Zookeeper for Data Storage? - service

I want a external config store for some of my services , and the data can be in following format like JSON,YML,XML. The use case I want is that I can save my configs , change them dynamically , and the read for these configs will be very frequent. So, for this is Zookeeper a good solution. Also my configs are of atmost 500MB.
The reason that Zookeeper is under consideration as it has synchronization property, version (as I will be changing configs a lot) ,can provide notifications to the depending service of changes to config. Kindly tell if Zookeeper can be data store and will be best for this use case,any other suggestion if possible.

Zookeeper may be used as data store but
Size of single node should not be longer than 1MB
Getting huge amount of nodes from zookeeper will take time, so you need to use caches. You can use Curator PathChildrenCache recipe. If you have tree structure in your zNodes you can use TreeCache, but be aware that TreeCache had memory leaks in various 2.x versions of Curator.
Zookeeper notifications is a nice feature, but if you have pretty big cluster you might have too many watchers which brings stress on your zookeeper cluster.
Please find more information about zookeeper failure reasons.
So generally speaking Zookeeper can be used as a datastore if the data is organized as key/value and value doesn't exceed 1MB. In order to get fast access to the data you should use caches on your application side: see Curator PathChildrenCache recipe.
Alternatives are Etcd and consul


How can i consume a message in Kafka in all the instances of a service

I have a use case where I need to consume a message in all the instances of service. let's say if my service is running on 5 instances, then the message coming through Kafka needs to be processed on every instance. Since this data is being used in many other APIs so we are storing this in local memory to serve APIs.
Since this data is used very frequently, I don't want to store this data in Redis or some other global cache which will increase latency and cost of network calls.
I want to create a pipeline where any change in data by third-party service will be updated to all the instances and new data is being served in the APIs by all the instances.
It isn't possible with kafka.
It seems that kafka isn't the right choice for this case.
I can suggest 3 solutions:
You can use Redis as you mentioned above, trading off a
little latency.
If the services are running on the same machine you could use a shard memory for all the processes to read from (and then you are agnostic to the process that got the event)
You can hack something but it is an anti-pattern and I won't suggest you to do so as you will probably affect the abilities of the Consumer Group. It's a totally abuse of kafka.
The hack you can do is to consume with a different Consumer Group at each instance. (Let's say a random UUID when you start polling).

data sync between 2 instances of same microservice using kafka

We have a microservice acts as a cache service and decided to have only 2 instances of this microservice up and running. This microservice receives data through kafka topic and stores in it as in memory cache. But we are having a challenge to sync data between these 2 microservices. We decided to use different consumer group for each instance to receive same data, so that, both instances will be in sync. Being same codebase, how to achieve subscribing to different consumer group during startup. For example, if instance#1 subscribes to consumergrp1, other instance2 should be able to subscribe to consumergrp2. Please suggest me how to achieve this.
You can not sync in-memory data in microservices for multiple instance when you are getting data from streaming system or it's getting multiple times.If you are getting data only once in pod life, then you can achieve the sync in-memory data. For e,g. while service is getting up, you can get the data from source and persist in-memory.In this case both pod is having the same data.
You need to use the distributed cache database like redis, couchbase cache.That will be the more clean and neat approach for this.
You haven't specified any details about the way you use kafka (language/thirdparties), etc. So, speaking "in general", you can:
specify a random (or partially random) consumer group id. It won't be as "clean"
as "consumergrp1" and "conumergrp2", but its a string after all, so you can generate it randomly. This idea includes generating the identification of the process in a name of consumer group, for example, if the microservice instances are supposed to be running on different machines, you could include the name of machine as a part of the name of the consumer group.
More complicated, but still: if you have some shared storage, you could use it as a "synchronization" and store the monotonically increasing counter of the "current consumer group to create". once the value is read, it has to be increased. Of course the implementation details depend on the shared storage you actually use (DB, stuff like Redis, whatever).
So there are many different possible solutions. As a suggestion, in any solution you take, do not rely on the fact that you have exactly two instances of the service, maybe you'll reconsider that in future.

What is the better way to have a statistical information among the events in Kafka?

I've a project where I need to provide statistical information via API to the external services. In the mentioned service I use only Kafka as a "storage". When the application starts it reads events from cluster for 1 week and counts some values. And actively listens to new events to update the information. For example information is "how many times x item was sold" etc.
Startup of the application takes a lot of time and brings some other problems with it. It is a Kubernetes service and readiness probe fails time to time, when reading last 1 weeks events takes much time.
Two alternatives came to my mind to replace the entire logic:
Kafka Streams or KSQL (I'm not sure if I will need same amount of memory and computation unit here)
Cache Database
I'm wondering which idea would be better here? Or is there any idea better than them?
First, I hope this is a compacted topic that you are reading, otherwise, your "x times" will be misleading as data is deleted from the topic.
Any option you chose will require reading from the beginning of the topic, so the solution will come down to starting a persistent consumer that:
Stores data on disk (such as Kafka Streams or KSQL KTable) in RocksDB
Some other database of your choice. Redis would be a good option, but so would Couchbase if you want to use Memcached

Kafka which volume to use it?

