Optimal approach to bulk insert of pandas dataframe into PostgreSQL table - postgresql

I need to upload multiple excel files to a postgresql table but they can olverlap each other in several registers, therefore I need to be aware of IntegrityErrors. I'm following two approaches:
cursor.copy_from: The fastest approach but I don't know how to catch and control all Integrityerrors due to duplicate registers
streamCSV = StringIO()
streamCSV.write(invoicing_info.to_csv(index=None, header=None, sep=';'))
with conn.cursor() as c:
c.copy_from(streamCSV, "staging.table_name", columns=dataframe.columns, sep=';')
cursor.execute: I can count and handle each exception but it is very
data = invoicing_info.to_dict(orient='records')
with cursor as c:
for entry in data:
c.execute(DLL_INSERT, entry)
successful_inserts += 1
print('Successful insert. Operation number {}'.format(successful_inserts))
except psycopg2.IntegrityError as duplicate:
duplicate_registers += 1
print('Duplicate entry. Operation number {}'.format(duplicate_registers))
At the end of the routine, I need to determine the following info:
print("Initial shape: {}".format(invoicing_info.shape))
print("Successful inserts: {}".format(successful_inserts))
print("Duplicate entries: {}".format(duplicate_registers))
How can I modify the first approach to control all exceptions? How can I optimize the second approach?

while you have duplicate IDs in different excel sheets you have to answer for yourself how you make a decision to data from which excel sheet to trust?
while you are using multiple tables, and will use approach to have at least one row from conflicting pair you can always do following:
create temporary tables for each excel sheet
upload data to each table for excel sheet (like you do now in a bulk)
make an insert from select picking distinct on(id), in a manner:
INSERT INTO staging.table_name(id, col1, col2 ...)
id, col1, col2
SELECT id, col1, col2 ...
FROM staging.temp_table_for_excel_sheet1
SELECT id, col1, col2 ...
FROM staging.temp_table_for_excel_sheet2
SELECT id, col1, col2 ...
FROM staging.temp_table_for_excel_sheet3
) as data
with such insert postgreSQL will take the random row out of non-unique id sets.
In case you would like to trust the first record you can add some order:
INSERT INTO staging.table_name(id, col1, col2 ...)
id, ordering_column col1, col2
SELECT id, 1 as ordering_column, col1, col2 ...
FROM staging.temp_table_for_excel_sheet1
SELECT id, 2 as ordering_column, col1, col2 ...
FROM staging.temp_table_for_excel_sheet2
SELECT id, 3 as ordering_column, col1, col2 ...
FROM staging.temp_table_for_excel_sheet3
) as data
ORDER BY ordering_column
for initial count of objects:
SELECT sum(count)
SELECT count(*) as count FROM temp_table_for_excel_sheet1
SELECT count(*) as count FROM temp_table_for_excel_sheet2
SELECT count(*) as count FROM temp_table_for_excel_sheet3
) as data
after finishing this bulk inserts you can run select count(*) FROM staging.table_name to get a result for total number of inserted records
for duplicate count you can run:
SELECT sum(count)
SELECT count(*) as count
FROM temp_table_for_excel_sheet2 WHERE id in (select id FROM temp_table_for_excel_sheet1 )
SELECT count(*) as count
FROM temp_table_for_excel_sheet3 WHERE id in (select id FROM temp_table_for_excel_sheet1 )
SELECT count(*) as count
FROM temp_table_for_excel_sheet3 WHERE id in (select id FROM temp_table_for_excel_sheet2 )
) as data

If the excel sheets contain duplicate records, Pandas seems a likely choice for identifying and eliminated dupes: https://33sticks.com/python-for-business-identifying-duplicate-data/. Or is the issue that different records in different sheets have the same id/index? If so, a similar approach could work where you use Pandas to isolate the ids used multiple times and then correct them with unique identifiers before attempting to upload to the SQL db.
For a bulk upload, I'd use an ORM. SQLAlchemy has some great info on bulk uploads: http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_1_0/orm/persistence_techniques.html#bulk-operations, and there's a related discussion here: Bulk insert with SQLAlchemy ORM


