Can't figure out Powershell Where-Object. SSAS Cube Processed State via Powershell, - powershell

I've created a powershell script to list the Processed State of a number of SSAS Cubes.
I'm puzzled why the Where-Object only produces the correct results when I use -like. I can't seem to use -eq. Anyone got any ideas ?
I'm using the Where-Object to zero in on the production Database.
The code i'm using is this..
Import-Module SQLASCmdlets -DisableNameChecking
$SSASServer = New-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server
$instanceName = "SSASSVR01"
$ProdCubes = $SSASServer.Databases.Cubes
$ProdCubes | Select Parent , State , Name `
| Where-Object { $_.Parent -like "DWProd*" }
I'd expect that -eq would work, but it doesn't
I don't get any response if the last line is written as...
$ProdCubes | Select Parent , State , Name `
| Where-Object { $_.Parent -eq "DWProd" }
I suspect it's whitespace, but how do you filter out the whitespace in powershell.


powershell how do I Create/format a dynamic list from a group membership to use in a for each loop

bit of a noob question.
I have the following cmd which grabs the server members of a group which I can copy into a text list. however as the group changes I need to modify the text list manually.
Get-AdGroupMember -identity "Reboot 7pm" | Sort-Object | select name
when I have that output in a text list, the following works fine.
$listpath = "C:\Scripts\servers.txt"
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$list = #(Get-content $listpath)
foreach($ComputerName in $list)
Get-Uptime -ComputerName $ComputerName
I want to know if it is possible to use a variable that I can use again in a for each loop. I've tried to do so, however the format of the list is not the same when is goes into a variable, thus the function (get-uptime) against the server doesn't work, anyone know what I can do to format the output so I only get the server name?
$WSUS_7PM = Get-AdGroupMember -identity "Reboot 7pm" | Sort-Object | select name
PS C:\Windows\system32> $WSUS_7PM
PS C:\Windows\system32> foreach($Name in $WSUS_7PM) {Write-Host $Name}
so when I run the same cmds as above modified with the variable instead of the text list, I get the following as the server name is obviously incorrect.
$listpath = $WSUS_7PM
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$list = #(Get-content $WSUS_7PM)
foreach($ComputerName in $list)
Get-Uptime -ComputerName $ComputerName
WARNING: Unable to connect to #{name=AXXXXX003}
WARNING: Unable to connect to #{name=BXXXXX005}
I hope that makes sense to someone, appreciate the help in understanding what the difference is in the object output.
When you use Select-Object name you are creating a list of objects with a name property. You can either expand it ahead of time
$WSUS_7PM = Get-AdGroupMember -identity "Reboot 7pm" | Sort-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
or reference the name property later
foreach($Name in $ {Write-Host $Name}

Property has a value but cannot select it

I have a function that checks the registry for an uninstall key called Get-InstalledApps
Function Get-InstalledApps {
param (
[string[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
[string]$NameRegex = ''
foreach ($comp in $ComputerName) {
$keys = '','\Wow6432Node'
foreach ($key in $keys) {
try {
$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $comp)
$apps = $reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE$key\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall").GetSubKeyNames()
} catch {
foreach ($app in $apps) {
$program = $reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE$key\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$app")
$name = $program.GetValue('DisplayName')
if ($name -and $name -match $NameRegex) {
ComputerName = $comp
DisplayName = $name
DisplayVersion = $program.GetValue('DisplayVersion')
Publisher = $program.GetValue('Publisher')
InstallDate = $program.GetValue('InstallDate')
UninstallString = $program.GetValue('UninstallString')
Bits = $(if ($key -eq '\Wow6432Node') {'64'} else {'32'})
Path = $
and then I grab the DisplayName/Version for what I need. My current problem is that it only seems to work on certain machines. Example:
Get-InstalledApps | Where-Object {$_.Displayname -like "*Citrix Receiver*"}
Name Value
---- -----
ComputerName Computer
DisplayName Citrix Receiver 4.7
Bits 64
UninstallString C:\ProgramData\Citrix\Citrix Receiver 4.7\TrolleyExpress.exe /uninstall /cleanup
Path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\CitrixOnlinePluginPackWeb
Publisher Citrix Systems, Inc.
So this is great, I get what I want. Now I normally just pipe in | Select-Object Displayname -ExpandProperty Displayname and it would return "Citrix Receiver 4.7" just like I want. My problem is that on certain machines I'm getting this:
Get-InstalledApps | Where-Object {$_.Displayname -like "*Citrix Receiver*"} | Select-Object DisplayName
And that's it. Why is there no value listed? If I try to expandproperty I get an error because it says nothing is there, but clearly there is something there or the Where-Object would not have found it in my search. Again, in a lot cases this code works just fine and I get the value I want but on a lot of machines I'm getting what you see above.
Edited in from comments:
I run this on a user's machine and I get the results I posted. If I run it on my machine I'll get the value "Citrix Receiver 4.7" every time. Also, on my machine I don't get the Name and Value columns. Only about 1/4 of the machines I ran this code on actually gave me the value I expected. Windows 7 vs Windows 10 thing?
It looks to me like your function returns a [hashtable], but you're using it like it's an object with properties.
That happens to work fine with Where-Object because the .Member syntax works for accessing [hashtable] values, but it's not going to work with Select-Object because it's operating on actual properties.
So what can you do?
If you want to keep it as a [hashtable], and insist on doing it in a pipeline, you can use ForEach-Object:
Get-InstalledApps |
Where-Object {$_.Displayname -like "*Citrix Receiver*"} |
ForEach-Object -Process { $_.DisplayName }
Get-InstalledApps |
Where-Object {$_.Displayname -like "*Citrix Receiver*"} |
ForEach-Object -MemberName Item -ArgumentList DisplayName
Another thing you can do is change your function to return an object.
This is really easy to do with a [hashtable]; so say your function is about to return $hash, instead return:
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $hash
Now you can use the normal suite of cmdlets and have them work as expected.
Edit: after seeing your code, it looks like you are converting your hashtable to an object already, but your output says otherwise. It wouldn't display as Name and Value columns if that were the case, so I still think something is wrong and the output is a [hashtable].
Edit 2: with info from comments about the platform differences, this seems to be happening because the object conversion is being done with the [pscustomobject] type accelerator which was added in PowerShell v3. Since the problematic machine is running Windows 7, it may be running v2 (which is what Win 7 shipped with).
Get rid of Windows 7.
If you can't do that, upgrade PowerShell (Windows Management Framework) on that machine.
Either way, use New-Object as posted above.

