Postgres table queries not responding - postgresql

I have been trying to truncate a table using SQlWorkbench. Suddenly, SqlWorkbench got freezed, while the truncate was in progress. I had to kill workbench from taskmanager. But now none of the queries are working on the table on which the truncate was aborted abruptly. For other tables queries are working fine. Need help, as I have to upload fresh data on the same table. Currently I am not even able to drop the table. What can be done to resolve this issue?

This looks like the TRUNCATE got stuck behind a lock, and then you killed the front end, while TRUNCATE kept running.
Connect to the database as superuser and examine the pg_stat_activity view; you should see some long running transactions.
Use the function pg_terminate_backend to kill these sessions by their pid.


why detach partition in postgres is not responding in postgres?

when I am trying to execute below query through Perl script my code is getting unresponsive (not throwing any error only cursor is waiting to execute this query).
ALTER TABLE base_table
interestingly above query is working fine on the postgres terminal.
what are all the possible scenarios for which i am facing this issue and how it could be resolved?
There is a concurrent long running transaction holding a lock on the table. Terminate all such transactions, and it will work fine.

DBLink query doesn't terminate even after it completes

I have a Dblink query Amazon RDS (Postgres) that execute an INSERT with rows from an Amazon Redshift cluster.
The query terminates after 15/20 minutes, if not more, but I can see that all rows are being inserted after only few minutes.
I'm running these queries via JetBrains' DataGrip.
Some other similar dblink on the same connection, terminate as expected.
The only difference I see being the size of the table, which is bigger in the first case.
All these queries are simply copying the whole table. Pretty much like this:
insert into rds_table(
select *
from db_link('foreign_server',
select *
from redshift_table
$REDSHIFT$) as table_n(...)
Where "foreign server" is my connection to Redshift.
I know that the query is completed because rds_table has the same number of rows as redshift_table.
DataGrip shows the query as still running:
and won't let me run other queries until I manually stop the query.
If I do so, the inserted rows remain in the database, meaning that the transaction has already committed.
Why is this happening? Is it a problem with DataGrip or with Postgres?
How can I fix it?
Is there any other better alternative to migrate data from Redshift to RDS?
If a concurrent transaction can already see the inserted data, that means that the inserting transaction and consequently the INSERT statement must already be finished.
If DataGrip shows the statement as still running, it is lying to you.
So this must be a DataGrip bug.

Small UPDATE makes hang issue

PostgreSQL 9.5.
A very small update SQL uses very high CPU for a long time like a hang.
My Windows console application uses a simple UPDATE statement to update the latest time as follows.
UPDATE META_TABLE SET latest_time = current_timestamp WHERE host = 'MY_HOST'
There are just 2 console applications which issue above SQL.
No index on META_TABLE.
Only 1 row.
When it is hanging, no lock information.
IDLE status in pg_stat_activity
Commit after UPDATE.
During that the hang time, I can INSERT or DELETE data with the table above.
After starting the application, about in 20 minutes, this issue happens.
I think it is not a SQL statement or table structure issue, probably something wrong in a database side.
Can you guess anything to resolve this issue?
There are 2 db connections in the console application. 1 for Select & 1 for DML.
I tried to close DML DB connection every 2 minutes. Then, I haven't seen the issue!! However, the hang issue happened on SELECT statement (also very simple SELECT).
It seems that there is a some limit per the session.
Now, I am also closing the Select db connection as well per 3 minutes and monitoring.

Redshift Drop Table Stuck

I have a cronjob that is kicked off every night that involves building up a temporary table, dropping the current table on Redshift, and swapping in the temporary table for the old one. More than half of the time, this specific job gets stuck when dropping the existing table and behaving as if there is some pending transaction that is stopping the drop from going through.
This is just one of dozens of jobs that uses the exact same script to run overnight, none of which have ever had this issue; however, there are a few minor differences:
The box that this particular job is running on is a different box from all of the other production jobs, as this one is currently in a testing state.
The S3 key used on this box is different from the other box.
In addition to the fact that I have never seen this on any other job, this issue has been extremely difficult to troubleshoot for the following reasons:
I have not been able to replicate this issue by running the script manually on the same box it is currently being run on; the script executes as expected, with the table drop occurring in mere seconds. The only difference I can think of here is that I'm executing the script as ubuntu whereas the cronjob is executed from root.
I have not had any success identifying or terminating the sessions that are causing the drop to stall; I've looked high and low on Stack Overflow (this is the most applicable question with answers - redshift drop or truncate table very very slow), the Redshift docs, and otherwise, but nothing I've found has been the answer. When I see that the job is stalled, I've checked the following tables on Redshift and usually find that things are in the following state:
The temporary table has been created, but the old version of the destination table is still there.
The stv_locks table shows that that there are three processes running, with the lock_status of "Holding write lock," "Holding delete lock," and "Holding insert lock" respectively. The process ID associated with these is NOT the ID related to the current job.
The stv_tr_conflict table shows nothing.
The stv_recents table shows the drop with a status of Running.
The query that's supposedly creating the lock described above shows up in the svl_qlog as finished, so that seems to contradict the stv_locks table.
Using pg_terminate_backend to stop the associated process does not actually remove the session when querying stv_sessions, but DOES free up something that allows the job to finish.
Any help in figuring out what exactly is going on here would be greatly appreciated!
I faced the same problem, I just rebot RS then it works again normally.

How to drop a Redshfit database with connected users

Is it possible to drop active connections to Redshift in order to drop a database?
In my development environment I find myself recreating the schema very frequently and if there happens to be some stray process connected to the database this fails. I know it's possible to do this with Postgresql using pg_terminate_backend, but this doesn't seem to work on Redshift.
Deleting rows from the STV_SESSIONS table isn't an option, either.
Any ideas?
Find the PIDs of current running queries
select pid from stv_recents where status = 'Running';
and terminate all the queries with
select pg_terminate_backend(pid);