Scala : how to convert integer to time stamp - scala

I am facing an issue when i am trying to find the number of months between two dates using 'months_between'function. when my input date format is 'dd/mm/yyyy' or any other date format then the function is returning the correct output. however when i am passing the input date format as yyyymmdd then i am getting the below error.
val df ="header", "true").option("dateFormat", "yyyyMMdd").option("inferSchema", "true").csv("MyFile.csv")
val filteredMemberDF = df.withColumn("monthsBetween", functions.months_between(col("toDate"), col("fromDT")))
cannot resolve 'months_between(toDate, fromDT)' due to data type mismatch: argument 1 requires timestamp type,
however, 'toDate' is of int type. argument 2 requires timestamp type, however, 'fromDT' is of int type.;
When my input is as below,
id fromDT toDate
11 16/06/2008 16/08/2008
12 13/07/2008 13/10/2008
getting expected output,
id fromDT toDate monthsBetween
11 16/6/2008 16/8/2008 2
12 13/7/2008 13/10/2008 3
when i am passing the below data, facing the above said error.
id fromDT toDate
11 20150930 20150930
12 20150930 20150930

You first need to use to_date function to convert those numbers to DateTimes.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df =
.option("header", "true")
.option("dateFormat", "yyyyMMdd")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
val dfWithDates = df
.withColumn("toDateReal", to_date(concat(col("toDate")), "yyyyMMdd"))
.withColumn("fromDateReal", to_date(concat(col("fromDT")), "yyyyMMdd"))
val filteredMemberDF = dfWithDates
.withColumn("monthsBetween", months_between(col("toDateReal"), col("fromDateReal")))


getting yearmonth date format in sparksql

I'm trying to get year month column using this function:
but I'm getting wrong values for the month
example of the output I want to get:
if I have this date 16-9-2020 I want to get the format as 202009
If you have 16-9-2020 as a string, you can convert it to date and then to your format like this:
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
data = [
{"delivery_date": "16-9-2020"},
df = spark.createDataFrame(data)
df = df.withColumn(
"result", F.date_format(F.to_date("delivery_date", "dd-M-yyyy"), "yyyyMM")
| 16-9-2020|202009|

Convert date to another format Scala Spark

I am reading a CSV that contains two types of date:
dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss -> 13-Dec-2019 17:10:00
dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm -> 11/02/2020 17:33
I am trying to transform all dates of the first type into the second type but I can't find a good solution. I am trying this:
val pr_date = readeve.withColumn("Date", when(to_date(col("Date"),"dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss").isNotNull,
to_date(col("Date"),"dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm")))
And I get the entire Date column as null values:
I am trying with this function:
def to_date_(col: Column,
formats: Seq[String] = Seq("dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss", "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm")) = {
coalesce( => to_date(col, f)): _*)
val p2 = readeve.withColumn("Date",to_date_(readeve.col(("Date")))).show(125)
And in the first type of date i get nulls too:
What am I doing wrong? (new with Scala Spark)
Scala version: 2.11.7
Spark version: 2.4.3
Try code below? Note that 17 is HH, not hh. Also try to_timestamp instead of to_date because you want to keep the time.
val pr_date = readeve.withColumn(
date_format(to_timestamp(col("Date"),"dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"),"dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"),
date_format(to_timestamp(col("Date"),"dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"),"dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm")

spark add_month doesn't work as expected [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Spark Dataframe Random UUID changes after every transformation/action
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
in a dataframe, I'm generating a column based on column A in DateType format "yyyy-MM-dd". Column A is generated from a UDF (udf generates a random date from the last 24 months).
from that generated date I try to calculate column B. Column B is column A minus 6 months. ex. 2017-06-01 in A is 2017-01-01 in B.
To achieve this I use function add_months(columname, -6)
when I do this using another column (not generated by udf) I get the right result. But when I do it on that generated column I get random values, totally wrong.
I checked the schema, column is from DateType
this is my code :
val test = df.withColumn("A", to_date(callUDF("randomUDF")))
val test2 ="*"), add_months(col("A"), -6).as("B"))
code of my UDF :
sqlContext.udf.register("randomUDF", () => {
//prepare dateformat
val formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
//get today's date as reference
val today = Calendar.getInstance()
val now = today.getTime()
//set "from" 2 years from now
val from = Calendar.getInstance()
from.add(Calendar.MONTH, -24)
// set dates into Long
val valuefrom = from.getTimeInMillis()
val valueto = today.getTimeInMillis()
//generate random Long between from and to
val value3 = (valuefrom + Math.random()*(valueto - valuefrom))
// set generated value to Calendar and format date
val calendar3 = Calendar.getInstance()
UDF works as expected, but I think there is something going wrong here.
I tried the add_months function on another column (not generated) and it worked fine.
example of results I get with this code :
A | B
2017-10-20 | 2016-02-27
2016-05-06 | 2015-05-25
2016-01-09 | 2016-03-14
2016-01-04 | 2017-04-26
using spark version 1.5.1
using scala 2.10.4
The creation of test2 dataframe in your code
val test2 ="*"), add_months(col("A"), -6).as("B"))
is treated by spark as
val test2 = df.withColumn("A", to_date(callUDF("randomUDF"))).select(col("*"), add_months(to_date(callUDF("randomUDF")), -6).as("B"))
So you can see that udf function is called twice. df.withColumn("A", to_date(callUDF("randomUDF"))) is generating the date that comes in column A. And add_months(to_date(callUDF("randomUDF")), -6).as("B") is calling udf function again and generating a new date and subtracting 6 months from it and showing that date in column B.
Thats the reason you are getting random dates.
The solution to this would be to use persist or cache in test dataframe as
val test = df.withColumn("A", callUDF("randomUDF")).cache()
val test2 ="table").withColumn("B", add_months($"table.A", -6))

