How to manage page cache resources when running Kafka in Kubernetes - apache-kafka

I've been running Kafka on Kubernetes without any major issue for a while now; however, I recently introduced a cluster of Cassandra pods and started having performance problems with Kafka.
Even though Cassandra doesn't use page cache like Kafka does, it does make frequent writes to disk, which presumably effects the kernel's underlying cache.
I understand that Kubernetes pods are managing memory resources through cgroups, which can be configured by setting memory requests and limits in Kubernetes, but I've noticed that Cassandra's utilization of page cache can increase the number of page faults in my Kafka pods even when they don't seem to be competing for resources (i.e., there's memory available on their nodes).
In Kafka more page faults leads to more writes to disk, which hamper the benefits of sequential IO and compromise disk performance. If you use something like AWS's EBS volumes, this will eventually deplete your burst balance and eventually cause catastrophic failures across your cluster.
My question is, is it possible to isolate page cache resources in Kubernetes or somehow let the kernel know that pages owned by my Kafka pods should be kept in the cache longer than those in my Cassandra pods?

I thought this was an interesting question, so this is a posting of some findings from a bit of digging.
Best guess: there is no way with k8s OOB to do this, but enough tooling is available such that it could be a fruitful area for research and development of a tuning and policy application that could be deployed as a DaemonSet.
Applications can use the fadvise() system call to provide guidance to the kernel regarding which file-backed pages are needed by the application and which are not and can be reclaimed.
Applications can also use O_DIRECT to attempt to avoid the use of page cache when doing IO:
There is some indication that Cassandra already uses fadvise in a way that attempts to optimize for reducing its page cache footprint:
There is also some recent (Jan 2017) research from Samsung patching Cassandra and fadvise in the kernel to better utilize multi-stream SSDs:
Kafka is page cache architecture aware, though it doesn't appear to use fadvise directly. The knobs available from the kernel are sufficient for tuning Kafka on a dedicated host:
vm.dirty* for guidance on when to get written-to (dirty) pages back onto disk
vm.vfs_cache_pressure for guidance on how aggressive to be in using RAM for page cache
Support in the kernel for device-specific writeback threads goes way back to the 2.6 days:
Cgroups v1 and v2 focus on pid-based IO throttling, not file-based cache tuning:
That said, the old linux-ftools set of utilities has a simple example of a command-line knob for use of fadvise on specific files:
So there's enough there. Given specific kafka and cassandra workloads (e.g. read-heavy vs write-heavy), specific prioritizations (kafka over cassandra or vice versa) and specific IO configurations (dedicated vs shared devices), one could emerge with a specific tuning model, and those could be generalized into a policy model.


Performance Postgresql on Local Volume K8s

currently I recently switched our PostgreSQL cluster from a simple "bare-metal" (vms) workload to a containerised K8s cluster (also on vms).
Currently we run zalando-incubator/postgres-operator and use Local Volume's with volumeMode: FileSystem the volume itself is a "simple" xfs volume mounted on the host.
However we actually seen performance drops up to 50% on the postgres cluster inside k8s.
Some heavy join workloads actually perform way worse than on the old cluster which did not use containers at all.
Is there a way to tune the behavior or at least measure the performance of I/O to find the actual bottleneck (i.e. what is a good way to measure I/O, etc.)
Is there a way to tune the behavior
Be cognizant of two things that might be impacting your in-cluster behavior: increased cache thrashing and the inherent problem of running concurrent containers on a Node. If you haven't already tried it, you may want to use taints and tolerations to sequester your PG Pods away from other Pods and see if that helps.
what is a good way to measure I/O, etc.
I would expect the same iostat tools one is used to using would work on the Node, since no matter how much kernel namespace trickery is going on, it's still the Linux kernel.
Prometheus (and likely a ton of other such toys) surfaces some I/O specific metrics for containers, and I would presume they are at the scrape granularity, meaning you can increase the scrape frequency, bearing in mind the observation cost impacting your metrics :-(
It appears new docker daemons ship with Prom metrics, although I don't know what version introduced that functionality. There is a separate page discussing the implications of high frequency metric collection. There also appears to be a Prometheus exporter for monitoring arbitrary processes, above and beyond the PostgreSQL specific exporter.
Getting into my opinion, it may be a very reasonable experiment to go head-to-head with ext4 versus a non-traditional FS like xfs. I can't even fathom how much extra production experience has gone into ext4, merely by the virtue of almost every Linux on the planet deploying on it by default. You may have great reasons for using xfs, but I just wanted to ensure you had at least considered that xfs might have performance characteristics that make it problematic in a shared environment like a kubernetes cluster.

