Yii2: Populating model field with value from many-to-many relation - rest

We are trying to set-up our REST API in a way that a user can only retrieve data related to his account. Uptill now, We've only had a public API and it all worked like a charm.
The public API will still get used, so we started from scratch.
We have a User model, extending ActiveRecord and implementing IdentityInterface. A User will have a relation to a Customer model (Many:Many, but at least one). A User will have only one MASTER Customer.
The above is saved in the database using 3 tables app_customer_users,app_customers and link_customer_users_customers. The join table contains a boolean field master.
In the User model:
public function getCustomers() {
return $this->hasMany(Customer::className(), ['id' => 'customer_id'])
->viaTable('link_customer_users_customers', ['user_id' => 'id']);
In the Customer model:
public function getUsers() {
return $this->hasMany(User::className(), ['id' => 'user_id'])
->viaTable('link_customer_users_customers', ['customer_id' => 'id']);
This works great if we would request all customers, they'll have 'users' populated (if we add it in extraFields etc, etc...)
The new API uses Basic user:pass in authentication, and we can get the current user object/identity by calling Yii::$app->user->getIdentity().
We would like to be able to include the Customer ID when a user connects in a way that we can get it by calling Yii::$app->user->getIdentity()->customer_id OR Yii::$app->user->getIdentity()->getCustomerId() The Customer ID should be the ID where master in the join table == true.
We've tried adding it to fields, as we did before with hasOne relations, but in this case it does not seem to work:
$fields['customer_id'] = function($model) {
return $model->getCustomers()->where('link_customer_users_customers.master', true)->one()->customer_id;
}; // probably the where part is our porblem?
And we've tried creating a custom getter like this:
public function getCustomerId() {
return $this->getCustomers()->andFilterWhere(['link_customer_users_customers.master' => true])->one()->customer_id;
This last attempt resulted in an error:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'link_customer_users_customers.master' in 'where clause'\nThe SQL being executed was: SELECT * FROM `app_customers` WHERE (`link_customer_users_customers`.`master`=TRUE) AND (`id`='93')
We've been searching in the docs and on Google, but did not find an example on how to do this.
Based on accepted answer we added some code.
In User model:
// Include customer always with user
public static function findIdentity($id) {
return static::findOne($id)->with('customer');
// Next to `getCustomers()`, added this `hasOne` relation to get only the customer from
// which the current user is the master user
public function getCustomer() {
return $this->hasOne(Customer::className(), ['id' => 'customer_id'])
->viaTable('link_customer_users_customers', ['user_id' => 'id'], function ($query) {
$query->andWhere(['master' => 1]);
// Getter, just because
public function getCustomerId() {
return $this->customer->id;
And now we can get the ID from the customer by calling Yii::$app->user->getIdentity()->customer->id OR Yii::$app->user->identity->customer->id etc, etc.. in the project..

You should add a relation like below and use an anonymous function as the third parameter to the viaTable to add another condition to check master field as true.
public function getMasterCustomerId() {
return $this->hasOne(Customer::className(), ['id' => 'customer_id'])
->viaTable('link_customer_users_customers', ['user_id' => 'id'],function($query){
$query->andWhere(['master' => 1]);
and then you can use it for the logged in user as below.


How to use data from entity Raw SQL query in entity framework

I will state up front I am still very new to asp.net core and entity framework but I am familiar with ADO and recordset which it seems entity framework is built from. I am struggling to use entity framework because I am able to run the query but I am not sure how to use the results and most help docs I see online only discuss the procedures and methods and not how to use the results. I am building login functionality on my site and have developed the following code to query DB in my UserAccount table. FOr this login I really only want the Username, Password, and the ID however I have multiple fields in this table that I dont need for this aspect. I come from using ADO and recordsets so really I just prefer to use raw sql and determine what i want to do with those results and not bind them to some objects which it seems entity framework does for the most part. I do liek the ease of use of the entity framework and using parameters though so I prefer to just go this route (not sure if this is bad practice or not). Everything works great except when I add ToList it starts to say error "InvalidOperationException: The required column 'AccessLevel' was not present in the results of a 'FromSql' operation." I am not even tryign to use that field in the query so not sure why that is even coming up and I am using a rawsql query method so why is it trying to see what I have in the model for that table? Lastly, this shoudl return a single record in which case I want to pull the password value from that record field similar to how i use to do in ADO as you will see in my passwordhash verification but I cannot figure out how to even pull that from the query result. Thanks for any help on this as I am getting a headache trying to learn this stuff!!
if (UserResults.Count() == 1) //if we have more than 1 result we have security issue so do not allow login
var passwordHasher = new PasswordHasher<string>();
var hashedPassword = passwordHasher.HashPassword(null, Password);
var testResults = UserResults.ToList();
if (passwordHasher.VerifyHashedPassword(null, hashedPassword, THIS SHOULD BE VALUE FROM DB RIGHT HERE!!!) == PasswordVerificationResult.Success)
var claims = new List<Claim>
new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, UserName)
My DBContext is as follows:
public partial class LoginDBContext : DbContext
public DbSet<UserAccount> UserAccounts { get; set; }
public LoginDBContext(DbContextOptions<LoginDBContext> options) : base(options)
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<UserAccount>(entity =>
//entity.Property(e => e.Id)
// .HasMaxLength(50)
// .IsUnicode(false);
//entity.Property(e => e.Username)
// .HasMaxLength(50)
// .IsUnicode(false);
//entity.Property(e => e.Password)
// .HasMaxLength(50)
// .IsUnicode(false);
If you don't want to load all columns of the user table you can return anonymous object with properties you need or create a class for the columns you need and return it.
var users = _context.UserAccounts
.Where(a => a.UserName == UserName)
.Select(a => new { a.Id, a.UserName, a.Password })
if (users.Length == 1)
var user = users.First();
if (passwordHasher.VerifyHashedPassword(null, hashedPassword, user.Password) == PasswordVerificationResult.Success)
// ... your magic

