How to set Emmet preferences in Brackets - preferences

I tried to create a preferences.json file and enter its path in Emmets "Preferences"-dialogue as prescribed, but either nothing happens or emmet stops working. I tried out numerous possible locations for the file, in AppData, ProgramFiles and several subfolders (Win10). I tried all possible ways of writing down the filepath as well as the preference-file itself, e.g.:
"format.noIndentTags": "body"
"format.noIndentTags": body
Nothing helped. You'd assume it's not two evenings worth of research to simply set preferences, this is an (undocumented) shame.


How to get the same format for vim-prettier and vscode-prettier?

I have vim-prettier installed and also have the vscode extension for prettier installed.
They format differently however. I would like to use vim-prettier to format the same way I would for vscode's prettier.
I followed vscode's configuration and it lead me to /home/user/.prettierrc.json but it is empty and only has {} inside of it.
I put let g:prettier#autoformat = ["/home/user/.prettierrc.json"]
inside my .vimrc file but it does not format to the same way vscode-prettier does.
Is there a way to do this?
So first I tried whereis prettier and compared it to the value i get from running :PrettierCliPath
prettier is in /usr/local/bin/prettier
and the one that vim uses is in /home/user/node_modules/.bin/prettier
I tried to set my vimrc to point to the first one via
let g:prettier#exec_cmd_path = "~/path/to/cli/prettier"
But it didn't work. It gave me a syntax error whenever I tried to run prettier in vim.
After a long time I noticed this line in the README for vim-prettier
Note: vim-prettier default settings differ from prettier intentionally. However they can be configured by:
and it gave a bunch of settings like let g:prettier#config#print_width = 'auto'
So I ended up just manually configuring each setting to the desired result.
Now I want to find a way to only allow these settings for a certain filetype(html) so that the formatter for html and css are different instead of the same.

turn off "use spaces, do not use tabs" in a jslint extension for VSCode

I got a VSCode JSLint extension and I got its settings pointing to an .eslintrc file where I have the following specified for indentation:
"indent" : [1, "tab"]
The problem is, it's still putting the squiggly green lines where I have some tabs and I can't tell where anything's going wrong with any settings.
I have evidence the rc file is actually working because I was successfully able to change it from single to double-quotes. However it appears to completely ignore the indentation setting inside my VSCode.
You could simply disable the use_spaces rule. It's separate from the indent rule you changed. A bit over an oversight from JSLint.
There were quite a few complains about that rule, even here on SO. Quite a few people (not only on SO) suggest switching to JSHint instead. Personally I've only used ESLint and therefore don't know much about the differences, and I'd suggest checking those for yourself anyway.

Why is my node_modules folder greyed out after command 'npm install'?

I wonder why my node_modules folder is greyed out in my VS Code editor after I run the command npm install.
Here the picture of my folder:
Files/folders that are included in .gitignore are greyed out. Normally node_modules folder is included within .gitignore.
It's because your node_modules folder is referenced in your .gitignore file.
Visual Studio tells you that this folder is ignored by the version control by graying it out.
As was already pointed out, VSCode automatically ignores everything in .gitignore. However, it also explicitely ignores some folders by default. All of this can be configured. Here are the steps you might want to take:
Check out the official documentation on Workspace settings
Open the relevant settings (you can choose between User (global) and Workspace). I usually do this via CTRL (or Command on Mac) + SHIFT + P -> > settings, which will show you the relevant choices: . For each you can either choose the UI or the JSON variant.
Also make sure to check the default settings via Peferences: Open Default Settings (JSON). You will find that, as of now (May 2021), **/node_modules is also automatically excluded, independent of other ignore files. Currently the default settings look like this:
// Configure glob patterns for excluding files and folders in fulltext searches and quick open. Inherits all glob patterns from the `files.exclude` setting. Read more about glob patterns [here](
"search.exclude": {
"**/node_modules": true,
"**/bower_components": true,
"**/*.code-search": true
// Controls whether to use global `.gitignore` and `.ignore` files when searching for files.
"search.useGlobalIgnoreFiles": false,
// Controls whether to use `.gitignore` and `.ignore` files when searching for files.
"search.useIgnoreFiles": true,
Enabling searching node_modules
"search.exclude": {
"**/node_modules": false
"search.useIgnoreFiles": false
WARNING: This will slow down things a lot since node_modules takes forever to search through - at least during cold start, that is when things are not cached. (Note that it is difficult to estimate how their caching works since it keeps evolving over time.)
To mitigate this, you might want to add some additional search.exclude settings. Note you will have to explicitely list everything you don't want, because...
The big shortcoming of VSCode search
search.exclude does not support:
negative look-ahead/behind
mutually cascading queries
Things like this will not work!
// does NOT work! :((
"search.exclude": {
"**/node_modules/#types": false,
"**/node_modules": true
This is a MAJOR problem which has been heavily discussed in the almost famous issue #869 for 6 years already! Join in and add to the 100+ comments! :)
Update: As of 2021/8/14, the issue has been taken off the backlog queue and put in the On Deck queue (but that also might not mean much).

