Fpdf Barcode in Dompdf - fpdf

Is it possible to put an fpdf syntax in dompdf? Because I'm trying to put a barcode in dompdf which I don't know how. So I'm trying to put the fpdf barcode syntax inside my dompdf. Any help would be appreciated.
AddPage(); $pdf->EAN13(10,10, '123445', 5, 0.5, 9); $pdf->Output();?>

Inside my php file i put this:
<?php require ('fpdf_barcode.php');
$pdf = new PDF_BARCODE('P', 'mm', 'A4');
$pdf->EAN13(10,10, '123445', 5, 0.5, 9);


Change PDF's hyperlink display text

Using iTextSharp how can I modify the display text of hyperlink in a pdf document. I can change the annotation link, but my target is to change the displaying text of the hyperlink not the actual web link. Is it possible?
I don't want to add a new anchor, I just want to modify the existing anchor with a different text, not changing existing web link.
use this,
using (FileStream msReport = new FileStream(Server.MapPath("~") + "/App_Data/" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + ".pdf", FileMode.Create))
Document doc = new Document(PageSize.LETTER, 10, 10, 20, 10);
PdfWriter pdfWriter = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, msReport);
Font link = FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 12, Font.UNDERLINE, BaseColor.BLUE);
Anchor anchor = new Anchor("google", link);
anchor.Reference = "https://www.google.co.in";

Wavemaker using MouseZoomAndPan

In wavemaker a got an app that display charts with dojo charting, some charts have a lot
data so the chart is compressed so i look around and found that we could add zooming and panning, found an example on the web link:http://informatik.fh-brandenburg.de/~porebskk/dojo.html
i look at the source code and it looks like i only had to add this to my code
and then call it before rendering the chart
new dojox.charting.action2d.MouseZoomAndPan(chart, "default");
My problem is when i had this to my source code
and run the app i get "page Main as error" and my application does not work anymore
if i do this then my application comesback to life
i create a new application and i only had this on top of the main page and get
the error again
in the wavemaker debugger i get "error parsing pages/Main/Main.js"
I am using AMD style but this may help you. I was able to find the missing piece with your link.
Dojo toolkit had some slightly incorrect code here (MouseZoomAndPan section), but it will give you the code I have below and is why I have commented out code after MouseZoomAndPan(...);
define(["dojox/charting/themes/Claro", "dojox/charting/Chart", "dojox/charting/axis2d/Default"
, "dojox/charting/plot2d/Lines", "dojox/charting/action2d/MouseZoomAndPan"],
function (claro, Chart, Default, Lines, MouseZoomAndPan) {
return {
createZoomableChart: function () {
"use strict";
var chart = new Chart("mouseZoom");
chart.addAxis("x", { type: Default, enableCache: true })
.addAxis("y", { vertical: true })
.addPlot("default", { type: Lines, enableCache: true })
.addSeries("Series A", [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 8, 6, 7, 5]);
var mzap = new MouseZoomAndPan(chart, "default");//, { axis: "x", "none" });
init: function() {

Zend captcha image and color

I'd like to know how to customize colors for captcha image with zend_captcha_image.
The one I could make it work is like this
$this->captcha = new Zend_Captcha_Image();
it comes with black text and white background, what if I want to use different colors for font in captcha image.
The colours appear to be hard-coded into the _generateImage() method of the Zend_Captcha_Image class, so can't easily be changed. You would need to extend this class and override that method to use your own colours. Specifically these two lines:
$text_color = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 0);
$bg_color = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255);

How to get proper image in pdf doc with its height and width using zend_pdf class

I am facing a problem with zend_pdf as I am not getting the quality of the image and actual height and width of the image in zend pdf documents.
below is the function which I am using
$pdf = new Zend_Pdf();
$page = $pdf->newPage('510:745:');
$pdf->pages[] = $page;
$image = Zend_Pdf_Image::imageWithPath($imagePath);
$page->drawImage($image, 100,100,400, 300);
So how can I get the quality of an image with its proper height and width with Zend_pdf?
Change the size as original. It would be help to maintain the original quality of the picture.
Maybe getPixelWidth() and getPixelHeight() works better. Like this:
$img = Zend_Pdf_Image::imageWithPath('myimage.png');
$page->drawImage($img, 0, 0, $img->getPixelWidth(), $img->getPixelHeight());

ITextSharp, Assigning a font to List within a cell?

Is there a way to assign a font to a list that is added to table cell in ITextsharp. I'm sure it must be straightforward but I'm missing it.
Dim tblSignature As New PdfPTable(1)
tblSignature.WidthPercentage = 90.0F
Dim _baseFont As BaseFont = BaseFont.CreateFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.WINANSI, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED)
Dim _bFont As New Font(_baseFont, 4, Font.ITALIC, Color.RED)
Dim cell As New PdfPCell(New Phrase(TheItem.Value, _bFont))
TheParagraph.Font = _bFont
Dim list As New List(list.UNORDERED, 25.0F)
list.SetListSymbol("[ ]")
If ListItems.Count > 0 Then
For Each ListItem In .ListItems
//I have tried adding as chunk/phrase and applying font but no joy
//Item not added to cell
//list.Add(New Chunk(ListItem, _bFont))
list.IndentationLeft = 5.0F
End If
cell.Colspan = 6
cell.HorizontalAlignment = 0
cell.PaddingBottom = 5.0F
cell.PaddingLeft = 5.0F
cell.PaddingRight = 5.0F
'' add to doc
Does anyone know How I'd change this so that the list/cell has the specific font I've set at the top.
The iTextSharp.text.ListItem object has an iTextSharp.text.Font property you can set.
Please note that declarations such as new PdfPCell or new Phrase will not work with iTextSharp.text.List's add method.But both of them fairly work with PdfPTable.
I used iTextSharp.text.List for one of my software's pdf print out in the following ways.I hope this may be useful to you also.
This is a program which is used in one of my software developed with vb.net(visual studio 2010 and windows 7 platform) and iTextSharp latest version.
for pdf print out.It demonstrates how we can manupulate iTextSharp.text.List's font properties.
Dim doc1 As New Document()
Dim pathpdf As String = "C:/temp"
'path = ServerMapPath("PDFs");
PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc1, New FileStream(pathpdf + "/Doc1.pdf", FileMode.Create))
' Now to begin actually working with the document, open it, , add a new list,and, then close it:
Dim fnt1 As Font = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 8, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL)
Dim fnt2 As Font = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 14, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD)
Dim fnt3 As Font = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 12, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL)
Dim lst3 As New iTextSharp.text.List()
'add a list item in bold letters.
Dim m_DataHeadOnly As String
m_DataHeadOnly = "This is the itextsharp font setting with list"
lst3.Add(New iTextSharp.text.ListItem(m_DataHeadOnly, fnt2))