loopback w/ table schemas, not identifying schema in options - db2

Nature of the issue
My db2 database makes wide use of table schemas for organization, so the table in question is LIVE.TBLADDRESS -
My model uses the "options" to specify the table schema
"options": {
"idInjection": false,
"db2": {
"schema": "LIVE",
"table": "TBLADDRESS"
the model is in the model-config.json using
,"Tbladdress": {
"dataSource": "x3",
"public": true
I get an error when I try to use the explorer to do a simple 'get' or any other API call.
"statusCode": 500,
"name": "Error",
"message": "[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUXX8664] SQL0204N "DB2X.TBLADDRESS" is an undefined name. SQLSTATE=42704\r\n",
Expected behavior
Once I specified the schema - I'd expect the API to resolve correctly
Actual behavior
The default schema for db user is used at all times...regardless of specified schema in options.
Suggested resolution
Maybe I set it in the wrong place, I will continue to look for the information, It is possible I am missing something.
This is what I "see" using DB Viewer...so you have an idea what I'm referring to.
DEV - host:50000/DEV
|-DB2X (this is the schema that the error is referring to...but NOT the one specified in the model)
|-LIVE (this is the correct schema)
If it helps - this happens with manually create models or models generated by discovery scripts.
These are my config files, and model
"name": "Tbladdress",
"options": {
"idInjection": false,
"db2": {
"schema": "LIVE",
"table": "TBLADDRESS"
"properties": {
"db": {
"name": "db",
"connector": "memory"
"x3": {
"name": "x3",
"connector": "db2",
"username": "...",
"password": "...",
"database": "...",
"hostname": "...",
"port": 50000
"_meta": {
"User": {
"dataSource": "db"
"AccessToken": {
"dataSource": "db",
"public": false
"ACL": {
"dataSource": "db",
"public": false
"RoleMapping": {
"dataSource": "db",
"public": false,
"options": {
"strictObjectIDCoercion": true
"Role": {
"dataSource": "db",
"public": false
,"Tbladdress": {
"dataSource": "x3",
"public": true
"error": {
"statusCode": 500,
"name": "Error",
"message": "[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUXX8664] SQL0204N \"DB2X.TBLADDRESS\" is an undefined name. SQLSTATE=42704\r\n",
"errors": [],
"error": "[node-ibm_db] SQL_ERROR",
"state": "42S02",
"stack": "Error: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUXX8664] SQL0204N \"DB2X.TBLADDRESS\" is an undefined name. SQLSTATE=42704\r\n"
"date": "Sun, 18 Feb 2018 05:20:36 GMT",
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loopback-cli v3 to generate express app
loopback-connector-db2 to connect to DB2 v10
Node v8.9.2
Package.JSON dependencies looks like this (as mentioned it's a default install, with one model added - to see if I could get it to work)
"dependencies": {
"compression": "^1.0.3",
"cors": "^2.5.2",
"helmet": "^1.3.0",
"loopback": "^3.0.0",
"loopback-boot": "^2.6.5",
"loopback-component-explorer": "^5.0.0",
"loopback-connector-db2": "^2.1.1",
"serve-favicon": "^2.0.1",
"strong-error-handler": "^2.0.0"
Yes - the DB2 connector worked fine when I specified the "LIVE" schema on data discovery - but it does NOT seem to be working when I use the API. I don't know if it's the connector or the loopback app.

For loopback-connector-db2, you must define SCHEMA in the datasources.json config file.
"x3": {
"name": "x3",
"connector": "db2",
"username": "...",
"password": "...",
"database": "...",
"hostname": "...",
"port": 50000
"x3Live": {
"name": "x3Live",
"connector": "db2",
"schema": "LIVE",
"username": "...",
"password": "...",
"database": "...",
"hostname": "...",
"port": 50000
Unfortunately, you will need to create a new datasource (e.g. x3Live). Use the old x3 datasource for the models using the DB2X schema, and the new x3Live datasource for the models using the LIVE schema.


Convert 'connections.json' file to 'tnsnames.ora'

Is there a way to convert 'connections.json' file to 'tnsnames.ora'?
Well i have approx 50 database connections and i plan not to write them up 1 by 1 in a notepad or something. Is there a much simpler way?
Im using Sqldeveloper Version:
Below is the quarter of my "connections.json" file. The file is very huge.
"connections": [{
"info": {
"role": "",
"SavePassword": "true",
"OracleConnectionType": "BASIC",
"RaptorConnectionType": "Oracle",
"serviceName": "ABC",
"Connection-Color-For-Editors": "-12417793",
"customUrl": "jdbc:oracle:thin:#//a.b.c.d:1526/BDNPDBP",
"oraDriverType": "thin",
"NoPasswordConnection": "TRUE",
"password": "aaa/bbb/ccc=",
"hostname": "a.b.c.d",
"driver": "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver",
"port": "1526",
"subtype": "oraJDBC",
"user": "ABC"
"type": "jdbc"
}, ...

