Windows cmd: Piping dir output into start - command-line

So suppose I know there's some file(s) (all with the same extension) in my directory which I want to run only I don't know their name.
I could execute the following to get all the relevant file names (.ext is just an arbitrary extension here)
dir /b /a-d *.ext
And then I could call
on all those files.
But I'd like to skip a step and simply pipe the output from dir into start.
I've tried
dir /b /a-d *.ext | start
but all that does is open an empty shell. Any suggestions?

For completeness, PowerShell:
Get-ChildItem *.exe | ForEach-Object { Start-Process $_ }
shorter (with aliases):
gci *.exe | % { start $_ }

you can
dir /b /a-d *.ext > start.bat
This will generate a start.bat file. Then:
call start.bat
By running the file you will run all apps.


Searching for files with the same name and 3 letter extensions

So for my task i have to find all files on my C: partition that start with the word 'printer'and they have to have an extension that contains exactly 3 letters i also have to do the same for the .dll extension only
That is a lot of work for PowerShell (my old opinion). :)
If you do it in the native operating system it is:
dir printer*.??? /s /A-D
dir printer*.* /s /A-D
(In both cases from the root as /s denotes subfolders. You could add some other stuff for hidden files or folders but /? will give that to you. /A-D removes directories.)
You can pull that in to PowerShell with: cmd /r dir printer*.??? /s /A-D
Now if you do want to use PowerShell Natively you can read up but it'll be like this:
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ -Include printer*.??? -File -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
You can swap out *.??? for *.dll in the code to get the results you want.

Command to list all files in a folder and its sub-folders showing filenames only (no paths) using Win cmd.exe

I'm looking for a command using cmd.exe (Win 10) that will list all files in a folder and its sub-folders, alphabetically, irrespective of the paths, and that will show the filenames only (no paths).
The commands that I'm familiar with (including, for example, "dir ..\samplefolder /b /s /A-D /o:n > filelist.txt") all include the paths in the output, and so are not what I'm looking for.
Thank you.
(for /r "c:\startfolder" %%A in (*) do echo %%~nxA)|sort
(this is batch file syntax; for use directly on the command line, replace every %% with just %)
for /r loops recursively over all (non-hidden) files.
%%~nxA shows name and extension only (if you want just the name without extension, use %%~nA)
See for /? for more information on those modifiers.
If the machine is on the current PowerShell 5 or higher, you could use:
(Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -Path '..\samplefolder').Name |
Sort-Object |
Out-File -PSPath 'filelist.txt' -Encoding ascii
In a .bat file script.
>"filelist.txt" powershell -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command ^
"(Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -Path '..\samplefolder').Name | Sort-Object"
If the machine does not have a current PowerShell, it should be upgraded or use:
>"filelist.txt" powershell -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command ^
"(Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path '..\samplefolder'|" ^
"Where-Object { -not $_.IsContainer}).Name |" ^

Check if a file with a pattern is available in the directory using batch script

A file is dropped in a directory when another job finished processing it.
The requirement is to run a batch script to check whether the file is available for today. and if available, I need to execute certain batch script. (Example: File with Naming pattern ABC-D*.txt should be available with modification date=today)
What I have figured out till now is:
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3* Delims=/ " %%I in ('DATE /T') DO set TODAY=%%I-%%J-%%K
xcopy C:\BatchJobs\Odd*.* /L /D:%TODAY%
Running this is giving the output:
File cannot be copied onto itself
0 File(s)
C:\BatchJobs\OddEven.txt, showing in console is what I need. But I need to store it in some file or in some variable to be able to use this path later in my batch script. Can somebody help me in storing this file path in a variable or a file? Or suggest some other ways to achieve this goal?
You could use forfiles which is capable of filtering files by their last modification date, but not regarding the time:
forfiles /P "D:\ROOT" /M "ABC-D*.txt" /D +0 /C "cmd /C echo #file"
Instead of echo you can state your batch script to execute.
This code will identify "ABC-D*.txt" files last written today. Place the code below into a file such as doit.ps1 (but choose a better name). I did an attrib command on the file, but you will want to do something else.
$srcdir = 'C:\src\t\empty'
Get-ChildItem -File -Path $srcdir -Filter 'ABC-D*.txt' |
Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -ge [datetime]::Today } |
ForEach-Object {
# Do something to the $_ file
& attrib $_
Then, you can run it from a cmd shell with:
powershell -NoProfile -File doit.ps1

