show the code. I have no problem:
SELECT * FROM a WHERE a LIKE '%-' AND b LIKE '%-%' AND c LIKE '-%';
a | b | c | d | e
foo- | - | -bar | |
(1 Zeile)