I work on a log centralization project.
I'm working with ELK to Collect/Aggregate/Store/Visualize my data. I see that Kafka can be useful for large volume of data but
I can not find information from what volume of data it could become interesting to use it.
10 Giga of log per day ? Less, more ?
Thanks for your help.
Let's approach this in two ways.
What volumes of data is Kafka suitable for? Kafka is used at large scale (Netflix, Uber, Paypal, Twitter, etc) and small.
You can start with a cluster of three brokers handling a few MB if you want, and scale out from there as required. 10 Gb of data a day would be perfectly reasonable in Kafka—but so would ten times less or ten times more.
What is Kafka suitable for? In the context of your question, Kafka serves as an event-driven integration point between systems. It can be a "dumb" pipeline, but since it persists data that enables its reconsumption elsewhere. It also offers native stream processing capabilities and integration with other systems.
If all you are doing is getting logs into Elasticsearch then Kafka may be overkill. But if you wanted to use that log data in another place (e.g. HDFS, S3, etc), or process it for patterns, or filter it for conditions to route elsewhere—then Kafka would be a sensible option to route it through. This talk explores some of these concepts.
In terms of ELK and Kafka specifically, Logstash and Beats can write to Kafka as an output, and there's a Kafka Connect connector for Elasticsearch
Disclaimer: I work for Confluent.

How good are ZooKeeper and Etcd?

Disclaimer: I'm quite new for the etcd project and ZooKeeper project.
I'm recently getting interested in the distributed open source products.
I found they seems to require configuration(coordination?) systems such as ZooKeeper for Presto DB, Hive and Etcd for kubernetes and I think that understanding the role of etcd and ZooKeeper is the first step to understand the distributed systems.
But now, I feel like getting lost... I could not yet understand what is the good and unique points of the etcd and ZooKeeper. They look for me a well-distributed key-value storage or file systems.
Here is the impression that I have for the products. I know the impressions don't reflect the feature of the products. but I don't know what is the remaining feature that I should know.
ZooKeeper: According to the overview page of ZooKeeper, it guarantees the following things.
Sequential Consistency - Updates from a client will be applied in the order that they were sent.
Atomicity - Updates either succeed or fail. No partial results.
Single System Image - A client will see the same view of the service regardless of the server that it connects to.
Reliability - Once an update has been applied, it will persist from that time forward until a client overwrites the update.
Timeliness - The clients view of the system is guaranteed to be up-to-date within a certain time bound.
The sequential consistency and atomicity are the unique features which is not supported by most file systems but others are common among other file systems.
Etcd: According to the README of etcd. it focuses on
Simple: curl'able user-facing API (HTTP+JSON)
Secure: optional SSL client cert authentication
Fast: benchmarked 1000s of writes/s per instance
Reliable: properly distributed using Raft
Most of them seems common with Amazon S3 (S3 doesn't support such a fast access.)
I know those products are very good ones because most of the distributed open source products depend on them. but what is the key, unique feature that the distributed open source product choose them?
I think you're confusing the file-system-like interface with an actual file system. The systems you are mentioning are well suited for cluster coordination, in particular ZooKeeper. What they are not designed for is storing large amounts of data like a file system would. You should think of them more as suited for coordinating a file system. That is, one could imagine a file system storing paths to files in a consistent store like ZooKeeper or etcd, but not the files themselves. That they expose a file system-like interface does not correlate to any ability to store files. Indeed, these systems are designed to store small amounts of data that can be held in memory. By using a consistent store like ZooKeeper for storing file information in a distributed file system, the file system would ensure that clients see changes in the file system in sequential order.
ZooKeeper is really a set of primitives with which distributed systems can be coordinated. Particularly relevant to coordinating distributed systems with ZooKeeper are its session events (watches) which allow clients to listen for changes to the cluster state. Distributed systems typically use watches in ZooKeeper for things like locks, and the strong consistency guarantees of ZooKeeper make it perfectly suitable for that use case.
If you want a good idea of what systems like ZooKeeper and etcd are used for, you should check out the Apache Curator recipes. Atomix also implements similar types of APIs for coordinating distributed systems on top of a consensus algorithm. All of these tools are demonstrative of typical use cases for consensus-based distributed systems.
What's important to note is that these types of systems are built on top of consensus algorithms and usually store state in memory. They're suitable for operations that involve a small amount of data but require a high level of consistency, and that's why they're frequently used for things like distributed locking, configuration management, and group membership.