Create a script to collect files from yesterday

I'm working in Sterling B2B Integrator and I have to create a Business Process to collect only the files from "yesterday" (the previous date) The problem is that B2Bi doesn't have a service to do that and the colection directory has over than 7000 files, so I can't use a GetDocInfo service to collect the dates into tags because the Sterling may colapse.
So, I decided to use the Command Line Adapter to invoke a script that would do that for me. The problem is that the script doesn't work either:
set var1=%1 /* UNC File Path */
set var2=%2 /* Source directory */
set var3=%3 /* "yesterday" date */
set var4=%4 /* save the list of files into a .txt*/
set var5=%5 /* copy the files from yesterday into this directory */
PUSHd **%var1%** &
forfiles /p **%var2%** /s /C " cmd /c echo #path #FDATE | findstr /m **%var3%**" > %var4% &
for /f %%a in (**%var4%**) do copy %%a **%var5%** &
Function: The script should collect the files from yesterday and save them into a specific directory.
PUSHd "\\emea\e801\Public" &
forfiles /p _AppData\CAMS\PDFS\Digital\CertificadoCancelado /s /C " cmd /c echo #path #FDATE | findstr /m "27/07/17"" > _Shared\_AppData\MFT\BackupSterling\temp_puente_PRO\Lista_DIGCRT02\ficherosAyer.txt &
for /f %%a in (_Shared\_AppData\MFT\BackupSterling\temp_puente_PRO\Lista_DIGCRT02\ficherosAyer.txt) do copy %%a _Shared\_AppData\MFT\BackupSterling\temp_puente_PRO\Lista_DIGCRT02\DIGCRT02 &
Why is this script not working?
The script is not working because it is not syntactically correct. What are the asterisks doing around the variable names.
Here is a brief PowerShell script that is the core of what you need to do. It needs to have a Parms() block. When you are satisfied that it will copy the files correctly, remove the -WhatIf from the Copy-Item command.
Please note that this does not maintain the subdirectory structure from the src_dir. This will not work well if you have selected files with the same name in different subdirectories.
$src_dir = 'C:\src\t' #var2
$the_date = '2017-07-21' #var3
$log_file = 'C:\src\xxx' #var4
$dest_dir = 'C:\src\xxx' #var5
if (Test-Path $log_file) { Remove-Item $log_file }
Get-ChildItem -Path $src_dir -File -Recurse |
ForEach-Object {
if ((Get-Date $_.LastWriteTime -Format yyyy-MM-dd) -eq $the_date) { $_.FullName }
} |
Tee-Object -FilePath $log_file -Append |
Copy-Item -Destination $dest_dir -WhatIf
If you -must- do this from a .bat script, put the script above into a filename with a .ps1 extension such as Move-FilesDated.ps1. Then, call it from the .bat script.
powershell -NoProfile -File "Move-FilesDated.ps1"

Enterprise find files (via powershell) exclude Tempory Internet Files

I am trying to run this command via powershell on every computer on my network.
I am running into a problem with Temporary Internet Files, providing too many false positives.
Can anyone suggest a way to improve this command?
dir C:\Users\ /S /B | findstr /i """" > "C:\test.txt"
One suggestion, was
dir C:\Users\ /S /B | findstr /i """" > "C:\test.txt"
dir C:\Users\ /S /B | findstr /i """" | findstr ""Temporary Internet Files"" > "C:\test2.txt"
fc C:\test.txt C:\test2.txt > C:\results.txt
But running through tests, it didn't give me the results I was looking for. I still had duplications. Or it would say the files are too different.
If you are running this through PowerShell then why not use PowerShell commands? Your examples are using the legacy DIR command. You could use Get-ChildItem instead. You can use -Exclude to skip a folder. You could use -filter or -include to find the files you want. Worse case is to get the files and then pipe to where object perhaps using a regex pattern to filter out the files you want. I can't tell from your commands what files you are looking for.