Oftentimes when I browse Leaflet maps with Mapbox.com data (using some sort of open, standardized database), I notice that the satellite images and/or data are out of date. It would be extremely useful to somehow get to see the year/date when the current tile/map/view was shot/obtained/photographed/created/edited, in order to determine how out of date with reality a given location is.
Is this data available? If so, how would I best display it in Leaflet? I imagine some sort of subtle year/date text in the middle of each "area" or something, or maybe allow me to right-click anywhere to get a little pop-up telling me this info.
I have two or more location duplicate point data in my KML. In google earth I can only see one point data at first. When I click it and then its separated, and able to click other duplicate point.
My problem is that I don't know the logic which point is front in the first place. I need specific point data to be at front before it's separated because of visual perspective. I try to change placemarks order in KML but the result was same.
I think you're asking how to control which point's ICON shows up at a location with multiple points, before you click on it to expand/separate them all out? Unfortunately there is no way that I know of to control which point/icon shows up on top. It seems like when I create or edit points at the same location, the last one to be touched/edited comes out on top, but I don't know if that's consistent, nor whether it persists when saved to KML... probably not.
By the way, welcome to StackOverflow. Please read the instructions on how to ask good questions. Your question is not very clear, and would benefit from including info on what you have already tried, and what didn't work.
I use a Mapbox dataset converted to a tileset to show features on a map. I would like to add a search facility which goes through all the features in the dataset (not only the one shown on the screen which I could search locally thanks to queryRenderedFeatures).
I do not see how to do this without implementing my own search facility server side. I would like to avoid that because it would mean my dataset needs to be stored at two different places (on Mapbox and on my server).
In this related question, someone suggested to use querySourceFeatures but it only checks features in the currently visible viewport.
Did I miss any search through dataset facility offered by Mapbox ?
You could use the Datasets API to download you whole GeoJSON dataset to the client, then using the mapbox-gl-geocoder's localGeocoder option implement you own custom search.
I added a point on openstreetmap several months ago, and that point is not showing in the standard layer (or any other layer).
When I click on the interrogation mark, I can see that the point exist in the database, but no icon is showing for that point :
If someone can tell me why this is happening (because it is not the first time), I will really appreciate it.
Here are also the point link https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4541228705 to verify by yourself if you want to.
Not all POIs are shown on the standard layer. This can have several reasons:
The POI is too unimportant to display it.
The POI hasn't been added to the renderer stylesheet yet.
The POI is in the stylesheet but not in the renderer database and a re-import of the database would be necessary.
The POI is in the stylesheet and the database but there is not enough space to show it.
Your POI is tagged as office=association. Currently the office key is not rendered on the standard style. There is already a [corresponding issue for openstreetmap-carto (the current default rendering style).
In other words: You did everything right. The reason for the office not being rendered is not your fault. Unfortunately you have to wait until the rendering stylesheet gets updated (you might participate in the mentioned issue to speed things up). Do not change the tagging just to make it appear on the map (also called tagging for the renderer). The good news is: Geocoders / routing engines will find your office nevertheless (e.g. Nominatim)! There might even exist other OSM-based maps with a different stylesheet that already show your POI.
for my next project I'm looking for maps, that contains only frontiers of countrys, lakes, hills ans rivers.
Can I get such kind of maps with the OpenStreet-API?
best regards
The "OpenStreetMap API" provides map data, not map images. So, for the imagery you want, you either need to find a source that renders the style you want, or render your own.
I don't know of any services that provide exactly the render that you're looking for. However, it should be very easy to render your own tiles that do this - if you install TileMill and follow through the tutorial, you will find it very easy to delete layers from the default style until no names are included in the style.
Note that if you're planning on running a web service, you'll also need to serve your special new map tiles to your users.
I just want to build a drill down map like this - Drill Down Map
Here I want to show some data on tapping of each regions.I am out of clue. How can I ? What should I use ? From where to start ?
EDIT : In the link it's showing the country name on mouse over, instead of that I want to show some data/info of the country on touch. Please visit the map shown in the link,you'll get the whole idea.
Thanks !!
If you want total control on the map layout, and be able to check which country the users taps, there's no secret : you need to have boundaries of all countries you want to detect.
Here's the global approach I would use to reimplement something that looks like the map you linked to (I can you into more details if you want, but at first, here's the global approach) :
Get the data of the boundaries of the countries you need. This can be done using OpenStreetMap.org data.
[EDIT] I just came accross this website to download countries boundaries as files you can then use with tilemill : http://www.gadm.org/country
Use this data with tilemill (http://mapbox.com/tilemill/) : this tool is able to design maps using a language that looks like CSS but dedicated for maps. The results is great and the tool great as well. This tool also support shapes files, so if you can get the countries boundaries as shapefiles, you'll be able to use them with tilemill, and this will be easier than using .osm files from open street map). Have a look here http://mapbox.com/tilemill/data/ for the supported formats.
Then, with tilemill, export your map as an MBTile file (this file contains all tiles needed to get the map rendered at different zoom levels).
Use the route-me project to display the resulting MBTile file (in its latest version, route-me is able to do that, this feature has been implemented by the mapbox team to support their open format MBTile).
Guys from Mapbox have published a good tutorial "from data to maps" here : http://mapbox.com/demo/making_massredistrict/ this may help as well
Your best bet is to use CloudMade ( http://cloudmade.com/ ). They provide custom map builders program where you can build custom maps and can integrate those maps in your iOS app.
Depends what you are looking for. To implement the linked example it's enough with a giant image that you can split in tiles using CATiledLayer. You'll find examples if you google a little, PhotoScroller is one. If you want to display real maps you have to investigate the route me project.
I don't think that using images could be good option.Check this link - arcgis-iphone api. I am not so sure but you can get some idea from this.
Happy to help..