Paypal Chained Adaptive Payments - Is It Still Viable? - paypal

I currently use Paypal Chained Adaptive Payments on my website to split payments between merchants. Currently, we are undergoing a rewrite during which time I went back to read some of the documentation on Adaptive Payments.
I noticed this message below which gives me the vibe that Adaptive Payments may be phased out/discontinued in the future.
Important: Adaptive Payments is now a limited release product. It is restricted to select partners for approved use cases and should not be used for new integrations without guidance from PayPal.
Is this case? Should I be looking for a new payment solution?

Well, this true. PayPal has finally decided to take this off from its available product since January 2017. The option left is by using their new product called Marketplace. This however required a permission to accomplish.


Is Paypal Adaptive Payment API depreached

We are researching a way to automatically pay the developers of e-commerce modules we sell on our web shop. A lot of reading suggest the Paypal Adaptive Parallel Payment should be the solution. But Paypal developer docs seem to say that this API is now restricted and no option. If so, is there a new API from Paypal. The Braintree marketplace is no option for us in Europe
Express Checkout supports parallel payments as well --
Actually Adaptive Payments are still supported now. You may try access below page to apply for an APP ID. If your application is approved, you may still continue integrate with Adaptive Payments.

Easiest way to add PayPal to existing Stripe billing flow

I have an educational website that uses 'Stripe Connect' to accept payments from students, and split the payments between myself (the platform provider) and the teachers (content-creators).
Payments to teachers are currently handled through Stripe. Whenever a student purchases content, the teacher automatically receives the payment directly into their Stripe account. I retain a portion of the transaction directly into my Stripe account. It's an easy system and works nicely.
The problem is that students want to pay with PayPal.
So, I would like to add PayPal as a payment option for students, without forcing content-creators to connect two separate accounts--one for when viewers pay with PayPal, and another for when viewers pay with Stripe. The only idea I have so far, is to deposit all PayPal payments to one PayPal account, then manually "payout" teachers into their Stripe accounts every week.
But is there an automated way to do this? Stripe says they don't accept payments from PayPal.
Any ideas/help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Adaptive payments does support chained payments, as Andrew says in his answer; it would work very much like what you describe having set up with Stripe.
However, this will not meet your requirements of having both PayPal and Stripe payments arrive in a single teacher account. Unfortunately, Stripe & PayPal see each other as competitors and to my knowledge neither one has built a tidy product to consolidate "their" payments into the other company's account.
If you are willing to move away from Stripe, PayPal does provide many solutions that consolidate "raw" credit card payments and PayPal account payments into a single receiver account, including through Adaptive Payments as cited by Andrew.
I would add that Braintree, having been purchased by PayPal, provides perhaps the most Stripe-like integration for a product that would accomplish this goal. However, I do not believe that the Braintree SDK will do the chained payments for you; you might have to do some work to make that happen on your end (take the first payment, then calculate and make payouts either weekly as you mentioned or per-incoming-transaction).
A couple other things to think about: if you split some payments into delayed fulfillment but others are chained inside one payments provider you will need to support two very different flows; you may find it easier (for both you and your content providers) to select one model and run everything through that model.
Also, instead of payments going to you & then chained to the content providers you could have payments to go directly to the content providers and then trigger billing (either invoicing or automatically collected via recurring payments) from the content providers to you for your cut.
The best pattern depends largely upon how you want the legal & financial responsibilities to lie: are you providing the good or service and people are paying you for it, making you like a retail store or distributor for producers? Or are content providers providing the good or service being paid for to the students, and you are like a marketplace/facilitator/advertising venue? This question becomes significant as soon as someone is unsatisfied with something they have bought :).
You can use the Adaptive Payments platform with PayPal to split payments just like you're doing with Stripe. Specifically, you'd use the Pay API setup as a chained payment with a secondary receiver.
If you happen to be working with PHP my class library for PayPal will make all of the API calls very simple for you.

PayPal guest payments outside US

I need to process payments from customers who have credit cards, but not necessarily a PayPal account - and they need not be required to sign up for PayPal either. From what I have found in the docs so far, it seems I need so-called Adaptive Payments to do that. Does this work with the REST API and can I do this outside the US (I live in Austria)?
Both PayPal Payments Standard and PayPal Express Checkout support guest transactions; you really don't need Adaptive Payments for this.
I suggest you take a look at the Express Checkout documentation, including the Getting Started guide we have available.

Adaptive Parallel Payment with REST API Example?

I didn't quite understand is it possible to split a payment
among several merchants using the REST API?
If so can anyone reference to an example (preferably PHP)
Google didn't quite find anything for me on the matter.
REST does not support the full suite of calls that Classic does. You will have to implement Classic (NVP or SOAP) to get to Adaptive payments, where you can split payments via Chained Payments
This page talks about Chained Payments and all the examples it gives are Classic NVP
As of this point in time it is not supported to do what you are asking. The options as suggested by others are to use Adaptive Payments or Express Checkout. I tend to prefer the former but to each his own.
Just to quote from their page
The Adaptive Payments API allows merchants and developers to pay
almost anyone and set up automated payments. They can create
applications that manage payments, payment preapprovals, and refunds.
They can also send money peer-to-peer, split payments in both parallel
and chained models, accept guest payments, and schedule disbursements.
The Adaptive Payments API works on multiple platforms including the
web and mobile environments.
The link is Adpative Payments
After going through the above link and understanding the basics, it should be easy to follow the steps mention Here as mentioned by the above answer as well
Not at this time. You would have to use either Adaptive Payments or Express Checkout.
use this sdk to integrate paypal adaptive payment.

Integrating paypal recurring

I am new to PayPal integrating and need to integrate PayPal recurring for subscriptions. I googled for that, but I am confused with below questions.
Which API should I use with PayPal recurring, WPS or Paypal express checkout? Which one will be good?
Is there any good example or help to integrate this?
Thanks a ton in advance.
Good overview of recurring payments: Handling recurring payments
I'm using the Lionite PHP Paypal class. It's not free, but even if you're not going to use it, read through that page because it contains some useful info that is omitted from the Paypal docs.
If I understand correctly, Express Checkout requires your customer to set up a Paypal account, so Website Payments Standard would be a better option.
Unfortunately the Paypal SDK only has code examples for direct payment. If you want to use Website Payments Pro with Direct Payment, be aware of PCI compliance (which can be expensive and time-consuming) and also be aware that services like BrainTree exist which have transparent redirect, thus helping you to avoid PCI compliance (I haven't used this service however).
Express checkout code example:
Set up your sandbox account at
Update: IPN for recurring payments is a nightmare. Not only are the recurring payment IPN responses completely undocumented, but none of the support staff I talked to had a clue about them either (in some cases they gave me incorrect answers to questions). Here is a list that others have put together, but all of these resources are incomplete:
Unfortunately because of the limits placed on recurring payments with express checkout, direct payment was the only option for me. I strongly suggest that if you need to do direct payment with recurring payments that you find a different payment provider.