restoring table with pg_restore does not include primary key or indexes - postgresql

So I made a backup of a table using pg_dump:
pg_dump -U bob -F c -d commerce -t orders > orders.dump
This table had several listed indexes such as a primary key
However when I restore this table into a development database on another system using pg_restore:
pg_restore -U bob -d commerce -t orders > orders.dump
No primary key or indexes are listed
What am I doing wrong?

You are doing nothing wrong, unfortunately pg_restore -t restores only the table, nothing else, regardless of how you created the dump and what is inside the dump itself.
This has been somehow clarified in V12 PostgreSQL docs, that states:
This flag does not behave identically to the -t flag of pg_dump. There is not currently any provision for wild-card matching in pg_restore, nor can you include a schema name within its -t. And, while pg_dump's -t flag will also dump subsidiary objects (such as indexes) of the selected table(s), pg_restore's -t flag does not include such subsidiary objects.
the only way to make sure that restoring a table will carry all the indexes is to address them by name, something like:
pg_restore -U bob -d commerce -t orders -I index1 -I index2 -I index3 > orders.dump


Restore multiple tables postgresql pg_dump

I have a database with several tables and I want to add the data and structure of a selection of them to a different database containing already different tables.
I have created the dump file in the following way:
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.1\bin\pg_dump.exe" -U postgres -w DBName -t table1 -t Table2 -t Table3 > "E:\Dump.sql"
This works fine and I have E:\Dump.sql with the dump of the three tables in it.
I have tried to make a restore with the following code:
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin\pg_dump.exe" -C -U User -t table1 -t Table2 -t Table4 destdb < Dump.sql
but I get the error
no matching tables were found
Where am I doing wrong?
pg_dump is meant for **taking* backups, next section of manual is for restoring a backup:
Text files created by pg_dump are intended to be read in by the psql
program. The general command form to restore a dump is
psql dbname < infile
Also you mention three tables, two of which are mixed case - in order for it to work, you have to double quote it I believe. But anyway - restoring for you file would be:
psql YOURDBNAME -f E:\Dump.sql

Export Heroku Postgres database, but exclude a table

I want to get an export of my Heroku application's Postgres database, however I want to exclude one table. Is this possible?
Here is the command I use to export my entire Postgres database:
$ PGUSER=my_username PGPASSWORD=my_password heroku pg:pull DATABASE_URL my-application-name`
Maybe there is a way to exclude one table, or specify a list of tables to include?
In normal pg dump command you can specify the tables to include with -t option and exclude tables with -T option.
Can you try this :
$ PGPASSWORD=mypassword pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -T *table you want to exclude* -h localhost -U myuser mydb > mydb.dump
Here is the document copied from postgreql official document.
-T table
Do not dump any tables matching the table pattern. The pattern is interpreted according to the same rules as for -t. -T can be given more than once to exclude tables matching any of several patterns.
When both -t and -T are given, the behavior is to dump just the tables that match at least one -t switch but no -T switches. If -T appears without -t, then tables matching -T are excluded from what is otherwise a normal dump.
here is link for your reference

How do I drop a very specific table in Postgresql (public.pg_ts_parser vs. pg_catalog.pg_ts_parser)?

I am having a problem upgrading my Postgresql 9.2 database to 9.4. The problem I have is that I have these tables that are incompatible for an upgrade:
Postgresql says that I should delete these tables and the upgrade should work. I am currently trying to figure out how to do this.
Postgresql has pg_catalog.pg_ts_parser and pg_catalog.pg_ts_dict. These are system catalogs and can absolutely not be removed, nor do I want to. I want to remove the public.pg_ts_* tables.
More specifically I want to dump the tables, upgrade the database, and then restore both public.pg_ts_parser and public.pg_ts_dict. However every time I try to dump or drop the tables, it defaults to the system catalog. Which I don't want. How can I specify these exact tables? Thanks for any help in advance.
Here are the commands I am running to dump the tables.
pg_dump -Fc -t public.pg_ts_dict -t public.pg_ts_parser > file.dump
pg_dump: No matching tables were found
Here is a variation
pg_dump -Fc -t pg_ts_dict -t pg_ts_parser > file.dump
The second variation contains the dump of the system catalog pg_ts_dict and parser not the public version. However, it is very confusing because the contents of the file.dump contains these lines of code among # signs and ^ signs.
DROP TABLE pg_catalog.pg_ts_dict;
^#^#^#pg_catalog^#^#^#^#^#^#^H^#^#^#postgres^#^D^#^#^#true^A^A^#^#^#^C^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^# ^G^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^A^#^#^#0^#^A^#^#^#0^#
^#^#^#pg_ts_dict^#^C^#^#^#ACL^#^A^#^#^#^#<86>^#^#^#REVOKE ALL ON TABLE pg_ts_dict FROM PUBLIC;
REVOKE ALL ON TABLE pg_ts_dict FROM postgres;
^#^#^#pg_catalog^A^A^#^#^#^#^H^#^#^#postgres^#^E^#^#^#false^#^B^#^#^#54^A^A^#^#^#^C^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#7^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^D^#^#^#1259^#^D^#^#^#3601^#^L^#^#^#pg_ts_parser^#^E^#^#^#TABLE^#^B^#^#^#^#ö^#^#^#CREATE TABLE pg_ts_parser (
prsname name NOT NULL,
prsnamespace oid NOT NULL,
prsstart regproc NOT NULL,
prstoken regproc NOT NULL,
prsend regproc NOT NULL,
prsheadline regproc NOT NULL,
prslextype regproc NOT NULL
Not sure what to make of this.
Your call should actually work as is:
pg_dump -Fc -t public.pg_ts_dict -t public.pg_ts_parser > file.dump
You can use a wildcard to include all tables starting with pg_ts_.
pg_dump -Fc -t 'public.pg_ts_*' > file.dump
On the Linux shell, you may need the extra quotes. (Related question on dba.SE.) Remove the quotes in Windows.
To make it abundantly clear you could exclude the same tables from pg_catalog explicitly. Normally, this is not necessary, but something seems to be abnormal in your case.
pg_dump -Fc -t 'public.pg_ts_*' -T 'pg_catalog.pg_ts_*' > file.dump
The documentation:
Also, you must write something like -t to select a table in a
particular schema, rather than the old locution of -n sch -t tab.

