How to convert one partial function to another? - scala

Suppose I've got partial function parf
val parf: PartialFunction[Int, String] = { case 0 => "!!!" }
Now I've got also case class A(x: Int) and I need a function to transform PartialFunction[Int, String] to PartialFunction[A, String]:
def foo(pf: PartialFunction[Int, String]): PartialFunction[A, String] = ???
For example, foo(parf) should return {case A(0) => "!!!" }. How would you write function foo ?

To maintain the correct functionality, you need to check if the inner partial function is defined on a parameter you're going to pass:
val parf: PartialFunction[Int, String] = { case 0 => "!!!" }
case class A(x: Int)
def foo(pf: PartialFunction[Int, String]): PartialFunction[A, String] = {
case A(i) if pf.isDefinedAt(i) => pf(i)
If you plan to do it on a larger scale, you might want to convert a partial function to an extractor object, so it can be used in pattern matches directly with a better syntax:
trait Extractor[A, B] {
def unapply(a: A): Option[B]
object Extractor {
implicit def partialFunctionAsExtractor[A, B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Extractor[A, B] =
new Extractor[A, B] {
def unapply(a: A) = if (pf.isDefinedAt(a)) Some(pf(a)) else None
def foo2(pf: Extractor[Int, String]): PartialFunction[A, String] = {
case A(pf(str)) => str
foo2(parf) // implicit conversion magic

I don't see what got you confused about it? You just need to match-extract the Int out of A and then let the PF behave as it wants to behave.
scala> case class A(x: Int)
// defined class A
scala> val parf: PartialFunction[Int, String] = { case 0 => "!!!" }
// parf: PartialFunction[Int,String] = <function1>
scala> def foo(pf: PartialFunction[Int, String]): PartialFunction[A, String] = {
| case A(x) if pf.isDefinedAt(x) => pf(x)
| }
// foo: (pf: PartialFunction[Int,String])PartialFunction[A,String]
scala> val parfA = foo(parf)
// parfA: PartialFunction[A,String] = <function1>
scala> parfA(A(0))
//res0: String = !!!
scala> parfA(A(1))
// scala.MatchError: A(1) (of class A)
// at scala.PartialFunction$$anon$1.apply(PartialFunction.scala:254)
// at scala.PartialFunction$$anon$1.apply(PartialFunction.scala:252)
// at $anonfun$1.applyOrElse(<console>:11)
// at $anonfun$1.applyOrElse(<console>:11)
// at scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction.apply(AbstractPartialFunction.scala:34)
// at $anonfun$foo$1.applyOrElse(<console>:13)
// at $anonfun$foo$1.applyOrElse(<console>:13)
// at scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction.apply(AbstractPartialFunction.scala:34)
// ... 28 elided

#Oleg Pyzhcov already provided a great solution. Another approach would be to create a PartialFunction[A, Int] that is defined at A(0), and use andThen to chain it with parf:
val parf: PartialFunction[Int, String] = { case 0 => "!!!" }
case class A(n: Int)
val bar: PartialFunction[A, Int] = { case a: A if a.n == 0 => a.n }
def foo(pf: PartialFunction[Int, String]): PartialFunction[A, String] =
bar andThen pf
// foo: (pf: PartialFunction[Int,String])PartialFunction[A,String]
// res1: PartialFunction[A,String] = <function1>


