Extract substring using two delimiters and NO REGEX - perl

I have a function whose aim is to extract a substring found between two delimiters. I would use regex but in this case I have explicit instructions not to use them.
I had a simpler and more elegant solution which was just one line but I cannot for the life of me remember or find it.
sub findBetween {
my ($theString,$delimiter1,$delimiter2) = (#_);
my $tmp = substr($theString, index($theString,$delimiter1)+length($delimiter1));
$tmp = substr($tmp, 0, index($tmp,$delimiter2));
return $tmp;}
Thank you for taking a look at this issue, I am aware it is very basic and somewhat redundant. What I need is a simpler solution involving perl basic functions and no regex.

You can use two index() calls to locate both delimiters and use indexes to extract string between them,
sub findBetween {
my ($theString,$delimiter1,$delimiter2) = #_;
my $i1 = index($theString, $delimiter1, 0) + length($delimiter1);
my $i2 = index($theString, $delimiter2, $i1);
return substr($theString, $i1, $i2-$i1);
print findBetween("111--2222~~333", "--", "~~"), "\n";

I would simply use index
use strict;
use warnings;
my $string = "hello my world";
my $substr = "my";
if (index($string, $substr) != -1) {
print "$substr found in $string";
Extract from perldoc
• index STR,SUBSTR
The index function searches for one string within another, but without the wildcard-like behavior of a full regular-expression pattern match. It returns the position of the first occurrence of SUBSTR in STR at or after POSITION. If POSITION is omitted, starts searching from the beginning of the string. POSITION before the beginning of the string or after its end is treated as if it were the beginning or the end, respectively. POSITION and the return value are based at zero. If the substring is not found, index returns -1.


How to get the index of the last digit in a string in Perl?

In Perl, how do you find the index of the last digit in a string?
Example: Hello123xyz index of last digit is 7
A RE to match the last digit in the string and the #- variable to get the index of the start of the match:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw/say/;
sub last_digit_index($) {
if ($_[0] =~ /\d\D*\z/) {
return $-[0];
} else {
return -1;
say last_digit_index("Hello123xyz"); # 7
I'd probably use the pos function here. Match with /g and the Perl remembers where the match left off. The next global match on that string will start where the last match left off, so isolate this in a sub or block to avoid weird effects on subsequent matches on the same variable.
Since the position counts from 0, the next position will be one greater than the 1-based position of the final digit. You decide if you want to subtract 1 or not:
use v5.10;
say last_digit_pos('Hello123xyz');
sub last_digit_pos {
my( $string ) = #_;
$string =~ m/^.*\d/sg;
return pos($string); # 6
And, if the string doesn't match, pos doesn't return a defined value.
Can also leverage List::MoreUtils::last_index
use List::MoreUtils qw(last_index);
my $last_digit_index = last_index { /[0-9]/ } split '', $string;
I find this simple: break the string into a list of characters with a typical use of split, and use a library to find the last one which is a digit, via a trivial regex.
Note that this is "expensive" as it creates a scalar for each character and runs regex multiple times. So if efficiency matters -- if this is done on an absolutely gigantic string, or many many many times on smaller strings -- then better seek other approaches, or at least benchmark it before deciding on it. (Note, that would have to be really a lot of strings to see degraded efficiency.)