How to update duplicate rows in a table n postgresql

I have created synthetic data for a typical call center.
Below is the screenshot of the table I have created.
Table 1:
Problem statement: Since this is completely random data, I noticed that there are some customers who are being assigned to the same agents whenever they call again.
So using this query I was able to test such a case and count the number of times agents are being repeated for each customer.
select agentid, customerid, count(customerid) from aa_dev.calls group by agentid, customerid having count(customerid) > 1 ;
Table 2
I have a separate agents table to called aa_dev.agents in which the agent's ids are stored
Now I want to replace the agentid for such cases, such that if agentid is repeated 6 times for a single customer then 5 of the times the agent id should be updated with any other agentid from the table but call time shouldn't be overlapping That means the agent we are replacing with should not be busy on the time the call is going one.
I have assigned row numbers to each repeated ones.
WITH cte AS (
SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY agentid, customerid ORDER BY random()) rn,
COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY agentid, customerid) cnt
FROM aa_dev.calls
SELECT agentid, customerid, rn
FROM cte
WHERE cnt > 1;
This way I could visualize the repetition clearly.
So I don't want to update row 1 but the rest.
Is there any way I can acheive this? Can I use the row number and write a query according to the row number to update rownum 2 onwards row one by one with each row having a unique agent?
If you don't want duplicates in your artificial data, it's probably better to not generate them.
But if you already have a table with duplicates and want to work on the duplicates, either updating them or deleting, here is the easy way:
You need a unique ID for each updated row. If you don't have it,
add it temporarily. Then you can use this pattern to update all duplicates
except the first one:
To add artificial id column to preexisting table, use:
ALTER TABLE calls ADD id serial;
In my case I generated a test table with 100 random rows:
CREATE TEMP TABLE calls (id serial, agentid int, customerid int);
INSERT INTO calls (agentid, customerid)
SELECT (random()*10)::int, (random()*10)::int
FROM generate_series(1, 100) n;
Define what constitutes a duplicate and find duplicates in data:
SELECT agentid, customerid, count(*), array_agg(id) id
FROM calls
GROUP BY 1,2 HAVING count(*)>1
Update all the duplicate rows except first one with NULLs:
UPDATE calls SET agentid = whatever_needed
SELECT array_agg(id) id, min(id) idmin FROM calls
GROUP BY agentid, customerid HAVING count(*)>1
) AS dup
WHERE calls.id = ANY(dup.id) AND calls.id <> dup.idmin;
Alternatively, remove all duplicates except first one:
SELECT array_agg(id) id, min(id) idmin FROM calls
GROUP BY agentid, customerid HAVING count(*)>1
) AS dup
WHERE calls.id = ANY(dup.id) AND calls.id <> dup.idmin;