Conflicting method when paramter is limited to AnyRef and AnyVal in Scala

Scala compiler detects the following two map functions as duplicates conflicting with each other:
class ADT {
def map[Output <: AnyVal](f: Int => Output): List[Output] = ???
def map[Output >: Null <: AnyRef](f: Int => Output): List[Output] = ???
The class type of Output parameter is different. First one limits to AnyVal and second one limits to AnyRef. How can I differentiate them?
The problem is not differentiating AnyVal from AnyRef so much as getting around the fact that both method signatures become the same after erasure.
Here is a neat trick to get around this kind of problem. It is similar to what #som-snytt did, but a bit more generic, as it works for other similar situations as well (e.g. def foo(f: Int => String): String = ??? ; def foo(f: String => Int): Int = ??? etc.):
class ADT {
def map[Output <: AnyVal](f: Int => Output): List[Output] = ???
def map[Output >: Null <: AnyRef](f: Int => Output)(implicit dummy: DummyImplicit): List[Output] = ???
The cutest thing is that this works "out of the box". Apparently, a DummyImplicit is a part of standard library, and you always have the thing in scope.
You can have more than two overloads this way too by just adding more dummies to the list.
scala 2.13.0-M5> :pa
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
object X {
def map[Output <: AnyVal](f: Int => Output) = 1
def map[O](f: Int => O)(implicit ev: O <:< AnyRef) = 2
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
defined object X
scala 2.13.0-M5> Int) => x*2)
res0: Int = 1
scala 2.13.0-M5> Int) => "")
res1: Int = 2
You could use a typeclass for that map method.
Using your exact example:
trait MyTC[Output]{
def map(f: Int => Output): List[Output]
object MyTC{
def apply[A](a : A)(implicit ev : MyTC[A]) : MyTC[A] = ev
implicit def anyRefMyTc[A <: AnyRef] : MyTC[A] = new MyTC[A]{
def map(f: Int => A): List[A] = { println("inside sub-AnyRef"); List.empty }
implicit def anyValMyTc[A <: AnyVal] : MyTC[A] = new MyTC[A]{
def map(f: Int => A): List[A] = { println("inside sub-AnyVal"); List.empty }
import MyTC._
val r1 = Option("Test1")
val r2 = List(5)
val v1 = true
val v2 = 6L
// The functions here are just to prove the point, and don't do anything.
MyTC(r1).map(_ => None)
MyTC(r2).map(_ => List.empty)
MyTC(v1).map(_ => false)
MyTC(v2).map(_ => 10L)
That would print:
inside sub-AnyRef
inside sub-AnyRef
inside sub-AnyVal
inside sub-AnyVal
The advantage of this approach is that, should you then choose to specialise the behaviour further for just some specific type (e.g. say you want to do something specific for Option[String]), you can do that easily:
// This is added to MyTC object
implicit val optMyTc : MyTC[Option[String]] = new MyTC[Option[String]]{
def map(f: Int => Option[String]): List[Option[String]] = { println("inside Option[String]"); List.empty }
Then, re-running the code will print:
inside Option[String]
inside sub-AnyRef
inside sub-AnyVal
inside sub-AnyVal