Connect strapi with mongoose to a MongoDb (mLab)

I tried to connect Strapi to mLab with this database.js config but it doesn't work. I get the error :
ConnectorError: connector "strapi-hook-mongoose" not found: Cannot find module 'strapi-connector-strapi-hook-mongoose'
Here is my database.js config file :
"defaultConnection": "default",
"connections": {
"default": {
"connector": "strapi-hook-mongoose",
"settings": {
"database": "strapi-test",
"host": "ds131914.mlab.com",
"srv": false,
"port": "31914",
"username": "root",
"password": "root010101"
"options": {
"authenticationDatabase": "strapi-test"
What should I do ?
After some search, it appers to me that this database.js config was from an old tutorial (this one). So to solve this probleme, you first need to install npm i -S strapi-connector-mongoose in order to install the right connecter.
Now, you need to change you database.js config for the desire environement. In my case, it was production. So edit config/environement/production/database.js like this :
"defaultConnection": "default",
"connections": {
"default": {
"connector": "mongoose",
"settings": {
"client": "mongo",
"host": "ds131914.mlab.com",
"port": "31914",
"srv": false,
"database": "strapi-test",
"username": "root",
"password": "root010101"
"options": {
"authenticationDatabase": "strapi-test",
"ssl": false
Like this, it should work !

Linked Service parameterization not working for Linked Service of type Azure Data Explorer (Kusto)

I initially successfully created the following linked service in ADFv2 of type AzureDataExplorer for accessing my database in ADX called CustomerDB:-
"name": "ls_AzureDataExplorer",
"properties": {
"type": "AzureDataExplorer",
"annotations": [],
"typeProperties": {
"endpoint": "https://mycluster.xxxxmaskingregionxxxx.kusto.windows.net",
"tenant": "xxxxmaskingtenantidxxxx",
"servicePrincipalId": "xxxxmaskingspxxxx",
"servicePrincipalKey": {
"type": "AzureKeyVaultSecret",
"store": {
"referenceName": "ls_AzureKeyVault_MyKeyVault",
"type": "LinkedServiceReference"
"secretName": "MySecret"
"database": "CustomerDB"
"type": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/linkedservices"
This worked smoothly. Some values I had to mask for obvious reasons but just wanted to say that there is no issue with this connection. Now inspired from this Microsoft documentation I am trying to create a generic version of this linked service, which makes sense because otherwise if I have 10 databases in the cluster, I will have to create 10 different linked services.
So I tried to create the parameterized version in the following manner:-
"name": "ls_AzureDataExplorer_Generic",
"properties": {
"type": "AzureDataExplorer",
"annotations": [],
"typeProperties": {
"endpoint": "https://mycluster.xxxxmaskingregionxxxx.kusto.windows.net",
"tenant": "xxxxmaskingtenantidxxxx",
"servicePrincipalId": "xxxxmaskingspxxxx",
"servicePrincipalKey": {
"type": "AzureKeyVaultSecret",
"store": {
"referenceName": "ls_AzureKeyVault_MyKeyVault",
"type": "LinkedServiceReference"
"secretName": "MySecret"
"database": "#{linkedService().DBName}"
"type": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/linkedservices"
But while publishing the changes I keep getting the following error:-
Is there any solution to this?
The article clearly says that:-
For all other data stores, you can parameterize the linked service by selecting the Code icon on the Connections tab and using the JSON editor
So as per that my changes should have been published successfully. But I keep getting the error.
It appears I need to specify the parameter elsewhere in the same JSON. The followed worked:-
"name": "ls_AzureDataExplorer_Generic",
"properties": {
"parameters": {
"DBName": {
"type": "string"
"type": "AzureDataExplorer",
"annotations": [],
"typeProperties": {
"endpoint": "https://mycluster.xxxxmaskingregionxxxx.kusto.windows.net",
"tenant": "xxxxmaskingtenantidxxxx",
"servicePrincipalId": "xxxxmaskingspxxxx",
"servicePrincipalKey": {
"type": "AzureKeyVaultSecret",
"store": {
"referenceName": "ls_AzureKeyVault_MyKeyVault",
"type": "LinkedServiceReference"
"secretName": "MySecret"
"database": "#{linkedService().DBName}"
"type": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/linkedservices"

