CouchDB conflicts - ionic-framework

I am developing an Ionic app that uses pouchDB/couchDB to keep data in a shared DB.
I am facing this issue:
if I run the app on two mobile phones, and both try to modify the same document in couchDB, they will be in conflict.
Is there a way to handle this server side? Or is there a way to handle this client side, better than put the document, get the document to see if there are conflicts, modify the document creating a new rev if there are conflicts?

I point you to an answer to similar issue from Nolan Lawson.
There is not an automatic conflict resolution in CouchDB/PouchDB, the resolution should be part of your business logic.


MobileApp / Data Sync / Existing database

I'm working through the issues of using an offline data sync with a mobile back end, and have worked through numerous articles/documentation regarding it's use.
The scenario that I'm looking for is a bit different that the normal demo projects. We have a Azure SQL db that we have been using for some time now, and a use case has come up to use this data in a mobile back end.
I have yet to see an article on how best practises of using an existing sql DB (EF codefirst), with offline data sync tables that need to inherit from EntityData, which adds additional fields for the sync process.
My original thought was to use the ef code first definition of the data models, and use them with Mobile App... however the requirement for EntityData doesn't work, as I'm not going to add those fields to a production system.
My question is, what is the best practise of using data from a production system, and get them syncing with mobile back ends? I'm thinking a intermidary DB is required, but that just means that there are three databases/tables to sync - which doesn't feel right at this point in time.
Anybody know of an article that starts with an Azure DB, and the process/decisions they made to allow data sync to offline devices?
This scenario is discussed in detail in my book - - chapter 3.

Syncing data between sqlite and mongo using meteor, cordova

I am developing a hybrid Cordova app (but only for Android platform) using Meteor.
App should have offline support, in a way that a user can add objects that are stored offline, in a SQLite database, and after the user connects to Internet, sync the data with server (Mongo database).
Problem is a can't find any solution for synchronisation.
I have looked at GroundDB that provided the mechanism for synchronization I need, but stored data in localStorage which doesn't provide enough storage. In newer versions it doesn't provide sync mechanism, only cashing.
Do you have any suggestions or experience with this type of problem? Any help would be much appreciated.
You could look at LokiJS, which is in a high performance JS database, with features to sync to Mongo.
I haven't used it myself, but from looking at the site, it may do what you need.
You can also check out MongOGX which is a Javascript "clone" of mongo for the front end

How to evolve akka-persistence events in production?

Let's say we have design our system using akka-persistence. Now, we have events stored in the event-store. While, the system in production, a new feature was requested. As a result, we find the best way to go about it is to add or modify a field in an event. Let's say by changing the field name or type.
Now, we have two versions of the event, the one we have in production, and the one in the new deployment, which are not compatible. We will fail if we try to recover data from the old version.
What is the best way to go about that, other than data migration?
This is definitely one of the bigger issues with using akka persistence in production. There has been a lot of discussion about this on the akka-user mailing list.
I would say that as long as the new feature requires just additional information, going with a serialization format that allows limited schema evolution such as google protocol buffers or json would be a solution.
If the new feature requires changing the existing data, there is nothing you can do but to do data migration.

What is the best way to connect an iphone app to a mysql database?

I want the way with the fastest execution time. I'm not feeling comfortable of using web service because i need to create separate php pages and retrieve data as xml. If you think its good to use web service please tell me why. I want to code my database queries right on my c/objective c pages.
I've been searching for libraries. I saw this sequel pro - won't i have any problems on using this - like licensing issues? I also saw this libmysqlclient of cocoa but some say its not working well. I've also read about a library developed by Karl Kraft found here but don't know if i could trust this.
I would really appreciate you help.
Definitely build a web service to act as an abstraction layer to your database. Here are some significant reasons in my opinion:
Since you want speed, you will be able to add caching when using the webservice, so you will essentially eliminate the need for identical queries to run (sometimes).
If you need to change your data model later, you just have to modify the webservice backend and don't have to update your app.
You can better control security by not exposing the database to the world, and keep it safe behind the web service.
Your database credentials should not be stored in an app. What if you needed to change those?
I strongly suggest a web service. Hope this helps.
Connect to your DB by PHP and output the result as JSON
is much better and faster then xml and less coding if use JSON Framework.
and never never try to connect to your DB from your iphone because it easy to sniff out the request from iphone.
Being safe then Sorry, keep that in mind

iPhone SDK & MySQL Remote Database

I've tried looking around but honestly not finding much help. I am mostly seeking for advice as to how I should approach to develop what I am thinking.
I want to accomplish something like this.
Imagine a website, with a backend database. This database contains information fed by users themselves. The website is fully functional, now I want users to be able to have the same functionality on their iPhones. I don't use a local database because I want all users to be able to have access to the same database, and this changes constantly.
What would be the best approach to:
Allow users to access all the information currently available on the website (database perspective).
Able to edit & add new entries to the database
I don't know if me creating an array to hold all this data would be wise to do. Specially with large amounts of data. I dont know how well it can scale.
Should I create a duplicate SQL lite database on the phone itself duplicating that of that website? What do you guys feel would be a good approach to this?
Comments, links, references would be greatly appreciated.
Sounds like the perfect time to create an API for your website. If the size of you application is not very big, you can use the same database, but would be good to run the API separated from the web server.
Essentially, such an API should allow you to make requests to certain URLs for retrieving, updating and deleting information from the database.
Depending on what server-side platform you are currently using, there are many options.
Client-side, your iPhone app can use or if you feel confident.