Autofac Multi Tenant override and IEnumerable<T> inject/resolve - autofac

Please forgive my non-native English:
In short, What is the best way for a tenant to override default IEnumerable<T> registration?
TL;DR So I have a service ServiceToBeResove(IEnumerable<IShitty> svcs) need an IEnumerable<IShitty> dependency, but we found not all our tenants have services registered as IShitty, so in our application container we create an not implemented NoImplementShitty and register it as a TypeService of IShitty to server as a default one to make resolve process happy, we do get tenant-specific if tenant have registration and this default non-implemented if tenant forgot to register. But we soon find the ServiceToBeResove will have both tenants implemented registered IShitty and the default NoImplementShitty for its dependence of IEnumerable. What I really want for the IEnumerable<IShitty> dependency is just used tenant registered (registered 1 or more), if tenant not registered, just use the default NoImplementShitty as the IEnumerable<IShitty>. I have played with .OnlyIf(), OnlyIfRegistered(), .PreventDefault() on the app container and it really not helps since autofac will build default first and then tenant. I can certainly use the NoImplementShitty for all the tenant that missing registration of IShitty but it doesn't seem to take the advantage of multiple tenant's override-default features.
To be more specific, In our base AgreementModule, we have
builder.RegisterType<NoOpAgreementHandler>() //NoOpAgreementHandler is the IShitty
In our tenantA, we have
public class TenantAContainerBuilder : ITenantContainerBuilder
public virtual object TenantId => "1";
public virtual void Build(ContainerBuilder builder)
We build container as below:
var appContainer = builder.Build();
var tenantIdentifier = new ManualTenantIdentificationStrategy(); //We have our own strategy here I just use the ManualTenantIdentificationStrategy for example
var multiTenantContainer = new MultitenantContainer(tenantIdentifier, appContainer);
//GetTenantContainerBuilders will basically give you all TenantBuilder like TenantAContainerBuilder above
foreach (IGrouping<object, ITenantContainerBuilder> source in GetTenantContainerBuilders().GroupBy(x => x.TenantId))
var configurationActionBuilder = new ConfigurationActionBuilder();
configurationActionBuilder.AddRange(source.Select(x => new Action<ContainerBuilder>(x.Build)));
multiTenantContainer.ConfigureTenant(source.Key, configurationActionBuilder.Build());
When try to resolving the service, if we do:
public DisbursementAgreementManager(IEnumerable<IAgreementHandler> agreementHandlers)
_agreementHandlers = agreementHandlers;
The agreementHandlers will be an IEnumerable of NoOpAgreementHandler and TenantAAgreementHandler, seems wierd to have NoOpAgreementHandler and I thought we will only get TenantAAgreementHandler. But if we change the DisbursementAgreementManager to
public DisbursementAgreementManager(IAgreementHandler agreementHandler)
_agreementHandler = agreementHandler;
We will get only the TenantAAgreementHandler which is expected.

The default behavior of Autofac is there for a reason. Asking it to do it differently would be adding application logic at the dependency-injection level, which violates the separation of concerns (DI should only inject dependencies) and leads directly to surprising behavior ("Why did DI not inject every available component?") and undercuts the maintainability of the system.
This may be a non-issue.
The logic is self-contained inside each IAgreementHandler.
If so, at the point where they are invoked by DisbursementAgreementManager, they are all called and then perform their own logic (which may include a decision whether to do anything all). E.g.:
foreach (var ah in _agreementHandlers) ah.Agree(disbursementInfo);
or maybe something like
foreach (var ah in _agreementHandlers.Where(a => a.ShouldRun(data) || overridingCondition))
var agreement = ah.Agree(info);
or whatever. The point is that if NoOpAgreementHandler is doing what it is supposed to (that is, nothing) then it should have no effect when it is called. No problem.
If the situation is other than described, then NoOpAgreementHandler and possibly IAgreementHandler need to be refactored.
There is another point of concern:
The reason we add the no-op is we have unit tests for registration/resolve in order to make sure all registration is properly configured.
Your testing requirements are bleeding into your primary logic. These DI configuration tests should be independent of the production DI configuration. NoOpAgreementHandler shouldn't even be in your primary project, just a member of the unit test project.


