Matlab: Force watershed to segment into a specific number of segments - matlab

In order to avoid oversegmentation by the watershed algorithm in Matlab, I would like to force the algorithm to segment into a specific number of segments (in the example here, the algorithm segments automatically into 4, and I would like it to segment into 2). Is there a general way to define the allowed number of output segments?
The code that I am currently using:
% Load the image
grayscaleImg = imread('');
white_in_current_bits = 65535;
% Display the original image
set(gcf, 'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
hold on;
title('The origianl image');
% Binarize the image.
binaryImageElement = grayscaleImg < white_in_current_bits;
% Calculate the distance transform
D = -bwdist(~binaryImageElement);
% Find the regional minima of the distance matrix:
mask = imextendedmin(D,2);
%Display the mask on top of the binary image:
set(gcf, 'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
title('Blend of binary image and the regional minima mask');
%Impose the regional minima on the distance transform:
D2 = imimposemin(D,mask);
%Watershed the distance transform after imposing the regional minima:
Ld2 = watershed(D2);
%Display the binary image with the watershed segmentation lines:
bw3 = binaryImageElement;
bw3(Ld2 == 0) = 0;
set(gcf, 'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
title('Binary image after watershedding');

There is no direct way to specify the number of regions that the watershed will produce. The watershed will always produce one region per local minimum. But you can modify the image to reduce the number of local minima. One approach is the H-minima transform. This function removes all local minima that are less deep than a threshold.
The idea would be to iterate (this might not be fast...) over thresholds until you get the desired number of regions.
% iterate over h, starting at 0
tmp = imhmin(D2,h);
Ld2 = watershed(tmp);
% count regions in Ld2, increase h and repeat
I just noticed that you impose minima in D2. You determine these minima using imextendedmin. This means you apply the H minima, find the resulting local minima, then impose those again. You might as well skip this step, and directly apply the H minima transform.


Lowpass filter non working

I have a noisy image that I am trying to clean using a lowpass filter (code below, modified from here). The image I get as a result is essentially identical to the one I gave as an input.
I'm not an expert, but my conclusion would be that the input image is so noisy that no patterns are found. Do you agree? Do you have any suggestion on how to interpret the result?
Result from the code:
Input image:
clear; close all;
frame = 20;
size_y = 512; % This is actually size_x
size_x = 256; % This is actually size_y
AA = imread('image.png');
A = zeros(size_x, size_y);
A = AA(1:size_x, 1:size_y);
A(isnan(A)) = 0 ;
B = fftshift(fft2(A));
fabs = abs(B);
figure; imshow(B);
local_extr = ordfilt2(fabs, roi^2, ones(roi)); % find local maximum within 3*3 range
result = (fabs == local_extr) & (fabs > thresh);
[r, c] = find(result);
for i=1:length(r)
if (r(i)-128)^2+(c(i)-128)^2>thresh % periodic noise locates in the position outside the 20-pixel-radius circle
B(r(i)-2:r(i)+2,c(i)-2:c(i)+2)=0; % zero the frequency components
subplot(2,1,1); imagesc(A), colormap(gray); title('Original image');
subplot(2,1,2);imagesc(real(Inew)),colormap(gray); title('Filtered image');
For filtering this kind of signal, you can try to use the median filter. It might be more appropriated than a means or Gaussian filter. The median filter is very effective on "salt and paper" noise when the mean just blur the noise.
As the signal seems very noisy, you need to try to find the good size of kernel for the filter. You can also try to increase the contrast of the image (after filtering) in order to see more the difference between the gray levels.