How to make one to many relations for rest api call in yii2

I have creating rest api call.
I have two table
1. person - foreign key is id
2. contact - foreign key is personId
I have creating model for this one is
class Group extends ActiveRecord
public function relations()
return array(
Controller is
public function actionView(){
return $group;
Is this enough?. It is not working for me. How to make one to many relations in yii
ActiveModel::find() returns an ActiveQuery instance, it doesn't run the query.
You either use Group::findOne(primaryKey) or Group::findAll(condition) or do return $group->one(); or return $group->all();
As for the relations (in your model):
public function getUser()
return $this->hasOne(User::className(), ['id', 'user']);
public function getContact()
return $this->hasMany(Contact::className(), ['personId', 'user']);
You call the with $group->user and $group->contact. Make sure not to use the function directly, it also returns an ActiveQuery instance, which is not your actual object.

Entity Framework WebAPI Model UpSerts

I'm having problems with duplicate data during migration with Code First.
A new foreign key record is duplicated each time the migration creates the master record.
The schemas in the database are being created correctly. Namely the Primary Keys and Foreign Key values (the latter being automatically generated)
Can someone please advise thanks about how I detach the foreign key record during migration to prevent it recreating the record or any configuration I need to implement? I've tried updating the state of the foreign key obects before inserting master data. to both modified and detached.
For example I see multi records for the same priority where there should only be 3.
I'm using Entity Framework 6.0.
public class VeloPointDbConfiguration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<VeloPointDbContext>
public VeloPointDbConfiguration()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true;
AutomaticMigrationDataLossAllowed = true;
protected override void Seed(VeloPointDbContext context)
EventOrganiserTask.Migrations.All().Select(x => context.Entry(x.Priority).State == EntityState.Modified);
EventOrganiserTask.Migrations.All().Select(x => context.Entry(x.TaskStatus).State == EntityState.Modified);
The following examples of the instances i'm using for the data.
I create the following methods for the foreign key objects
public static EventTaskType[] All()
return new[]
internal static EventTaskType GetDeadline()
return new EventTaskType("09974722-D03E-4CA3-BF3A-0AF7F6CA1B67", 1, "Deadline")
Icon = ""
I call the following methods the create the master data.
public static EventOrganiserTask[] All()
return new EventOrganiserTask[]
GetBookHQ(1, new DateTime(Event.Migrations.EventDate.Year - 1, 10, 1)),
GetFindSponsor(2, new DateTime(Event.Migrations.EventDate.Year - 1, 10, 1)),
GetRegisterEvent(3, new DateTime(Event.Migrations.EventDate.Year - 1, 10, 1)),
GetBookFirstAid(4, Event.Migrations.EventDate.AddMonths(-6))
NOTE: When creating the master record, I call the method in the foreign key classes each time - which is the crux of the problem where I need to instruct the migration to detach this item.
public static EventOrganiserTask GetRegisterEvent(int id, DateTime date)
return new EventOrganiserTask
id = id,
Title = "Register event",
Summary = "Register the road race with the region",
DueDate = date,
Priority = EventTaskPriority.Migrations.GetHighPriority(),
Person = Person.Migrations.GetRaceOrganiser(1),
TaskType = EventTaskType.Migrations.GetDefault(),
TaskStatus = TaskStatus.Migrations.GetDefault(),
NOTE: When I do make changes to the data from the application, the foreign keys are not being updated. This must be related and indicates my entities are not configured correctly.
I'm still tearing my hair out. I've investigated this further and read about the migrations being multi threaded (It was another thread on stackoverflow but I can't find it again). Indeed running the Seed method I supposed is what it says on the tin and is purley for seeding data, so the data is only being added (regardless of AddOrUpdate - what's that all about then) So I've looked at the behaviour regarding the records being created. First of all I called context.SaveChanges() after creating the look up tables. At this point it doesn't created any duplicates as the items are only referenced once. I then let the seed method run the master data - but argggh - I see duplicates (when the instances are called on the master data). But this did flag something up with regard to the order in which it creates the records.
My next step was to create two migrations, but without any success.
I'm hoping somebody picks up this thread soon. I'm tearing my hair out.
Ok so i've finally found my answer. It was clever enough to create the foreign key relationships from the model, but i needed to be explicitly set the foreign key id field. I chose the Fluent API to explicitly set the relationships and I set the value of the id field in the mapping of the object.
.HasRequired(x => x.Priority)
.WithMany(x => x.Tasks)
.HasForeignKey(x => x.Priority_id);
Here it is in the seed method
public class VeloPointDbConfiguration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<VeloPointDbContext>
public VeloPointDbConfiguration()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true;
AutomaticMigrationDataLossAllowed = true;
protected override void Seed(VeloPointDbContext context)
EventOrganiserTask.Migrations.All().Select(x => context.Entry(x.Priority).State == EntityState.Modified);
EventOrganiserTask.Migrations.All().Select(x => context.Entry(x.TaskStatus).State == EntityState.Modified);
// Foreign Key relationships
.HasRequired(x => x.TaskStatus)
.WithMany(x => x.Tasks)
.HasForeignKey(x => x.TaskStatus_id);
.HasRequired(x => x.TaskType)
.WithMany(x => x.Tasks)
.HasForeignKey(x => x.TaskType_id);
.HasRequired(x => x.Priority)
.WithMany(x => x.Tasks)
.HasForeignKey(x => x.Priority_id);

