make creating non-native JS trait instances easier in scala.js with scala.meta - scala.js

I create alot of non-native JS trait instances as parameters to javascript functions
trait ElementOpts extends js.Object {
val prop1: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined
// another 10-15 vals
To create an instance:
createElement(new ElementOpts {
override val prop1 = "value1"
override val prop2 = "value2"
// several more, maybe not *all* possible vals
However, there is alot typing noise in defining these with the override vals, etc.
It would be nice just to just type a list of key-value pairs and have that turned into the trait which is typechecked so you cannot accidentally add a val that is not defined in the trait:
and have that turned into the above "new ElementOpts" syntax. I used "lit" to be suggestive of a javascript literal object.
Can scalameta do this? If so, is there an example of something similar? Or should this be handled in a pre-processor of some sort.

Define your ElementOpts with vars instead of vals, and then you can simply do:
createElement(new ElementOpts {
prop1 = "value1"
prop2 = "value2"
// several more, maybe not *all* possible vars


Why this class need to be abstract in scala?

In java and c#,I can write this:
class Tree {
Tree left;
Tree right;
but in scala:
class Tree{
val left:Tree
val right:Tree
I need to add abstract for class,or write:
val left:Tree=new Tree()
I can write this:
trait Tree{
val left:Tree
val right:Tree
but why if I use class,I "have to"and abstract?I don't think it's a good design
The reason you can write
class Tree {
Tree left;
Tree right;
in Java and C# is because the fields are initialized to null by default (or to 0, etc. depending on the type). Scala's designers decided this is a bad idea and you need to initialize them. So the approximate Scala equivalent is
class Tree {
// note, not val
var left: Tree = null
var right: Tree = null
which is legal (but probably not something you actually want to use).
but why if I use class,I "have to"and abstract?
You have to mark your class with the abstract keyword because your class is abstract. It cannot possibly be instantiated.
I don't think it's a good design
Good design is subjective. The designers of Scala thought that being explicit in this case, rather than making the class automatically abstract was good design. I would guess that the majority of the Scala community agrees with them.
You disagree, and that is perfectly okay.
It happened because scala sometimes considers val and def as method like declarations. Let me elaborate, please, for instance, we have the next Scala example:
class Example {
val a: String = "example"
val example = new Example()
You may see that a declared as a field. Unlike Java, we can change this declaration easily to def and everything remains compiling:
class Example {
def a: String = "example"
val example = new Example()
In the case of Java (not sure about C# I've never worked with it), if you would like to access the field over getter method, you will need to change all invocation places from field to method access.
Now, you can consider val as let's say sort of eager cached def version - if so then declaring val without actually value assignment implicitly considered by compiler as declaring method without implementation and that's why compiler says Tree is an abstract class - because left and right has no values, hence they are abstract. In order to make it non-abstract, you need to assign a value to fields or use var if you would like to proceed with mutable structure, e.g.:
class Example {
val a: String = "example"
val example = new Example()

Scala collection whose elements can construct sibling instances using named parameters and default values?

