how to change the date format in talend - talend

I have two scenario's,which I couldn't able to solve.
PLZ help me.
Scenario 1:
I've two files Source_1_table(Excel file),Source_2_table(Excel File).
Attached screenshot
I want to compare the source_1 date to source_2 date.
If the source_1 date is matching with source_2 date then the status should be as "Y" if not match then the status should be "N".
Here I am trying with this code"Y":"N"
Note:both columns are string data type.
Here source_1 SAL column have a null value.and source SAL column have a VALUE.
While I am trying to compare the source_1 sal value with source_2 sal value getting null pointerException.
I am trying with this code relation.Is(source_2.sal)?" ":source_2.sal.equals(source_1.sal)?"Y":"N"
I want to replace a value with empty space or "empty" in null value.

Please look at this snapshot.
Scenario 1: “ row1.Date.equals(row2.Date)?"Y":"N"” is working if both Source 1 & Source 2 contain dates as string.
Scenario 2: To avoid the Null Pointer Exception, check for null values before comparing Source 1 and source data. Please try the expression below:
(row2.SAL == null || row2.SAL == ("")) ? "" : row1.SAL == row2.SAL ? "Y" :"N"


Snowflake - Convert varchar to numeric

I have a column(field1) defined as varchar in snowflake. It is storing both string and numbers(ex values: US15876, 1.106336965E9). How can I convert the numeric values to display something like 1106336965, without losing the columns that is storing string values or null values. I am trying try_to_numeric(field1), but this is eliminating the record with string values and showing them as null. Any help is appreciated.
So try_to_number is the way to have numbers, and nulls for non-number without errors. But if you want to keep the strings, you actually have to convert your newly create number, back to text (or variant), otherwise it cannot be in the same column, so nothing is gained:
select column1
,try_to_number(column1) as_num
,nvl(as_num::text, column1) as why_not_both
from values

How do I check if a column is NULL using rust-postgres? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to handle an optional value returned by a query using the postgres crate?
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am using the rust-postgres library and I want to do a SELECT and check if the first column of the first row is NULL or not.
This is how I get my data:
let result = connection.query(
SELECT structure::TEXT
FROM sentence
WHERE id = $1
let rows = result.expect("problem while getting sentence");
let row = rows
.next() // there's only 1 result
.expect("0 results, expected one...");
The only simple way I found to figure it out is the following code:
match row.get_opt(0) {
Some(Ok(data)) => some data found,
Some(Err(_)) => the column is null,
None => out of bound column index
Unfortunately, it seems that Some(Err(_)) is the executed path for any kind of SQL/database error, and not only if the retrieved column is NULL.
Which condition should I use to check that the column is NULL ?
If all you need to know is whether the column is NULL, you could try changing your query to:
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM sentence WHERE id = $1 AND structure IS NOT NULL
with or without the NOT.
If you want to make the logic simpler so any error is an actual error, I'd consider changing the select value to something like:
COALESCE( structure::TEXT, ''::TEXT ) AS "structure"
so it should never be NULL. That should work as long as an empty string isn't a valid non-NULL value for that column.
Otherwise, I may have misunderstood your problem.