Image Histogram Comparison

I was trying to do histogram image comparison between two RGB images which includes heads of the same persons and non-heads to see the correlation between them. The reason I am doing this is because after performing scanning using HOG to check whether the scanning window is a head or not, I am now trying to track the same head throughout consequent frames and also I want to remove some clear false positives.
I currently tried both RGB and HSV histogram comparison and used Euclidean Distance to check the difference between the histograms. The following is the code I wrote:
%RGB histogram comparison
%clear all;
img1 = imread('testImages/samehead_1.png');
img2 = imread('testImages/samehead_2.png');
img1 = rgb2hsv(img1);
img2 = rgb2hsv(img2);
%% calculate number of bins = root(pixels);
[rows, cols] = size(img1);
no_of_pixels = rows * cols;
%no_of_bins = floor(sqrt(no_of_pixels));
no_of_bins = 256;
%% obtain Histogram for each colour
% -----1st Image---------
rHist1 = imhist(img1(:,:,1), no_of_bins);
gHist1 = imhist(img1(:,:,2), no_of_bins);
bHist1 = imhist(img1(:,:,3), no_of_bins);
hFig = figure;
hold on;
h(1) = stem(1:256, rHist1);
h(2) = stem(1:256 + 1/3, gHist1);
h(3) = stem(1:256 + 2/3, bHist1);
set(h, 'marker', 'none')
set(h(1), 'color', [1 0 0])
set(h(2), 'color', [0 1 0])
set(h(3), 'color', [0 0 1])
hold off;
% -----2nd Image---------
rHist2 = imhist(img2(:,:,1), no_of_bins);
gHist2 = imhist(img2(:,:,2), no_of_bins);
bHist2 = imhist(img2(:,:,3), no_of_bins);
hFig = figure;
hold on;
h(1) = stem(1:256, rHist2);
h(2) = stem(1:256 + 1/3, gHist2);
h(3) = stem(1:256 + 2/3, bHist2);
set(h, 'marker', 'none')
set(h(1), 'color', [1 0 0])
set(h(2), 'color', [0 1 0])
set(h(3), 'color', [0 0 1])
%% concatenate values of a histogram in 3D matrix
% -----1st Image---------
M1(:,1) = rHist1;
M1(:,2) = gHist1;
M1(:,3) = bHist1;
% -----2nd Image---------
M2(:,1) = rHist2;
M2(:,2) = gHist2;
M2(:,3) = bHist2;
%% normalise Histogram
% -----1st Image---------
M1 = M1./no_of_pixels;
% -----2nd Image---------
M2 = M2./no_of_pixels;
%% Calculate Euclidean distance between the two histograms
E_distance = sqrt(sum((M2-M1).^2));
The E_distance consists of an array containing 3 distances which refer to the red histogram difference, green and blue.
The Problem is:
When I compare the histogram of a non-head(eg. a bag) with that of a head..there is a clear difference in the error. So this is acceptable and can help me to remove the false positive.
However! When I am trying to check whether the two images are heads of the same person, this technique did not help at all as the head of another person gave a less Euclidean distance than that of the same person.
Can someone explain to me if I am doing this correctly, or maybe any guidance of what I should do?
PS: I got the idea of the LAB histogram comparison from this paper (Affinity Measures section): People Looking at each other
Color histogram similarity may be used as a good clue for tracking by detection, but don't count on it to disambiguate all possible matches between people-people and people-non-people.
According to your code, there is one thing you can do to improve the comparison: currently, you are working with per-channel histograms. This is not discriminative enough because you do not know when R-G-B components co-occur (e.g. you know how many times the red channel is in range 64-96 and how many times the blue is in range 32-64, but not when these occur simultaneously). To rectify this, you must work with 3D histograms, counting the co-occurrence of colors). For a discretization of 8 bins per channel, your histograms will have 8^3=512 bins.
Other suggestions for improvement:
Weighted assignment to neighboring bins according to interpolation weights. This eliminates the discontinuities introduced by bin quantization
Hierarchical splitting of detection window into cells (1 cell, 4 cells, 16 cells, etc), each with its own histogram, where the histograms of different levels and cells are concatenated. This allows catching local color details, like the color of a shirt, or even more local, a shirt pocket/sleeve.
Working with the Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) instead of the Euclidean metric for comparing histograms. This reduces color quantization effects (differences in histograms are weighted by color-space distance instead of equal weights), and allows for some error in the localization of cells within the detection window.
Use other cues for tracking. You'll be surprised how much the similarity between the HoG descriptors of your detections helps disambiguate matches!