How to make a post API for mongodb with loopback

I am newbie with mongodb and loopback. I want to send and save data from my app to database. how can I do that?
shops model:
"shopname": "string",
"tel": "string",
"latlng": "string",
"address": "string",
"id": "string",
"personId": "string"
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ \
"shopname": "spring", \
"tel": "12345678", \
"latlng": "52.1106986,21.7768998", \
"address": "05-319 Skwarne, Poland" \
}' 'http://localhost:3000/api/shops'
Now what should I write in shops.js to give an api for using in app to send data to database ?
'use strict';
module.exports = function(Shops) {
you should have provided more info about the steps you have already done.
let me begin with the first step:
download and install mongodb on your server: link
after running mongodb, add your desired database info to datasources.json file. e.g.
"db": {
"name": "db",
"connector": "memory"
"shopDB": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 27017,
"url": "mongodb://localhost:27017/shopDB",
"database": "shopDB",
"password": "",
"name": "shopDB",
"user": "",
"connector": "mongodb"
add loopback-connector-mongodb to your project via npm.
now define your model(you can utilize loopback's user friendly command line interface to do so. call command "slc loopback:model" in your projects root folder)
after you finish the step 4, loopback will create 2files for you: shop.js and shop.json => these files are located in your projectFolder/common/models/ directory. note that it's a good practice to follow the loopback's convention in naming models and name your model in singular form(shop). (it uses the plural forms of the model names in other parts of the project). your shop.json should look like the below code:
"name": "shop",
"plural": "shops",
"base": "PersistedModel",
"idInjection": true,
"options": {
"validateUpsert": true
"properties": {
"shopname": {
"type": "string",
"required": true
"tel": {
"type": "string",
"required": true
"latlng": {
"type": "string",
"required": true
"address": {
"type": "string"
"personId": {
"type": "string",
"required": true
"validations": [],
"relations": {},
"acls": [],
"methods": {}
now you can post your shop json to http://localhost:3000/api/shops/ . note that our shop model inherits from PersistedModel base model and has some built-in functions to do crud operations. and if you want just create some shop instances in your db, you won't need to add anything to your shop.js file!

Swagger UI doesn't show embedded json properties model

I am using the swagger tool for documenting my Jersey based REST API (the swaggerui I am using was downloaded on June 2014 don't know if this issue has been fixed in later versions but as I made a lot of customization to its code so I don't have the option to download the latest without investing lot of time to customize it again).
So far and until now, all my transfer objects have one level deep properties (no embedded pojos). But now that I added some rest paths that are returning more complex objects (two levels of depth) I found that SwaggerUI is not expanding the JSON model schema when having embedded objects.
Here is the important part of the swagger doc:
"path": "/user/combo",
"operations": [{
"method": "POST",
"summary": "Inserts a combo (user, address)",
"notes": "Will insert a new user and a address definition in a single step",
"type": "UserAndAddressWithIdSwaggerDto",
"nickname": "insertCombo",
"consumes": ["application/json"],
"parameters": [{
"name": "body",
"description": "New user and address combo",
"required": true,
"type": "UserAndAddressWithIdSwaggerDto",
"paramType": "body",
"allowMultiple": false
"responseMessages": [{
"code": 200,
"message": "OK",
"responseModel": "UserAndAddressWithIdSwaggerDto"
"models": {
"UserAndAddressWithIdSwaggerDto": {
"id": "UserAndAddressWithIdSwaggerDto",
"description": "",
"required": ["user",
"properties": {
"user": {
"$ref": "UserDto",
"description": "User"
"address": {
"$ref": "AddressDto",
"description": "Address"
"UserDto": {
"id": "UserDto",
"properties": {
"userId": {
"type": "integer",
"format": "int64"
"name": {
"type": "string"
"AddressDto": {
"id": "AddressDto",
"properties": {
"addressId": {
"type": "integer",
"format": "int64"
"street": {
"type": "string"
The embedded objects are User and Address, their models are being created correctly as shown in the json response.
But when opening the SwaggerUI I can only see:
"user": "UserDto",
"address": "AddressDto"
But I should see something like:
"user": {
"userId": "integer",
"name": "string",...
"address": {
"addressId": "integer",
"street": "string",...
Something may be wrong in the code that expands the internal properties, the javascript console doesn't show any error so I assume this is a bug.
I found the solution, there is a a line of code that needs to be modified to make it work properly:
In the swagger.js file there is a getSampleValue function with a conditional checking for undefined:
SwaggerModelProperty.prototype.getSampleValue = function(modelsToIgnore) {
var result;
if ((this.refModel != null) && (modelsToIgnore[this.refModel.name] === 'undefined'))
I updated the equality check to (removing quotes):
modelsToIgnore[this.refModel.name] === undefined
After that, SwaggerUI is able to show the embedded models.