truncate string in perl into substring with trailing elipses

I'm trying to truncate a string in a select input option using perl if it is longer than a set value, though i can't get it to work correctly.
my $value = defined $option->{value} ? $option->{value} : '';
my $maxValueLength = 50;
if ($value.length > $maxValueLength) {
$value = substr $value, 0, $maxValueLength + '...';
Another option is regex
$string =~ s/.{$maxLength}\K.*/.../;
It matches any character (.) given number of times ({N}, here $maxLength), what is the first $maxLength characters in $string; then \K makes it "forget" all previous matches so those won't get replaced later. The rest of the string that is matched is then replaced by ...
See Lookaround assertions in perlre for \K.
This does start the regex engine for a simple task but it doesn't need any conditionals -- if the string is shorter than the maximum length the regex won't match and nothing happens.
Your code has several syntax errors. Turn on use strict and use warnings if you don't have it, and then read the error messages it tells you about. This is a bit tricky because of Perl's very complex syntax (see also Damian Conway's keynote from the 2020 Perl and Raku Conference), but it boils down to these:
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at line 7
Argument "..." isn't numeric in addition (+) at line 8
I've used the following adaption of your code to produce these
use strict;
use warnings;
my $value = '1234567890' x 10;
my $maxValueLength = 50;
if ( $value.length > $maxValueLength ) {
$value = substr $value, 0, $maxValueLength + '...';
print $value;
Now let's see what they mean.
The . operator in Perl is a concatenation. You cannot use it to call methods, and length is not a method on a string. Perl thinks you are using the built-in length (a function, not a method) without an argument, which makes it default to $_. Most built-ins do this, to make one-liners shorter. But $_ is not defined. Now the . tries to concatenate the length of undef to $value. And using undef in a string operation leads to this warning.
The correct way of doing this is length $value (or with parentheses if you prefer them, length($value)).
The + operator is not concatenation (we just learned that the . is). It's a numerical addition. Perl is pretty good at converting between strings and numbers as there aren't really any types, so saying 1 + "5" would give you 6 without problems, but it cannot do that for a couple of dots in a string. Hence it complains about a non-number value in an addition.
You want the substring with a given length, and then you want to attach the three dots. Because of associativity (or stickyness) of operators you will need to use parentheses () for your substr call.
$value = substr($value, 0, $maxValueLength) . '...';
To find a length of the string use length(STRING)
Here is the code snippet how you can modify the script.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
my $string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
say "length of original string is:".length($string);
my $value = defined $string ? $string : '';
my $maxValueLength = 50;
if (length($value) > $maxValueLength) {
$value = substr $value, 0, $maxValueLength;
say "value:$value";
say "value's length:".length($value);
length of original string is:80
value:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw
value's length:50

Perl searching for string contained in array

I have an array with the following values:
push #fruitArray, "apple|0";
push #fruitArray, "apple|1";
push #fruitArray, "pear|0";
push #fruitArray, "pear|0";
I want to find out if the string "apple" exists in this array (ignoring the "|0" "|1")
I am using:
$fruit = 'apple';
if( $fruit ~~ #fruitArray ){ print "I found apple"; }
Which isn't working.
Don't use smart matching. It never worked properly for a number of reasons and it is now marked as experimental
In this case you can use grep instead, together with an appropriate regex pattern
This program tests every element of #fruitArray to see if it starts with the letters in $fruit followed by a pipe character |. grep returns the number of elements that matched the pattern, which is a true value if at least one matched
my #fruitArray = qw/ apple|0 apple|1 pear|0 pear|0 /;
my $fruit = 'apple';
print "I found $fruit\n" if grep /^$fruit\|/, #fruitArray;
I found apple
I - like #Borodin suggests, too - would simply use grep():
$fruit = 'apple';
if (grep(/^\Q$fruit\E\|/, #fruitArray)) { print "I found apple"; }
which outputs:
I found apple
\Q...\E converts your string into a regex pattern.
Looking for the | prevents finding a fruit whose name starts with the name of the fruit for which you are looking.
Simple and effective... :-)
Update: to remove elements from array:
$fruit = 'apple';
#fruitsArrayWithoutApples = grep ! /^\Q$fruit\E|/, #fruitArray;
If your Perl is not ancient, you can use the first subroutine from the List::Util module (which became a core module at Perl 5.8) to do the check efficiently:
use List::Util qw{ first };
my $first_fruit = first { /\Q$fruit\E/ } #fruitArray;
if ( defined $first_fruit ) { print "I found $fruit\n"; }
Don't use grep, that will loop the entire array, even if it finds what you are looking for in the first index, so it is inefficient.
this will return true if it finds the substring 'apple', then return and not finish iterating through the rest of the array
#takes a reference to the array as the first parameter
sub find_apple{
#array_input = #{$_[0]};
foreach $fruit (#array_input){
if (index($fruit, 'apple') != -1){
return 1;
You can get close to the smartmatch sun without melting your wings by using match::simple:
use match::simple;
my #fruits = qw/apple|0 apple|1 pear|0 pear|0/;
$fruit = qr/apple/ ;
say "found $fruit" if $fruit |M| \#fruits ;
There's also a match() function if the infix [M] doesn't read well.
I like the way match::simple does almost everything I expected from ~~ without any surprising complexity. If you're fluent in perl it probably isn't something you'd see as necessary, but - especially with match() - code can be made pleasantly readable ... at the cost of imposing the use of references, etc.

