After doing a bit of research, I see that since Redshift doesn't support merge/upsert some people are using staging tables to update/insert records. Since Redshift also doesn't support procedures (triggers, etc.) does anyone have suggestions for how they've automated this process(lambda, data pipeline, etc.)?
I don't think there is one right answer to this. Broadly there are two basic approaches to this I know of.
An explicit step in your ETL that's performed as you're loading data (using this pattern)
A batch cronjob that handles upserts periodically
Option 1 is probably the best approach, I believe. AWS Data Pipeline supports this with the RedshiftCopyActivity by using the insertMode field set to OVERWRITE_EXISTING.
At my job we've done this manually in our data pipeline by running the load command to a staging table and the upsert within the same sql transaction.
The other approach (option 2) is to have your ETL just appends new data to a staging table (you can use AWS Firehose for something like this), which you then use with a scheduled cronjob to update the target table on a scheduled basis. The upside of this is that your ETL is simpler, but the cronjob becomes another point of failure.
I have flow files with data records in it. I'm able to place it on S3 bucket. From there on I want to run COPY command and update command with joins to achieve MERGE / UPSERT operation. Can anyone suggest ways to solve this as firehose only executes copy command and I can't make UPSERT / MERGE operation as prescribed by AWS docs directly, so has to copy into staging table and update or insert using some conditions.
There are a number of ways to do this but I usually go with a lambda function run every 5 minutes or so that takes the data put in Redshift from firehose and merges it with existing data. Redshift likes to run on larger "chunks" of data and it is most efficient if you build up some size before performing these operations. The best practice is to move the data from the firehose target in an atomic operation like ALTER TABLE APPEND and use this new table as the source for merging. This is so firehose can keep adding data while the merge is in process.
Working on an ETL process that requires me to pull data from one postgres table and update data to another Postgres table in a seperate environment (same columns names). Currently, I am running the python job in a windows EC2 instance, and I am using pangres upsert library to update existing rows and insert new rows.
However, my organization wants me to move the python ETL script in Managed Apache Airflow on AWS.
I have been learning DAGs and most of the tutorials and articles are about querying data from postgres table using hooks or operators.
However, I am looking to understand how to update existing table A incrementally (i.e. upsert) using new records from table B (and ignore/overwrite existing matching rows).
Any chunk of code (DAG) that explains how to perform this simple task would be extremely helpful.
In Apache Airflow, operations are done using operators. You can package any Python code into an operator, but your best bet is always to use a pre-existing open source operator if one already exists. There is an operator for Postgres (
It will be hard to provide a complete example of what you should write for your situation, but it sounds to be like the best approach for you to take here is to take any SQL present in your Python ETL script and use it with the Postgres operator. The documentation I linked should be a good example.
They demonstrate inserting data, reading data, and even creating a table as a pre-requisite step. Just like how in a Python script, lines execute one at a time, in a DAG, operators execute in a particular order, depending on how they're wired up, like in their example:
create_pet_table >> populate_pet_table >> get_all_pets >> get_birth_date
In their example, populating the pet table won't happen until the create pet table step succeeds, etc.
Since your use case is about copying new data from one table to another, a few tips I can give you:
Use a scheduled DAG to copy the data over in batches. Airflow isn't meant to be used a streaming system for many small pieces of data.
Use the "logical date" of the DAG run ( in your DAG to know the interval of data that run should process. This works well for your requirement that only new data should be copied over during each run. It will also give you repeatable runs in case you need to fix code, then re-run each run (one batch a time) after pushing your fix.
We are having a tricky situation while performing ACID operation using Databricks Spark .
We want to perform UPSERT on a Azure Synapse table over a JDBC connection using PySpark . We are aware of Spark providing only 2 mode for writing data . APPEND and OVERWRITE (only these two use full in our case) . So based these two mode we thought of below options:
We will write whole dataframe into a stage table . And we will use this stage table to perform MERGE operation( ~ UPSERT )with final Table .Stage table will be truncated / dropped after that .
We Will bring target table data into Spark also. Inside Spark We will perform MERGE using Delta lake and will generate a final Dataframe .This dataframe will be written back to Target table in OVERWRITE mode.
Considering the cons. sides..
in Option 1 , We have to use two table just to write the final data. And In,case both Stage and target tables are big , then performing MERGE operation inside Synapse is another herculean task and May take time .
in option 2 ,We have to bring the Target table into Spark in-memory. Even though network IO is not much of our concern as both Databricks and Synpse will be in same Azure AZ, It may leads to memory issue in Spark side.
Is there any other feasible options ?? Or any recommendation ??
Answer would depend on many factors not listed in your question. It's a very open ended question.
(Given the way your question is phrased I'm assuming you're using Dedicated SQL Pools and not an On-demand Synapse)
Here are some thoughts:
You'll be using spark cluster's compute in option 1 and Synapse' compute in option 2. Compare cost.
Pick the lower cost.
