Play Framework as reverse proxy with ScalaWS - scala

I am trying to document a server and replicate its setup done by another person. Server is running Play Framework which also acts as a reverse proxy to MediaWiki running on Apache on the same server on a port that is not open externally on the server.
The Play Framework routes requests to the Media Wiki Server using ScalaWS. When I check the request it creates a request by using the server domain with the Apache port and the media wiki file.
In the real server it is working fine but in the test deployment it fails to reach mediawiki. It works if in the test deployment I open the Apache port externally.
So Somehow the request to the local server running internally on the machine needs to be accessed without routing the request externally. How can this be done? If anyone can give some quick tips or things I can check or even explain how this may be working, that would really help save me some time.

The /etc/hosts file had the wrong domain defined. Fixing that fixed the problem.


Mongo Meteor AWS EC2 Multiple Deploy

I was using Galaxy to host my meteor app and recently decided to host my app with Amazon Cloudfront serving static webpage (angular client) and connect that to my meteor app running on an EC2 container.
I have the static page working and I have the meteor app on the EC2 container, which points to a remote mongo server, working as well. I am using the meteor-client-bundler package to attempt to connect the client (static cloudfront) to the Meteor server via DDP URL. Here is where I am stuck.
The DDP Url should be my meteor server correct? Hosted at I feel like it has to be because I have publications and methods on the server I will need to hit constantly. If that is correct, then what if I also want to have two EC2 containers running the same Meteor app? Just like in Galaxy, in case 1 is getting maintenance work done or goes down, I want the backup to take over. How can I set up two different DDP urls?
You should use a custom domain for the server, and use that custom domain in the DDP URL. While using the EC2 address will work, it's better to use a different address, especially if you ever want to move to another provider.
You can use NGINX as a reverse proxy to have 2 or more Meteor apps on the one box. It's not too difficult to set up.
You can also use Meteor up (aka mup) to do multiple deployments to the same box. Meteor up will give you a very simple way to deploy, it will even revert to the previous version if something goes wrong automatically. You can even configure it to run letsencrypt to give you https security, and automatically renew the certs.
For anyone who is new to this stuff like I am, I figured out to buy another domain name, use dns (route 53) to a load balancer (elastic beanstalk) which handles multiple ec2s for 1 domain, and then point your ddp from the client to the domain. Boom. Thanks for the help #Mikkel

Is it possible to expose an Owin service?

We have created self-hosted services using OWIN. They are working fine inside the server and we can request and retrieve information using the http://localhost. We use a different port for each service so that we can go and get certain information from http://localhost:8001, other from http://localhost:8015 and so on.
Now, we need to expose the results of one of those self-hosted services to access to it through internet. We'd like to provide a custom address such or using the server ip such
Is that possible?
How can we implement it?
Our server OS is Windows Server 2012 R2
OWIN Self-Hosted apps can run on a Windows Service, as a Console process and, with if desired, as part of a more robust Host like IIS.
Since you mention your app is running as a service you're probably missing all the GUI goodies IIS provides. In reality however, IIS works on top of http.sys, just as HttpListener does (which is probably what you're using to self-host your app) 1. You just need to do some manual set up yourself:
First of all, you need to make a URL reservation in order to publish on a nonstandard port.
Why would you do that? Quite simply because you're not running under localhost alone anymore on your very own local machine, where you probably are an admin and/or have special privileges/powers.
Since this is a server, and the user used for running the Service might not be an admin (most probably), then you need to give permission to that user to use that URL... and here is where URL reservations come into scene.
You pretty much have to options:
open up the URL to be used by any user:
netsh http add urlacl url= user="everyone" listen=yes
or open up the URL to be used by the user(s) running the service, e.g.: NETWORK SERVICE:
netsh http add urlacl url= user="NETWORK SERVICE" listen=yes
There is a way to make the reservation for several users too, using sddl, user groups, etc... but I'll not get into it (you can look that up).
Second of all, you need to open up a hall through your firewall (if you don't have one on this day and age, I pity you!)
There are plenty of tutorials on this. You can use a GUI, netsh.exe and what not.
Pretty much all you need to do is make sure you allow incoming connections through that port and that should do the trick.
To make sure the hall is open through and through you can use a tool like and insert in the Remote Address and 8001 in the Port Number.
If for some reason it shows that the port is closed, even after creating an incoming rule in your firewall for it, then you probably have one or more firewalls in between your server and the outside world.
With those to elements in place you should be able to access your Self-Hosted Service from the outside.
As for accessing your service through an address like, you'll need to create a DNS entry somewhere, most likely on your Domain Registrar for, where you could create an A Record for your ourpublicinfo subdomain pointing to
From this point on, you should be able to access your service through direct IP and Port or through the afore mentioned URL.
Best of luck!
If your service will be access from other domains, you might need to make sure you have CORS (Cross Origen Resourece Sharing) well defined and working on your service too ;)

