How to delete all index tables from postgres database? - postgresql

I have quite a few index tables in my DB. I want to delete them and only index those tables that are very big. How Can i delete them?
I can do
select relname from pg_class where relkind='i'; and drop index
But I think this query will also delete some system tables. How do i do this without affecting thr functioning of the DB?

If you are using pg_class to find all indexes, you need to join that to pg_namespace and filter on the schema where your tables (and indexes) are stored.
It is much easier to pg_indexes instead though:
select schemaname,
format('drop index %I.%I;', schemaname, indexname) as drop_statement
from pg_indexes
where schemaname not in ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast');
That will however also show you indexes that are used for primary keys.
If you want to exclude primary key indexes, you can use something like this:
select s.nspname as schemaname,
i.relname as indexname,
t.relname as tablename,
format('drop index %I.%I;', s.nspname, i.relname) as drop_statement
from pg_index idx
join pg_class i on i.oid = idx.indexrelid
join pg_class t on t.oid = idx.indrelid
join pg_namespace s on i.relnamespace = s.oid
where s.nspname not in ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
and not idx.indisprimary;
If you also want to exclude unique indexes, just add and not idx.indisunique to the where condition.

Here a sample that actually drops the indices. Based on #a_horse_with_no_name answer.
DO $$
ind record;
FOR ind IN
s.nspname as schemaname,
i.relname as indexname,
t.relname as tablename,
format('drop index %I.%I;', s.nspname, i.relname) as drop_statement
FROM pg_index idx
join pg_class i on i.oid = idx.indexrelid
join pg_class t on t.oid = idx.indrelid
join pg_namespace s on i.relnamespace = s.oid
WHERE s.nspname not in ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
AND NOT idx.indisprimary
RAISE NOTICE 'Command: %', ind.drop_statement;
EXECUTE ind.drop_statement;


How to get schema of a table if I have the oid (Postgres 9.5.1)?

I'm trying to figure out how to get the schema of a table if I have the oid in Postgres 9.5.1. I tried using information_schema but can't figure out which table I use to join with the oid.
You need to join pg_namespace to pg_class
select nsp.nspname as schema_name, tbl.relname as table_name
from pg_namespace nsp
join pg_class tbl on nsp.oid = tbl.relnamespace
where tbl.oid = 42;

Listing all relations with schema and columns in PostgreSQL

I am trying to list all the relations with their corresponding schema and columns in PostgreSQL using System Catalog constructs. But it also ends up showing some index names along with relation names, and shows attributes like cmax, cmin, ctid, etc. and so on which are not the actual attributes that I had create while constructing the table. Here is my query:
ns.nspname AS schema_name,
idx.attrelid :: REGCLASS AS table_name,
idx.attname AS column_name
FROM pg_attribute AS idx
JOIN pg_class AS i
ON i.oid = idx.attrelid
JOIN pg_namespace AS NS ON i.relnamespace = NS.OID
WHERE nspname='public';
To filter out system attributes, add attnum > 0. To filter out non-tables, add relkind = 'r'. To it would look like
ns.nspname AS schema_name,
idx.attrelid :: REGCLASS AS table_name,
idx.attname AS column_name
FROM pg_attribute AS idx
JOIN pg_class AS i
ON i.oid = idx.attrelid
JOIN pg_namespace AS NS ON i.relnamespace = NS.OID
WHERE nspname='public' AND attnum > 0 AND relkind = 'r';
You could also use the information schema, which is a bit more user-friendly in this aspect:
SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema = 'public';

How to list all tables and their creators (or owners) in Redshift

I thought it is straightforward but I couldn't find a way to list all tables and their creators (or owners) in Redshift. Any help/insight is welcome.
It was pg_tables table and here is the SQL:
select tablename, tableowner From pg_tables
You can list Redshift tables, views and their owners by running this script:
SELECT n.nspname AS schema_name
, pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS table_owner
, c.relname AS table_name
, CASE WHEN c.relkind = 'v' THEN 'view' ELSE 'table' END
AS table_type
, d.description AS table_description
FROM pg_class As c
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace t ON t.oid = c.reltablespace
LEFT JOIN pg_description As d
ON (d.objoid = c.oid AND d.objsubid = 0)
WHERE c.relkind IN('r', 'v')
ORDER BY n.nspname, c.relname ;

