OrientDB TTL for edges of a graph - orientdb

Is there a way to assign TTL to edges of a graph? TTL feature is included in this milestone.
If there is not, what would be a workaround to remove edges after a period?


How do you get the distance between each particle and its source in Unity VFX graph?

I am trying to use the distance of each particle from the source as a parameter to determinate its color through a gradient.
This is how I am using the nodes in Unity's VFX Graph
However, even if I use the result of the "lenght" node directly into "Set size" node nothing is being rendered. I assume that the substract operation returns (0,0,0). If thats the case, then how this operation should be done? Is there a node that already does the job?

Graphx :Edit the graph and add the vertex and Edges

I'm new to Graphx and doing some research, where I have to map the property graph model to hadoop. I have successfully created the graph by creating Vertex and edge RDD.Now I want to edit my graph by adding vertex at position X and the add a edge at position X-1 and X+1.
I have read multiple documents which says graphs are immutable, but there is an option of subgraph but according to me it is used only to eliminate certain vertex and edges.
Can some one guide me is there any way to edit the graphs ?

How can I create the undirect Edge in OrientDB 2.2

I am a newbie in OrientDB. Currently I want to create the undirect Edge between 2 Vertexes, it looks like: Product A relates to Product B.
I am using Java API, blueprint.
Thank you.
aVertex.addEdge(endVertex, "label")
graph.addEdge(id, outVertex, inVertex, "label")
Either way, there are always an out and an in vertex
There is no way to create an undirected edges. In OrientDB, as in most graph databases in the market, edges always have a direction.
It is not a limitation, because you can traverse edges regardless their direction, using both() query operator or, in Java:
vertex.getEdges(Direction.BOTH, label)

How to find all vertices that have no incoming edges in TinkerPop 3?

How would write a traversal in use Gremlin TinkerPop 3 to find all vertices that have no incoming edges?
As a follow up I also need to find a vertices that have no outgoing edges as well.
This is simpler than the below version
Keeping my original answer for reference
For 0 outgoing edges

How to query all values in vertices using elasticsearch in Tinkerpop3 graph

I have a graph that I want to to query vertices (full text search) by text that might occur in any of the keys in each vertex. How to do that?
I use Titan 0.9.0-M2 and Tinkerpop 3. The indexing backend is Elasticsearch.
Let's say your index is called vertices, then you would do:
Here's an example over the Graph of the Gods:
gremlin> graph.indexQuery("edges", "e.*:loves").edges()*.getElement()*.value("reason")
==>loves waves
==>loves fresh breezes