index argument contains . perl

If a string contains . representing any character, index doesn't match on it. What to do so that it takes . as any character?
For ex,
index($str, $substr)
if $substr contains . anywhere, index will always return -1
That is not possible. The documentation says:
The index function searches for one string within another, but without
the wildcard-like behavior of a full regular-expression pattern match.
The keywords, you can use for further googlings are:
perl regular expression wildcard
If you just want to know, if your string matches, using a regular expression could look like that:
my $string = "Hello World!";
if( $string =~ /ll. Worl/ )
print "Ahoi! Position: ".($-[0])."\n";
This is matching a single character.
$-[0] is the offset into the string of the beginning of the entire
-- http://perldoc.perl.org/perlvar.html
If you want to have a pattern, that is matching an arbitary amount of arbitary characters, you could choose a pattern like...
if( $string =~ /ll.*orl/ )
See perlvar for further information about special perl variables. You will find the variable #LAST_MATCH_START and some explanation about $-[0] over there. There are several more variables, that can help you to find sub matches and to gather other interessting information about your matches...
From perldoc -f index, you can see index() doesn't have any regex syntax:
The index function searches for one string within another, but without the wildcard-like behavior of a full regular-
expression pattern match. It returns the position of the first occurrence of SUBSTR in STR at or after POSITION. If
POSITION is omitted, starts searching from the beginning of the string. POSITION before the beginning of the string or after
its end is treated as if it were the beginning or the end, respectively. POSITION and the return value are based at 0 (or
whatever you've set the $[ variable to--but don't do that). If the substring is not found, "index" returns one less than the
base, ordinarily "-1"
A simple test:
$ perl -e 'print index("1234567asdfghj.","j.")'
Use regex:
$str =~ /$substr/g;
$index = pos();

Simplest way to match array of strings to search in perl?