Constraints missing after pg_restore

After dumping a table and importing it to another postgres db constraints are missing.
I'm using this to dump:
pg_dump --host=local --username=user -W --encoding=UTF-8 -j 10 --file=dump_test --format=d -s --dbname=mydb -t addendum
This to import:
pg_restore -d myOtherdb --host=local -n public --username=user -W --exit-on-error --format=d -j 10 -t addendum dump_test/
What I can see in the resulting toc.dat is something like this:
ADD CONSTRAINT pk_addendum PRIMARY KEY (addendum_id);
> ALTER TABLE ONLY public.addendum DROP CONSTRAINT pk_addendum;
That looks like its creating and destroying the PK, but I'm not sure if my interpretation is correct as the file is binary.
edit: I'm using PostgreSQL 9.3
From the documentation:
Note: When -t is specified, pg_dump makes no attempt to dump any other database objects that the selected table(s) might depend upon. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the results of a specific-table dump can be successfully restored by themselves into a clean database.
You thus have some admittedly unattractive choices:
You can rebuild the constraints manually, especially if you still have the DDL which created them.
You can do a database-wide pg_dump to text, obtain the constraint DDL from there, see step 1.
You can do a database-wide pg_dump, and restore it fully.
I had the situation where the table already exists but using pg_restore deleted the constraints of the table.
There is an accepted answer already but I will try to provide an answer for those cases where the table to be restored is already available. In such cases, the constraints are deleted, only if you are trying to drop and recreate the table (-c or -C). Whereas if you only want the data from the dump you can perform delete all records on the table (DELETE FROM tableName) and then use pg_restore with -a flag. You can thus exclude -c or -C flag from you pg_restore command.
A little late to the party but here's something that may help.
If you're restoring a single table from a large dump file and having trouble getting the indexes with pg_restore (-t doesn't do indexes and constraints)
pg_restore db_dump_file.dump | awk '/table_name/{nr[NR]; nr[NR+1]}; NR in nr' > table_name_indexes_tmp.psql
You also need the subsequent line after a match for indexes and constraints. The awk command above gets line + 1 after every match.
This output file should contain your indexes (assuming the dump file actually contains them, plus data). Then you can apply them back to the table you restored as individual commands.
Not a perfect solution but better than trying to re-create them manually.

Postgres: Copying particular tables from remote db, interrelated with foreign key relationships

I have a Postgres RDS instance for one of my apps.
I need to copy 3 tables from it to a similar clone of the database.
I see mytable_id_seq tables also, which now I know are called sequences in postgres terminology.
When I created a dump of those three tables, and restore them, do I have to do anything with the _id_seq sequences ?
Do I have to restore them too, for the dump data to work as it did in the original table?
When you restore the entire database from a dump, it contains CREATE SEQUENCE statements by default. These statements initialize sequences to the proper state. But if you make a partial dump, with only selected tables, you must set sequences manualy.
Assuming, that your table's name is "clip", you can check the current value using this query:
SELECT last_value FROM clip_id_seq
And if you want to update the sequence after restore, you can do it with this simple query:
SELECT SETVAL('clip_id_seq', SELECT MAX(id) FROM clip)
pg_dump -d database_name -t mg_cnd -F c > database_backup.sql
pg_restore -U database_user --data-only -d database_name -t mg_cnd -F c <file_location>
-d = database name
-t = table name
-F = Format
c = plain
-U = User
--data-only = transfer only table data
pg_dump documentation
pg_restore documentation