Matlab Region Growing Error Message

I am experiencing an error in Matlab.
Maximum recursion limit of 500 reached. Use set(0,'RecursionLimit',N) to change the limit.
Be aware that exceeding your available stack space can crash MATLAB and/or your computer.
The algorithm I am using is the one downloaded from:
Here is the code:
function J=regiongrowing(I,x,y,reg_maxdist)
% This function performs "region growing" in an image from a specified
% seedpoint (x,y)
% J = regiongrowing(I,x,y,t)
% I : input image
% J : logical output image of region
% x,y : the position of the seedpoint (if not given uses function getpts)
% t : maximum intensity distance (defaults to 0.2)
% The region is iteratively grown by comparing all unallocated neighbouring pixels to the region.
% The difference between a pixel's intensity value and the region's mean,
% is used as a measure of similarity. The pixel with the smallest difference
% measured this way is allocated to the respective region.
% This process stops when the intensity difference between region mean and
% new pixel become larger than a certain threshold (t)
% Author: D. Kroon, University of Twente
I = im2double(imread('ship.jpg'));
x=150; y=150;
J = regiongrowing(I,x,y,0.2);
figure, imshow(I+J);
if(exist('reg_maxdist','var')==0), reg_maxdist=0.2; end
if(exist('y','var')==0), figure, imshow(I,[]); [y,x]=getpts; y=round(y(1)); x=round(x(1)); end
J = zeros(size(I)); % Output
Isizes = size(I); % Dimensions of input image
reg_mean = I(x,y); % The mean of the segmented region
reg_size = 1; % Number of pixels in region
% Free memory to store neighbours of the (segmented) region
neg_free = 10000; neg_pos=0;
neg_list = zeros(neg_free,3);
pixdist=0; % Distance of the region newest pixel to the regio mean
% Neighbour locations (footprint)
neigb=[-1 0; 1 0; 0 -1;0 1];
% Start regiongrowing until distance between region and possible new pixels become
% higher than a certain threshold
% Add new neighbours pixels
for j=1:4,
% Calculate the neighbour coordinate
xn = x +neigb(j,1); yn = y +neigb(j,2);
% Check if neighbour is inside or outside the image
% Add neighbour if inside and not already part of the segmented area
neg_pos = neg_pos+1;
neg_list(neg_pos,:) = [xn yn I(xn,yn)]; J(xn,yn)=1;
% Add a new block of free memory
if(neg_pos+10>neg_free), neg_free=neg_free+10000; neg_list((neg_pos+1):neg_free,:)=0; end
% Add pixel with intensity nearest to the mean of the region, to the region
dist = abs(neg_list(1:neg_pos,3)-reg_mean);
[pixdist, index] = min(dist);
J(x,y)=2; reg_size=reg_size+1;
% Calculate the new mean of the region
reg_mean= (reg_mean*reg_size + neg_list(index,3))/(reg_size+1);
% Save the x and y coordinates of the pixel (for the neighbour add proccess)
x = neg_list(index,1); y = neg_list(index,2);
% Remove the pixel from the neighbour (check) list
neg_list(index,:)=neg_list(neg_pos,:); neg_pos=neg_pos-1;
% Return the segmented area as logical matrix
I have attempted to change the value as suggested by set(0,'RecursionLimit',N) but this just crashes Matlab if it goes over 1000.
The error message makes sense since you've added the following lines to the function
I = im2double(imread('ship.jpg'));
x=150; y=150;
J = regiongrowing(I,x,y,0.2);
figure, imshow(I+J);
and so it will call itself (recurse) repeatedly. These four lines need to be removed from regiongrowing and should only be used from the Command Line (or another script/function).

