NSIS read registry key returns empty for postgresql - postgresql

using the NSIS example for read registry keys, I tried to read postgres registry keys but always returns empty, I verified that the path is correct but NSIS ReadRegStr shows empty with quotes, without quotes. ( The original example reads from Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion and it recovers the key,value correctly)
EnumRegValue $1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-x64-10" $0
IfErrors done
IntOp $0 $0 + 1
ReadRegStr $2 HKLM SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-x64-10 $1
MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "$1 = $2$\n$\nMore?" IDYES loop1
any suggestion?

64-bit versions of Windows has two registry views.
The registry redirector isolates 32-bit and 64-bit applications by providing separate logical views of certain portions of the registry on WOW64. The registry redirector intercepts 32-bit and 64-bit registry calls to their respective logical registry views and maps them to the corresponding physical registry location. The redirection process is transparent to the application. Therefore, a 32-bit application can access registry data as if it were running on 32-bit Windows even if the data is stored in a different location on 64-bit Windows.
Use SetRegView to read from the 64-bit view in NSIS:
SetRegView 64
ReadRegStr ...
SetRegView lastused


Netbeans.conf: what is the variable for the user home?

When starting Netbeans, I need to add a system property named mEnvironment and set it as a sub-directory of the user's home. Example: In the netbeans.conf, I would like to add:
netbeans_default_options="-J-XX:+UseStringDeduplication -J-Xss2m -J-DmEnvironment=${USER_HOME}/mySubDirectory ......
USER_HOME is given as example of course.
Does someone know how Netbeans get the user home directory in the netbeans.conf file?
Thank you
Does someone know how Netbeans get the user home directory in the
netbeans.conf file?
The process is convoluted, and varies by operating system, but is described in great detail within netbeans.conf itself. This is the relevant content for my Apache NetBeans 11.1 installation:
# On Windows ${DEFAULT_USERDIR_ROOT} will be replaced by the launcher
# with "<AppData>\NetBeans" where <AppData> is user's
# value of "AppData" key in Windows Registry under
# "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"
# and ${DEFAULT_CACHEDIR_ROOT} will be replaced by the launcher
# with "<Local AppData>\NetBeans\Cache" where <Local AppData> is user's
# value of "Local AppData" key in Windows Registry under
# "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"
# On Mac ${DEFAULT_USERDIR_ROOT} will be replaced by the launcher
# with "~/Library/Application Support/NetBeans" and
# ${DEFAULT_CACHEDIR_ROOT} with "~/Library/Caches/NetBeans"
# On other systems ${DEFAULT_USERDIR_ROOT} will be replaced by the launcher
# with "~/.netbeans" and ${DEFAULT_CACHEDIR_ROOT} with "~/.cache/netbeans"
However, none of that really helps you, because you cannot access the values of netbeans_default_userdir or DEFAULT_USERDIR_ROOT; they are used internally by NetBeans itself, and are not System properties. You can verify this by displaying the values returned by System.getProperties(); none of the entries in netbeans.conf are shown.
Also, you can't meaningfully add new name/value pairs in netbeans.conf; you can only modify the values of the names used by NetBeans. That file is for NetBeans configuration, not user configuration. So if you add a line containing (say) MyConfSetting="ABC" then NetBeans will simply ignore that, and it won't be accessible to you either.
However, you can use an alternative approach to set a System Property for your directory in your application:
The read-only environment variable APPDATA points to your (operating system's) user directory. On my Windows 10 machine it has the value C:\Users\johndoe\AppData\Roaming.
The default user directory for NetBeans is the value of APPDATA + a sub-directory named NetBeans + a sub-directory named the NetBeans version. On my machine it is C:\Users\johndoe\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\11.1. See the value of User directory in the Help > About screen for confirmation.
I don't know how to dynamically determine the version of NetBeans, but if that isn't important you can programmatically create a system property specifying your directory path:
String dir = System.getenv("APPDATA") + "\\NetBeans\\mySubDirectory";
System.setProperty("myDir", dir);
System.out.println("myDir=" + System.getProperty("myDir"));
On my machine that println() call displays myDir=C:\Users\johndoe\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\mySubDirectory. I don't know if that approach meets your requirements, but I don't know of any other simple way to dynamically set your directory name.
I checked this on Windows 10. Details may vary on other operating systems, but the overall approach should still work.
You can also specify parameters at run time using {project} > Properties > Run > Arguments (e.g. arg1=%APPDATA%\NetBeans\MyDir) and {project} > Properties > Run > VM Options (e.g. -Dvmopt1=%APPDATA%\NetBeans\MyDir), but that approach won't work because the %APPDATA% is simply treated as the literal "%APPDATA%" rather than evaluated as an environment variable.

