How global functions on swift are compiled/dispatched? - swift

I have seen other questions related to this topic but any of them has an explanation on how the compiler deal with these functions and how they are dispatched, if they behave like a inline function or what?
Basically I would like to know the performance difference between using global functions and class/static functions.
Note: I am not asking if it is a good practice or not, just which option has better performance.

According to this link, the default is to inline them sometimes. Compilers have gotten pretty good at figuring out when something can be optimized but if you want to prevent or force an inline, you can do it with the #inline attribute.
I'm not sure how this affects performance, but if I had to guess I'd say the global function might be slightly faster than the class function unless the class is marked as final or the function is marked static.


What is the advantage of saying your function should never be inlined?

I understand Swift's inlining well. I know the nuances between the four function-inlining attributes. I use #inline(__always) a lot, especially when I'm just making sugary APIs like this:
public extension String {
var length: Int { count }
I do this because there's not really a cost involved in inlining it, but there would be the cost of an extra stack frame if it weren't inlined. For less-obvious sugar, I'll lean toward #inlinable andor #usableFromInline as needed.
However, one distinction vexes me. The two possible arguments to #inline are never and __always. Despite the lack of actual documentation, this choice of spelling here acts as a sort of self-documentation, implying that if you are going to use one of these, you should lean toward never, and __always is discouraged.
But why is this the direction the Swift language designers encourage? As far as I know, if no attribute is applied at all, then this is the behavior:
If a function (et al) is used within the module in which it's declared, the compiler might choose to inline it or not, depending on which would produce better code (by some measure)
If that function (et al) is used outside the module, its implementation is not exposed in a way that allows it to be inlined, so it is never inlined.
So, it seems most of the time, not-inlining is the default. That's fine and dandy, I have no problem with that on the surface; don't bloat the executable any more than you need to.
But then, I've never had a reason to think #inline(never) is useful. From what I understand, the only reason I would use #inline(never) is if I've noticed that the Swift compiler is choosing to inline a non-annotated function too much, and it's bloating my executable. This seems like a super-niche occurrence:
My software is running fine
The Swift compiler's algorithm for deciding whether to inline something is not making the right choice for my code
I care about the size of the binary so much that I'm inspecting it closely enough to discover that a function is being inlined automatically too much
The problem is only in code that I've written into my own module; not code I'm using from some other module
Or, as Rob said in the comments, if you're going through some disassembly and automatic inlining makes it hard to read.
I can't imagine that these are the use cases which the Swift language designers had in mind when designing this attribute. Especially since Swift is not meant for embedded systems, binary size (and the (dis)assembly in general) isn't really that much of a concern. I've never seen an unreasonably-large Swift binary anyway (>50MB).
So why is never encouraged more than __always? I often run into reasons why I should force a function to be inlined, but I've not yet seen a reason to force a function to be stacked, at least in my own work.

Shortening class names/global variables in Sencha Touch

According to best practices (for instance,, I should avoid using global variables and instead create them as configs of a static class, ApplicationName.foldername.Classname.
Hence, a call to a tiny variable varName would become a verbose ApplicationName.foldername.Classname.getVarName().
Is is possible to shorten the ApplicationName.foldername.Classname part, in any way?
It's all just JavaScript - so technically ApplicationName.foldername.Classname is a global variable, albeit one that is unlikely to create naming collisions in this use case.
In other words, the likelihood that something short like varName is used more than once in a large application is pretty high... which is why it's bad practice. Creating something shorter, while certainly more convenient (less typing), is riskier.

How do lambdas work in Scala, are they functions on top of anonymous classes?

