Eclipse Oxygen - Scanning for Liberty Maven project changes, multiple executions - eclipse

i use eclipse oxygen, when i start the application the projects where build but then the process "Scanning for Liberty Maven project changes. (Waiting)" will start multiple at once.
I've tried to start my eclipse with -clean command but this will not help.

I had similar issue but with eclipse neon. Found the issue was due to WebSphere Liberty WDT plugin version I reverted back to and it works fine now.

Preferences-> Liberty Server -> Prompt before adding


Unable to install WildFly/ JBoss Server in Eclipse IDE Photon Release Candidate 3 (4.8.0RC3)

I was trying to install WildFly/JBoss Server in Eclipse IDE Photon Release Candidate 3 (4.8.0RC3) but I'm getting an error. I have attached the screenshot for the same.
Would somebody help me out here in this issue?
I've had the same problem.
In Eclipse -> Help -> Eclipse Marketplace, search for "TM Terminal". Uninstall it, restart Eclipse and try to define a new server again. It will now install Wildfly, at least for me it worked.
I've had the same problem. I was using Eclipse 2021-06 version and whatever I do I couldn't get the JBoss Community folder with different Wildfly servers to show.
I've downloaded the newest Eclipse (it was 2022-09 at this time) and everything was there after I installed the JBoss Tools in Eclipse Marketplace.

Spring Starter Project in Eclipse -- Can not use Maven: M2E

Eclipse Luna 4.4.2 with Java JDK 1.7
I installed
Spring IDE plugin version 3.7.3
Pivotal Software Spring Tool Suite(STS 3.7.3)
plugins successfully, have no problem with switching to the Spring perspective and my File->new->projects has several spring related selections.
I have been building using maven with no problems. My maven version is 3.3.3. Checking the Help->Installation Details dialog shows eclipse m2e-workspace 0.3.1
When accessing the Eclipse Marketplace, the dialog shows Maven Integration for Eclipse(Luna and newer) 1.5 and the update button is greyed out and there is an uninstall button, so I have that installed.
When selecting Spring Starter Project, I get the creation dialog box with an error message at the top reading --
Can not import using Maven because Can not use Maven: M2E (Eclipse
Maven Tooling) is not installed
I have also lost my maven sub-menu when I right click on pom.xml. Its no longer there.
Any ideas on a solution before I start removing things/changing things and possibly making things worse? Explanations also welcome.
When installing the Spring IDE plugin into Eclipse that already has the maven plugin installed results in a serious conflict as Spring IDE also installs maven. It may be resolvable, but I was unable to find a solution.
I did uninstall the Spring IDE, but the problem was not cleared on Eclipse restart. I deleted the corrupted eclipse installation, while keep its workspace intact.
I finally installed STS w/eclipse and pointed it at my previous workspace.
I had the same issue and I have no idea of how to fix that.
To turnaround the this problem, I downloaded the Spring Tool Suiteā„¢ by the url:
This Suite have all the tools to build any Spring project that you'll want.
Hope this work for you.

Can I use Tomcat 8.0 in Eclipse Indigo 3.7.2?

I'm doing a project right now, and I'm using Tomcat 7.0 running in Indigo Eclipse IDE, but I need to use Tomcat 8.0 because it supports servlet 2.4...
Well, I searched (and researched) a lot, but I only found answers and advice for others versions of Eclipse, like Luna, Sun, and stuff xD... but no Indigo was there.
When I tried to configure my server in Eclipse, it only showed the 7.0 version of Tomcat.
I'm starting with this, so I don't remember all of Eclipse's vocabulary...
Please help me. Thank you very much !
The Sysdeo Eclipse Tomcat Launcher plugin maybe what you want. You point it to an external Tomcat installation and it provides everything you'll need:
ability to configure JVM Options (-D command line switches)
a start/stop button in the Eclipse UI
console output from Tomcat inside Eclipse
debugging bindings so you can breakpoint a running Tomcat app
I've use it for years, works on all versions:

Installation of FindBugs plugin with Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

I'm struggling to get the Eclipse FindBugs plugin to work and am sure there's a schoolboy error being made somewhere.
I extracted the file to a local folder C:\Program Files\findbugs-2.0.2-rc2 and running findbugs.bat, FindBugs works fine running it over a local Java (Eclipse) project.
I added the FindBugs update site, it found "FindBugs Feature," and installed it. Restarting, right-clicking on an open Java Project doesn't display the "FindBugs" option (that this video shows).
I looked in Window > Preferences to try to find a way to inform the plugin of the local FindBugs installation (in Program Files), but couldn't find anything.
Uninstalling "FindBug Feature", I tried extracting the FindBugs Eclipse plugin zip file into Eclipse's plugins folder, but after a restart, saw no difference.
Help > About Eclipse > Installation Details > Installed Software lists "FindBugs Feature".
Can anyone please offer a pointer on where I'm going wrong here? Thanks!
Windows 7, Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers Juno SR1, JDK 1.7.0_09, FindBugs 2.0.2-rc2
As suggested above, problem is likely caused by not having appropriate write access to the C:\Program Files\Eclipse\plugins folder.
Close Eclipse. Restart Eclipse as Administrator (right click - Run as Administrator). Reinstall plugin. Restart Eclipse.
It looks like the Findbugs plugin wasn't installed properly and/or disabled by Eclipse. There can be several causes.
Multiple versions of the same plugin. To make sure this isn't the case, remove all Findbugs versions (installed manually and via the marketplace), and reinstall one (preferably via the marketplace). Watch for any warnings during installation.
There is a (dependency) conflict with another plugin. However, if this is the case I think Eclipse will warn in the log which other plugin is the cause of the conflict.
Rights problem. Make sure you have write permissions in the main Eclipse folder and all it's child folders.
I remember reading somewhere that installing Eclipse under the C:\Program Files\ in Windows can also be causing problems. Try moving Eclipse to a different folder, e.g. C:\Eclipse
Hi I also faced the similar problem but from my own experience i can suggest you the solution :-
Plz ensure that you are using eclipse version 3.6 or higher. findbugs 2.0 is not compatible with Eclipse 3.5(Eclipse Galileo).
1) Plz extract the findbugs zip file into eclipse folder(wher your eclipse is installed). This will automatically move findbug plugins into eclipse plugins folder. Restart the eclipse and you will find findbugs option on right clicking on project.
2) if 1 step does not work plz remove all the findbug jars for the eclipse plugins folder and place the complete folder into the eclipse dropins folder. Restart the eclipse and you will see the difference.
You can follow these step's to make findbugs work in your eclipse.
1.Install FireBug plugin from marketplace.
Help->Eclipse Marketplace ->then search for FindBugs
2.Configure FindBug for your project
using Maven Without Maven
This worked fine for me using eclipse juno.

How to setup development mode for Eclipse GWT-Maven project?

I'm using Eclipse Indigo on Win XP with Java 6. I have Maven 3.0.3 and have a GWT (2.1) project, which I have imported into Eclipse. How do I create a run configuration that will run the GWT project in develpoment mode? I tried a run configuration with these goals:
clean gwt:run
But this fails to run in debug mode, since my breakpoint immediately upon entering the "onModuleLoad" method never gets triggered.
Thanks, - Dave
Have you seen ?
Follow the "if you'really not able to use Eclipse for Java EE" steps for best experience.
You should run it with:
For more information about goals check gwt-maven-plugin.