Convert ABAP date to HANA date returning NULL if empty

My task is to convert a ABAP style date (i.e. 2017-11-20 which is represented as string "20171120") to a HANA date via sql script. This can easily be done by:
select to_date('20171120','YYYYMMDD') from dummy;
But there is another requirement: if the abap date is initial (value '00000000') the database shall store a null value. I have found a working solution: I replace the potential initial date '00000000' with 'Z' and trim the string to null if only 'Z' is found:
select to_date(trim(leading 'Z' from replace('00000000','00000000','Z')),'YYYYMMDD') from dummy;
-- result: null
select to_date(trim(leading 'Z' from replace('20171120','00000000','Z')),'YYYYMMDD') from dummy;
-- result: 2017-11-20
But this looks like a dirty hack. Has anybody an idea for a more elegant solution?
As explained in my presentation Innovation with SAP HANA - What are my options all that string manipulation is really not necessary.
Instead, use the appropriate conversion functions when dealing with ABAP date and time data. In this case, DATS_TO_DATE is the correct function.
with in_dates as
( select '20171120' as in_date from dummy
union all select '00000000' as in_date from dummy)
, in_date
from in_dates;
|2017-11-20 |20171120
|? |00000000
The ? here is the output representation for NULL.
DATS_TO_DATE does not return NULL if the given date is initial (0000-00-00), but a special date value (-1-12-31 to be precise).
To receive a NULL value in this case, as you requested, use the following statement:
e. g.:
INSERT INTO null_test VALUES (NULLIF( DATS_TO_DATE('00000000'), DATS_TO_DATE('00000000')));
=> returns NULL
INSERT INTO null_test VALUES (NULLIF( DATS_TO_DATE('20171224'), DATS_TO_DATE('00000000')));
=> returns 2017-12-24
As there are no tedious string operations involved, this statement should yield good performance.

Insert null value to date field in access using vba

Am trying to insert date from a table to another table using vba in access, But one of the date values from the table is blank. So while inserting the date to new table it shows Invalid use of null exception Run-time error 94.
If writing DAO code to clear a Date field, I found that I had to use "Empty". Null and "" won't work. So for field dtmDelivery (type Date), I had to use the following. strDelivery is just a string with the date in it.
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblSomething", dbOpenDynaset)
If (strDelivery = "") Then
rst!dtmDelivery = Empty
rst!dtmDelivery = strDelivery
End If
you can use the NZ() function to define a value that should be used instead of NULL. Internally a date is a float value where the number represents the days between 01.01.1900 and the date that should be stored. The part behind the decimal point represents hours/minutes (.25 for example is 6 AM). So you can use the NZ() funtion to replace NULL bei 0 (what would be interpreted as 01.01.1900).
Another solution would be to configure the target table in a way that it allows NULL values. You can do this easily in the design view of the table.
I think i figure it out , declare the variable to string. Then check whether value from the table is empty, then assign null to it.Other wise assign the value from the table.
for example
Dim newdate As String
Check whether the fetched values is null or not
If IsNull(rst![value]) Then
newdate = "null"
newdate = rst![value]
End If
I encountered this problem and solved it this way.
SQL = "update mytable set mydatefield = '" & txtdate & "'"
On the txtdate on your form, put a date format to ensure date is either a real date or just blank.

XPath - is a date null

Using XPath, how do I figure out if a date or datetime field is null or blank?
I am using the concat method as a stand-in for the XPath if statement
substring(../preceding-sibling::my:PerDiem[1]/my:perDiemEnd, 1, ../preceding-sibling::my:PerDiem[1]/my:perDiemEnd = "" * string-length(../preceding-sibling::my:PerDiem[1]/my:perDiemEnd)),
substring(/my:ExpenseForm/my:ExpenseHeader/my:departureDateTime, 1, not(../preceding-sibling::my:PerDiem[1]/my:perDiemEnd = "") * string-length(/my:ExpenseForm/my:ExpenseHeader/my:departureDateTime))
More info:
In Infopath 2010, a repeating table has two date/time fields called perDiemStart and perDiemEnd. In the repeating table, the next perDiemStart is the previous perDiemEnd. This is easily done if the default value of perDiemStart is ../preceding-sibling::my:PerDiem[1]/my:perDiemEnd
But for the first perDiemStart (since a previous perDiemEnd does not exist, I suppose it would be null/blank). I want that first (blank) value to be a different: value of departureDateTime node
Node locations:
To check if it is filled:
To check if it is empty/null:
Does this help?
Basically they detect null dates by getting the set of dates after an old date (e.g. 1900-01-01) and then using 'not' to see which nodes would be excluded.