The title might be a little confusing so let me elaborate, I've been reading some criticism regarding Scala. It was an email sent to Tyepsafe regarding some deficiencies in Scala from Coda Hale (Yammer's Infrastructure Architect), so to quote:
we stopped seeing lambdas as free and started seeing them as syntactic sugar on top of anonymous classes and thus acquired the same distaste for them as we did anonymous classes.
So, from this, I have a couple of questions regarding how lambdas work in Scala:
What is the difference between a free function and a function that is bound to an anonymous class (technically, aren't all functions bound to the main singleton object)?
What is the impact on performance of using an anonymous class bound function instead of a free function?
Yes, lambdas are still objects, instances of anonymous classes.
This is how the JVM works, all references are objects. You can have either references or values (primitives) and there's no way around it.
Later versions of Java have MethodHandles. But it's worth noting that MethodHandle is also still just an abstract class - albeit one that the JVM specifically knows how to optimise away at runtime.
Also also worth noting is that the JVM can often perform escape analysis on abstract classes (such as Scala's functions), and optimise these away too.
On top of this, Scala can use any object with an apply method as though it were a Function. In this case, the explicit call to apply is emitted in the bytecode and you're not dealing with anonymous classes any more.
Given all of the above, it's impossible to make a general statement regarding the performance of Scala's function implementation, it depends on your specific code/use case. In general, I wouldn't worry unless you hit a corner case where your profiler pinpoints a problem here (which is very unlikely)
Well, in C for example a function is just a 32 or 64 bit pointer to a place in memory to jump to and the concept of a closure doesn't really apply since you can't declare an anonymous c function. I don't know how the C++ lambdas work, I guess the compiler makes a method and passes the fields you want in the closure along with parameters. Maybe that's what you're looking for. In the JVM you have to wrap your logic in a class so now you have a virtual table of methods, fields, and some methods related to synchronization and the type system.
What is the impact on performance?...I don't know, have you noticed an impact on performance? A lot of that extra Java stuff I described really isn't needed for an anonymous class and might just get optimized out. I imagine there are butterflies that influence the weather more than the extra JVM stuff would effect your software.

What functions to put inside a class

If I have a function (say messUp that does not need to access any private variables of a class (say room), should I write the function inside the class like room.messUp() or outside of it like messUp(room)? It seems the second version reads better to me.
There's a tradeoff involved here. Using a member function lets you:
Override the implementation in derived classes, so that messing up a kitchen could involve trashing the cupboards even if no cupboards are available in a generic room.
Decide that you need to access private variables later on, without having to refactor all the code that uses the function.
Make the function part of an interface, so that a piece of code may require that its argument be mess-up-able.
Using an external function lets you:
Make that function generic, so that you may apply it to rooms, warehouses and oil rigs equally (if they provide the member functions required for messing up).
Keep the class signature small, so that creating mock versions for unit testing (or different implementations) becomes easier.
Change the class implementation without having to examine the code for that function.
There's no real way to have your cake and eat it too, so you have to make choices. A common OO decision is to make everything a method (unless clearly idiotic) and sacrifice the three latter points, but that doesn't mean you should do it in all situations.
Any behaviour of a class of objects should be written as an instance method.
So room.messUp() is the OO way to do this.
Whether messUp has to access any private members of the class or not, is irrelevant, the fact that it's a behaviour of the room, suggests that it's an instance method, as would be cleanUp or paint, etc...
Ignoring which language, I think my first question is if messUp is related to any other functions. If you have a group of related functions, I would tend to stick them in a class.
If they don't access any class variables then you can make them static. This way, they can be called without needing to create an instance of the class.
Beyond that, I would look to the language. In some languages, every function must be a method of some class.
In the end, I don't think it makes a big difference. OOP is simply a way to help organize your application's data and logic. If you embrace it, then you would choose room.messUp() over messUp(room).
i base myself on "C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, And Best Practices" by Sutter and Alexandrescu, and also Bob Martin's SOLID. I agree with them on this point of course ;-).
If the message/function doesnt interract so much with your class, you should make it a standard ordinary function taking your class object as argument.
You should not polute your class with behaviours that are not intimately related to it.
This is to repect the Single Responsibility Principle: Your class should remain simple, aiming at the most precise goal.
However, if you think your message/function is intimately related to your object guts, then you should include it as a member function of your class.

What's better: Writing functions, or writing methods? What costs more performance?