Is there a reason not to share hosts for OSDs and Radosgw in a Ceph setup?

I am performance testing Ceph. I have a limited number of VMs to do this with. I want to have several radosgws, for a round-robin set up. Will my bechmarks be grossly inaccurate if I use the same hosts for OSDs and radosgw?
Main issue with sharing OSD with any other part of installation, is a thread count. Ceph OSD daemon creates a lot of threads during high load (you want to use Ceph under high load, aren't you?). I can't say how many threads radosgw creates, but it is a well known problem with scenario 'OSDs on compute hosts'. When you have too many threads, OS scheduler starts to mess up with them, threshing CPU cache and significantly drops performance (and raises latencies).
Ceph RGW is light weight process, does not require much CPU and Memory but it does require Network bandwidth. IMO you can collocate RGWs and OSDs provided that you have dedicated Ceph cluster and public networks and RGW should use Ceph public network.
I have done a similar kind of performance benchmarking which includes co-located and dedicated RGWs. I have not found significant performance difference between the two configurations. Co-located RGWs were performing a bit less ( but not substantial difference ).
So if one has to design a low cost object storage solution based on Ceph , then he might want to consider co-locating RGWs on OSDs. You can save some $$
FYI , co-located RGW configuration is not a supported configuration from RedHat point of view. Things are progressing preety fast in that direction.

Apache Mesos vs Google Kubernetes

What's the difference between Apache's Mesos and Google's Kubernetes
I read the accepted answers but I'm still confused what the differences are.
If Kubernetes is a cluster management then what does Mesos do (I understand what it does from watching bunch of videos but I suppose I'm more confused how those two work together)?
From reading both Kubernetes and Marathon are "framework" sitting on top of Mesos?
What is Mesos responsible for and what are Kubernetes/Marathon responsible for and how do they work with each other?
I think the better question is When would I want to use Kubernetes on top of Mesos vs just running Mesos alone?
Mesos is another abstraction layer. It simply abstracts underlying hardware so the software that want to run on the top of it could only define required resources without having to know any other information.
Kubernetes could do similar thing but without abstraction provided by Mesos you can't run other frameworks (e.g., Spark or Cassandra) on same machine without manually dividing it between those frameworks.
Apache Mesos is a resource manager that shares resources (CPU shares, RAM, disk, ports) across a cluster of machines in a fair way. By sharing, I mean it offers these resources to so called framework schedulers (such as Marathon) and thereby has a clear separation of concerns in terms of resource management and scheduling decisions (which is implemented, depending on the job type, for example long-running or batch, by the framework scheduler). See also the Mesos architecture for further details.

Persistent storage for Apache Mesos

Recently I've discovered such a thing as a Apache Mesos.
It all looks amazingly in all that demos and examples. I could easily imagine how one would run for stateless jobs - that fits to the whole idea naturally.
Bot how to deal with long running jobs that are stateful?
Say, I have a cluster that consists of N machines (and that is scheduled via Marathon). And I want to run a postgresql server there.
That's it - at first I don't even want it to be highly available, but just simply a single job (actually Dockerized) that hosts a postgresql server.
1- How would one organize it? Constraint a server to a particular cluster node? Use some distributed FS?
2- DRBD, MooseFS, GlusterFS, NFS, CephFS, which one of those play well with Mesos and services like postgres? (I'm thinking here on the possibility that Mesos/marathon could relocate the service if goes down)
3- Please tell if my approach is wrong in terms of philosophy (DFS for data servers and some kind of switchover for servers like postgres on the top of Mesos)
Question largely copied from Persistent storage for Apache Mesos, asked by zerkms on Programmers Stack Exchange.
Excellent question. Here are a few upcoming features in Mesos to improve support for stateful services, and corresponding current workarounds.
Persistent volumes (0.23): When launching a task, you can create a volume that exists outside of the task's sandbox and will persist on the node even after the task dies/completes. When the task exits, its resources -- including the persistent volume -- can be offered back to the framework, so that the framework can launch the same task again, launch a recovery task, or launch a new task that consumes the previous task's output as its input.
Current workaround: Persist your state in some known location outside the sandbox, and have your tasks try to recover it manually. Maybe persist it in a distributed filesystem/database, so that it can be accessed from any node.
Disk Isolation (0.22): Enforce disk quota limits on sandboxes as well as persistent volumes. This ensures that your storage-heavy framework won't be able to clog up the disk and prevent other tasks from running.
Current workaround: Monitor disk usage out of band, and run periodic cleanup jobs.
Dynamic Reservations (0.23): Upon launching a task, you can reserve the resources your task uses (including persistent volumes) to guarantee that they are offered back to you upon task exit, instead of going to whichever framework is furthest below its fair share.
Current workaround: Use the slave's --resources flag to statically reserve resources for your framework upon slave startup.
As for your specific use case and questions:
1a) How would one organize it? You could do this with Marathon, perhaps creating a separate Marathon instance for your stateful services, so that you can create static reservations for the 'stateful' role, such that only the stateful Marathon will be guaranteed those resources.
1b) Constraint a server to a particular cluster node? You can do this easily in Marathon, constraining an application to a specific hostname, or any node with a specific attribute value (e.g. NFS_Access=true). See Marathon Constraints. If you only wanted to run your tasks on a specific set of nodes, you would only need to create the static reservations on those nodes. And if you need discoverability of those nodes, you should check out Mesos-DNS and/or Marathon's HAProxy integration.
1c) Use some distributed FS? The data replication provided by many distributed filesystems would guarantee that your data can survive the failure of any single node. Persisting to a DFS would also provide more flexibility in where you can schedule your tasks, although at the cost of the difference in latency between network and local disk. Mesos has built-in support for fetching binaries from HDFS uris, and many customers use HDFS for passing executor binaries, config files, and input data to the slaves where their tasks will run.
2) DRBD, MooseFS, GlusterFS, NFS, CephFS? I've heard of customers using CephFS, HDFS, and MapRFS with Mesos. NFS would seem an easy fit too. It really doesn't matter to Mesos what you use as long as your task knows how to access it from whatever node where it's placed.
Hope that helps!