List columns with indexes in Amazon Redshift

I need to query Redshift metadata to get a list of table columns that includes information whether the column is part of primary key or not.
There is a post already List columns with indexes in PostgreSQL that has an answer for PostgreSQL, however unfortunately, it fails on Redshift with "ERROR: 42809: op ANY/ALL (array) requires array on right side"
I figured out how to do it with the help of this
SELECT attname column_name, attnotnull,
format_type(atttypid, atttypmod) as column_type, atttypmod,
i.indisprimary as primary_key,
col_description(attrelid, attnum) as description
FROM pg_attribute c
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_index i
ON c.attrelid = i.indrelid AND i.indisprimary AND
c.attnum = ANY(string_to_array(textin(int2vectorout(i.indkey)), ' '))
where c.attnum > 0 AND NOT c.attisdropped AND c.attrelid = :tableOid
order by attnum
The following worked for me:
SELECT n.nspname as schema_name,
t.relname as table_name,
i.relname as index_name,
c.contype as index_type,
a.attname as column_name,
a.attnum AS column_position
FROM pg_class t
INNER JOIN pg_index AS ix ON t.oid = ix.indrelid
INNER JOIN pg_constraint AS c ON ix.indrelid = c.conrelid
INNER JOIN pg_class AS i ON i.oid = ix.indexrelid
INNER JOIN pg_attribute AS a ON a.attrelid = t.oid
AND a.attnum= ANY(string_to_array(textin(int2vectorout(ix.indkey)),' ')::int[])
INNER JOIN pg_namespace AS n ON n.oid = t.relnamespace;
You can leverage the table DDL view AWS published a few months ago ( by picking out the constraint component and parsing out the key columns:
select schemaname,tablename, substring(ddl,charindex('(',ddl)+1, charindex(')',ddl)-1-charindex('(',ddl))
n.nspname AS schemaname
,c.relname AS tablename
,200000000 + CAST(con.oid AS INT) AS seq
,'\t,' + pg_get_constraintdef(con.oid) AS ddl
pg_constraint AS con
INNER JOIN pg_class AS c
ON c.relnamespace = con.connamespace
AND c.relfilenode = con.conrelid
INNER JOIN pg_namespace AS n
ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE c.relkind = 'r'
Note that this query also gives you foreign key columns. It's easy enough to filter those out by appending the query with
where ddl like '%PRIMARY KEY%'
Use below query:
select * from pg_table_def where tablename = 'mytablename'
This will give you all columns for table along with their data type , encoding and if it has sort key or dist key.

Get table and column "owning" a sequence

I can run the following line:
How can I get the 'owner' set by OWNED BY for a sequence (in this case:
You may use following query:
select s.relname as seq, n.nspname as sch, t.relname as tab, a.attname as col
from pg_class s
join pg_depend d on d.objid=s.oid and d.classid='pg_class'::regclass and d.refclassid='pg_class'::regclass
join pg_class t on t.oid=d.refobjid
join pg_namespace n on n.oid=t.relnamespace
join pg_attribute a on a.attrelid=t.oid and a.attnum=d.refobjsubid
where s.relkind='S' and d.deptype='a'
It returns all sequences with owner information. Just filter them in WHERE clause and that's it.
Get the "owning" table and column
Your ALTER SEQUENCE statement causes an entry in the system catalog pg_depend with the dependency type (deptype) 'a' and a refobjsubid greater than 0, pointing to the attribute number (attnum) in pg_attribute. With that knowledge you can devise a simple query:
SELECT d.refobjid::regclass, a.attname
FROM pg_depend d
JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = d.refobjid
AND a.attnum = d.refobjsubid
WHERE d.objid = 'public."seqName"'::regclass -- your sequence here
AND d.refobjsubid > 0
AND d.classid = 'pg_class'::regclass;
Double quotes ("") are only needed for otherwise illegal names (mixed case, reserved words, ...).
No need to assert that refclassid is of type regclass since the join to pg_attribute does that automatically.
No need to assert that the sequence is a sequence since schema-qualified object names are unique across the database.
No need to join to pg_class or pg_namespace at all.
The schema name is only needed to disambiguate or if it's not in the search_path.
The same table name (or sequence name for that matter) can be used in multiple schemas. A cast to the object identifier type regclass observes the current search_path to pick the best match if you omit the schema qualification. If the table is not visible, you get an error message.
What's more, a regclass type is displayed as text to the user automatically. (If not, cast to text.) The schema-name is prepended automatically where necessary to be unambiguous in your session.
Get the actual "owner" (the role)
To get the role owning a specific sequence, as requested:
SELECT c.relname, u.usename
FROM pg_class c
JOIN pg_user u ON u.usesysid = c.relowner
WHERE c.oid = '"seqName"'::regclass; -- your sequence here
I was able to list the table and corresponding sequence for a particular column using the following SQL statement:
SELECT table_schema
, table_name
, column_name
, LTRIM(RTRIM(RTRIM(column_default, '::regclass)'),''''),'nextval(''') AS SEQUENCE_NAME
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE column_default like '%nextval%';
SELECT c.relname,u.usename
FROM pg_class c, pg_user u
WHERE c.relowner = u.usesysid and c.relkind = 'S'
AND relnamespace IN (
FROM pg_namespace
WHERE nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_%'
AND nspname != 'information_schema'
I use that query for get all queries.
Change CTE to filter the result
WITH table_with_sequence as (
d.refobjid::regclass::text tablename,
c.relname::text sequencename,
np.nspname::text schemaname,
a.attname::text attname,
pg_depend d
INNER JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = d.objid
AND c.relkind = 'S'
INNER JOIN pg_namespace np ON np.oid = c.relnamespace
AND (np.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_%'
AND np.nspname != 'information_schema')
INNER JOIN pg_user u ON u.usesysid = c.relowner
INNER JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = d.refobjid
AND a.attnum = d.refobjsubid
'ALTER SEQUENCE '|| QUOTE_LITERAL(QUOTE_IDENT(schemaname) || '.' || QUOTE_IDENT(sequencename)) ||' OWNED BY ' || tablename || '.' || QUOTE_IDENT(attname)
FROM table_with_sequence