Unable to POST to concourse REST api - concourse

I am unable to POST to https://ci.server.com/api/v1/teams/main/pipelines/test/jobs/hello-world/builds despite using the Auth bearer token as a header.
There is no issue with GET commands, using POSTMAN to test - is there some other auth required for POST?


Postman 403 forbidden CSRF token missing for Django Rest

I'm trying to test DRF login API on Postman but I'm getting 403 Forbidden CSRF token missing error. What I've done: Yes, I have CsrfViewMiddleware in settings. API works in browser but not on Postman or Flutter. I then followed these instructions: https://ourcodeworld.com/articles/read/1619/how-to-handle-postman-and-django-403-forbidden-error-csrf-verification-failed but the error remains. Any advice is appreciated.
Instead of adding the token to Headers in postman like the article suggested I added csrfmiddlewaretoken to Body and now I'm able to log in.
This post helped: How to Use Postman to Authenticate to Django REST Framework

REST API URL that can be used to retrieve the metadata for a resource contained in a storage bucket

I am new to Cloud and I've been practising it for a while. I have a use case.
I want to retrieve the metadata of images in the bucket through a suitable REST API. I searched in API explorer and found Cloud Resource Manager API that could help retrieve the metadata but after exploring it I couldn't figure out the link.
API Required Fields
Can someone help me to understand what to put in the parent field?
You are using the wrong REST API.
The REST API endpoint is:
To view metadata, here is an example using the REST API in curl:
gcloud auth application-default login
TOKEN=$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)
curl -v -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" $URL

Azure KeyVault Get Secret API responds with 404 or 401 error

I am trying to get a secret out of Azure Key Vault. It is a very simple Restful API call. For example for all key, it is as simple as this:
GET {vaultBaseUrl}/secrets?api-version=7.0
where vaultBaseUrl is provided in Azure Console as Vault DNS name.
I am using console mode for testing
But the return value if always 404.
When I try curl in the Azure console, it gives 401 - Unauthorized.
However I can use the command line to get the secret out.
Is there any secret to making the restful call and curl work to get the secret out? All these situations use the same credentials.
A side questions is, that on the micorosft api testing page there is a 'Request Preview' section with a green Run button, almost as if it is inviting you to run the api, but the link is to learn.microsoft.com and the copy button on the box is disabled. I have never seen so many problems in one place, so I am thinking may be I don't understand something here.
The doc seems not to be correct. If you want to get the secret, you could use the Client credentials flow to get the access token and use it to get the secret.
Follow the steps as below.
1.Register an app in the Azure Active Directory, see this link. Get the application id and key, see this link. Add the service principal in the Access policies in your keyvault with the correct secret permission(just search the name of your AD App then add it).
2.In the postman, send a request to the url
POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/{your tenant id}/oauth2/token?api-version=1.0
Request body and complete sample(client_id and client_secret are the application id and key in step 1):
3.Copy the access_token in step 2, then use it as an Authorization token to call the api:
GET https://yourkeyvault.vault.azure.net/secrets?api-version=7.0
Besides, if you want to use CURL to get the secret, try the one like below. The TOKEN is the same with the access_token in step 2 above.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]" https://yourkeyvault.vault.azure.net/secrets?api-version=7.0
For more details about getting access_token via curl and complete steps, you could refer to this link. Don't forget to change the resource to https://vault.azure.net in the Request the Access Token step.
Pass Bearer token.There will be an Url to generate a token and pass it to authentication then u will donot get the error.

Getting 500 Internal server error for Microsoft bot framework directline v3.0 requests

I am following the exact steps mentioned in the documentation to generate a new token from the directline secret for v3.0 using the REST API.
Hitting the API endpoint with a POST request: https://directline.botframework.com/v3/directline/tokens/generate
Authorization: Bearer SECRET
I obtained the SECRET from my bot page under "Configure directline" section.
Here's a snap:
I am getting a 500 Internal server error. How do I get around this?

How to Create Bluemix Secure Gateway from rest api

I am following this doc for reference.
I am able to get information for secure gateway, which is already created. But when I am trying to create a new secure gateway from the REST API, it is asking for authentication. I have tried to provide the authentication information two ways:
I have provided the oauth authorization header obtained from the cf oauth-token, but it gives me an unauthorized error.
I have given basic authentication (username and password of the Bluemix account) information, but it gives me an unauthorized error.
Note: I am using postman for this operation
Postman details:
url: https://sgmanager.au-syd.bluemix.net/v1/sgconfig?org_id=girishxxxxxxx#gmail.com&space_id=Equxxxxx
It is also saying "Invalid org_id", but the org_id is valid.
To create a gateway via the SG API, your request will need the query parameters ord_id and space_id (the guids, not the friendly names). The authorization header will be Basic <your_base64_encoded_username:password> or Bearer <bluemix_token>. For example:
curl "https://sgmanager.au-syd.bluemix.net/v1/sgconfig?org_id=myOrgGuid&space_id=mySpaceGuid" -H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=" -d '{"desc":"My Gateway"}'