Switching a DbContext to using Ninject Dependency injection per user session

I have an application that is used in 2 different sites. Each site has it's own Database.
There are 2 DbContexts, 1 for each site. When the user opens my application there is a splash page where they choose their site. After choosing the site the kernel is rebound to use the DbContext for the selected site.
private void RebindDbContext(string site)
switch (site)
case "Site1":
case "Site2":
Now for the Bob & Mary explanation:
This works fine when Bob selects site 1. But when Mary selects a site 2. The dbContext for Bob is re-bound to site 2. What I want is for Bob and Mary to be able to use the application at the same time without affecting each other.
I have tried using TransientScope, ThreadScope and InRequest Scope but none of these have worked.
The application is being run on an IIS server
Thanks for any help
Bindings are intended to be done once per application, not dependent upon state. In this instance, you have a couple options:
1) A Ninject.Activation.IProvider
public class DbContextProvider : Ninject.Activation.IProvider
public Type Type
get { return typeof(DbContext); }
public object Create(IContext context)
var siteProvider = context.Kernel.Get<ISiteProvider>(); // use a provider to find which site is being used
switch (siteProvider.Current)
case "Site1":
return new DbContext1(); // or use a factory to create
case "Site2":
return new DbContext2();
2) Conditional Binding
The When() modifier has a bunch of overloads for different states, or you could create an extension method if you have one type you use a lot.
.When(request => request.ParentContext.Kernel.Get<ISiteProvider>().Current == "Site1")
.When(request => request.ParentContext.Kernel.Get<ISiteProvider>().Current == "Site2")
This is a good option if you only have a few conditions that this binding may be applied. If your logic gets ANY more complex than this, go for the provider. Also note that Conditional Bindings incur a performance penalty.
3) A ToMethod() Binding
For the simplest binding logic, you can have Ninject run some code each time the binding is resolved:
Bind<DbContext>().ToMethod(context =>
Basically, which option you select depends on how much logic is involved in deciding which instance to activate. In each instance, you can either new() up an instance, or you have access to the IKernel in which you can resolve an instance:
here's some official documentation of the activation process:

Unity Entity Framework within ASP.NET WebAPI 2

I have a very weird problem with Unity here. I have the following:
public class UnityConfig
public static void RegisterTypes(IUnityContainer container)
container.RegisterType<IDBContext, MyDbContext>(new PerThreadLifetimeManager());
container.RegisterType<IUserDbContext>(new PerThreadLifetimeManager(), new InjectionFactory(c =>
var tenantConnectionString = c.Resolve<ITenantConnectionResolver>().ResolveConnectionString();
return new UserDbContext(tenantConnectionString);
and then in the WebApiConfig.cs file within the Reigster method:
var container = new UnityContainer();
config.DependencyResolver = new UnityResolver(container);
Basically, what I want to happen in the above code is on every request to the API, I want Unity to new up a UserDbContext based on the user (multi-tenant kind of environment). Now the TenantConnectionResolver is responsible for figuring out the Connection String and then I use that connection string to new up UserDbContext.
Also note (not shown above) that TenantConnectionResolver takes an IDbConext in its constructor because I need it to figure out the connection string based on user information in that database.
But for some reason, the code within the InjectionFactory runs at random times. For example, I call // repetitively from a browser, the code in the InjectionFactory will occasionally run but not on each request.
Am I incorrectly configuring Unity? Has anybody encountered anything similar to this?
Thanks in advance
The problem is very likely related to the LifetimeManager you are using. PerThreadLifetimeManager is not adapted in a web context, as threads are pooled and will serve multiple requests in sequence.
PerRequestLifetimeManager is probably what you want to use.