Powershell Get-ChildItem, filtered on date with Owner and export to txt or csv

I am trying to export a list of documents modified files after a set date, including its owners from a recursive scan using Get-ChildItem.
For some reason I cannot get it to port out to a file/csv:
$Location2 = "\\fs01\DATAIT"
$loc2 ="melb"
cd $Location2
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.lastwritetime -gt [datetime]"2017/05/01" } | foreach { Write-Host $_.Name "," $_.lastwritetime "," ((get-ACL).owner) } > c:\output\filelisting-$loc2.txt
Could any of the PowerShell gurus on here shed some light please?
The problem with your code is that you are using Write-Host which explicitly sends output to the console (which you then can't redirect elsewhere). The quick fix is as follows:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.lastwritetime -gt [datetime]"2017/05/01" } | foreach { "$($_.Name),$($_.lastwritetime),$((get-ACL).owner)" } > filelisting-$loc2.txt
This outputs a string to the standard output (the equivalent of using Write-Output). I've made it a single string which includes the variables that you wanted to access by using the subexpression operator $() within a double quoted string. This operator is necessary to access the properties of objects or execute other cmdlets/complex code (basically anything more than a simple $variable) within such a string.
You could improve the code further by creating an object result, which would then allow you to leverage other cmdlets in the pipeline like Export-CSV. I suggest this:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.lastwritetime -gt [datetime]"2017/05/01" } | ForEach-Object {
$Properties = [Ordered]#{
Name = $_.Name
LastWriteTime = $_.LastWriteTime
Owner = (Get-ACL).Owner
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Properties
} | Export-CSV $Loc2.csv
This creates a hashtable #{} of the properties you wanted and then uses that hashtable to create a PowerShell Object with New-Object. This Object is then returned to standard output, which goes into the pipeline so when the ForEach-Object loop concludes all the objects are sent in to Export-CSV which then outputs them correctly as a CSV (as it takes object input).
As an aside, here is an interesting read from the creator of PowerShell on why Write-Host is considered harmful.
[Ordered] requires PowerShell 3 or above. If you're using PowerShell 2, remove it. It just keeps the order of the properties within the object in the order they were defined.

Issue with Powershell custom table

I'm trying to create a custom table based on two other tables (csv-imported) - some kind of a VLOOKUP, but I can't seem to find a solution. I've come up with the following (failing) code:
$DrawPlaces | select Module, Workplace, #{ Name = "IPaddress"; Expression = {$Workstations.workstation.where($_.WorkPlace -eq $Workstations.Workplace)}} -First 15
Both Drawplaces and $Workplaces are PSCustomObject. The result of this would then go to another variable.
I'm not even sure the logic or syntax is correct, but the result table has the IPaddress column empty. I've also tried with -match instead of -eq.
This doesn't make sense: $Workstations.workstation.where($_.WorkPlace -eq $Workstations.Workplace)
.where() requires a scriptblock parameter like .where({}).
Keeping in mind that inside the where-statement $_ is refering to the current object in the $workstations.workstation-loop, your where-statement is testing ex. $workstations.workstation[0].workplace -eq $workstations.workplace. Is that really what you want?
Are you trying to achieve this?
$DrawPlaces |
Select-Object -First 15 -Property #(
#{ Name = "IPaddress"; Expression = {
#Save the Workspace-value for the current object from $DrawPlaces
$wp = $_.WorkPlace;
#Find the workstation with the same workplace as $wp
$Workstations | Where-Object { $_.WorkPlace -eq $wp} | ForEach-Object { $_.Workstation }

