Directed graph of build road system - directed-graph

The City is reforming its road system in hope of improving traffic. Whether it will be an actual improvement or not is out of our scope, but they are turning to us for a sanity check: Whenever they come up with a new draft for their street map, which may contain one-way streets, is it true that from every intersection you can reach every other intersection while complying with street directions?
If not, then they know they need to re-draft.
So they need an algorithm for: Input the street map—intersections, the streets between them, and street directions (all represented by adjacency lists, say); output true if the street map satisfies “for all intersections u and v, there is a direction-complying path from u to v”, else output false. The algorithm must finish in O(# of intersections + # of streets) time.

Try this out:
where each node is your intersection and each edge is the street.


pgRouting with custom network?

I have a cost network, but it's not a street mapping network. I know the nodes and edges as I defined them. pgRouting looks like a good choice, but every single example I can find uses Open Street Map as the data. I don't have GPS coordinates. The x1,y1 for nodes makes no sense in my graphs, my nodes have specific ids, not coordinates. The costs aren't calculated from the coordinates, they're assigned by me on the various edges based on domain knowledge specific to my domain.
Are there any examples of how to create a custom network in pgRouting? I'm really struggling because the examples are "and then you use this tool to import OSM data"...which doesn't help me at all.
#Chris Kessel
I don't know if this is still relevant, but it may help others:
Basically, what you need to have is a table with edges, where in column 'source' is the id of a node on one end of the edge and in column 'target' - id of the node on the other end. You also have to have a defined cost for the edge, I'm not sure what this will be for you - usually it's distance or time units.
Ususally this is done with geo info using pgr_createTopology function, but in your case you will need to just create this yourself, I suppose.
I think this link can help you:
The answer to the question "Are there any examples of how to create a custom network in pgRouting?" is Yes there are.

Matrix api different distance to same coordinates

I've been trying using the here api to calculate matrixes many-to-many, so that i can later solve a TSP.
Problem is that if I start from one city, and get the distance to the same city, it thinks that from the same city to the same city there is a distance of 2 (meters?).
Also, if I check the distance between point A and point B and then Point B and point A, there's a slight difference.
Is this normal or is it a bug in the API?
the REST url is the following:{app_id}&app_code={app_code}
The routing service is based on link segment. That explains the 2meters between the same city center.
Concerning your second topic: I had a look at the locations of A and B. They are both surrounded by one way streets. You need to consider that it is sometimes not possible to route the exact route back than before and then the distances might be different.

Facebook Programming Challenge - ByteLand

Byteland consists of N cities numbered 1..N. There are M roads connecting some pairs of cities. There are two army divisions, A and B, which protect the kingdom. Each city is either protected by army division A or by army division B.
You are the ruler of an enemy kingdom and have devised a plan to destroy Byteland. Your plan is to destroy all the roads in Byteland disrupting all communication. If you attack any road, the armies from both the cities that the road connects comes for its defense. You realize that your attack will fail if there are soldiers from both armies A and B defending any road.
So you decide that before carrying out this plan, you will attack some of the cities and defeat the army located in the city to make your plan possible. However, this is considerably more difficult. You have estimated that defeating the army located in city i will take up ci amount of resources. Your aim now is to decide which cities to attack so that your cost is minimum and no road should be protected from both armies A and B.
----Please tell me if this approach is correct----
We need to sort the cities in terms of resources required to destroy the city. For each city we need to ask the following questions:
1) Did deletion of the previous city NOT result into a state which can destroy Byteland?
2) Does it connect any road?
3) Does it connect any road which is armed by a different city?
If all of these conditions are true, we'll proceed towards destroying the city and record the total cost incurred so far and also determine if destruction of this city will lead to overall destruction of Byteland.
Since the cities are arranged in increasing order of the cost incurred, we can stop wherever we find the desired set of deletions.
You need only care about roads that link two cities with different armies - links between A and B or links between B and A, so let's delete all links from A to A or B to B.
You want to find a set of points such that each link has at least one point on it, which is a minimum weight vertex cover. On an arbitrary graph this would be NP-complete. However, your graph only ever has nodes of type A linked to nodes of type B, or the reverse - it is a bipartite graph with these two types of nodes as the two parties. So you can find a minimum weight vertex cover by using an algorithm for finding minimum weight vertex covers on bipartite graphs. Searching for this, I find e.g.
But the vertices have a cost to them and the minimum vertex cover would not produce the right vertices to remove. Imagine 2 vertices (A army) pointing to the third one (B). First two vertices cost 1 each, where the third one costs 5. A minimum vertex cover would return the third one - but removing the third one costs more than removing both nodes with cost 1 + 1.
We would probably need some modified version of a minimum vertex cover here.

How do you figure out what the neighboring zipcodes are?