Scala: reflection and case classes

The following code succeeds, but is there a better way of doing the same thing? Perhaps something specific to case classes? In the following code, for each field of type String in my simple case class, the code goes through my list of instances of that case class and finds the length of the longest string of that field.
case class CrmContractorRow(
id: Long,
bankCharges: String,
overTime: String,
name$id: Long,
mgmtFee: String,
contractDetails$id: Long,
email: String,
copyOfVisa: String)
object Go {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val a = CrmContractorRow(1,"1","1",4444,"1",1,"1","1")
val b = CrmContractorRow(22,"22","22",22,"55555",22,"nine long","22")
val c = CrmContractorRow(333,"333","333",333,"333",333,"333","333")
val rows = List(a,b,c)
c.getClass.getDeclaredFields.filter(p => p.getType == classOf[String]).foreach{f =>
println(f.getName + ": " + => f.get(row).asInstanceOf[String]).maxBy(_.length))
bankCharges: 3
overTime: 3
mgmtFee: 5
email: 9
copyOfVisa: 3
If you want to do this kind of thing with Shapeless, I'd strongly suggest defining a custom type class that handles the complicated part and allows you to keep that stuff separate from the rest of your logic.
In this case it sounds like the tricky part of what you're specifically trying to do is getting the mapping from field names to string lengths for all of the String members of a case class. Here's a type class that does that:
import shapeless._, shapeless.labelled.FieldType
trait StringFieldLengths[A] { def apply(a: A): Map[String, Int] }
object StringFieldLengths extends LowPriorityStringFieldLengths {
implicit val hnilInstance: StringFieldLengths[HNil] =
new StringFieldLengths[HNil] {
def apply(a: HNil): Map[String, Int] = Map.empty
implicit def caseClassInstance[A, R <: HList](implicit
gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R],
sfl: StringFieldLengths[R]
): StringFieldLengths[A] = new StringFieldLengths[A] {
def apply(a: A): Map[String, Int] = sfl(
implicit def hconsStringInstance[K <: Symbol, T <: HList](implicit
sfl: StringFieldLengths[T],
key: Witness.Aux[K]
): StringFieldLengths[FieldType[K, String] :: T] =
new StringFieldLengths[FieldType[K, String] :: T] {
def apply(a: FieldType[K, String] :: T): Map[String, Int] =
sfl(a.tail).updated(, a.head.length)
sealed class LowPriorityStringFieldLengths {
implicit def hconsInstance[K, V, T <: HList](implicit
sfl: StringFieldLengths[T]
): StringFieldLengths[FieldType[K, V] :: T] =
new StringFieldLengths[FieldType[K, V] :: T] {
def apply(a: FieldType[K, V] :: T): Map[String, Int] = sfl(a.tail)
This looks complex, but once you start working with Shapeless a bit you learn to write this kind of thing in your sleep.
Now you can write the logic of your operation in a relatively straightforward way:
def maxStringLengths[A: StringFieldLengths](as: List[A]): Map[String, Int] =[StringFieldLengths[A]].apply).foldLeft(
Map.empty[String, Int]
) {
case (x, y) => x.foldLeft(y) {
case (acc, (k, v)) =>
acc.updated(k, acc.get(k).fold(v)(accV => math.max(accV, v)))
And then (given rows as defined in the question):
scala> maxStringLengths(rows).foreach(println)
This will work for absolutely any case class.
If this is a one-off thing, you might as well use runtime reflection, or you could use the Poly1 approach in Giovanni Caporaletti's answer—it's less generic and it mixes up the different parts of the solution in a way I don't prefer, but it should work just fine. If this is something you're doing a lot of, though, I'd suggest the approach I've given here.
If you want to use shapeless to get the string fields of a case class and avoid reflection you can do something like this:
import shapeless._
import labelled._
trait lowerPriorityfilterStrings extends Poly2 {
implicit def default[A] = at[Vector[(String, String)], A] { case (acc, _) => acc }
object filterStrings extends lowerPriorityfilterStrings {
implicit def caseString[K <: Symbol](implicit w: Witness.Aux[K]) = at[Vector[(String, String)], FieldType[K, String]] {
case (acc, x) => acc :+ ( -> x)
val gen = LabelledGeneric[CrmContractorRow]
val a = CrmContractorRow(1,"1","1",4444,"1",1,"1","1")
val b = CrmContractorRow(22,"22","22",22,"55555",22,"nine long","22")
val c = CrmContractorRow(333,"333","333",333,"333",333,"333","333")
val rows = List(a,b,c)
val result = rows
// get for each element a Vector of (fieldName -> stringField) pairs for the string fields
.map(r =>[(String, String)]())(filterStrings))
// get the maximum for each "column"
.reduceLeft((best, row) => {
case (kv1#(_, v1), (_, v2)) if v1.length > v2.length => kv1
case (_, kv2) => kv2
result foreach { case (k, v) => println(s"$k: $v") }
You probably want to use Scala reflection:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
val rm = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
val instanceMirrors = rows map rm.reflect
typeOf[CrmContractorRow].members collect {
  case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor && m.returnType =:= typeOf[String] =>
    val maxValue = instanceMirrors map (_.reflectField(m).get.asInstanceOf[String]) maxBy (_.length)
    println(s"${}: $maxValue")
So that you can avoid issues with cases like:
case class CrmContractorRow(id: Long, bankCharges: String, overTime: String, name$id: Long, mgmtFee: String, contractDetails$id: Long, email: String, copyOfVisa: String) {
val unwantedVal = "jdjd"
I have refactored your code to something more reuseable:
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
case class CrmContractorRow(
id: Long,
bankCharges: String,
overTime: String,
name$id: Long,
mgmtFee: String,
contractDetails$id: Long,
email: String,
copyOfVisa: String)
object Go{
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val a = CrmContractorRow(1,"1","1",4444,"1",1,"1","1")
val b = CrmContractorRow(22,"22","22",22,"55555",22,"nine long","22")
val c = CrmContractorRow(333,"333","333",333,"333",333,"333","333")
val rows = List(a,b,c)
val initEmptyColumns = List.fill(a.productArity)(List())
def aggregateColumns[Tin:ClassTag,Tagg](rows: Iterable[Product], aggregate: Iterable[Tin] => Tagg) = {
val columnsWithMatchingType = (0 until rows.head.productArity).filter {
index => rows.head.productElement(index) match {case t: Tin => true; case _ => false}
def columnIterable(col: Int) =[Iterable[Tin]] => (index,aggregate(columnIterable(index))))
def extractCaseClassFieldNames[T: scala.reflect.ClassTag] = {
val agg = aggregateColumns[String,String] (rows,_.maxBy(_.length))
val fieldNames = extractCaseClassFieldNames[CrmContractorRow]{case (index,value) => fieldNames(index) + ": "+ value}.foreach(println)
Using shapeless would get rid of the .asInstanceOf, but the essence would be the same. The main problem with the given code was that it was not re-usable since the aggregation logic was mixed with the reflection logic to get the field names.

