Joins with Keycloak java admin client - keycloak

I m trying to understand the admin client api of Keycloak, especially around joins.
There is this post that adresses a similar need for getting users per role.
Keycloak - Get all Users mapped to roles
How would we do this with the admin client?
Because for now I am retrieving all users and checking if the roles match:
List<UserRepresentation> userRepresentations = keycloak.realm(realm).users().search("", 0, 1000); //get all users :(
for (UserRepresentation userRepresentation : userRepresentations ) {
List<String> userRoles = userRepresentation.getRealmRoles();
if(userRoles != null && !Collections.disjoint(userRoles, roles)){
And the thing is, userRoles list is always empty :S. But actually, we have ~2500 users in keycloak users.
I am using the keycloak admin client v.2.0. I guess the newer versions support this.
Thanks in advance.

With latest admin client you can easily get
RoleResource roleResource = keycloak.realm("realm_name").roles().get("role_name");
Set<UserRepresentation> users = roleResource.getRoleUserMembers();


Keycloak - Manage realm with user from different realm

Is possible to have user in one realm to manage another realm in keycloak?
My goal is to have 2 realms - adminRealm & userRalm. In adminRealm should be users, which will be able to log in to our admin app and there they could create via Keycloak rest api "ordinary user" which will be placed into userRealm.
Currently my solution working over one realm, where I have admin user which is able to log into my admin app and there he can create users in the same realm. But if I want create users to another realm, I get 403 error. So is there any way how to allow admin user to manage another realm (eg create users etc.)?
You should use master realm for storing admin accounts. Non master realms are isolated from each other. If you look to the clients list in master realm you should see that every realm represented by client with OIDC id like "foo-realm". This clients represents administration REST API for corresponding realms, and users with granted roles from this clients could perform admin requests to corresponding apis.
For example you have foo realm which will contain ordinary application users. To achieve your goal to introduce admin accounts that will be able to manage users from foo you have to create foo-admin user in master realm and grant him foo-realm.realm-admin role. Now this user has total control over foo realm and no control over master realm. You also can map foo-realm.realm-admin role to some group in master realm and add users to it (so if any changes appears in future you will have to change only group role settings)
In case you use terraform your solution would look like this:
data "keycloak_realm" "master" {
realm = "master"
data "keycloak_openid_client" "realm_management" {
realm_id =
client_id = "foo-realm"
data "keycloak_role" "query_users" {
realm_id =
client_id =
name = "query-users"
data "keycloak_role" "manage_users" {
realm_id =
client_id =
name = "manage-users"
resource "keycloak_user_roles" "user_admin_roles" {
realm_id =
user_id =
role_ids = [,,

Keycloak java api fetch service account user for given client

I'm using Keycloak version 3.4.3.Final community version (I know it's an older version and cannot update it because of business reasons) and it's corresponding java client, I have created a client with flag serviceAccountEnabled set to true and need to assign realm-management client's roles to it i.e. from section service-account-roles.
I'm able to create client successfully but not able to assign realm-management client's roles to it as it requires fetching of service-account-user which is returning null everytime, below is my code snippet
Code to create client
KeycloakTransaction tx = session.getTransactionManager();
ClientModel clientModel = myRealm.addClient("myClient-id");
//need to inject this from env
Code to assign realm-management roles to client's service-account-user
KeycloakTransaction tx = session.getTransactionManager();
RealmModel myRealm = keycloakSession.realms().getRealmByName("myRealm");
ClientModel clientModel = myRealm.getClientByClientId("myClient-id");
ClientModel realmManagementClient = myRealm.getClientByClientId("realm-management");
Set<RoleModel> roles = realmManagementClient.getRoles();
UserModel serviceAccountUser = keycloakSession.users().getServiceAccount(clientModel);
if(serviceAccountUser != null){ -> serviceAccountUser.grantRole(r));
The issue is, I do not get service-account-user for the client I created in previous step, however I've verified that user got created, also I can fetch service-account-user for existing clients, it seems more like a transaction issue but I'm performing client creation and roles assignment in two different sessions.
Can someone please point me where I'm mistaking or point me to direction how to fetch service-account-user.
Got it working using RealmManager and ClientManager keycloak API.

Authenticate a user based on a token and not through mysql table

round 2: trying to make this clearer:
I have two totally and completely separate services (both laravel 5.3).
One is an authentication service that has access to a user mysql database, permissions and role.
The other is a resource service. It couldn't care less about the user table and does not have access to any user table.
That means that any type of Auth::loginById()... would never work in this service because there is no user table.
I want to use JWT to have users access the resource service API, and have the user Auth to act as if a user is authenticated - but again - all I have are the claims inside the JWT - no user table. The claims include some information about the user - id, name, etc. I want to do something like this:
$userObj = JWTAuth::parseToken()->getPayload()->claims; // { id:4, name: Birdman, email:}
and then have access to the user object like usual
echo Auth::user()->name // Birdman
Has anyone tried anything like this?
I have found that doing this more or less works:
$u = new User();
$u->user_id = (JWTAuth::parseToken()->getPayload()->get('sub'));
$u->name = (JWTAuth::parseToken()->getPayload()->get('name'));
Obviously I can't $u->save() here because again - there is no user database.
I can do this though:
and then I can later call Auth::user()->name properly...
I'm asking if I'm doing something exotic here or is this good stuff. Where will this fail?

Joining entities with #ManyToMany relationship

I have these entities:
A user has many roles and a role has many permissions.
What is the best way to retrieve a set of permission a user has?
I need a method to check if a User has a particular Permission.
This is what I have so far:
public boolean hasPermission(String permissionString) {
if (!authenticated) return false;
for (Role role : user.getRoles()) {
for (Permission permission : role.getPermissions()) {
if (permission.getName().equals(permissionString)) {
return true;
return false;
A second, but related question -- where should I put the code that checks if a user has a particular permission?
In the User entity?
In the UserBean EJB?
In the Authentication JSF Managed Bean?
It depends on your mappings, the number of objects in the list, if the lists have already been fetched, your database connections, the database tuning etc.
You would have to try with production data to determine what ways are best.
For instance, If your collections have been prefetched with a join query, then traversing them in Java is trivial. If they haven't, each access in the for loop would cause a query to populate the objects. If it is the last one all the time, it means your java code causes you to traverse your object graph in the worst way possible and it would have been better to fetch it upfront. So you would be losing any benefit of lazy access, and would be better of hitting the database once to query for the permission linked to this user with the permissionString name: "Select p from u User join u.roles r join r.permissions p where = :permissionName".
Only testing on production data will give you the best answer for your situation, and numerous other decisions in the application and mappings change the outcome.

JPA - Join Two tables

I have two tables, namely
USER_ROLE {user_id, Role} PK {user_id, role}
ROLE_PERMISSION {role, permission} PK {role, permission}
A User can have multiple Roles.
A Role can be mapped to multiple
I have a entity - USER that maintains information about the User. This info is fetched via LDAP (not DB) on first login. Now, for my authorization aspects, I need to also fetch dtls on User's permissions from above mentioned tables.
So I would imagine adding attributes to my existing USER entity
// Authorization
List<String> roles;
List<String> permissions;
Can someone pls help how I can use JPA to populate the roles and permissions Lists? Looked over internet, can't figure it out. thanks
I would create a USER table in your database and map it to a User object with the role and permissions. The User object then would include additional LDAP data.
Without a USER table you have nothing to map to.
Otherwise just query for the database using native SQL queries and populate your LDAP user object yourself.