Create a static library with React dependency - swift

I created a library that uses the native navigation controller to navigate through react and native screens. The library is written in Swift and contains some objective-c code to setup the React bridge etc. Currently I can distribute this library through CocoaPods by creating a podspec and defining the React dependency there. However, this forces the user to setup React in their project through CocoaPods as well (like so: I'd like them to use the react-native link or manually linking option as well (like so:
If I understand correctly I can create a static library and distribute that. So far I created this static library, added my mixed swift and objective-c code and tried to manually link it into my main project. This however produces an error in one of my classes inside my static library where I import React like so import React. Error is "No such module 'React'.
I updated the Header Search Paths of my static library to contain:
(react-native, React and my own lib are all inside the node_modules folder)
both set to recursive. Unfortunately it still doesn't find the module React. Does anyone know how to create a static library that contains a dependency with React?
The end goal would be to import this static library in my main project like import MyStaticNaivationLib in one of my viewcontrollers and subclass from a class that's defined in my static library.
My main project also uses This looks exactly what I want to achieve. It's a static library that has a dependency with React ("import RCTBridgeModule.h") which I can manually link in my main project. Only difference is that this project doesn't contain Swift code.

I wrote a custom module for the company, and you can view my documentation. This custom module have inner framework and I link this framework to the main project. In your custom_modulem do you have package.json with this?
"peerDependencies": {
"react": "16.8.3",
"react-native": "0.59.4"


Add Swift Package to a custom framework

Pretty new to creating frameworks with SPM dependencies. So I made a new framework project, added some of my classes/files as well as a SPM dependency (CocoaLumberjack logger). Framework compiles fine.
When I look for my framework product that I'm planning on embedding into some other project I see that it is in my Products folder. Alongside with it I see CocoaLumberjack module. Inside of my framework there is not much beside the exec file.
When I try to embed my framework into some other projects. Nothing compiles because it says that CocoaLumberjack module is missing.
Does anyone know how to fix this? Am I missing an important step or soemthing?
Well, there are numerous isses you could have faced during importing framework itself. It also depends if you use framework as binary or source code. I assume you were using source code approach as you are the creator of framework. You can however check all approaches here: in this SO question . Lets look at all the steps you need to implement in order to successfully use framework with SPM dependencies in your swift project.
create SPM properly and also link all additional SPM dependencies tutorial here. Make sure all your classes, structs etc. and their coresponding initializer has correct access level property. If you plan to use them outside of the package, use public initializers..
2)Once you created you SPM package, link it to framework. For the sake of this answer I created testFramework and linked one of my custom SPM package called VodApiPackage . This package also contains dependency to another BaseTvApiServicePackage.
I also added TestPrinter file containing simple function for creating error declared in my SPM package. This function servers only for checking that everything is working properly and will be user later. It is also declared public.
import Foundation
import VodApiPackage
public struct TestPrinter {
public init () {}
public func makeTest() {
let x = VodApiError.customErr(msg: "testMsg")
Open your project and make link to framework, you can also check this nice tutorial. The most important step from tutorial is step 5 and 6. Where you drag .xcproj into your project and link libraries and framework
make sure your library and SPM dependencies are correctly linked in your project. Check sample project below.
Build and test using your framework and its packages:
import UIKit
import testFramework
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {

StoreKit SKStoreProductViewController in React Native

I'm looking to add StoreKit's SKStoreProductViewController into a React Native project (without using a third-party library). Would like the Store view to show up as a modal when the user taps a "get app" button, which will pass the iTunesID of the product to be displayed.
While RN's documentation explains how to integrate a native view component into a project, I'm not sure I'm understanding how this would translate to a view controller.
While I prefer a solution in objective-c, I can accept a solution that uses Swift.
I was able to parse what I needed from Though I had tried installing the package, it had some breaking issues - but I extracted the key elements and documented them in this Gist:
In a nutshell:
Pull in native libraries and StoreKit component in new header and Obj-C files in your root app directory (RCTStoreViewManager.m and RCTStoreViewManager.h);
Create a bridge file to connect js methods with the Obj-C / native methods (index.ts);
Pull the js methods into your RN component (Component.js)