EntityFramework with Repository Pattern and no Database

I have a web api project that I'm building on an N-Tier system. Without causing too many changes to the overall system, I will not be touching the data server that has access to the database. Instead, I'm using .NET remoting to create a tcp channel that will allow me to send requests to the data server, which will then query the database and send back a response object.
On my application, I would like to use entity framework to create my datacontexts (unit of work), then create a repository pattern that interfaces with those contexts, which will be called by the web api project that I created.
However, I'm having problems with entity framework as it requires me to have a connection with the database. Is there anyway I can create a full entity framework project without any sqlconnections to the database? I just need dbcontexts, which I will be mapping my response objects and I figure that EF would do what I needed (ie help with design, and team collabs, and provide a nice graphical designer); but it throws an error insisting that I need a connection string.
I've been searching high and low for tutorials where a database is not needed, nor any sql connection string (this means no localdb either).
Okay as promised, I have 3 solutions for this. I personally went with #3.
Note: Whenever there is a repository pattern present, and "datacontext" is used, this is interpreted as your UnitOfWork.
Solution 1: Create singletons to represent your datacontext.
I found this idea after going to's website and checked out their samples. They have a sample called NoDb, which allows them to create a singleton, which can create an item and a list of items, and a method to populate the datacontext. You create singletons that would lock a space in memory to prevent any kind of thread conflicts. Here is a tid bit of the code:
//generates singleton
public class TodoContext
static TodoContext{ }
private TodoContext() { }
public static TodoContext Instance
if (!__instance._initialized)
__instance._initialized = true;
return __instance;
public void PopulateWithSampleData()
var newList = new TodoItem { Title = "Before work"};
var listId = newList.TodoListId;
var newItem = new TodoItem {
TodoListId = listId, Title = "Make coffee", IsDone = false };
newItem = new TodoItem {
TodoListId = listId, Title = "Turn heater off", IsDone = false };
//SaveChanges(), SaveTodoList(), AddTodoItem, etc.
{ ... }
private static readonly Object __lock = new Object();
private static readonly TodoContext __instance = new TodoContext();
private bool _initialized;
private readonly List<TodoItem> _todoLists = new List<TodoItem>();
private readonly List<KeyMapping> _keyMappings = new List<KeyMapping>();
There's a repository included which directs how to save the context and what needs to be done before the context is saved. It also allows the list of items to be queryable.
Problem I had with this:
I felt like there was higher maintenance when creating new datacontexts. If I have StateContext, CityContext, CountryContext, the overhead of creating them would be too great. I'd have problems trying to wrap my head around relating them to each other as well. Plus I'm not too sure how many people out there who agree with using singletons. I've read articles that we should avoid singletons at all costs. I'm more concerns about anyone who'd be reading this much code.
Solution 2: Override the Seed() for DropCreateDatabaseAlways
For this trick, you have to create a class called SampleDatastoreInitializer that inherits from System.Data.Entity.DropCreateDatabaseAlways where T is the datacontext, which has a reference to a collection of your POCO model.
public class State
public string Abbr{ get; set; }
public string Name{ get; set; }
public class StateContext : DbContext
public virtual IDbSet<State> States { get; set; }
public class SampleDatastoreInitializer : DropCreateDatabaseAlways<StateContext>
protected override void Seed (StateContext context)
var states = new List<State>
new State { Abbr = "NY", Name = "New York" },
new State { Abbr = "CA", Name = "California" },
new State { Abbr = "AL", Name = "Alabama" },
new State { Abbr = "Tx", Name = "Texas" },
states.ForEach(s => context.States.Add(s));
This will actually embed the data in a cache, the DropCreateDatabaseAlways means that it will drop the cache and recreate it no matter what. If you use some other means of IDatabaseInitializer, and your model has a unique key, you might get an exception error, where you run it the first time, it works, but run it again and again, it will fail because you're violating the constraints of primary key (since you're adding duplicate rows).
Problem I had with this:
This seems like it should only be used to provide sample data when you're testing the application, not for production level. Plus I'd have to continously create a new initializer for each context, which plays a similar problem noted in solution 1 of maintainability. There is nothing automatic happening here. But if you want a way to inject sample code without hooking up to a database, this is a great solution.
Solution 3: Entity framework with Repository (In-memory persistence)
I got this solution from this website:
He first sets up an edmx file, using EF5 and the code generator templates for EF5 dbcontexts you can get from VS extension libraries.
He first uses the edmx to create the contexts and changes the tt templates to bind to the repository class he made, so that the repository will keep track of the datacontext, and provide the options of querying and accessing the data through the repository; in his website though he calls the repository as MemoryPersistenceDbSet.
The templates he modified will be used to create datacontexts that will bind to an interface (IEntity) shared by all. Doing it this way is nice because you are establishing a Dependency Injection, so that you can add any entity you want through the T4 templates, and there'd be no complaints.
Advantage of this solution:
Wrapping up the edmx in repository pattern allows you to leverage the n-tier architecture, so that any changes done to the backend won't affect the front end, and allows you to separate the interface between the front end and backend so there are no coupled dependencies. So maybe later on, I can replace my edmx with petapoco, or massive, or some other ORM, or switch from in-memory persistence to fetching data from a database.
I followed everything exactly as explained. I made one modification though:
In the t4 template for, where DbSetInConstructor is added, I had the code written like this:
public string DbSetInConstructor(EntitySet entitySet)
return string.Format(
“this.{1} = new BaseRepository();”,
_typeMapper.GetTypeName(entitySet.ElementType), entitySet);
Because in my case I had the entityset = Persons and entityname = Person. So there’d be discrepancy. But this should cover all bases.
Final step:
So whether you picked solution 1, 2, or 3. You have a method to automatically populate your application. In these cases, the stubs are embedded in the code. In my case, what I've done is have my web server (containing my front end app), contact my data server, have the data server query the database. The data server will receive a dataset, serialize it, and pass it back to the web server. The web server will take that dataset, deserialize it, and auto-map to an object collection (list, or enumberable, or objectcollection, etc).
I would post the solutions more fully but there's way too much detail between all 3 of these solutions. Hopefully these solutions would point anyone in the right direction.
Dependency Injection
If anyone wants some information about how to allow DI to api controllers, Peter Provost provides a very useful blog that explains how to do it. He does a very very good job.
few more helpful links of repository wrapping up edmx:

