Automatically windows powershell opens when I open my laptop - powershell

I have this problem going on for few days, every time I open my laptop it starts Windows Powershell automatically.It's not causing me any problem as I close it once it opens, but I am quite annoyed by it and wants to know if this is some problem or just something went bad with my settings. I am using windows 10 pro.

There is probably an autorun entry for Powershell registered on your system. Without more information, it's not possible to tell how it got there.
Programs registering themselves to start up on boot is a common symptom of malware infection, but most malware would also try to hide any visual cues, i.e. the Powershell window would be hidden.
To troubleshoot further, you can try the free utility Autoruns available from Microsoft. Look for any entries related to Powershell.


AutoHotkey Not Starting At Boot

I have a shortcut to AHK in my Startup folder on a Windows 7 Ultimate x64 machine. Its been working just fine for years. Recently realized it no long loads at startup while everything else in the startup folder works. Once the machine has started, I can go to All Programs -> Startup and click on the AutoHotkey.ahk link and it starts fine.
I've checked Event Viewer and don't see anything there. Even added an exception in my AV, Malware Bytes and Windows Defender which I've never had to do in the past on any PC. I don't remember making any changes on this machine such as a new program install/uninstall.
Any ideas as to what is happening here? I posted this question on the AHK forum but everything suggested there has already been covered.
Thank you

Win'2019 is detecting my scripts with the Win32/Casur.A!cl trojan

I have a windows batch script that, depending on the user menu selection, opens a powershell.exe and passing a variable to run a .ps1 script. I then use Bat To Exe Converted (v3.0.10) to convert it to an exe. A few hours ago I made changes to the PS script and copied it to the Win'2019 server and it accepted it. Now, I just changed two letters in a write-host message command and it keeps quarantining the file. Since this will be passed to customers I can't be telling them to ignore it or white list it.
I'm guessing the .bat and .ps1 files are throwing Windows Defender off. Funny how it was fine just a few hrs ago. Even if I undo the 2 letters I added it still deleting the exe.
The .bat is quite big and it'd be very difficult for me to convert and add inside the .ps1 script in hope of not setting off the trojan. What other options do I have to fix this? Is there a process or url to notify MS about this to get them to fix this false positive?
NOTE: No other Windows version or 3rd party antivirus that I've tried is detecting the exe infected. Only Win'2019's Defender is.
It looks like MS has fixed the false-positive with my code. I came in to work this morning and tried to copy the exe again and this time it worked. I didn't even contact MS (we don't have a support contract anyway).
Btw the exe consisted of a bat and ps1 script that just downloads some public install files (such as 7zip) from an https address, saves them and when running the exe the user would just get a menu of which of the downloaded programs they want to install.
The issue can be reproduced creating a simple new console application (Language : C++) with Visual Studio 2019 (Community Edition) and then just run program: Ctrl + F5. The solution that worked for me, to run the program, was to add the folder as an exclusion in Windows Defender Antivirus. I couldn't find any solution on other threads

Vbs to run an uninstaller silently or click confirm?

So I have a utility on about 250 computers that is now obsolete. The remote management program I use will not easily let me remove it via the gui. I am no programmer. Not by a long shot. I need a script to run via the remote command prompt to remove the file. I can easily delete the folder it is in but this will leave the registry entry's and thus still list it as installed. I would love to run it 100% silent but if not I at least need the script to confirm when the Uninstall confirm box pops up. I have searched and tried copy and paste with some success. Thanks for any helpful constructive criticism or entire scripts! Haha

PowerShell open remote GUI session for UIAutomation

I'm currently working on automatic installation of GUI application using library UIAutomation PS Extensions ( It works pretty well in cases, when I run it against existing Windows user session. I run my PS script, it opens a window and I can click on buttons and so on ..
However, problem raises when this library is called from remote machine. I call my script (which should open a GUI window and start controlling it) via PsExec from remote machine. This causes that script is not able to open GUI window on remote machine and starts to produce various exceptions.
As workaround for this, I can make PsExec to connect to specific existing session on remote host, but unfortunatelly this is not stable as I can't guarantee session's existence.
Does enyone know whether it's possible to force PowerShell to open new session (interactive GUI) through which I would be able to call UIAutomation commands?
Thank in advance
I'm not clear on whether it's feasible to remotely open a new interactive desktop session in which to run GUI tests that require one. I'd be interested to find out if it's doable, since problems like this frequently come up when folks try to set up CI tests of Windows GUI apps.
Alternatively, I'd propose solving this by configuring the machine where your tests run to log in as a user at boot. Then you can remotely launch your tests as that user, and make use of their open session. That's worked in the past for me when I've run into similar issues.

VSCode ran once on install, won't run or install again

I'm running this on Windows 7 SP1 with most (if not all) current patches. I have administrative permissions on this machine.
The first time I ran VSCodeSetup.exe, it ran the installer for several minutes then launched the actual application.
I got called into a surprise meeting, so I closed it thinking I'd look at it again later.
However, when I returned to my computer and tried to launch it, I found no evidence that it was actually installed... no desktop icon, no entry in the start menu, no Explorer integration...
I tried running VSCodeSetup.exe again, but all it does it show the installer screen for a split second, which then vanishes.
Since then, I've tried the suggestions outlined in VSCode Installation Failed - Failed to extract installer to install the application, even going so far as to run Update.exe --uninstall followed by running VSCodeSetup.exe again, but nothing has worked.
I even tried disabling my antivirus software and running the installer again, to no avail.
Does anyone know what I can do to get VSCode working again?
According to the comments and answers to Install VSCode in a specific folder, Visual Studio Code installs itself to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Code on Windows.
While I'm not sure why it didn't register itself with Explorer, I can at least create a shortcut to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Code\bin\code.cmd (with icon %LOCALAPPDATA%\Code\app.ico) to get it working again.
Or remove the directory entirely and run VSCodeSetup.exe to install it again, which still doesn't add Explorer integration... but this time at least the PATH now has code in it.
On windows VSCode is installed as Code.exe and its located in your