Measuring weighted mean length from an electrophoresis gel image

My question relates to extracting feature from an electrophoresis gel (see below). In this gel, DNA is loaded from the top and allowed to migrate under a voltage gradient. The gel has sieves so smaller molecules migrate further than longer molecules resulting in the separation of DNA by length. So higher up the molecule, the longer it is.
In this image there are 9 lanes each with separate source of DNA. I am interested in measuring the mean location (value on the y axis) of each lane.
I am really new to image processing, but I do know MATLAB and I can get by with R with some difficulty. I would really appreciate it if someone can show me how to go about finding the mean of each lane.
Here's my try. It requires that the gels are nice (i.e. straight lanes and the gel should not be rotated), but should otherwise work fairly generically. Note that there are two image-size-dependent parameters that will need to be adjusted to make this work on images of different size.
%# first size-dependent parameter: should be about 1/4th-1/5th
%# of the lane width in pixels.
minFilterWidth = 10;
%# second size-dependent parameter for filtering the
%# lane profiles
gaussWidth = 5;
%# read the image, normalize to 0...1
img = imread('');
img = rgb2gray(img);
img = double(img)/255;
%# Otsu thresholding to (roughly) find lanes
thMsk = img < graythresh(img);
%# count the mask-pixels in each columns. Due to
%# lane separation, there will be fewer pixels
%# between lanes
cts = sum(thMsk,1);
%# widen the local minima, so that we get a nice
%# separation between lanes
ctsEroded = imerode(cts,ones(1,minFilterWidth));
%# use imregionalmin to identify the separation
%# between lanes. Invert to get a positive mask
laneMsk = ~repmat(imregionalmin(ctsEroded),size(img,1),1);
Image with lanes that will be used for analysis
%# for each lane, create an averaged profile
lblMsk = bwlabel(laneMsk);
nLanes = max(lblMsk(:));
profiles = zeros(size(img,1),nLanes);
midLane = zeros(1,nLanes);
for i = 1:nLanes
profiles(:,i) = mean(img.*(lblMsk==i),2);
midLane(:,i) = mean(find(lblMsk(1,:)==i));
%# Gauss-filter the profiles (each column is an
%# averaged intensity profile
G = exp(-(-gaussWidth*5:gaussWidth*5).^2/(2*gaussWidth^2));
profiles = imfilter(profiles,G','replicate'); %'
%# find the minima
[~,idx] = min(profiles,[],1);
%# plot
hold on, plot(midLane,idx,'.r')
Here's my stab at a simple template for an interactive way to do this:
% Load image
img = imread('gel.png');
img = rgb2gray(img);
% Identify lanes
[x,y] = ginput;
% Invert image
img = max(img(:)) - img;
% Subtract background
[xn,yn] = ginput(1);
noise = img((yn-2):(yn+2), (xn-2):(xn+2));
noise = mean(noise(:));
img = img - noise;
% Calculate means
means = (1:size(img,1)) * double(img(:,round(x))) ./ sum(double(img(:,round(x))), 1);
% Plot
hold on
plot(x, means, 'r.')
The first thing to do to is convert your RGB image to grayscale:
gr = rgb2gray(imread('gelk.png'));
Then, take a look at the image intensity histogram using imhist. Notice anything funny about it? Use imcontrast(imshow(gr)) to pull up the contrast adjustment tool. I found that eliminating the weird stuff after the major intensity peak was beneficial.
The image processing task itself can be divided into several steps.
Separate each lane
Identify ('segment') the band in each lane
Calculate the location of the bands
Step 1 can be done "by hand," if the lane widths are guaranteed. If not, the line detection offered by the Hough transform is probably the way to go. The documentation on the Image Processing Toolbox has a really nice tutorial on this topic. My code recapitulates that tutorial with better parameters for your image. I only spent a few minutes with them, I'm sure you can improve the results by tuning the parameters further.
Step 2 can be done in a few ways. The easiest technique to use is Otsu's method for thresholding grayscale images. This method works by determining a threshold that minimizes the intra-class variance, or, equivalently, maximizes the inter-class variance. Otsu's method is present in MATLAB as the graythresh function. If Otsu's method isn't working well you can try multi-level Otsu or a number of other histogram based threshold determination methods.
Step 3 can be done as you suggest, by calculating the mean y value of the segmented band pixels. This is what my code does, though I've restricted the check to just the center column of each lane, in case the separation was off. I'm worried that the result may not be as good as calculating the band centroid and using its location.
Here is my solution:
function [locations, lanesBW, lanes, cols] = segmentGel(gr)
%%# Detect lane boundaries
unsharp = fspecial('unsharp'); %# Sharpening filter
I = imfilter(gr,unsharp); %# Apply filter
bw = edge(I,'canny',[0.01 0.3],0.5); %# Canny edges with parameters
[H,T,R] = hough(bw); %# Hough transform of edges
P = houghpeaks(H,20,'threshold',ceil(0.5*max(H(:)))); %# Find peaks of Hough transform
lines = houghlines(bw,T,R,P,'FillGap',30,'MinLength',20); %# Use peaks to identify lines
%%# Plot detected lines above image, for quality control
max_len = 0;
hold on;
for k = 1:length(lines)
xy = [lines(k).point1; lines(k).point2];
%# Plot beginnings and ends of lines
%# Determine the endpoints of the longest line segment
len = norm(lines(k).point1 - lines(k).point2);
if ( len > max_len)
max_len = len;
hold off;
%%# Use first endpoint of each line to separate lanes
cols = zeros(length(lines),1);
for k = 1:length(lines)
cols(k) = lines(k).point1(1);
cols = sort(cols); %# The lines are in no particular order
lanes = cell(length(cols)-1,1);
for k = 2:length(cols)
lanes{k-1} = im2double( gr(:,cols(k-1):cols(k)) ); %# im2double for compatibility with greythresh
otsu = cellfun(#graythresh,lanes); %# Calculate threshold for each lane
lanesBW = cell(size(lanes));
for k = 1:length(lanes)
lanesBW{k} = lanes{k} < otsu(k); %# Apply thresholds
%%# Use segmented bands to determine migration distance
locations = zeros(size(lanesBW));
for k = 1:length(lanesBW)
width = size(lanesBW{k},2);
[y,~] = find(lanesBW{k}(:,round(width/2))); %# Only use center of lane
locations(k) = mean(y);
I suggest you carefully examine not only each output value, but the results from each step of the function, before using it for actual research purposes. In order to get really good results, you will have to read a bit about Hough transforms, Canny edge detection and Otsu's method, and then tune the parameters. You may also have to alter how the lanes are split; this code assumes that there will be lines detected on either side of the image.
Let me add another implementation similar in concept to that of #JohnColby's, only without the manual user-interaction:
%# read image
I = rgb2gray(imread('gele.png'));
%# middle position of each lane
%# (assuming lanes are somewhat evenly spread and of similar width)
x = linspace(1,size(I,2),10);
x = round( (x(1:end-1)+x(2:end))./2 );
%# compute the mean value across those columns
m = mean(I(:,x));
%# find the y-indices of the mean values
[~,idx] = min( bsxfun(#minus, double(I(:,x)), m) );
%# show the result
imshow(I, 'InitialMagnification',100, 'Border','tight')
hold on, plot(x, idx, ...
'Color','r', 'LineStyle','none', 'Marker','.', 'MarkerSize',10)
and applied on the smaller image:

Matlab inverse FFT from phase/magnitude only

So I have this image 'I'. I take F = fft2(I) to get the 2D fourier transform. To reconstruct it, I could go ifft2(F).
The problem is, I need to reconstruct this image from only the a) magnitude, and b) phase components of F. How can I separate these two components of the fourier transform, and then reconstruct the image from each?
I tried the abs() and angle() functions to get magnitude and phase, but the phase one won't reconstruct properly.
You need one matrix with the same magnitude as F and 0 phase, and another with the same phase as F and uniform magnitude. As you noted abs gives you the magnitude. To get the uniform magnitude same phase matrix, you need to use angle to get the phase, and then separate the phase back into real and imaginary parts.
> F_Mag = abs(F); %# has same magnitude as F, 0 phase
> F_Phase = cos(angle(F)) + j*(sin(angle(F)); %# has magnitude 1, same phase as F
> I_Mag = ifft2(F_Mag);
> I_Phase = ifft2(F_Phase);
it's too late to put another answer to this post, but...anyway
# zhilevan, you can use the codes I have written using mtrw's answer:
image = rgb2gray(imread('pillsetc.png'));
subplot(131),imshow(image),title('original image');
set(gcf, 'Position', get(0, 'ScreenSize')); % maximize the figure window
F = fft2(double(image));
F_Mag = abs(F); % has the same magnitude as image, 0 phase
F_Phase = exp(1i*angle(F)); % has magnitude 1, same phase as image
% OR: F_Phase = cos(angle(F)) + 1i*(sin(angle(F)));
% reconstruction
I_Mag = log(abs(ifft2(F_Mag*exp(i*0)))+1);
I_Phase = ifft2(F_Phase);
% Calculate limits for plotting
% To display the images properly using imshow, the color range
% of the plot must the minimum and maximum values in the data.
I_Mag_min = min(min(abs(I_Mag)));
I_Mag_max = max(max(abs(I_Mag)));
I_Phase_min = min(min(abs(I_Phase)));
I_Phase_max = max(max(abs(I_Phase)));
% Display reconstructed images
% because the magnitude and phase were switched, the image will be complex.
% This means that the magnitude of the image must be taken in order to
% produce a viewable 2-D image.
subplot(132),imshow(abs(I_Mag),[I_Mag_min I_Mag_max]), colormap gray
title('reconstructed image only by Magnitude');
subplot(133),imshow(abs(I_Phase),[I_Phase_min I_Phase_max]), colormap gray
title('reconstructed image only by Phase');