Set encoding permanently in Visual Studio Code

I am using Visual Studio Code to write a LaTeX file with the LaTeX Workspace plugin.
However everytime that I open VS Code it insists that the encoding of the TeX file is UTF-8 and makes all the special characters go bezerk, but for some reason TeX Live doesn't compile in that encoding even if I convert it. Since another person is using the file too and their editor is set in Windows 1252 encoding, I want to keep using that.
How to set a encoding to a file permantly (or to an extension) in VS Code?
There are language-specific configurations. CTRL-Shift-P and see "Preferences: Configure Language Specific Settings... However, I do not see a LaTex choice there. But you may because of the LaText Plugin. So you could do something like:
"[latex]": {
"files.encoding": "windows1252"
If you don't see one perhaps you could associate your file extension (.tex?) with one on the list and then the above setting?
I assume you have
"files.autoGuessEncoding": false
already set to false - the default. WTH, try "true".
And see Allow to set files.encoding as language specific setting for files on startup so the lanuage-specific setting should work better on start-up.
Your settings.json per user or per workspace can contain an encoding directive.
If you want Java files opened in UTF-8,
then the following has no effect
"files.encoding" : "utf8",
but this works
"[java]": {
"files.encoding": "utf8"
The existing answers show a possible solution for single files or file types. However, you can define the charset standard in VS Code by following this path:
File > Preferences > Settings > Encoding > Choose your option
This will define a character set as default.
VSCode set default file encoding
Sven Eschlbeck's answer illustrated:
The following page will be opened. There are many settings. To get to the desired item without scrolling through all entries, type "Encod" in the search box. Observe that the item "Files: Encoding" is presented to us. Now we can change the setting.
Tips to share with you: "GB18030" applies fairly well universally for source code files containing Chinese characters.
More tips:
The encoding being applied to the current file is shown in the status bar. Mouse right-click this to call up the options as shown.
Here, you can switch encoding ad-hoc.
Having autoGuessEncoding true in USER and autoGuessEncoding false, "files.encoding": "windows1250" in WorkSpace was still giving me windows1252.
I do not uderstand why User overchanged WorkSpace. I have to disable autoGuessEncoding also in USER to finally get "files.encoding": "windows1250" work everytime.
So you can face the same issue and this could help.

Reindex a source code in the VSCode

I've started to get errors Unable to open 'header.h': File not found when I try to jump to var/func definition via [Ctrl+Click] after I've deleted/renamed several files.
Is it possible to force reindex source code?
This question is a few years old now, but this is an issue I've seen a lot, and can usually be fixed with one of the following 5 options:
Reload Session
You can reload the current session, with the workbench.action.reloadWindow command:
Open the Command Palette with Ctrl + Shift + P Then type Reload Window
Filter Files being Indexed
For C/C++ projects specificially, sometimes the intellisense indexing can be really slow, and feel like it's not working. One solution for this is to limit what it indexes with something like limitSymbolsToIncludedHeaders, or reduce the amount of parsed files in c_cpp_properties.json
"browse": {
"path": [
Set File Associations
Sometimes the file associations are incorrect, so files are not indexed as expected.
This can be fixed by adding something similar to this into your VS Code settings (settings.json):
"intelephense.files.associations": ["*.php", "*.phtml", "*.inc", "*.module", "*.install", "*.theme", ".engine", ".profile", ".info", ".test"]
Rebuild System Index
For Windows users, VS Code uses the system search index, so rebuilding that may help.
Ensure Intellisense Enabled
Finally, it may seem obvious, but just confirm that Intellisense is actually enabled, with editor.tabCompletion in your settings.json. And if you're searching with results not displaying, ensure there aren't any filters preventing results.