unable to stop test with runner.storp.run method - nunit

I am trying to run the nunit test programmatically which I have successfully done. but I also wants to stop the test whenever I need to but runner.stoprun is not stopping the test run. can someone please help with the same.
following is the code snippet which is running the test:
IDictionary<String, Object> options = new Dictionary<String, Object>();
options.Add(FrameworkPackageSettings.DefaultTestNamePattern, testName);
DefaultTestAssemblyBuilder builder = new NUnit.Framework.Api.DefaultTestAssemblyBuilder();
ITest test=builder.Build(asmName, options);
runner = new NUnit.Framework.Api.NUnitTestAssemblyRunner(builder);
runner.Load(asmName, options);
runner.Run(null, TestFilter.Empty);
and with following code I am trying to stop the test in a different thread:
if (runner.IsTestRunning)
Thanks in advance.

Not sure what you mean by a different thread. Different from the test thread? Different from the thread that called Run?
In any case, the Run method you are calling is synchronous, so the test will keep that thread busy till it returns.
Since you are using NUnit internal methods (i.e. not designed for public consumption even though visible) you should probably be using a debug build of NUnit so that you can step into the call to StopRun.
Essentially, there are two possibilities:
1. The setup you have created for running tests is wrong.
2. One of the tests is refusing to be terminated.
I'd rule out the second item first, by using a very simple test.


Function block not updating variable

Alright, so I'm learning codesys in school and I'm using Function-Blocks. However they didn't seem to update when updating local variables, so I made a test, the one you can see below.
As you can see, in the FB below, "GVL.sw1" becomes True, but "a" doesen't. Why does it not become True? I tested a friends code and his worked just fine, but mine doesen't...
Comment from reddit
You are showing the source code for a program called "main". You have
a task running called "Main_Task". The program and task are not
directly related.
Is "main" being called anywhere.
So i added main to the "main task" and it worked. I have no idea why it didn't work in the real assignment but maybe I'll solve it now that i have gotten this far.
In your example you have 2 programs (PRG): main and PLC_PRG.
Creating a program doesn't mean that it will be executed/run. For that you need to add the program to a Task in the Task Configuration. Each Task will be, by default, executed on every cycle according to the priority they are configured with (you could also have them be executed on an event and etc. instead). When a Task is executed, each program added to that Task will be executed in the order they are placed (you can reorder them any time).
With that said, if you look at your Task Configuration, the MainTask only has the program PLC_PRG added, so only that program will run. The main program that you are inspecting is never even run.

running Karma in a loop and programmatic access

It's a question more about the architecture of a program that runs karma in a CI pipeline.
I have a set of web components. They are using karma to run tests (following open-wc.org recommendations). Then I have my custom CI pipeline that allows to schedule a test of selected group of components.
When the test is scheduled it execute tests for each component one by one. However in my logs I am getting messages like
MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak
detected. 12 exit listeners added to [process]. Use
emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
or sometimes
listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use
which breaks the test (exists the process).
I can't really pinpoint the problem so I am guessing that I am not running the test in a correct way.
On the server I am using Server class to initialize the server, then I am calling start on the server. When the callback function passed to Server constructor is called I am assuming the server is stopped and I can start over with another component. But clearly it is not the case per errors I am getting.
So the question is what would be the right way of running Karma test in a loop, one by one, using node API instead of CLI.
To be specific of how I am running the tests.
I am:
Creating configuration by calling config.parseConfig where the argument is component's karma config file
Calling new Server(opts, (code) => {}) where opts are the one generated in step 1
Adding listeners for browser_complete and browser_error to generate a report and to store it into the data store
Cleaning up (removing reference for the server) when constructor callback is called
Getting next component from the queue and going back to #1
To answer my on question,
I have moved the whole logic of executing a single test to a child process and after the test finishes, but before the next test is run, I am making sure the child process is killed. No more error messages are showing up.

How to call certain steps even if a test case fails in SOAP UI to clean up before proceeding?

I use SOAP UI for testing a REST API. I have a few test cases which are independent of each other and can be executed in random order.
I know that one can disable aborting the whole run by disabling the option Fail on error as shown in this answer on SO. However, it can be so that the TestCase1 has prepared certain data to run tests first and it breaks in the middle of its run because an assertion fails or for some other reason. Now, the TestCase2 starts running after it and will test some other things, however, because TestCase1 has not had its all steps (including those that clean up) executed, it may fail.
I would like to be able to run all of the tests even if a certain test fails however I want to be able to execute a number of particular test case specific steps should a test fail. In programming terms, I would like to have a finally where each test case will have a number of steps that will be executed regardless of whether the test failed or passed.
Is there any way to achieve this?
You can use Teardown script at test case level
In below example test step fails but still teardown script runs. So its more like Finally
Alternatively you can try creating your own soft assertion which will not stop the test case even if it fails. for example
def err[]
then whenever there is an error you can do
err.add( "Values did not matched")
at the end you can check
assert err.size()>0 ,"There is an error"
log.info err
This way you can capture errors and do actual assertions at the end or alternatively you can use the below teardown script provided by SoapUI

Execute batch job (JSR 352) on startup

I have a batchjob and need to run it up the application. He makes the call for the job, but the job does not reach the method.
BatchRuntime.getJobOperator().start(JOB_NAME, new Properties());
Throws no errors. So it seems that he is looking for the resource that indicates which class Implementing this job, but not yet loaded. Any idea?
The start() method is asynch so the caller isn't going to always see exceptions on failure.
Is the XML corresponding to JOB_NAME found? Any errors in the logs?

What Event Handler to Subscribe and Assert.AreEqual Fails

I want to invoke a method when my integration test fails (i.e., Assert.AreEqual fails), is there any event delegate that I can subscribe to in NUnit framework? Of course the event delegate must be fired when the tests fail.
This is because in my tests there are a lot of Assert statement, and I can't tell need to log the Assert, along with the assertion information that cause a problem in my bug tracker. The best way to do this is to when the test fails, a delegate method is invoke.
I'm curious, what problem are you trying to solve by doing this? I don't know of a way to do this with NUnit, but there is a messy way to do it. You can supply a Func and invoke it as the fail message. The body of the Func can provide you delegation you're looking for.
var callback = new Func<string>(() => {
// do something
return "Reason this test failed";
Assert.AreEqual("", " ", callback.Invoke());
It seems that there is no event I can subscribe to in case of assert fail
This sounds like you are wanting to create your own test-runner.
There is a distinction between tests (a defines the actions) and the running of the tests (actually running the tests). In this case, if you want to detect that a test failed, you would have to do this when the test is run.
If all you are looking to do is send an email on fail, it may be easiest to create a script (powershell/batch) that runs the command line runner, and sends an email on fail (to your bug tracking system?)
If you want more complex interactivity, you may need to consider creating a custom runner. The runner can run the test and then take action based on results. In this case you should look in the Nunit.Core namespace for the test runner interface.
For example (untested):
TestPackage package = new TestPackage();
SimpleTestRunner runner = new SimpleTestRunner();
if (runner.Load(Package)){
var results = runner.Run(new NullListener(), TestFilter.Empty, false, LoggingThreshold.Off);
if(results.ResultState != ResultState.Success){
... do something interesting ...
EDIT: better snippet of code https://stackoverflow.com/a/5241900/1961413