Flutter override a Class in a package

I am currently working on two Flutter apps that share about 90% of their functionality. Because of this, I have built most of the code as a library, and then have the two projects set up to import that library. I can then plug in two different CMS instances, and different Firebase services ... super-efficient.
The problem I have is that my library code has certain references that I would need to override in my projects to allow for bespoke menu items, theme settings etc.
A good example is a MenuItem enum that is used throughout my library code for navigation and routing etc. It builds the entire app structure off a list of these MenuItem types. I need to define a MenuItem enum for both of my projects, but the error I get is a conflict between the project and the library.
{MenuItem menuItem}
The argument type 'MenuItem (where MenuItem is defined in /Users/xx/Documents/dev/xx Creative/dev/AR_Trails_app/ar_trails_app/lib/utils/menu_items.dart)' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'MenuItem (where MenuItem is defined in /Users/xx/Documents/dev/xx Creative/dev/AR_Trails_Lib/weald_ar_trails/lib/utils/menu_items.dart)'.dartargument_type_not_assignable
menu_items.dart(7, 6): MenuItem is defined in /Users/xx/Documents/dev/xx Creative/dev/AR_Trails_app/ar_trails_app/lib/utils/menu_items.dart
menu_items.dart(8, 6): MenuItem is defined in /Users/xx/Documents/dev/xx Creative/dev/AR_Trails_Lib/weald_ar_trails/lib/utils/menu_items.dart
I know that there is an option to use dependency_overrides in Dart but this is for overriding the entire library I think:
How can I do this but for just one file? Or maybe two or three?
To be clear on the use-case here: my file menu_items.dart is in the library package, and it is used throughout to build the navigation and drawer etc. But it is only used in the library. What I need to do is override that file in each project so that the reference the library uses is the project's local version and NOT the one that is being referenced in the library. I thought that if I used as a path reference to the file like ../../utils/menu_items, and mirrored that in my project, it might use the local project version. It doesn't.

Swift framework with Objective-C Static library included

I need to create a framework in swift, that will internally use a static library. It would be great if this library was only visible internally in this framework. I have added all the files of this library to the framework, and I have created a module.modulemap file. This file looks like this:
framework module MySDK {
umbrella header "MySDK.h"
export *
module BluFi {
header "/Users/homedudycz/Documents/Developer/MyApp/MySDK/blufiprotocol/DH_AES.h"
export *
And I can now use objects from this static library inside my framework, but there is a problem. When I try to import my framework in some app I get an error: Missing required module 'BluFi'.
What am I doing wrong? Is there some other way to import this static library inside my framework internally?
I have also created a sample project with libraries that I need added in this SDK. Please take a look, and please update path in module.modulemap - I don't know how to make it relative to SDK path :/

Including a static library inside a dynamic framework in iOS

I needed to create a framework (which requires a static library) for a project I'm working on. I used this tutorial to create the framework, then copied the static library into the project and it worked.
But, when I dragged the framework to an iOS project, it shows a ton of errors.
`Undefined symbols for architecture i386:"_OBJC_CLASS_$_SomeClassFromTheStaticLibrary",referenced from:_OBJC_CLASS_$_AnotherClass in MyFramework`
What I think is happening is that the iOS project wants to recompile the framework and it cannot, because it can't locate the static library. All errors disappear if I add the static library to the iOS project. This is what I want to avoid.
Basically I want to have the iOS project -> Framework -> Library instead of having the library in both the project and the framework.
I have tried adding the static library as a resource in the framework, but it didn't work.
I doubt this is possible. When you think about what is happening you will see the problem.
The framework is compiled and the static library is processed so that things like extra symbols are stripped out
The app is now compiled and linked against the framework which may or may not have had the symbols that the app is requiring
I did get this to work if ONLY the framework was using the static library (logical) but I can't find a way to share the code across the framework & the app.
If a symbol is hidden (either via Symbols Hidden by Default/GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN being set to YES or __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) being applied to certain symbols), then that symbol will be available when statically linking the library, but not when dynamically linking the framework.
Ensure that the static library's symbols are not hidden, and you should be able to access them from your app.
I have followed this link to create custom framework. I have static library inside my framework and it works fine with that.
I have copied his steps in my blog for my understanding along with a script to make it universal.