Timestamp changes format when writing to csv file spark

I am trying to save a dataframe to a csv file, that contains a timestamp.
The problem that this column changes of format one written in the csv file. Here is the code I used:
val spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local").appName("my-spark-app").getOrCreate()
val df ="header",true).option("inferSchema", "true").csv("C:/Users/mhattabi/Desktop/dataTest2.csv")
//val df ="header",true).option("inferSchema", "true").csv("C:\\dataSet.csv\\datasetTest.csv")
//convert all column to numeric value in order to apply aggregation function { c =>df.withColumn(c, col(c).cast("int")) }
//add a new column inluding the new timestamp column
val result2=df.withColumn("new_time",((unix_timestamp(col("time"))/300).cast("long") * 300).cast("timestamp")).drop("time")
val finalresult=result2.groupBy("new_time").agg(result2.drop("new_time") -> "mean")).toMap).sort("new_time") //agg(avg(all columns..)
when display via it shoes the correct format
But in the csv file it shoes this format:
Use option to format timestamp into desired one which you need:
finalresult.coalesce(1).write.option("header",true).option("inferSchema","true").option("dateFormat", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").csv("C:/mydata.csv")
finalresult.coalesce(1).write.format("csv").option("delimiter", "\t").option("header",true).option("inferSchema","true").option("dateFormat", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").option("escape", "\\").save("C:/mydata.csv")
Here is the code snippet that worked for me to modify the CSV output format for timestamps.
I needed a 'T' character in there, and no seconds or microseconds. The timestampFormat option did work for this.
.option("timestampFormat", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm")
Such as 2017-02-20T06:53
If you substitute a space for 'T' then you get this:
.option("timestampFormat", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm")
Such as 2017-02-20 06:53

How to get full timestamp value from dataframes? values being truncated

I have a function "toDate(v:String):Timestamp" that takes a string an converts it into a timestamp with the format "MM-DD-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.NS".
I make a udf of the function:
val u_to_date = sqlContext.udf.register("u_to_date", toDate_)
The issue happens when you apply the UDF to dataframes. The resulting dataframe will lose the last 3 nanoseconds.
For example when using the argument "0001-01-01 00:00:00.123456789"
The resulting dataframe will be in the format
[0001-01-01 00:00:00.123456]
I have even tried a dummy function that returns Timestamp.valueOf("1234-01-01 00:00:00.123456789"). When applying the udf of the dummy function, it will truncate the last 3 nanoseconds.
I have looked into the sqlContext conf and
spark.sql.parquet.int96AsTimestamp is set to True. (I tried when it's set to false)
I am at lost here. What is causing the truncation of the last 3 digits?
The function could be:
def date123(v: String): Timestamp = {
Timestamp.valueOf("0001-01-01 00:00:00.123456789")
It's just a dummy function that should return a timestamp with full nanosecond precision.
Then I would make a udf:
`val u_date123 = sqlContext.udf.register("u_date123", date123 _)`
example df:
val theRow =Row("blah")
val theRdd = sc.makeRDD(Array(theRow))
case class X(x: String )
val df ={case Row(s0) => X(s0.asInstanceOf[String])}.toDF()
If I apply the udf to the dataframe df with a string column, it will return a dataframe that looks like '[0001-01-01 00:00:00.123456]'$"x")).collect.foreach(println)
I think I found the issue.
On spark 1.5.1, they changed the size of the timestamp datatype from 12 bytes to 8 bytes
I tested on spark 1.4.1, and it produces the full nanosecond precision.