Find the next oldest row in Redshift

I have a table called user_activity in Redshift that has department, user_id, activity_type, activity_id, activity_date.
I'd like to query a daily report of how many days since the last event (of any type). Using CROSS APPLY (SQL Server) or LATERAL JOIN (Postgres 9+), I'd do something like...
SELECT d.date, a.last_activity_date
FROM date_table d
SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM activity_table
) u
SELECT TOP 1 activity_date as last_activity_date
FROM activity_table
WHERE user_id = u.user_id AND activity_date <= d.date
ORDER BY activity_date DESC
) a
For now, I write it similar to the below, but it is a bit slow and I am afraid it'll only get slower.
with user_activity as (
select distinct activity_date, user_id from activity_table
d.date, u.user_id,
max(u.activity_date) as last_activity_date
from date_table d
inner join user_activity u on u.activity_date <= d.date
where d.date between '2020-01-01' and current_date
group by 1, 2
Can someone suggest a good alternative for my needs or for CROSS APPLY / LATERAL JOIN.
As you are seeing cross joining and inequality joining will slow down as you data grows and are generally not the approach you want in Redshift. This is due to the data size increase that comes with this type of action when applied to large data tables that are typical in Redshift.
You want to use window functions to perform this type of analysis. But you will need to step back and rethink how you will structure the SQL. A MAX(activity_date) window function, partitioned by user_id and ordered by date and with a frame clause of all preceding rows, will find the most recent activity to any activity.
Now this will produce only rows for user_ids and dates that exist in the data table and it looks like you want 1 row for each date for each user_id, right? To do this you need to UNION in a frame of data that has 1 row for each date for each user_id ahead of the window function. You will need NULLs in for the other columns so that the data widths match. You will also want the dates in a separate column from activity_date. Now all dates for all user ids will be in the source and the window function will give you the result you want.
You also ask ‘how is this better than the joins?’ Well in the joins you are replicating all the data records by the number of dates which can get really big. In this approach you just have the original data records plus one row per user_id per date (which is the size of your output) and as the number of records per user_id grows this approach doesn’t.
——— Request to modify asker’s code per comments made to their approach ———
Your code is definitely on the right track as you have removed the massive inequality join of your original. I made 2 comments about it. The first is that I believe you need GROUP BY user_id, date to prevent multiple rows per user_id per date that would result if there are records for the same user_id on a single date with differing activity_types. This is a simple oversight.
The second is to state that I intended for you to use UNION ALL, not LEFT JOIN, in combining the actual data and the user_id/date framework. Your approach works fine but I have found that unioning with very large amounts of data is generally faster than joining but you do need to make sure the columns match up. Either way we end up with a data segment with 3 columns - 2 date columns, one with NULLs for framework rows, and 1 user_id. Your approach is fine and the difference in performance is likely very small unless you have huge tables.
Since you asked for a rewrite, here it is with both changes. (NOTE: my laptop is in the shop so I don’t have ready access to Redshift at the moment and this SQL is untested. If the intent is not clear from this and you need me to debug it will be delayed by a few days. I’m keeping your setup methods and SQL structure.)
with date_table as (
select '2000-01-01'::date as date
union all
select '2000-01-02'::date
union all
select '2000-01-03'::date
union all
select '2000-01-04'::date
union all
select '2000-01-05'::date
union all
select '2000-01-06'::date
users as (
select 1 as user_id
union all
select 2
union all
select 3
user_activity as (
select 1 as user_id, '2000-01-01'::date as activity_date
union all
select 1 as user_id, '2000-01-04'::date as activity_date
union all
select 3 as user_id, '2000-01-03'::date as activity_date
union all
select 1 as user_id, '2000-01-05'::date as activity_date
union all
select 1 as user_id, '2000-01-06'::date as activity_date
user_dates as (
select d.date, u.user_id
from date_table d
cross join users u
user_date_activity as (
select cal_date, user_id,
lag(max(activity_date), 1) ignore nulls over (partition by user_id order by date) as last_activity_date
from (
Select user_id, date as cal_date, NULL as activity_date from user_dates
Union all
Select user_id, activity_date as cal_date, activity_date from user_activity
Group by user_id, cal_date
select * from user_date_activity
order by user_id, cal_date```
This was my query based on Bill's answer.
with date_table as (
select '2000-01-01'::date as date
union all
select '2000-01-02'::date
union all
select '2000-01-03'::date
union all
select '2000-01-04'::date
union all
select '2000-01-05'::date
union all
select '2000-01-06'::date
users as (
select 1 as user_id
union all
select 2
union all
select 3
user_activity as (
select 1 as user_id, '2000-01-01'::date as activity_date
union all
select 1 as user_id, '2000-01-04'::date as activity_date
union all
select 3 as user_id, '2000-01-03'::date as activity_date
union all
select 1 as user_id, '2000-01-05'::date as activity_date
union all
select 1 as user_id, '2000-01-06'::date as activity_date
user_dates as (
select d.date, u.user_id
from date_table d
cross join users u
user_date_activity as (
select ud.date, ud.user_id,
lag(ua.activity_date, 1) ignore nulls over (partition by ud.user_id order by ud.date) as last_activity_date
from user_dates ud
left join user_activity ua on ud.date = ua.activity_date and ud.user_id = ua.user_id
select * from user_date_activity
order by user_id, date

How can I SUM distinct records in a Postgres database where there are duplicate records?