Scala (scalaz) State monad - map over Option state type

How can I apply implement the following function?
def wrapIntoOption(state: State[S, A]): State[Option[S], Option[A]]
The bigger picture is this:
case class Engine(cylinders: Int)
case class Car(engineOpt: Option[Engine])
val engineOptLens = Lens.lensu((c, e) => c.copy(engineOpt = e), _.engineOpt)
def setEngineCylinders(count: Int): State[Engine, Int] = State { engine =>
(engine.copy(cylinders = count), engine.cylinders)
def setEngineOptCylinders(count: Int): State[Option[Engine], Option[Int]] = {
??? // how to reuse setEngineCylinders?
def setCarCylinders(count: Int): State[Car, Option[Int]] = {
Is there nicer way to deal with Option properties?
One way to create the wrapIntoOption function would be to call run on the passed State[S, A] and convert the resulting (S, A) tuple into (Option[S], Option[A]).
import scalaz.State
import scalaz.std.option._
import scalaz.syntax.std.option._
def wrapIntoOption[S, A](state: State[S, A]): State[Option[S], Option[A]] =
State(_.fold((none[S], none[A])){ oldState =>
val (newState, result) =
(newState.some, result.some)
You could then define setEngineOptCylinders as :
def setEngineOptCylinders(count: Int): State[Option[Engine], Option[Int]] =
Which you can use as :
scala> val (newEngine, oldCylinders) = setEngineOptCylinders(8).run(Engine(6).some)
newEngine: Option[Engine] = Some(Engine(8))
oldCylinders: Option[Int] = Some(6)