Entity Framework DefaultConnectionFactory being ignored

I'm using Entity Framework 5 with Code First. I've written a custom IDbConnectionFactory which I want to use for all the connections made by my DbContext class, so early on in the application's lifecycle, before any database work is done, I call
Database.DefaultConnectionFactory = new MyConnectionFactory();
However, MyConnectionFactory.CreateConnection is never called, which suggests to me that EF's changed it back - but the debugger shows that it's still a MyConnectionFactory after several queries have run. For some reason, it's just not using it.
My DbContext is initialised by passing the name of a connection string from the app.config file, and those connection strings do specify an explicit provider (as indeed they have to) so I'm wondering if that's causing a per-connection override of the connection factory based on the connection string. Does this happen and can I stop it without registering a completely new provider (although maybe that's not too hard to do?).
Whatever I see online about this (much obscured by the defaultConnectionFactory tag in various app.config examples) suggests you can just change it to an IDbConnectionFactory instance of your choice and it'll work, but mine isn't behaving.
The purpose of this is to allow me to run a particular set of SQL statements whenever a new connection is opened, so the second part of this question would be does anybody know a better way to do this?
I know it is not ideal but this worked for me:
public class DBBase : DbContext
public DBBase(string nameOrConnectionString)
: base(Database.DefaultConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(nameOrConnectionString), true)
// ...
You need to get the connection that you built for each call that you are wanting to use. For example using the following code.
private static void UsingCustomConnection()
using (var conn = Database.DefaultConnectionFactory.CreateConnection("YourDbName"))
using (var context = new YourContext(conn))
context.Destinations.Add(new Destination {Name = "Colorado"});
You will need to setup this in YourContext
public YourContext(DbConnection connection)
: base(connection, contextOwnsConnection: false)

Unit testing EF - how to extract EF code out from BL?

