In Katalon, Test Listners are running for each call TestCase when Actual Test case has couple of Call Test Case - katalon-studio

I am using Katalon to prepare the UI Auomation test case.
The below is my structure of code.
1. Call Login Test Case
2. Call Book Appointment Test Case
3. Call Logout Test Case.
I expected that once all three activity completed it should get the status of the Test case but it run Step 1 (Calling Test case) then TestListeners and then Step 2 (Calling Test Case) then TestListeners and finally Step 3 and then Test listeners..
I wanted to run once all the steps completed only.. How to restrict that?
How to use Test listeners when I have multiple call Test case in my original Test case

You can use to mark tests as passed or failed.
For example, you add KeywordUtil.markPassed("Test completed succesfully!") (or failed) at the end of each of the test cases.


How to use assert statement in Katalon Studio?

Can someone tell me please how to use an assert statement in Katalon Studio?
The scenario is- I have to create one user (user=program), once I click the submit button I have to capture the result if the user is created successfully or not. If the user is created successfully, only then the execution should proceed further if not then the test case should fail and further execution should stop.
Please let me how to use assert statement in Test Case, Object repository or global variable or keywords?
In Katalon Studio, default assertions are available. Using which we can keep the validation check points. Please refer to below code where its checking for userPofileImge element. If user profile img present, assertion will be PASSED and execution will continue, or else failed and execution stops.
**Code Snippet**
assert WebUI.verifyElementVisible(findTestObject('HomePageLocators/userProfileImg')) == true : 'login failed as user profile is not present'
If you are using Groovy language with Katalon studio, this is the answer:
def x = 1
assert x == 2
// Output: // // Assertion failed: // assert x == 2 //
| | // 1 false
Groovy Language features:
Katalon Studio has significant customized assert methods. You can choose as per your requirement and control failure. In your case, when you click on Submit, user is created and probably you get alert message, notification message and or new user should be visible in user area.
So you have to identify checkpoint from above and get the property and WebUI.verify--select method with FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE.
Katalon Studio provides mutiple way to handle test failure
FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE // Applicable in your case
Code will be like this
WebUI.verifyElementPresent(findTestObject('User Locator'), maxWaitTime,
FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE) // use this if you want to fail further

How to handle test case fails in Katalon Studio

In my test case I decide whether I want to toggle my radio button. I check if my radio button does not have the checked attribute as follows:
TestObject srcCurrOpModeRadioBtn = guiUtils.createControl('config-src-op-mode-currentradio')
if(WebUI.verifyElementNotHasAttribute(srcCurrOpModeRadioBtn, 'checked', 5)){
TestObject srcCurrOpModeToggle = guiUtils.createControl('config-src-op-mode-current')
This works fine when my object does not have the checked attribute, but when my object is already checked (in the state that I want it to be), my test case fails. How do I make it so that instead of failing, it carries out the remaining test?
In simpler words, I have a toggle that toggles between 2 modes, lets call them mode1 and mode2. This specific test tests mode1's preferences, so before testing mode1's preferences, I have to toggle to mode1. My logic works when the toggle is at mode2 at the start of the test but it fails when I am already on mode1. I know that it fails because when mode1 is selected, its radio button already has a checked attribute and so the if statement fails but I don't want my test case to fail because of this, I want to test mode1's preferences.
There is another parameter to WebUI.verifyElementNotHasAttribute() - flow control.
You need to set FailureHandling.OPTIONAL so the test continues execution even if the function returns false. Then you can write the "else" part with corresponding logic.

is it possible to override uvm test that is specified via +UVM_TESTNAME=test1 by also having +uvm_set_type_override=test1,test2?