I want to have a collection of objects, each object a companion of a different class, which classes all share a common method defined in a superclass that can be invoked when looping through the collection with a foreach(). I want the constructors of these sibling-classes to have the same named parameters and default parameter values as each other. Finally, I want to minimize repeated code.
Thus far, I am trying to do this with case classes, since--if it worked--it would eliminate all the duplicated code of the companion-objects for each type. The problem is that if I put all these companion objects into a Set, when I take them out again I lose the default parameters and parameter names.
Here is some example code of what I am describing:
trait MyType {
val param: String
def label = param // all instances of all subclasses have this method
case class caseOne(override val param: String = "default") extends MyType
case class caseTwo(override val param: String = "default") extends MyType
object Main extends App {
// I can construct instances using the companion objects' `apply()` method:
val works1 = caseOne(param = "I have been explicitly set").label
// I can construct instances that have the default parameter value
val works2 = caseOne().label
// But what I want to do is something like this:
val set = Set(caseOne, caseTwo)
for {
companion <- set
} {
val fail1 = companion() // Fails to compile--not enough arguments
val fail2 = companion(param = "not default") // Fails also as param has lost its name
val succeeds = companion("nameless param") // this works but not what I want
println(fail1.label + fail2.label) // this line is my goal
Notably if the Set has only one element, then it compiles, suggesting the inferred type of the multi-element Set lacks the parameter name--even though they are the same--and the default values. Also suggesting that if I gave the Set the right type parameter this could work. But what would that type be? Not MyType since that is the type of the companion classes rather that the objects in the Set.
I could define the companion objects explicitly, but that is the repeated code I want to avoid.
How can I loop through my collection, constructing instances of MyType subclasses on each iteration, with constructors that have my desired parameter names and default values? All while minimizing repeated code?
Update: Originally the example code showed caseOne and caseTwo as having different default values for param. That was incorrect; they are now the same.
You're not going to be able to get exactly what you want since you don't really have much control over the auto-generated companion objects. In particular for this to work they would all need to extend a common trait. This is why it fails to compile when the set has more than one companion object; even though they all have a method with the same signature, they don't extend a common trait for the compiler to utilize.
You can use a nested case class and get something very similar though:
trait MyType {
val param: String
def label = param // all instances of all subclasses have this method
abstract class MyTypeHelper(default: String) {
case class Case(param: String) extends MyType
def apply(param: String) : Case = Case(param)
def apply(): Case = apply(default)
object One extends MyTypeHelper("default one")
object Two extends MyTypeHelper("default two")
object Example {
val works1 = One(param = "I have been explicitly set").label
val works2 = One().label
val set = Set(One, Two)
for {
companion <- set
} {
val a = companion()
val b = companion(param = "not default")
val c = companion("nameless param")
println(a.label + b.label)
Instead of having a caseOne type, you have One.Case, but it still implements MyType so you shouldn't have any issue anywhere else in the code that uses that trait.

How do I create "options objects" in Scala.Js?

In idiomatic JavaScript it's common to have a function accept an "options object" as the last parameter. This is where you'd usually put all the option/seldom-used parameters, e.g.
url: "",
success: function() {
The current documentation for Scala.JS recommands using a Scala trait to represent the options object, but that leads to a problem when you have to create the options since you cannot pass an anonymous class into JavaScript code.
How can such option objects be created from Scala code?
We recommend the following (if you chose to create facade-types):
trait AjaxOptions extends js.Object {
val url: String = js.native
val success: js.Function0[Unit] = js.native
object AjaxOptions {
def apply(url: String, success: js.Function0[Unit]): AjaxOptions = {
js.Dynamic.literal(url = url, success = success).asInstanceOf[AjaxOptions]
The advantage is that the type-unsafe cast is contained in a single location. Further, if you ever decide to add/remove fields to/from AjaxOptions, you will (hopefully) think of also adapting the companion's apply method. As a result, the typer will inform you where you have to change your invocations (rather than just having the new field set to undefined).
Please refer to What is the suggested way to instantiate a js.Object for API wrappers for more.
Since Scala.js has evolved, I'm amending my answer with the current best practice:
At this point, you should use a trait to describe the options object, like this:
trait AjaxOptions extends js.Object {
var url: String
var success: UndefOr[js.Function0[Unit]] = js.undefined
That UndefOr[T] means "this field might contain T, or might be undefined"; note that you are initializing those to js.undefined, so they have a default value.
Then, at the call site, you simply override the values that you need to set:
val ajaxResult = new AjaxOptions {
url = ""
Note the curly braces: you're actually creating an anonymous subclass of AjaxOptions here, that does what you want. Any fields you don't override (such as success above) get left as undefined, so the library will use its default.
Old Answer:
This question is pretty old, but since people are still coming here:
If you have a large and complex options object (as is typical of, say, jQuery UI classes), you may want to build a facade for that using JSOptionBuilder, which is found in the jsext library. JSOptionBuilder isn't quite a panacea, but it's a not-too-much boilerplate mechanism for constructing and using arbitrarily complex options objects.
Here's a method that I've found to work quite well:
val fooOptions = js.Dynamic.literal().asInstanceOf[FooOptions]
fooOptions.url = ... = ...
jsFunc(..., fooOptions)
Of course this assumes that the FooOptions trait has declared the fields as var. If not, you'll have to use
val fooOptions = js.Dynamic.literal(
url = ...,
bar = ...,
jsFunc(..., fooOptions)
but that is less type-safe.
If you're declaring your own options trait, you could also add a companion object with an appropriate apply method:
trait FooOptions extends Js.Object {
var foo: js.String = ???
var bar: js.String = ???
object FooOptions {
def apply(): FooOptions =
That'll make calling code a lot prettier:
val fooOptions = FooOptions() = ... = ...
jsFunc(..., fooOptions)

How does the object in class pattern work, as used in the Lift Framework?