Currently I am making some decisions for my first objective-c API. Nothing big, just a little help for myself to get things done faster in the future.
After reading a few hours about different patterns like making categories, singletons, and so on, I came accross something that I like because it seems easy to maintain for me. I'm making a set of useful functions, that can be useful everywhere.
So what I did is:
1) I created two new files (.h, .m), and gave the "class" a name: SLUtilsMath, SLUtilsGraphics, SLUtilsSound, and so on. I think of that as kind of "namespace", so all those things will always be called SLUtils******. I added all of them into a Group SL, which contains a subgroup SLUtils.
2) Then I just put my functions signatures in the .h file, and the implementations of the functions in the .m file. And guess what: It works!! I'm happy with it, and it's easy to use. The only nasty thing about it is, that I have to include the appropriate header every time I need it. But that's okay, since that's normal. I could include it in the header prefix pch file, though.
But then, I went to toilet and a ghost came out there, saying: "Hey! Isn't it better to make real methods, instead of functions? Shouldn't you make class methods, so that you have to call a method rather than a function? Isn't that much cooler and doesn't it have a better performance?" Well, for readability I prefer the functions. On the other hand they don't have this kind of "named parameters" like methods, a.f.a.i.k..
So what would you prefer in that case?
Of course I dont want to allocate an object before using a useful method or function. That would be harrying.
Maybe the toilet ghost was right. There IS a cooler way. Well, for me, personally, this is great:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface MYNAMESPACECoolMath : NSObject {
+ (float)randomizeValue:(float)value byPercent:(float)percent;
+ (float)calculateHorizontalGravity:(CGPoint)p1 andPoint:(CGPoint)p2;
// and some more
Then in code, I would just import that MYNAMESPACECoolMath.h and just call:
CGFloat myValue = [MYNAMESPACECoolMath randomizeValue:10.0f byPercent:5.0f];
with no nasty instantiation, initialization, allocation, what ever. For me that pattern looks like a static method in java, which is pretty nice and easy to use.
The advantage over a function, is, as far as I noticed, the better readability in code. When looking at a CGRectMake(10.0f, 42.5f, 44.2f, 99.11f) you'll may have to look up what those parameters stand for, if you're not so familiar with it. But when you have a method call with "named" parameters, then you see immediately what the parameter is.
I think I missed the point what makes a big difference to a singleton class when it comes to simple useful methods / functions that can be needed everywhere. Making special kind of random values don't belong to anything, it's global. Like grass. Like trees. Like air. Everyone needs it.
Performance-wise, a static method in a static class compile to almost the same thing as a function.
Any real performance hits you'd incur would be in object instantiation, which you said you'd want to avoid, so that should not be an issue.
As far as preference or readability, there is a trend to use static methods more than necessary because people are viewing Obj-C is an "OO-only" language, like Java or C#. In that paradigm, (almost) everything must belong to a class, so class methods are the norm. In fact, they may even call them functions. The two terms are interchangeable there. However, this is purely convention. Convention may even be too strong of a word. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using functions in their place and it is probably more appropriate if there are no class members (even static ones) that are needed to assist in the processing of those methods/functions.
The problem with your approach is the "util" nature of it. Almost anything with the word "util" it in suggests that you have created a dumping ground for things you don't know where to fit into your object model. That probably means that your object model is not in alignment with your problem space.
Rather than working out how to package up utility functions, you should be thinking about what model objects these functions should be acting upon and then put them on those classes (creating the classes if needed).
To Josh's point, while there is nothing wrong with functions in ObjC, it is a very strongly object-oriented language, based directly on the grand-daddy of object-oriented languages, Smalltalk. You should not abandon the OOP patterns lightly; they are the heart of Cocoa.
I create private helper functions all the time, and I create public convenience functions for some objects (NSLocalizedString() is a good example of this). But if you're creating public utility functions that aren't front-ends to methods, you should be rethinking your patterns. And the first warning sign is the desire to put the word "util" in a file name.
Based on the particular methods you added to your question, what you should be looking at are Categories. For instance, +randomizeValue:byPercent: is a perfectly good NSNumber category:
// NSNumber+SLExtensions.h
- (double)randomizeByPercent:(CGFloat)percent;
+ (double)randomDoubleNear:(CGFloat)percent byPercent:(double)number;
+ (NSNumber *)randomNumberNear:(CGFloat)percent byPercent:(double)number;
// Some other file that wants to use this
#import "NSNumber+SLExtensions.h"
randomDouble = [aNumber randomizeByPercent:5.0];
randomDouble = [NSNumber randomDoubleNear:5.0 byPercent:7.0];
If you get a lot of these, then you may want to split them up into categories like NSNumber+Random. Doing it with Categories makes it transparently part of the existing object model, though, rather than creating classes whose only purpose is to work on other objects.
You can use a singleton instance instead if you want to avoid instantiating a bunch of utility objects.
There's nothing wrong with using plain C functions, though. Just know that you won't be able to pass them around using #selector for things like performSelectorOnMainThread.
When it comes to performance of methods vs. functions, Mike Ash has some great numbers in his post "Performance Comparisons of Common Operations". Objective-C message send operations are extremely fast, so much so that you'd have to have a really tight computational loop to even see the difference. I think that using functions vs. methods in your approach will come down to the stylistic design issues that others have described.
Optimise the system, not the function calls.
Implement what is easiest to understand and then when the whole system works, profile it and speed up what's slow. I doubt very much that the objective-c runtime overhead of a static class is going to matter one bit to your whole app.