What I want to do is check an array of strings against my search string and get the corresponding key so I can store it. Is there a magical way of doing this with Perl, or am I doomed to using a loop? If so, what is the most efficient way to do this?
I'm relatively new to Perl (I've only written 2 other scripts), so I don't know a lot of the magic yet, just that Perl is magic =D
Reference Array: (1 = 'Canon', 2 = 'HP', 3 = 'Sony')
Search String: Sony's Cyber-shot DSC-S600
End Result: 3
Based on the results of discussion in this question, depending on your intent/criteria of what constitutes "not using a loop", the map based solution below (see "Option #1) may be the most concise solution, provided that you don't consider map a loop (the short version of the answers is: it's a loop as far as implementation/performance, it's not a loop from language theoretical point of view).
Assuming you don't care whether you get "3" or "Sony" as the answer, you can do it without a loop in a simple case, by building a regular expression with "or" logic (|) from the array, like this:
my #strings = ("Canon", "HP", "Sony");
my $search_in = "Sony's Cyber-shot DSC-S600";
my $combined_search = join("|",#strings);
my #which_found = ($search_in =~ /($combined_search)/);
print "$which_found[0]\n";
Result from my test run: Sony
The regular expression will (once the variable $combined_search is interpolated by Perl) take the form /(Canon|HP|Sony)/ which is what you want.
This will NOT work as-is if any of the strings contain regex special characters (such as | or ) ) - in that case you need to escape them
NOTE: I personally consider this somewhat cheating, because in order to implement join(), Perl itself must do a loop somewhere inside the interpeter. So this answer may not satisfy your desire to remain loop-less, depending on whether you wanted to avoid a loop for performance considerations, of to have cleaner or shorter code.
P.S. To get "3" instead of "Sony", you will have to use a loop - either in an obvious way, by doing 1 match in a loop underneath it all; or by using a library that saves you from writing the loop yourself but will have a loop underneath the call.
I will provide 3 alternative solutions.
#1 option: - my favorite. Uses "map", which I personally still consider a loop:
my #strings = ("Canon", "HP", "Sony");
my $search_in = "Sony's Cyber-shot DSC-S600";
my $combined_search = join("|",#strings);
my #which_found = ($search_in =~ /($combined_search)/);
print "$which_found[0]\n";
die "Not found" unless #which_found;
my $strings_index = 0;
my %strings_indexes = map {$_ => $strings_index++} #strings;
my $index = 1 + $strings_indexes{ $which_found[0] };
# Need to add 1 since arrays in Perl are zero-index-started and you want "3"
#2 option: Uses a loop hidden behind a nice CPAN library method:
use List::MoreUtils qw(firstidx);
my #strings = ("Canon", "HP", "Sony");
my $search_in = "Sony's Cyber-shot DSC-S600";
my $combined_search = join("|",#strings);
my #which_found = ($search_in =~ /($combined_search)/);
die "Not Found!"; unless #which_found;
print "$which_found[0]\n";
my $index_of_found = 1 + firstidx { $_ eq $which_found[0] } #strings;
# Need to add 1 since arrays in Perl are zero-index-started and you want "3"
#3 option: Here's the obvious loop way:
my $found_index = -1;
my #strings = ("Canon", "HP", "Sony");
my $search_in = "Sony's Cyber-shot DSC-S600";
foreach my $index (0..$#strings) {
next if $search_in !~ /$strings[$index]/;
$found_index = $index;
last; # quit the loop early, which is why I didn't use "map" here
# Check $found_index against -1; and if you want "3" instead of "2" add 1.
Here is a solution that builds a regular expression with embedded code to increment the index as perl moves through the regex:
my #brands = qw( Canon HP Sony );
my $string = "Sony's Cyber-shot DSC-S600";
use re 'eval'; # needed to use the (?{ code }) construct
my $index = -1;
my $regex = join '|' => map "(?{ \$index++ })\Q$_" => #brands;
print "index: $index\n" if $string =~ $regex;
# prints 2 (since Perl's array indexing starts with 0)
The string that is prepended to each brand first increments the index, and then tries to match the brand (escaped with quotemeta (as \Q) to allow for regex special characters in the brand names).
When the match fails, the regex engine moves past the alternation | and then the pattern repeats.
If you have multiple strings to match against, be sure to reset $index before each. Or you can prepend (?{$index = -1}) to the regex string.
An easy way is just to use a hash and regex:
my $search = "your search string";
my %translation = (
'canon' => 1,
'hp' => 2,
'sony' => 3
for my $key ( keys %translation ) {
if ( $search =~ /$key/i ) {
return $translation{$key};
Naturally the return can just as easily be a print. You can also surround the entire thing in a while loop with:
while(my $search = <>) {
#your $search is declared = to <> and now gets its values from STDIN or strings piped to this script
Please also take a look at perl's regex features at perlre
and take a look at perl's data structures at perlref
as was just pointed out to me you were trying to steer away from using a loop. Another method would be to use perl's map function. Take a look here.
You can also take a look at Regexp::Assemble, which will take a collection of sub-regexes and build a single super-regex from them that can then be used to test for all of them at once (and gives you the text which matched the regex, of course). I'm not sure that it's the best solution if you're only looking at three strings/regexes that you want to match, but it's definitely the way to go if you have a substantially larger target set - the project I initially used it on has a library of some 1500 terms that it's matching against and it performs very well.