Convert a List[String] to a case class using Shapeless

I was wondering if anyone could provide some insight on a problem I'm having. I've made a gist with some code and explanation of my problem:
Basically I'm trying to make something that will allow me to convert List[String] to a case class. I've made a Reader that will allow me to do so, but I've run into the issue where a Reader defined for a case class can't contain a reader for a separate case class.
Looking at the 'non-working example' below - I encounter an issue where, when reading, I don't know how many items to pull out of the list. With Bar, which holds a Test, I would need to pull 2 elements out (because Test has two parameters). Is there a way for me to know the amount of fields a case class has just from its type? Is there a better way to do this?
Here is an example of how to use the Reader. I've included a non-working example as well.
////Working Example////
case class Foo(a: Int, s: String)
object Foo {
implicit val FooReader : Reader[Foo] =
Reader[Int :: String :: HNil].map(Generic[Foo].from _)
val read: ValidationNel[String, Foo] =[Foo](List("12","text"))
println(read)//Success(Foo(12, "text"))
////Non-working Example////
case class Test(a: Int, b: String)
object Test {
implicit val TestReader: Reader[Test] =
Reader[Int :: String :: HNil].map(Generic[Test].from _)
case class Bar(c: Test)
object Bar {
implicit val BarReader: Reader[Bar] =
Reader[Test :: HNil].map(Generic[Bar].from _)
val barRead =[Bar](List("21", "someString"))
println(barRead) //Failure(NonEmptyList("Invalid String: List()", "Exepected empty, but contained value"))
Something like this works for me (modification of this)
object ShapelessStringToTypeConverters {
import cats._, implicits._, data.ValidatedNel
import mouse._, string._, option._
import shapeless._, labelled._
private type Result[A] = ValidatedNel[ParseFailure, A]
case class ParseFailure(error: String)
trait Convert[V] {
def parse(input: String): Result[V]
object Convert {
def to[V](input: String)(implicit C: Convert[V]): Result[V] =
def instance[V](body: String => Result[V]): Convert[V] = new Convert[V] {
def parse(input: String): Result[V] = body(input)
implicit def booleans: Convert[Boolean] =
s =>
.leftMap(e => ParseFailure(s"Not a Boolean ${e.getMessage}"))
implicit def ints: Convert[Int] =
s =>
.leftMap(e => ParseFailure(s"Not an Int ${e.getMessage}"))
implicit def longs: Convert[Long] =
s =>
.leftMap(e => ParseFailure(s"Not an Long ${e.getMessage}"))
implicit def doubles: Convert[Double] =
s =>
.leftMap(e => ParseFailure(s"Not an Double ${e.getMessage}"))
implicit def strings: Convert[String] = Convert.instance(s => s.validNel)
sealed trait SchemaMap[A] {
def readFrom(input: Map[String, String]): ValidatedNel[ParseFailure, A]
object SchemaMap {
def of[A](implicit s: SchemaMap[A]): SchemaMap[A] = s
private def instance[A](body: Map[String, String] => Result[A]): SchemaMap[A] = new SchemaMap[A] {
def readFrom(input: Map[String, String]): Result[A] =
implicit val noOp: SchemaMap[HNil] =
SchemaMap.instance(_ => HNil.validNel)
implicit def parsing[K <: Symbol, V: Convert, T <: HList](implicit key: Witness.Aux[K], next: SchemaMap[T]): SchemaMap[FieldType[K, V] :: T] =
SchemaMap.instance { input =>
val fieldName =
val parsedField = input
.cata(entry =>[V](entry), ParseFailure(s"$fieldName is missing").invalidNel)
.map(f => field[K](f))
(parsedField, next.readFrom(input)).mapN(_ :: _)
implicit def classes[A, R <: HList](implicit repr: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R], schema: SchemaMap[R]): SchemaMap[A] =
SchemaMap.instance { input =>
schema.readFrom(input).map(x => repr.from(x))
sealed trait SchemaList[A] {
def readFrom(input: List[String]): ValidatedNel[ParseFailure, A]
object SchemaList {
def of[A](implicit s: SchemaList[A]): SchemaList[A] = s
private def instance[A](body: List[String] => Result[A]): SchemaList[A] = new SchemaList[A] {
def readFrom(input: List[String]): Result[A] = body(input)
implicit val noOp: SchemaList[HNil] =
SchemaList.instance(_ => HNil.validNel)
implicit def parsing[K <: Symbol, V: Convert, T <: HList](implicit key: Witness.Aux[K], next: SchemaList[T]): SchemaList[FieldType[K, V] :: T] =
SchemaList.instance { input =>
val fieldName =
val parsedField = input
.cata(entry =>[V](entry), ParseFailure(s"$fieldName is missing").invalidNel)
.map(f => field[K](f))
(parsedField, next.readFrom(input.tail)).mapN(_ :: _)
implicit def classes[A, R <: HList](implicit repr: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R], schema: SchemaList[R]): SchemaList[A] =
SchemaList.instance { input =>
schema.readFrom(input).map(x => repr.from(x))
case class Foo(a: String, b: Int, c: Boolean)
def m: Map[String, String] = Map("a" -> "hello", "c" -> "true", "b" -> "100")
def e: Map[String, String] = Map("c" -> "true", "b" -> "a100")
val result = SchemaMap.of[Foo].readFrom(m)
val lst = List("145164983", "0.01862523", "16.11681596", "21:38:57", "bid")
case class Trade0(tid: Long, price: Double, amount: Double, time: String, tpe: String)
val result2 = SchemaList.of[Trade0].readFrom(lst)

How to remove PartialFunction input bound

Is there any way to convert PartialFunction[Int,_] to PartialFunction[Any,_] ?
Following code throws ClassCastException
val f: PartialFunction[Int, _] = ...
Wrap it in a new partial function which is undefined for inputs that aren't of type Int:
val g: PartialFunction[Any, Any] = { case x: Int if f isDefinedAt x => f(x) }
You can wrap your partial function in a new PartialFunction, as has already been suggested:
val g: PartialFunction[Any, Any] = {
case x: Int if f isDefinedAt x => f(x)
Another option is to extend PartialFunction and manually override apply and isDefined. You can even do this with an anonymous class. For example:
new PartialFunction[Any, Any] {
def apply(x: Any) = f(x.asInstanceOf[Int])
def isDefinedAt(x: Any) = x.isInstanceOf[Int] && f.isDefinedAt(x.asInstanceOf[Int])
You might also play with Function.unlift and PartialFunction.lift, or PartialFunction.condOpt:
import Function._
val g = unlift[Any, Any] {
case x: Int => f.lift(x)
case _ => None
//Alternative with condOpt
import PartialFunction._
val g = unlift(condOpt(_ : Any) { case x: Int => f.lift(x) }.flatten)
If this is common enough, you might even enrich PartialFunction with the desired method:
implicit class RichPartialFunction(val pf: PartialFunction[Int, Any]) extends AnyVal {
implicit def withAnyDomain = new PartialFunction[Any, Any] {
def apply(x: Any) = pf(x.asInstanceOf[Int])
def isDefinedAt(x: Any) = x.isInstanceOf[Int] && pf.isDefinedAt(x.asInstanceOf[Int])