I am wondering if it is possible to override test specified in command line via +UVM_TESTNAME by +uvm_set_type_override.
I have tried it and this is what i see in prints in log.
UVM_INFO # 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test Test1...
UVM_INFO # 0: reporter [UVM_CMDLINE_PROC] Applying type override from the command line: +uvm_set_type_override=Test1,Test2
So it seems to me that test component is created first and then factory overrides are applied?
I see in uvm_root.svh following pieces of code
// if test now defined, create it using common factory
if (test_name != "") begin
if(m_children.exists("uvm_test_top")) begin
"An uvm_test_top already exists via a previous call to run_test", UVM_NONE);
#0; // forces shutdown because $finish is forked
$cast(uvm_test_top, factory.create_component_by_name(test_name,
"", "uvm_test_top", null));
It is using the factory, but i don't know if actully overrides are put in. I also see code in following.
uvm_report_info("RNTST", "Running test ...", UVM_LOW);
else if (test_name == uvm_test_top.get_type_name())
uvm_report_info("RNTST", {"Running test ",test_name,"..."}, UVM_LOW);
uvm_report_info("RNTST", {"Running test ",uvm_test_top.get_type_name()," (via factory override for test \"",test_name,"\")..."}, UVM_LOW);
I am wondering if the "else" part in above is ever executed? or under what condition is it executed?
It seems that there is an issue with command line processing ordering in the UVM—UVM_TESTNAME gets processed separate before all the other options.
It is possible to set an override before calling run_test() in the initial block.
But what is the point of setting up the test name, and then overriding it on the same command line? Why not use the overridden test name as the test?
In general, anything registered with the UVM Factory can be overridden at runtime with a runtime command line switch.
In the case of test names, there is a command line switch called +UVM_TESTNAME=selected_test_name_here.
We may have the base test name as the default in the run(your_base_test_name) in the top module,
And then we can select various tests at runtime, without compiling as we run each test (as long as each test has been included in the compile
And the +UVM_TESTNAME=selected_test_at_runtime as we typically cycle through test names when running regressions or switching tests as we debug our design with each different test.

Any way to ensure frisby.js test API calls go in sequential order?

I'm trying a simple sequence of tests on an API:
Create a user resource with a POST
Request the user resource with a GET
Delete the user resource with a DELETE
I've a single frisby test spec file mytest_spec.js. I've broken the test into 3 discrete steps, each with their own toss() like:
f1 = frisby.create("Create");, {user_id: 1});
// stuff...
f2 = frisby.create("Get");
f3 = frisby.create("delete");
Pretty basic stuff, right. However, there is no guarantee they'll execute in order as far as I can tell as they're asynchronous, so I might get a 404 on test 2 or 3 if the user doesn't exist by the time they run.
Does anyone know the correct way to create sequential tests in Frisby?
As you correctly pointed out, Frisby.js is asynchronous. There are several approaches to force it to run more synchronously. The easiest but not the cleanest one is to use .after(() -> ... you can find more about after() in Fisby.js docs.

TestNG - emailable-report issue

I have created java method to send mail and that mail attaching TestNG emailable-report. Mail and report is sending fine to specified email address.
My issue is I am calling sendmail method at last means when all other tests complete but thing is I am always getting previous last report in mail. So is it like TestNG update report after all class execution?
I want to get latest emailable-report in mail rather than previous last emailable-report.. How can I do that?
I want to get latest emailable-report in mail rather than previous
last emailable-report.. How can I do that?
I're sending mail in your #aftersuite.You're getting previous test emailable-report because the test is currently running and only when it finishes reports will be generated.
I will suggest you to use a continuous Integration server like jenkins because it gives sending emails as a post build option or build tool like Maven or ant to run your tests, then have a post test event to email the results.Maven also provides many plugins to automatically send mails after test execution like Postman mail plugin
Another solution : If you are not willing to use a continuous Integration server(jenkins) or maven or ant
TestNG IReporter listener
Create your own CustomReport by implementing your class to IReporter Interface.This interface has only one method to implement generateReport. This method has all the information of a complete test execution in the List and we can generate report using it.
public class CustomReporter implements IReporter{
public void generateReport(List<XmlSuite> arg0, List<ISuite> arg1,
String outputDirectory) {
// Second parameter of this method ISuite will contain all the suite executed.
for (ISuite iSuite : arg1) {
//Get a map of result of a single suite at a time
Map<String,ISuiteResult> results = iSuite.getResults();
//Get the key of the result map
Set<String> keys = results.keySet();
//Go to each map value one by one
for (String key : keys) {
//The Context object of current result
ITestContext context = results.get(key).getTestContext();
//results of all the test case will be stored in the context object
//Ex: context.getFailedTests(); will give all failed tests and similarly you can get passed and skipped test results make your own html report using the above data
Hope this helps you...Kindly get back if you need any further help
For Windows OS, I've created (for TestNG) in #AfterSuite at the end a method to send mail with attachment and batch file with 2 steps. First step launch mvn clean test to execute all test without previous results. Second step launch test without parameter clean and operates on non existing group :)
Batch is in folder with tests.
start /wait cmd /k "mvn clean test && exit" /secondary /minimized
REM to send email with results in file, whitch was composed after test suite (mvn without: clean)
start /wait cmd /k "mvn test -Dgroups=PhantomGroupNonExist && exit" /secondary /minimized