I'm new to scala and can't get my head around how the Lift guys implemented the Record API. However, the question is less about this API but more about Scala in general. I'm interested in how the object in class pattern works, used in Lift.
class MainDoc private() extends MongoRecord[MainDoc] with ObjectIdPk[MainDoc] {
def meta = MainDoc
object name extends StringField(this, 12)
object cnt extends IntField(this)
object MainDoc extends MainDoc with MongoMetaRecord[MainDoc]
In the upper snippet you can see how a record is defined in Lift. The interesting part is that the fields are defined as objects. The API allows you to create Instances like this:
val md1 = MainDoc.createRecord
This is probably done by using the apply method? But at the same time you are able to get the values by doing something like this:
val name =
How does this all work? Are the objects not that static when in scope of an class. Or are they just constructor classes for some internal representation? How is it possible to iterate over all fields, do you use Reflection?
You are more of less on the right track. You actually don't need to define your fields as objects, you could have written your example as
class MainDoc private() extends MongoRecord[MainDoc] with ObjectIdPk[MainDoc] {
def meta = MainDoc
val name = new StringField(this, 12)
val cnt= new IntField(this)
object MainDoc extends MainDoc with MongoMetaRecord[MainDoc]
The net.liftweb.record.Field trait does contain an apply method that is the equivalent to set. That's why you can assign the fields by name after instantiating the object.
The field reference you mentioned:
val name =
Would type name as a StringField. If what you were thinking was
val name: String =
that would fail to compile (unless there was an implicit in scope to convert Field[T] => T). The proper way retrieve the String value of the field would be
val name =
Record does use reflection to gather the fields. When you define an object within a class, the compiler will create a field to hold the object instance. From the standpoint of reflection, the object appears very similar to the alternate way to define a field that I mentioned before. Each of the definitions probably creates a subclass of the field type, but that's no different than
val name = new StringField(this, 12) {
override def label: NodeSeq = <span>My String Field</span>
You're right about it being the apply method. Record's Field base class defines a few apply methods.
def apply(in: Box[MyType]): OwnerType
def apply(in: MyType): OwnerType
By returning the OwnerType, you can chain invocations together.
Regarding the use of object to define fields, that confused me at first, too. The object identifier defines an object within a particular scope. Even though it's convenient to think of object as a shortcut for the singleton pattern, it's more flexible than that. According to the Scala Language Spec (section 5.4):
It is roughly equivalent to the following definition of a lazy value:
lazy val m = new sc with mt1 with ... with mtn { this: m.type => stats }
The expansion given above is not accurate for top-level objects. It cannot be because variable and method definition cannot appear on the top-level outside of a
package object (§9.3). Instead, top-level objects are translated to static fields.
Regarding iterating over all the fields, Record objects define a allFields method which returns a List[net.liftweb.record.Field[_, MyType]].

New constructors for classes with Scala rich wrapping (implicit)

In Scala, you can "add new methods" to existing classes by creating wrapper class and using "implicit def" to convert from the original class to the rich wrapper class.
I have a java library for graphics that uses plenty of constructors with looong lists of floats. I would love to add new constructors to these classes with rich wrapping but this doens't seem to work like the above for methods. In other words, I would like to have simpler constructors but still to be able to keep using the original class names and not some wrapper class names but currently I see no other options.
Sounds like you want to use Scala's apply(...) factory methods, which you build in to the companion object for your class.
For example, if you have:
class Foo(val bar: Int, val baz: Int) {
... class definition ...
You could add (in the same file):
object Foo {
def apply(bar: Int) = new Foo(bar, 0)
With this in hand, creating a new Foo instance, just providing the bar parameter, is as easy as
val myBar = 42
val myFoo = Foo(myBar) // Note the lack of the 'new' keyword.
This will result in myFoo being assigned an instance of Foo where bar = 42, and baz = 0.
Yes, you need a combination of the "Pimp my Library" approach and an apply factory method.