How to debug Json between Local IIS Website and Local

I'm really struggling to know what the problem is here...
I have 2 websites configured in IIS...
When you hit the PH.Website it uses a WebClient class in one of the controllers to download data from the PH.Api. However fiddler only sees traffic going to the PH.Website not the PH.Api.
After reading around on the internet I apparently have to do some configuration of the Syste.Net in the Web Api Project. So I added...
But still no luck. I know the request is happening I just cant see it.
Whats even more confusing is when I configure Fiddler to use Port 80 its says it cannot listen on that port. But hang on if it cant listen on 80 then how the hell can it see traffic on the Http port:80 anyway?
P.s. I really need to be able to run multiple sites locally so. I hate running sites under Localhost or seems so silly when you can create seperate sites for everything in IIS and know exactly where everything maps....
Let's back up.
Fiddler's a proxy server; it sees all of the traffic that is sent to it. Generally speaking (unless you're using it as a Reverse Proxy) you never want to configure Fiddler to run on port 80; instead leave it up at port 8888 where it runs by default. You instead configure your client to proxy its traffic through Fiddler.
Now, what "reading around on the Internet" did you do that caused you to modify your machine.config or web.config file (you didn't mention which you edited)?
If your goal is to watch traffic with Fiddler, you need to point the ASP.NET proxy settings at Fiddler, not at whatever "PH.api" is (e.g. use "" and set bypassOnLocal to false). The further complexity arises in that System.NET bypasses the proxy for any request to "localhost" or "", so if you're using those addresses for your target, you should change them to "localhost.fiddler" temporarily while debugging.

Swing Client - EJB2 lookup over HTTP in JBoss 5.1

I have a swing client which connects to my ejb2 application deployed in JBoss 5.1. There is a particular requirement from Customer to make it available on internet.
The deployment architecture is as follows,
swing_client --> extranet_ip |firewall | --> iis7_machine --> jboss5.1_machine.
jndi properties in client is as follows
This configuration works fine when the client is inside intranet. But it does not work in internet (extranet).
When I tried initially I got the error 'Connection refused'
After seeing some posts in various forums, I changed the file server\deploy\http-invoker.sar\META-INF\jboss-service.xml, to reflect the extranet_ip in invokerURL.
Aftet this I am getting the following error.
org.jboss.remoting.CannotConnectException: Can not get connection to server. Problem establishing socket connection for InvokerLocator [socket://]
Where is the intranet IP address of JBoss Server machine.
I tried changing the trasport parameter in remoting-jboss-beans.xml to http, but at that time client is not working in both intranet and extranet.
Please anybody suggest a way forward for this issue. Or is there any other way to implement RMI over Http in JBoss?
Update: As a solution, I had to change my deployment architecture as follows.
swing_client --> extranet_ip |firewall | --> jboss5.1_machine
where the JBoss Application Server will be directly exposed through firewall. Then update clientConnectAddress in the remoting-jboss-beans.xml to the extranet IP. Also open the ports 8080 & 4446 in the firewall for this address.
This way the swing client is working if I use the jnid properties as follows.
Context.PROVIDER_URL : http://extranet_ip:8080/invoker/JNDIFactory
Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY : org.jboss.naming.HttpNamingContextFactory
But still looking for a solution where there is no need to open any non-standard ports and no need to expose the Application Server directly.
After a long struggle I found a solution for my issue. The solution was to change EJB container's invoker type to http in standardjboss.xml. When the invoker is http, it will use the settings in http-invoker.sar for remote binding.

Pointing a domain to my remote Node JS application?

I'm trying to work out how exactly to deploy Node JS on my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server. I've read many different blogs and articles that explain multiple different ways. Most seem out of date, or don't really work it seems.
It seems that the simplest solution is to use something like Forever? ...or Upstart with Monit or Supervisor. Is that correct?
One thing that I still don't understand though is without using something like Ngnix, how would I actually get my domain name (such as to actually point to my Node JS application and it's running port?
Many thanks for any guidance. I'm not an expert with this, so please excuse my lack of knowledge here. (I'm trying my best! :)
UPDATE: The reason why I'm asking this is on my server I have Ngnix running for my static/Django projects. I'm wanting to use the same server for some example Node JS applications I'm messing around with. I've followed the link about vhosts and Connect with Node JS, and this is good to a point, but I'm still not understanding how I would get one of my domains to actually point to this Node application on my server?
You need to separate the notion of the domain name from the actual server. The domain name points to a server. When the browser (or other client) asks for, DNS looks up the associated IP address and directs the browser to the server at that IP address.
The browser then chooses which port to send its request through by looking at the URL. For example, a request for will select port 345. If left unspecified, by default, when using HTTP, it uses port 80.
So the browser has sent its request through port 80. Now, on your server, there is a program listening to that port. For you, it would nginx. Nginx reads the request ("oh, you're looking for index.html") and delivers back the contents you requested.
In your scenario, Node.JS replaces Nginx. For Node.JS to respond, it would also need to listen to a port and respond appropriately. That's where your code comes in:
require('http').createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
res.end('Hello World\n');
}).listen(1337, "");
This starts a server, listening at port 1337. Any requests directed to would be responded to by this Node.JS application with a "Hello World".
tl;dr: Your domain name already points to your server. You can access your application at, where 1337 is your port.