Flutter refreshing data without screen flickering and scroll issues - flutter

I have a page that presents chat messages and has the dates of a group of messages as a divider in my flutter app. The data is pulled from localDB and I am trying to make it refresh the data by polling the DB for updates, however everytime I rebuild the stream or even future it makes the screen flicker and it automatically scrolls to the top of the list. The code is too big for here so I have posted it here.
It uses a Stream builder that calls a widget with data it gets from the first stream and uses another streambuilder to build the messages. I am sure this has something to do with it, but have no idea how to change that or fix the flicker and scroll weirdness.
Hoping someone has some ideas of how to handle this better or fix the flickering.

What you could try is creating a "app state" for each page, for example:
Loading app state - which displays a Progress Indicator when you're polling from DB/server.
Success app state - this dismisses the Progress Indicator and just shows an empty container, displaying your data.
Failed app state - Displays an error icon of your choice.
Perhaps you could try this library, Flutter GetX , and I recommend this library because of how simple it is to use.
It has state management library, which saved me lots of time and code using streams and setState({}).


"Minimizing" the current screen in Flutter

I'm building an app where I ping some data in my screen with the StreamBuilder (time, location, etc.), now I want to make an option for the user to leave the current screen without breaking the state or context of the screen, sort of like minimizing the screen. How can I achieve this in Flutter? Example:
I have my Screen One where I ping the data:
Now I want to make an option to the user to check some other data in the back while the Screen One is still running in the background so it doesn't break the ping of data from the StreamBuilder:
If I use the Navigator.of(context).pop() that will naturally pop the current screen and return to the previous one, so what I'm looking for is a solution not to break the state or context and still be able to return to the screen, like I said, sort of minimizing the screen.
Any idea of solution is quite helpful, thanks in advance!

Flutter Listview items not rendering

What I do is fetching items from Firebase then saving them in a list and then I display them in a ListView. The Problem that I have now is that I check if the list has Items and if so it displays my ListView with the Items and if there are no items it displays a Text but even but even if there are items the text gets displayed but after pressing hot reload the items get shown.
My guess was that there is a Problem with the State of the Widgets overall because stuff like SetState has no effect or a Refresh Indicator
Is there a reason why the StreamBuilder is following your masterListStart().asStream as opposed to the masterList stream? I'm not saying it's wrong, its just not immediately obvious.
Either way, it's not rebuilding automatically because the only part of your displayStory method that is reactive to the stream doesn't get built until after the non empty list condition is met. Without implementing a reactive state management solution there's nothing in your code that automatically notifies any listeners that the state of the storysList has changed, which means nothing is triggering a rebuild. Which is why you have to hot reload to see the changes.
Without me getting too deep into your code, try returning the StreamBuilder at the top level of the displayStory method and putting all the conditionals inside its its builder method.

How to prefetch data from api for 'ShowModalBottomSheet' even before it being opened in Flutter

Hi I'm trying to use ShowModalBottomSheet in my flutter App. But right now how it's being worked is the data which need to be displayed is being fetched only when ShowModalBottomSheet code executed and which creating a delay.
I want to know how do I prefetch the data beforhand using Future so that which can be used instantly when ShowModalBottomSheet triggered.
You could use and create a provider or bloc, and load the data, whenever the application's starts or the page is opened.
This way, the data will be available before the bottom sheet opens.

Flutter Webview reloads every time I switch screen

I'm making an app with a BottomNavigationBar with 5 different screens, each of them has a web view. The problem is that everytime I come back to a screen that was previously loaded, it reloads. I have tried using AutomaticKeepAliveClient from copy pasting this code but I doesn't seem to work. I'm new with Flutter so be precise please, thank you.
AutomaticKeepAliveClient is mainly used for keeping a child alive in lazily rendered list views. In your case whenever you switch tabs your current page get disposed and new page materializes on top of it, that means each time when you switch tab a new page is created including all it's widgets.
So if you want to keep your previously loaded web views alive, you have to go with either PageView widget or use Stack widget to load your pages programmatically while the user clicks on a tab.
This is a detailed example about implementing your requirement using PageView widget . you can also find an example with Stack widget under that question.

how to avoid rebuilding duplicate widgets when navigating back to previous page in flutter?

When the user logs in, they get pushed to the homepage and their data is retrieved from database on initstate and then the widgets are built. However, i noticed for the widgets that are built without a streambuilder, where i manually retrieve data once, are duplicated if i navigate to another page and then come back. When I say duplicated I mean the exact same data is redundantly copied again using the same widget, so like a users' profile pic could show up twice. I am using a listview most of the time for these cases/
How do i avoid this and just built the widgets once so if the user goes back the page stays the same?