Linq to select top 1 related entity

How can I include a related entity, but only select the top 1?
public EntityFramework.Member Get(string userName)
var query = from member in context.Members
.Include(member => member.Renewals)
where member.UserName == userName
select member;
return query.SingleOrDefault();
According to MSDN:
"Note that it is not currently possible to filter which related entities are loaded. Include will always bring in all related entities."
There is also a uservoice item for this functionality:
The approach to use an anonymous object works, even though it's not clean as you wish it would be:
public Member GetMember(string username)
var result = (from m in db.Members
where m.Username == username
select new
Member = m,
FirstRenewal = m.Renewals.FirstOrDefault()
}).AsEnumerable().Select(r => r.Member).FirstOrDefault();
return result;
The FirstRenewal property is used just to make EF6 load the first renewal into the Member object. As a result the Member returned from the GetMember() method contains only the first renewal.
This code generates a single Query to the DB, so maybe it's good enough for You.

retrieve values from model in mvc2

I don't know how to create functions to retrieve the values.
*Table 1: OrgVasplans*
Table-2: vasplans
Table-3: VasDuration
These are my tables..
I have Controller named Candidatesvas and action method VasDetails....
I already stored the values into vasPlans table.
when I click in view "Details" link it will go to details page..
Then the values are retrieve from "Orgvasplans" table automatically without enter any input..
How to create methods for this....
I created some methods but the method contains only Name "field". I want to retrieve multiple values like "Amount", "validity" like that.....
public IQueryable<VasPlan> GetVasPlans()
return from vasplan in _db.VasPlans
orderby vasplan.Name ascending
select vasplan;
public OrgVasPlan GetOrgVasPlan(int id)
return _db.OrgVasPlans.SingleOrDefault(v => v.Id == id);
public int AddOrgVasPlan(OrgVasPlan orgvasplan)
return orgvasplan.Id;
public void AddVasPlan(VasPlan vasPlan)
public ActionResult VasDetails(FormCollection collection)
OrgVasPlan orgvasplan = new OrgVasPlan();
orgvasplan.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
orgvasplan.OrgId = LoggedInOrganization.Id;
VasPlan vasplan = new VasPlan();
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(collection["Name"])) ;
return View();
Here i don't know how to put code here for get multiple values form vasplans table like(amount,name,validity etc...,)
this is my problem...
Make your view strongly-typed, make sure you create input elements whose names correspond to the model properties (or use HTML helpers, e.g. Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Amount). That way MVC will automatically fill in the model for you when the action that should take the model as a argument, is invoked.
For example your action should be:
public ActionResult NewVasPlan(VasPlan vplan)
//check model state
//save or return error messages
Or you can simply add string and int parameters to the Action like this:
public ActionResult NewVasPlan(string name, int amount /*, etc*/)
//MVC will also automatically fill name, amount, from request POST or GET params
//(or cookies??)
Hope this helps, tell me if you need more info or if I misunderstood your question.