Imagine a table that looks like this:
The SQL to get this data was just SELECT *
The first column is "row_id" the second is "id" - which is the order ID and the third is "total" - which is the revenue.
I'm not sure why there are duplicate rows in the database, but when I do a SUM(total), it's including the second entry in the database, even though the order ID is the same, which is causing my numbers to be larger than if I select distinct(id), total - export to excel and then sum the values manually.
So my question is - how can I SUM on just the distinct order IDs so that I get the same revenue as if I exported to excel every distinct order ID row?
Thanks in advance!
Easy - just divide by the count:
select id, sum(total) / count(id)
from orders
group by id
See live demo.
Also handles any level of duplication, eg triplicates etc.
You can try something like this (with your example):
create table test (
row_id int,
id int,
total decimal(15,2)
insert into test values
(6395, 1509, 112), (22986, 1509, 112),
(1393, 3284, 40.37), (24360, 3284, 40.37);
with distinct_records as (
select distinct id, total from test
select a.id, b.actual_total, array_agg(a.row_id) as row_ids
from test a
inner join (select id, sum(total) as actual_total from distinct_records group by id) b
on a.id = b.id
group by a.id, b.actual_total
| id | actual_total | row_ids |
| 1509 | 112 | 6395,22986 |
| 3284 | 40.37 | 1393,24360 |
We do not know what the reasons is for orders and totals to appear more than one time with different row_id. So using a common table expression (CTE) using the with ... phrase, we get the distinct id and total.
Under the CTE, we use this distinct data to do totaling. We join ID in the original table with the aggregation over distinct values. Then we comma-separate row_ids so that the information looks cleaner.
SQLFiddle example
Create custom aggregate:
double precision, pg_catalog.anyelement, double precision
RETURNS double precision AS
SELECT case when $3 is not null then COALESCE($1, 0) + $3 else $1 end
double precision)
SFUNC = sum_func,
STYPE = float8
And then calc distinct sum like:
select dist_sum(distinct id, total)
from orders
You can use DISTINCT in your aggregate functions:
Documentation here: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/sql-expressions.html#SYNTAX-AGGREGATES
If we can trust that the total for 1 order is actually 1 row. We could eliminate the duplicates in a sub-query by selecting the the MAX of the PK id column. An example:
CREATE TABLE test2 (id int, order_id int, total int);
insert into test2 values (1,1,50);
insert into test2 values (2,1,50);
insert into test2 values (5,1,50);
insert into test2 values (3,2,100);
insert into test2 values (4,2,100);
select order_id, sum(total)
from test2 t
join (
select max(id) as id
from test2
group by order_id) as sq
on t.id = sq.id
group by order_id
sql fiddle
In difficult cases:
SELECT SUM(value::int4)
FROM jsonb_each_text(jsonb_object_agg(row_id, total))
) as total
from orders
group by id
I would suggest just use a sub-Query:
SELECT "a"."id", SUM("a"."total")
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON ("id") * FROM "Database"."Schema"."Table") AS "a"
GROUP BY "a"."id"
The Above will give you the total of each id
Use below if you want the full total of each duplicate removed:
SELECT SUM("a"."total")
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON ("id") * FROM "Database"."Schema"."Table") AS "a"
Using subselect (http://sqlfiddle.com/#!7/cef1c/51):
select sum(total) from (
select distinct id, total
from orders
Using CTE (http://sqlfiddle.com/#!7/cef1c/53):
with distinct_records as (
select distinct id, total from orders
select sum(total) from distinct_records;

Retrieving the rows using join query

I have two tables like this
---- -------
col1 col2 col1 col2
---------- -----------
A table contains 300k rows
B table contains 400k rows
I need to count the col1 for table A if it is matching col1 for table B
I have written a query like this:
select count(distinct ab.col1) from A ab join B bc on(ab.col1=bc.col1)
but this takes too much time
could try a group by...
Also ensure that the col1 is indexed in both tables
SELECT aa.col1
FROM A aa JOIN B bb on aa.col1 = bb.col1
GROUP BY (aa.col1)
It's difficult to answer without you positing more details: did you analyze the tables? Do you have an index on col1 on each table? How many rows are you counting?
That being said, there aren'y so many potential query plans for your query. You likely have two seq scans that are hash joined together, which is about the best you can do... If you've a material numbers of rows, you'll be counting a gazillion rows, and this takes time.
Perhaps you could rewrite the query differently? If every B.col1 is in A.col1, you could get the same result without the join:
select count(distinct col1) from B
If A has low cardinality, it might be faster to rely on exists():
with vals as (
select distinct A.col1 as val from A
select count(*) from vals
where exists(select 1 from B where B.col1 = vals.val)
Or, if you know every possible value from A.col1 and it's reasonably small, you could unnest an array without querying A at all:
select count(*) from unnest(Array[val1, val2, ...]) as vals (val)
where exists(select 1 from B where B.col1 = vals.val)
Or vice-versa, in each of the above, if every B holds the reference values.

t-sql return multiple rows depending on field value

i am trying to run an export on a system that only allows t-sql. i know enough of php to make a foreach loop, but i don't know enough of t-sql to generate multiple rows for a given quantity.
i need a result to make a list of items with "1 of 4" like data included in the result
given a table like
orderid, product, quantity
how do i get a select query result like:
orderid, item_num, total_items,
You can do this with the aid of an auxiliary numbers table.
;WITH T(orderid, product, quantity) AS
select 1000,'ball',3 union all
select 1001,'bike',4 union all
select 1002,'hat',2
SELECT orderid, number as item_num, quantity as total_items, product
JOIN master..spt_values on number> 0 and number <= quantity
where type='P'
NB: The code above uses the master..spt_values table - this is just for demo purposes I suggest you create your own tally table using one of the techniques here.
If you are on SQL Server 2005 or later version, then you can try a recursive CTE instead of a tally table.
SELECT orderid, 1 item_num, product, quantity
FROM YourTable
SELECT orderid, item_num+1, product, quantity
WHERE item_num < quantity
I'm not on a computer with a database engine where I can test this, so let me know how it goes.
Well, IF you know the maximum value for the # of products for any product (and it's not too big, say 4), you can:
Create a helper table called Nums containing 1 integer column n, with rows containing 1,2,3,4
SELECT * from Your_table, Nums
WHERE Nums.n <= Your_table.quantity