Is my RabbitMQ cluster Active Active or Active Passive?

I have created a cluster consists of three RabbitMQ nodes using join_cluster command.
rabbitmqctl –n rabbit2#MYPC1 join_cluster rabbit2#MYPC1
(currently the cluster runs on a single computer)
In the documents it says there is one implemetation for active passive and one for active active.
What did I configure?
How do I know?
How can it be changed?
Is there a big performance trade off between Active Active & Active Passive?
What is the best practice to interact with active/active?
i.e. install a load balancer? apache that will round robin
What is the best practice to interact with active/passive?
if I interact with only the active - this is a single point f failure
I have been doing some research into availability options with RabbitMQ and while I am still fairly new, I'll attempt to answer your questions with the knowledge I do have. Please understand that these answers are not intended to be comprehensive.
Before getting to the questions and answers, I think it's worth pointing out that I think using the terms Active/Active and Active/Passive in the context of a cluster running on a single computer does not really apply. Active/Active and Active/Passive are typically terms used to describe highly available clusters where you have a system of more than one logical server (in your case, multiple RabbitMQ clusters), shared/redundant storage, network capabilities, power, etc.
What did I configure?
Without any load balancing for the nodes in your cluster or queue mirroring you have neither, meaning you do not have a highly available cluster.
How do I know?
RabbitMQ does not provide any connection management so traffic with a failed node will not automatically be passed on to a different node, which is required for an active/active cluster. Without queue mirroring you do not have fully redundant nodes in your cluster, which is required for active/passive.
How can it be changed?
Even if you implement load balancing and/or queue mirroring you are missing a number of requirements to offer a highly-available RabbitMQ cluster. Primarily, with a RabbitMQ cluster you only have a single logical broker (at least two are required for an HA cluster).
Is there a big performance trade off between Active Active & Active Passive?
I think you will start seeing performance penalties as you start introducing data replication and/or redundancy, which would affect both Active/Active and Active/Passive. If you are using synchronous data replication then you will see a bigger performance hit than if you replicate data asynchronously. There's a lot more to it, but to me this feels like there may be a bigger performance hit by using Active/Active but this depends heavily on how fast all of the pieces are working together. In Active/Passive where you may be using asynchronous replication across servers your performance may appear better but in a failover situation you would need to wait for that replication to complete before you can switch to your secondary server.
What is the best practice to interact with active/active? i.e. install a load balancer? apache that will round robin
RabbitMQ recommends using a load balancer so that you do not have to leak details about the nodes in your cluster to the clients.
What is the best practice to interact with active/passive? if I interact with only the active - this is a single point of failure
It is a point of failure but with Active/Passive you can implement a failure strategy to retry the next available server or all remaining servers. With these strategies in place you can establish a scenario where the capabilities of your cluster are merely degraded while a failover is happening instead of totally unavailable. Also, you can interact with the passive side but the types of interactions may be very different (i.e. read-only access) since there may be fewer resources available on the passive side and there may be delays in data replication.
Here are some references used to gather this information:
High-Availability Cluster on Wikipedia
Clustering with RabbitMQ
Highly Available Queues in a RabbitMQ Cluster
High Availability in RabbitMQ