How to get the related JIRAISSUEKEY of given changeset ID using FishEye REST API request or EyeQL or Anyother possible way? - atlassian-sourcetree

Inputs in Hand:-
ChangesetID (csid)
Repository Name
Branch Name
Requirement to find:
Get the JIRAISSUEKEY releated to given changesetid.
I was searching in EyeQL & FishEye REST API but couldn't find any possible ways to achieve my requirement.

Below URL helps to get the JIRAISSUEKEY of a changesetId.<repo_name>/rev/branch(<branch_name>)%20and%20<csid>


How to filter some repository URL list according tags via Azure Devops API?

Thanks for your attention.I am a new Azure Devops API user.
Now,I want to filter some repo url with a same tag.
According the api rule base on:
I can get {organization},{project},{repositoryId}, but I haven't find the API to get the tag's id:{objectId}.
objectId path True string ObjectId (Sha1Id) of tag to get.
Then I want to create a new tag with the output result to get the tag id for a workaround,base on:
However,there is no parameter to define the tag name.
Question: Is there any way to get the ADO repo's tag id with command if i have the tag name?
Is there any way to filter all repo URL with the same tag name via command?
Thanks for your patience and help.
Question: Is there any way to get the ADO repo's tag id with command
if i have the tag name?
You can use Refs – List to get tag objectid.
Find the tag here:

Recommended way to list all repos/commits for a given user using

I'm building a GitHub application to pull commit information from our internal repos. I'm using the following code to iterate over all commits:
gh = login(token=gc.ACCESS_TOKEN)
for repo in gh.iter_repos():
for commit in repo.iter_commits():
The additions/deletions/total values are all coming back as 0, and the files attribute is always []. When I click on the url, I can see that this is not the case. I've verified through curl calls that the API indeed has record of these attributes.
Reading more in the documentation, it seems that iter_commits is deprecated in favor of iter_user_commits. Might this be the case why it is not returning all information about the commits? However, this method does not return any repositories for me when I use it like this:
gh = login(token=gc.ACCESS_TOKEN)
user = gh.user()
for repo in gh.iter_user_repos(user):
In short, I'm wondering what the recommended method is to get all commits for all the repositories a user has access to.
There's nothing wrong with iter_repos with a logged in GitHub instance.
In short here's what's happening (this is described in's documentation): When listing a resource from GitHub's API, not all of the attributes are actually returned. If you want all of the information, you have to request the information for each commit. In short your code should look like this:
gh = login(token=gc.ACCESS_TOKEN)
for repo in gh.iter_repos():
for commit in repo.iter_commits():
# etc.

How do I determine branch name or id in webhook push event?

I was ecstatic when I got a simple webhook event listener working with GitHub push events on my Azure site, but I realize now I'm not seeing the branch name or id in the json payload (example here
I thought maybe "tree_id" would be it, but it doesn't seem to be. I couldn't find any info about this in GitHubs's doc. Maybe I need to take one of the id's from the event and make another api call to get the branch? The reason for this is I want to be able to link GitHub push events with my app portfolio, which has branches defined. So, the push events are a way to see code change activity on my different apps -- and knowing the branch is therefore important.
I wrote to GitHub support, and they told me that the branch name is part of the "ref" element in the root of the json payload. When parsing from a JToken object called jsonBody, the C# looks like this
var branchName = jsonBody["ref"].ToString().Split('/').Last();
For example in "refs/heads/master", the branch name is "master"
You need to pay closer look on WEBHOOK response mainly. Here is the trick for JSONPATH ( at-least what I did with my jenkins job):
first read your webhook whole response with character "$". You can catch it is some variable like:
echo $webhookres
Once you have response printed, copy it and paste here:
Now create your pattern. For example if you want branch name (if event is push):
Once you have the branch name( it will have extra string with /), simply trim the unwanted part using awk or cut (linux commands).
You are not limited to this only. All you need to work on pattern and you can make use of this approach for getting other values as well like, author, git repo url etc. and then these can be used in your automation further.
even if you are using any other platform like Azure, JSONPATH concept will be same. because as suggested in accepted answer, "jsonBody["ref"]", it is equivalent to $.ref, as altogether you have to identify the PATTERN ( as here PATTERN is 'ref')