I have read so much (dozens of posts) about one thing:
How to unit test business logic code that has Entity Framework code in it.
I have a WCF service with 3 layers :
Service Layer
Business Logic Layer
Data Access Layer
My business logic uses the DbContext for all the database operations.
All my entities are now POCOs (used to be ObjectContext, but I changed that).
I have read Ladislav Mrnka's answer here and here on the reasons why we should not mock \ fake the DbContext.
He said:
"That is the reason why I believe that code dealing with context / Linq-to-entities should be covered with integration tests and work against the real database."
"Sure, your approach works in some cases but unit testing strategy must work in all cases - to make it work you must move EF and IQueryable completely from your tested method."
My question is - how do you achieve this ???
public class TaskManager
public void UpdateTaskStatus(
Guid loggedInUserId,
Guid clientId,
Guid taskId,
Guid chosenOptionId,
Boolean isTaskCompleted,
String notes,
Byte[] rowVersion
using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
using (CloseDBEntities entities = new CloseDBEntities())
User currentUser = entities.Users.SingleOrDefault(us => us.Id == loggedInUserId);
if (currentUser == null)
throw new Exception("Logged user does not exist in the system.");
// Locate the task that is attached to this client
ClientTaskStatus taskStatus = entities.ClientTaskStatuses.SingleOrDefault(p => p.TaskId == taskId && p.Visit.ClientId == clientId);
if (taskStatus == null)
throw new Exception("Could not find this task for the client in the database.");
if (taskStatus.Visit.CustomerRepId.HasValue == false)
throw new Exception("No customer rep is assigned to the client yet.");
TaskOption option = entities.TaskOptions.SingleOrDefault(op => op.Id == optionId);
if (option == null)
throw new Exception("The chosen option was not found in the database.");
if (taskStatus.RowVersion != rowVersion)
throw new Exception("The task was updated by someone else. Please refresh the information and try again.");
taskStatus.ChosenOptionId = optionId;
taskStatus.IsCompleted = isTaskCompleted;
taskStatus.Notes = notes;
// Save changes to database
// Complete the transaction scope
In the code attached there is a demonstration of a function from my business logic.
The function has several 'trips' to the database.
I don't understand how exactly I can strip the EF code from this function out to a separate assembly, so that I am able to unit test this function (by injecting some fake data instead of the EF data), and integrate test the assembly that contains the 'EF functions'.
Can Ladislav or anyone else help out?
Here is another example of code from my business logic, I don't understand how I can 'move the EF and IQueryable code' out from my tested method :
public List<UserDto> GetUsersByFilters(
String ssn,
List<Guid> orderIds,
List<MaritalStatusEnum> maritalStatuses,
String name,
int age
using (MyProjEntities entities = new MyProjEntities())
IQueryable<User> users = entities.Users;
// Filter By SSN (check if the user's ssn matches)
if (String.IsNullOrEmusy(ssn) == false)
users = users.Where(us => us.SSN == ssn);
// Filter By Orders (check fi the user has all the orders in the list)
if (orderIds != null)
users = users.Where(us => UserContainsAllOrders(us, orderIds));
// Filter By Marital Status (check if the user has a marital status that is in the filter list)
if (maritalStatuses != null)
users = users.Where(pt => maritalStatuses.Contains((MaritalStatusEnum)us.MaritalStatus));
// Filter By Name (check if the user's name matches)
if (String.IsNullOrEmusy(name) == false)
users = users.Where(us => == name);
// Filter By Age (check if the user's age matches)
if (age > 0)
users = users.Where(us => us.Age == age);
return users.ToList();
private Boolean UserContainsAllOrders(User user, List<Guid> orderIds)
return orderIds.All(orderId => user.Orders.Any(order => order.Id == orderId));
If you want to unit test your TaskManager class, you should employ the Repository dessign pattern and inject repositories such as UserRepository or ClientTaskStatusRepository into this class. Then instead of constructing CloseDBEntities object you will use these repositories and call their methods, for example:
User currentUser = userRepository.GetUser(loggedInUserId);
ClientTaskStatus taskStatus =
clientTaskStatusRepository.GetTaskStatus(taskId, clientId);
If yout wanto to integration test your TaskManager class, the solution is much more simple. You just need to initialize CloseDBEntities object with a connection string pointing to the test database and that's it. One way how to achieve this is injecting the CloseDBEntities object into the TaskManager class.
You will also need to re-create the test database before each integration test run and populate it with some test data. This can be achieved using Database Initializer.
There are several misunderstandings here.
First: The Repository Pattern. It's not just a facade over DbSet for unit testing! The repository is a pattenr strongly related to Aggregate and Aggreate Root concepts of Domain Driven Design. An aggregate is a set of related entities that should stay consistent to each other. I mean a business consistency, not just only a foreign keys validity. For example: a customer who have made 2 orders should get a 5% discount. So we should somehow manage the consistency between the number of order entities related to a customer entity and a discount property of the customer entity. A node responsible for this is an aggregate root. It is also the only node that should be accessible directly from outside of the aggregate. And the repository is an utility to obtain an aggregate root from some (maybe persistent) storage.
A typical use case is to create a UoW/Transaction/DbContext/WhateverYouNameIt, obtain one aggregate root entity from the repository, call some methods on it or access some other entities by traversing from the root, Commit/SaveChanges/Whatever. Look, how far it differs from yur samples.
Second: The Business Logic. I've already showed you one example: a customer who have made 2 orders should get a 5% discount. In contrary: your second code sample is not a business logic. It's just a query. The responsibility of this code is to obtain some data from the storage. In such a case, the storage technology behind it does matter. So I would recomend integration tests here rather than pretending the storage doesn't matter when interacting with the storage is the sole purpose of this function.
I would also encapsulate that in a Query Object that was already suggested. Then - such a query object could be mocked. Not just DbContext behind it. The whole QO.
The first code sample is a bit better because it probably ivolves some business logic, but that's dificult to identify. Wich leads us to the third problem.
Third: Anemic Domain Model. Your domain doesnt' look very object oriented. You have some dumb entities and transaction scripts over them. With 7 parameters! Thats pure procedural programming.
Moreover, in your UpdateTaskStatus use case - what is the aggregate root? Befere you answer that, the most important question first: what exactly do you want to do? Is that... hmm... marking a current task of a user done when he was visited? Than, maybe there should be a method Visit() inside a Customer Entity? And this method should have something like this.CurrentTaskStatus.IsCompleted = true?
That was just a random guess. If I missed, that would clearly show another issue. The domain model should use the ubiquitous language - something common for the programmer and a business. Your code doesn't have that expressive power that a common language gives. I just don't know what is going on there in UpdateTaskStatus with 7 parameters.
If you place proper expressive methods for performing business operations in your entities that will also enforce you to not use DbContext there at all, as you need your entities to stay persistence ignorant. Then the problem with mocking disappears. You can test the pure business logic without persistence concerns.
So the final word: Reconsider your model first. Make your API expressive by using ubiquitous language first.
PS: Please don't treat me as an authority. I may be completely wrong as I'm just starting to learn DDD.