Read and write to/from Spark to/from Synapse using their driver uses Datalake as stage. I.e. while reading a table from Synapse into a datafrmae in Spark, driver will first make Synapse export data to Datalake (as parquet IIRC) and then read the files in Datalake to create the Dataframe. This scales nicely if you're talking about 10s or million or billions of rows. But the overhead could become a performance overhead if row counts are low (10-100s of thousands).
Test and pick the faster one.
Remember that Synapse is not like a traditional MySQL or SQL-Server. It's an MPP DB.
"performing MERGE operation inside Synapse is another herculean task and May take time" is a wrong statement. It scales just like a Spark cluster.
It may leads to memory issue in Spark side, yes and no. One one hand all data isn't going to be loaded into a single worker node. OTOH yes, you do need enough memory for each node to do it's own part.
Although Synapse can be scaled up and down dynamically, I've seen it take up to 40 minutes to complete a scale up. Databricks on the other hand is fully on-demand and you can probably get away with turning on cluster, do upsert, shutdown cluster. With Synapse you'll probably have other clients using it, so may not be able to shut it down.
So with Synapse either you'll have to live with 40-80 minutes down time for each upsert (scale up, upsert, scale down), OR
pay for high DWU flat-rate all the time, though your usage is high only when you upsert but otherwise it's pretty low.
Lastly, remember that MERGE is in preview at the time of writing this. Means no Sev-A support cases/immediate support if something breaks in your prod because you're using MERGE.
You can always use DELETE + INSERT instead. Assumes the delta you receive has all columns from target table and not just updated ones.
Did you try creating checksum to do merge upsert only for rows that have actual data change?
I am trying to make a replication server from MySQL to redshift, for this, I am parsing the MySQL binlog. For initial replication, I am taking the dump of the mysql table, converting it into a CSV file and uploading the same to S3 and then I use the redshift copy command. For this the performance is efficient.
After the initial replication, for the continuous sync when I am reading the binlog the inserts and updates have to be run sequentially which are very slow.
Is there anything that can be done for increasing the performance?
One possible solution that I can think of is to wrap the statements in a transaction and then send the transaction at once, to avoid multiple network calls. But that would not address the problem that single update and insert statements in redshift run very slow. A single update statement is taking 6s. Knowing the limitations of redshift (That it is a columnar database and single row insertion will be slow) what can be done to work around those limitations?
Edit 1:
Regarding DMS: I want to use redshift as a warehousing solution which just replicates our MYSQL continuously, I don't want to denormalise the data since I have 170+ tables in mysql. During ongoing replication, DMS shows many errors multiple times in a day and fails completely after a day or two and it's very hard to decipher DMS error logs. Also, When I drop and reload tables, it deletes the existing tables on redshift and creates and new table and then starts inserting data which causes downtime in my case. What I wanted was to create a new table and then switch the old one with new one and delete old table
Here is what you need to do to get DMS to work
1) create and run a dms task with "migrate and ongoing replication" and "Drop tables on target"
2) this will probably fail, do not worry. "stop" the dms task.
3) on redshift make the following changes to the table
Change all dates and timestamps to varchar (because the options used
by dms for redshift copy cannot cope with '00:00:00 00:00' dates that
you get in mysql)
change all bool to be varchar - due to a bug in dms.
4) on dms - modify the task to "Truncate" in "Target table preparation mode"
5) restart the dms task - full reload
now - the initial copy and ongoing binlog replication should work.
Make sure you are on latest replication instance software version
Make sure you have followed the instructions here exactly
If your source is aurora, also make sure you have set binlog_checksum to "none" (bad documentation)
As there is no support for user defined functions or stored procedures in RedShift, how can i achieve UPSERT mechanism in RedShift which is using ParAccel, a PostgreSQL 8.0.2 fork.
Currently, i'm trying to achieve UPSERT mechanism using IF...THEN...ELSE... statement
which is giving me error. As i'm writing this code independently without including it in function or SP's.
So, is there any solution to achieve UPSERT.
You should probably read this article on upsert by depesz. You can't rely on SERIALIABLE for this since, AFAIK, ParAccel doesn't support full serializability support like in Pg 9.1+. As outlined in that post, you can't really do what you want purely in the DB anyway.
The short version is that even on current PostgreSQL versions that support writable CTEs it's still hard. On an 8.0 based ParAccel, you're pretty much out of luck.
I'd do a staged merge. COPY the new data to a temporary table on the server, LOCK the destination table, then do an UPDATE ... FROM followed by an INSERT INTO ... SELECT. Doing the data uploads in big chunks and locking the table for the upserts is reasonably in keeping with how Redshift is used anyway.
Another approach is to externally co-ordinate the upserts via something local to your application cluster. Have all your tools communicate via an external tool where they take an "insert-intent lock" before doing an insert. You want a distributed locking tool appropriate to your system. If everything's running inside one application server, it might be as simple as a synchronized singleton object.