Rally Web Soap service - get a list of test cases and who created them

I need to get a list of all of the test cases in Rally along with the person who either created them or last modified them.
I thought I could achieve this by getting the changeset but that doesn't appear to have worked - I seem to get a lot of test cases that don't have any changesets at all
String myQuery = "(Method = Manual)";
QueryResult myArtifactReturn = m_rallyService.query(myWorkspace, "TestCase", myQuery, "", true, 0, 100);
long mycount = myArtifactReturn.TotalResultCount;
if (mycount > 0)
myArtifact = (TestCase)myArtifactReturn.Results[0];
myArtifact = (TestCase);
Changeset myInitial = (Changeset)[0]);
Is there a way I can do this?
Or is there a way to query Rally to ask for 'all test cases created by User X'?
I think you might be mixing up ChangeSets with RevisionHistory. If you're looking to track Revisions on a Rally Artifact, you should look at the RevisionHistory collection. ChangeSets are used by Rally's source code connectors to associate source code commits to various artifacts in Rally.
You might find this answer:
RevisionHistory and Revisions
Instructive for dealing with RevisionHistory in SOAP. The example is for User Stories, but is equally applicable to Test Cases.
Unfortunately, you can't query on RevisionHistory, so you would need to retrieve all the Test Cases that could potentially have matches against your search, and do the filtering for the TestCase creator in your SOAP client. You would need to check the Author attribute for Revision 0:
0 Original revision
2013-Feb-18 09:23:11 AM America/Denver Sam Tester
And verify that it matches your criteria.
Just a heads-up, especially if you're just getting started with building your integration, I'd highly recommend using one of Rally's .NET REST SDK instead of SOAP.
REST is more robust, more performant, and, Webservices API 1.43 was the final API release to have SOAP support, and 1.43 has about 9 months to go (as of 9/2013) before deprecation. Webservices 2.x is REST-only, so using REST will be essential to anyone wanting new Webservices features moving forward.

How can I get a list of all pull requests for a repo through the github API?

I want to obtain a list of all pull requests on a repo through the github API.
I've followed the instructions at but when I query /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls it's consistently returning fewer pull requests than displayed on the website.
For example, when I query the torvalds/linux repo I get 9 open pull requests (there are 14 on the website). If I add ?state=closed I get a different set of 11 closed pull requests (the website shows around 20).
Does anyone know where this discrepancy arises, and if there's any way to get a complete list of pull requests for a repo through the API?
You can get all pull requests (closed, opened, merged) through the variable state.
Just set state=all in the GET query, like this->
For more info: check the Parameters table at
Edit: As per Tomáš Votruba's comment:
the default value for, "per_page=30". The maximum is per_page=100. To get more than 100 results, you need to call it multiple itmes: "&page=1", "&page=2"...
PyGithub (, a Python library to access the GitHub API v3, enables you to get paginated resources.
For example,
g = Github(login_or_token=$YOUR_TOKEN, per_page=100)
r = g.get_repo($REPO_NUMBER)
for pull in r.get_pulls('all'):
# You can access pulls
See the documentation (
With Github's new official CLI (command line interface):
gh pr list --repo OWNER/REPO
which would produce something like:
Showing 2 of 2 pull requests in OWNER/REPO
#62 Doing something that-weird-branch-name
#58 My PR title wasnt-inspired-branch
See additional details and options and installation instructions.
There is a way to get a complete list and you're doing it. What are you using to communicate with the API? I suspect you may not be doing something correctly. For example (there are only 13 open pull requests currently) using my API wrapper ( I get all of the open pull requests. An example of how to do it without my wrapper in python is:
import requests
r = requests.get('')
len(r.json()) == 13
and I can also get that result (vaguely) in cURL by counting the results myself: curl
If you, however, run into a repository with more than 25 (or 30) pull requests that's an entirely different issue but most certainly it is not what you're encountering now.
If you want to retrieve all pull requests (commits, comments, issues etc) you have to use pagination.
The GET request "pulls" will only return open pull-requests.
If you want to get all pull-requests either you do set the parameter state to all, or you use issues.
Extra information
If you need other data from Github, such as issues, then you can identify pull-requests from issues, and you can then retrieve each pull-request no matter if it is closed or open. It will also give you a couple of more attributes (mergeable, merged, merge-commit-sha, nr of commits etc)
If an issue is a pull-request, then it will contain that attribute. Otherwise, it is just an issue.
From the API:
"Every pull request is an issue, but not every issue is a pull request. For this reason, “shared” actions for both features, like manipulating assignees, labels and milestones, are provided within the Issues API."
Edit I just found that issues behaves similar to pull-requests, so one would need to do retrieve all by setting the state parameter to all
You can also use GraphQL API v4 to request all pull requests for a repo. It requests all the pull requests by default if you don't specify the states field :
repository(name: "material-ui", owner: "mui-org") {
pullRequests(first: 100, orderBy: {field: CREATED_AT, direction: DESC}) {
nodes {
author {
Try it in the explorer
The search API shoul help:
q = repo:org/name is:pr ...
GitHub provides a "Link" header which specifies the previous, next and last URL to fetch the values.Eg, Link Header response,
<>; rel="next", <>; rel="last"
rel="next" suggests the next set of values.
Here's a snippet of Python code that retrieves information of all pull requests from a specific GitHub repository and parses it into a nice DataFrame:
import pandas as pd
organization = 'pvlib'
repository = 'pvlib-python'
state = 'all' # other options include 'closed' or 'open'
page = 1 # initialize page number to 1 (first page)
dfs = [] # create empty list to hold individual dataframes
# Note it is necessary to loop as each request retrieves maximum 30 entries
while True:
url = f"{organization}/{repository}/pulls?" \
dfi = pd.read_json(url)
if dfi.empty:
dfs.append(dfi) # add dataframe to list of dataframes
page += 1 # Advance onto the next page
df = pd.concat(dfs, axis='rows', ignore_index=True)
# Create a new column with usernames
df['username'] = pd.json_normalize(df['user'])['login']