I have a situation that's similar to what goes on in a job search engine where you type in the zipcode where you're searching for a job and the app returns jobs in that zipcode as well as in zipcodes that are 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 miles from that zipcode, depending on preferences set by the user.
How would you calculate the neighboring locations for a zipcode?
You need to get a list of zip codes with associated longitude / latitude coordinates. Google it - there are plenty of providers.
Then take a look at this question for an algorithm of how to calculate the distance
I don't know if you can count on to be around for the life of your app but you could use a web service like theirs to avoid reinventing the wheel.
I wouldn't calculate it, I would stored it as a fixed table in the database (only to change when the allocation of ZIP codes changes in a country). Make a relationship "is_neighbor_zip", which has pairs (smaller, larger). To determine whether two codes are neighboring, check in the table for specific pair. If you want all neighboring zips, it might be better to make the table symmetric.
You need to use a GIS database and ask it for ZIP codes that are nearby your current location.
You cannot simply take the ZIP code number and apply some mathematical calculations to find other nearby ZIP codes. ZIP codes are not as geographically scattered as area codes in the US, but they are not a coordinate system.
The only exception is that the ZIP+4 codes are sub-sections of the larger ZIP code. You can assume that any ZIP+4 codes that have the same ZIP code are close to each other.
I used to work on rationalizing the ZIP code handling at a company, here are some practical notes I made:
Testing ZIP codes
Hopefully has other useful info.
Whenever you create a zipcode, geocode it (e.g. google geocoder api, saving the latitude and logitude) then google the haversine formular, this will calculate the distance (as the crow flies) from a reference point, which could also be geocoded if it is a town or zipcode.
To clarify some more:
When you are retrieving records based on their location, you need to compare each longitude and latitude DECIMAL with a reference point (your users geo-coded postcode or town name)
You can query:
SELECT * FROM photos p WHERE p.long < 60 AND p.long > 50 AND > -10 AND > 10
To find all UK photos etc because the uk is between 50 and 60 degrees longitude and +-10 latitude (i might have switched long with lat, i'm fuzzy on this)
If you want to find the distance then you will need to google the haversine formula and plug in your reference values.
Hope this clears things up a little bit more, leave a comment if you need details

Finding the closest point to a given point

I have searched all over for this, but I can't seem to find the best approach to this. I have about 22000 lat/lon points and I want to find the closest one's to the current location of the iPhone. I've seen people ask about Quad Trees, Dijkstra's Algorithm, and spatial databases. Which is the best for the iPhone? Spatial databases seem easiest, but I am not sure.
EDIT: there are actually over 20,000 points. You think iterating through all of them is the way to do it? But thanks for you input.
Actually, it is best to use Haversine (great circle) calculation for Lat/Long points, otherwise increasingly large distances will be wrong, especially if you use simple trig like in Jherico's answer.
A quick search provides this javascript example:
var R = 6371; // km Radius of earth
var dLat = (lat2-lat1).toRad();
var dLon = (lon2-lon1).toRad();
var a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
Math.cos(lat1.toRad()) * Math.cos(lat2.toRad()) *
Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2);
var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
var d = R * c;
In terms of the datastructure, Geohash is worth looking at.
If you need better than O(N), you can only get that if you first pay N lg N for building a spatial hash of some sort (a quadtree, octree, hash grid, or similar). Then each test will be approximately O(lg N), and can be much better typically by caching the last location you checked, if there's a lot of coherency (generally, there is).
I would probably build an octree in Euler (geocentric, XYZ) space, because that allows me to get "true" distance, not "warped" lat/lon distance. However, in practice, a quad tree in lat/lon space will probably work well enough. Once you have a hit, you hold on to that tree node (assuming the tree isn't re-built at runtime), and the next query starts walking from that tree node, and only needs to worry about nodes that may be closer if the previous point moved further away from the previous answer.
As you are on iPhone, you can use CoreLoaction to perform the geographic distance - using CLLocation's – getDistanceFrom:
I would be tempted to use a brute force linear search though all 2k points nad, if that isn't fast enough, switch to something like GeoHash to store meta data against your points for search.
Why not tile the globe into regions? (Think hexes.) Then, either when you add points to your list, or in one big pre-processing loop, for each point, store the region it is.
Then, when searching for points near point A in hex X, you only need to check points in hex X and a maximum of 3 neighbouring hexes.
If this is still too many points to check, add subregions.
you must consider that to use Dijkstra you must know your node position in the graph, that is instead the problem you're trying to solve; you're not in the graph, but you want to know the closest point to you
so simply, as already Chaos told you, you must calculate all distances beetween your position and all 20.000 points, then sort them
I think this algorithm works:
Create an array sorted by latitude
Create an array sorted by longitude
To find the closest, first find the closest by latitude by
doing a binary search in the latitude array. Do the
same for the longitude array. Now you have 2 points, one
closest by latitude, the other closest by longitude.
Compute the distances to each point via the pythagorean theorem.
The closest point wins.