powershell Get-Winevent SWITCH MATCH issue

'm running this powershell command and saving the output in a csv.
powershell "Get-WinEvent -EA SilentlyContinue -FilterHashtable #{Logname='System';ID=42}| SELECT-Object #{Label = 'TimeCreated'; Expression = {Get-Date $_.TimeCreated -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'}},#{Label = 'DayOfWeek'; Expression = {(Get-Date $_.TimeCreated).DayOfWeek}},ID,#{l='ID Description';e={Switch ($_) { {$_.ID -eq '42'}{'Type=Sleep matched using EventID';break} {$_.MESSAGE -Match 'Sleep Reason: Application API'}{Type='Sleep matched using Message';break} }}},MESSAGE|ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | %{ $_ -replace """`r`n""",',' } | select -Skip 1 | Out-File -Append c:\logs\timeline\TEMP_TimeLine.csv"
I get the expected results as below:
"2014-05-10 00:00:04","Saturday","42","Type=Sleep matched using EventID","The system is entering sleep.,,Sleep Reason: Application API"
"2014-05-09 00:00:02","Friday","42","Type=Sleep matched using EventID","The system is entering sleep.,,Sleep Reason: Application API"
"2014-05-08 00:00:02","Thursday","42","Type=Sleep matched using EventID","The system is entering sleep.,,Sleep Reason: Application API"
But, if i switch the positions of the two case statements inside the switch, i'm not getting the expected output(The derived field 'ID Description' is blank). I am trying to get mix of string matches on the message field and EventID field to be working together.
This is what i'm trying:
powershell "Get-WinEvent -EA SilentlyContinue -FilterHashtable #{Logname='System';ID=42}| SELECT-Object #{Label = 'TimeCreated'; Expression = {Get-Date $_.TimeCreated -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'}},#{Label = 'DayOfWeek'; Expression = {(Get-Date $_.TimeCreated).DayOfWeek}},ID,#{l='ID Description';e={Switch ($_) { {$_.MESSAGE -Match 'Sleep Reason: Application API'}{Type='Sleep matched using Message';break} {$_.ID -eq '42'}{'Type=Sleep matched using EventID';break} }}},MESSAGE|ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | %{ $_ -replace """`r`n""",',' } | select -Skip 1 | Out-File -Append c:\logs\timeline\TEMP_TimeLine.csv"
The Message field clearly has the string 'Sleep Reason: Application API' as we can see from the first output. Wondering whats going on here... Any clues powershell experts?
Ok, two issues I see:
A) You're probably breaking your own script. I'll get to that in a sec.
B) You're missing a ' on the $_.Message line. Type='Sleep should be 'Type=Sleep
Ok, back to point A. I'll start with ;break. In 99% of cases don't do it, you'll make the scripting gods angry, and you wouldn't like them when they're angry. In most cases you want to use ;Continue instead. Break literally breaks out of things, and depending on where it's used it can break out of parent loops entirely stopping part way through a set of things. Continue on the other hand moves to the end of the current loop, skipping anything else. Same thing? Kinda, sorta, but Continue won't break a ForEach-Object loop like Break will.
So, with that said, let's try this in your switch:
Switch ($_) {
{$_.ID -eq '42'}{'Type=Sleep matched using EventID';continue}
{$_.MESSAGE -Match 'Sleep Reason: Application API'}{'Type=Sleep matched using Message';continue}
Ok, that's great, along with the whole ' issue in point B that would probably fix the code in general.
So, with that said, why are you running it like that? Dear lord, running an insanely long one liner is just crazy. Save it to a .PS1 file, and if you're calling it from a batch file then call the script file, but ug, that's just hard to work with in general, it's no wonder you missed the ' in the middle of that line. If you are calling it from a batch file, name it GetSleepLogs.ps1 (or whatever you want, just modify the file name in the command) and try this:
PowerShell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File GetSleepLogs.ps1
Edit: I didn't like the convertto-CSV | select -skip 1 | %{ %_ -replace ...} | Out-File thing, it just seemed clunky to me. Also, all the impromptu hashtables on the Select command were a little hard to follow. Check out this alternative that creates 1 object with several properties, and then just pipes that to Export-CSV with the -append and -NoTypeInformation switches set which should just tack it to the bottom of an existing CSV file.
Get-WinEvent -EA SilentlyContinue -FilterHashtable #{Logname='System';ID=42}| ForEach{[PSCustomObject][Ordered]#{
'TimeCreated' = Get-Date $_.TimeCreated -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
'DayOfWeek' = (Get-Date $_.TimeCreated).DayOfWeek
'ID' = $_.ID
'ID Description' = Switch($_){
{$_.ID -eq '42' -AND $_.Message -match 'Sleep Reason: Application API'}{'Type=Sleep matched using EventID and Message';continue}
{$_.ID -eq '42'}{'Type=Sleep matched using EventID';continue}
{$_.Message -match 'Sleep Reason: Application API'}{'Type=Sleep matched using Message';continue}}
'MESSAGE' = $_.Message.replace("`r`n`r`n","`r`n") -replace "((?<!`")`r`n|`n|`r)", ","
}}|Export-Csv C:\temp\TimeLine.csv -NoTypeInformation -append