Random linebreaks in PowerShell standard error output

I want to convert many .iso files to .mp4 with HandBrake, so I am trying to use the command line interface. I would prefer to write my scripts for this in powershell instead of batch files. However, the standard error contains linebreaks at random location if I use powershell.
For troubleshooting, I created a simplified script both in powershell and in batch.
& "$Env:ProgramFiles\HandBrake\HandBrakeCLI.exe" #(
'--input', 'V:\',
'--title', '1', '--chapter', '1',
'--start-at', 'duration:110', '--stop-at', 'duration:15',
'--output', 'pmovie.mp4',
'--format', 'av_mp4'
) > ".\pstd.txt" 2> ".\perr.txt"
Batch file:
"%ProgramFiles%\HandBrake\HandBrakeCLI.exe" --input V:\ --title 1 --chapter 1 --start-at duration:110 --stop-at duration:15 --output ".\cmovie.mp4" --format av_mp4 > ".\cstd.txt" 2> ".\cerr.txt"
Both scripts create the same .mp4 file, the difference is only the standard error output they create:
HandBrakeCLI.exe : [10:41:44] hb_init: starting libhb thread
At C:\Test\phandbrake.ps1:1 char:2
+ & <<<< "$Env:ProgramFiles\HandBrake\HandBrakeCLI.exe" #(
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: ([10:41:44] hb_i...ng libhb thread
:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
[10:41:44] thread 541fc20 started ("libhb")
HandBrake 1.1.2 (2018090500) - MinGW x86_64 - https://handbrake.fr
8 CPUs detected
pening V:\...
[10:41:44] CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU # 3.40GHz
[10:41:44] - Intel microarchitecture Sandy Bridge
[10:41:44] - logical processor count: 8
[10:41:44] Intel Quick Sync Video support: no
[10:41:44] hb_scan: path=V:\, title_index=1
src/libbluray/disc/disc.c:424: error opening file BDMV\index.bdmv
src/libbluray/disc/disc.c:424: error opening file BDMV\BACKUP\index.bdmv
[10:41:44] bd: not a bd - trying as a stream/file instead
libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 6.0.0
ibdvdnav: Unable to open device file V:\.
libdvdnav: vm: dvd_read_name failed
libdvdnav: DVD disk re
ports i
tself wi
th Region mask 0x
0. Reg
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8
Batch file:
[10:41:35] hb_init: starting libhb thread
[10:41:35] thread 5a2cc30 started ("libhb")
HandBrake 1.1.2 (2018090500) - MinGW x86_64 - https://handbrake.fr
8 CPUs detected
Opening V:\...
[10:41:35] CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU # 3.40GHz
[10:41:35] - Intel microarchitecture Sandy Bridge
[10:41:35] - logical processor count: 8
[10:41:35] Intel Quick Sync Video support: no
[10:41:35] hb_scan: path=V:\, title_index=1
src/libbluray/disc/disc.c:424: error opening file BDMV\index.bdmv
src/libbluray/disc/disc.c:424: error opening file BDMV\BACKUP\index.bdmv
[10:41:35] bd: not a bd - trying as a stream/file instead
libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 6.0.0
libdvdnav: Unable to open device file V:\.
libdvdnav: vm: dvd_read_name failed
libdvdnav: DVD disk reports itself with Region mask 0x00000000. Regions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
libdvdread: Attempting to retrieve all CSS keys
libdvdread: This can take a _long_ time, please be patient
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.VOB at 0x00000130
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
This bothers me because I would like to check these text files to be sure that there was no error during the encoding.
I suppose this may be related to a lack of synchronization between threads that write to the same stream but I am not sure about it.
The question: What can I do to get the standard error output from PowerShell without these random line breaks?
You might try the Start-Process command, with -RedirectStandardError, -RedirectStandardInput, and -Wait options.
These -Redirect... options on Start-Process do OS level I/O redirection directly to the target file, as most shells do. As I understand it, that's not how PowerShell angle-bracket redirection works, instead they the angle brackets pipe the output through another PowerShell pipeline, using Write-File (or something), which inserts line-breaks between strings it receives.
I'm not sure of the exact details of this, but I'm glad to hear it seems to address the problem for you as it has for me.
I think the issue here is that there is a certain width to the console, and the console itself is essentially being redirected to a file.
My solution to this is to redirect the output directly to the pipeline, using:
2>&1 #Interpreted by the console
2>&1 | x #Output directly to x
And then using Out-File with the available -Width parameter:
$(throw thisisnotsometthingyoucanthrowbutisinfactaverylongmessagethatdemonstratesmypoint) 2>&1 |
Out-File "test.txt" -Width 10000
In this case, powershell will write 10,000 characters before wrapping the text.
However, you also have some odd line breaks in there that I can't replicate right now. That said, now that you know how to send output through the pipeline, you can use other methods to remove the line breaks.
For example, you can use this function which prints out the exact control characters that cause line breaks.
$(throw error) 2>&1 | Out-String | Debug-String
Then, you can go through the output and replace the problem characters, like so:
$(throw error) 2>&1 | Out-String | % {$_ -replace "`r"} | Out-File "test.txt" -Width 10000
Burt Harris' helpful answer shows you one way to avoid the problem, via Start-Process, which requires you to structure the command fundamentally differently, however.
If the output that an equivalent batch file produces is sufficient, there's an easier way: simply call cmd /c and let cmd handle the output redirections, as in your batch file:
cmd /c "`"`"$Env:ProgramFiles\HandBrake\HandBrakeCLI.exe`"`"" #(
'--input', 'V:\',
'--title', '1', '--chapter', '1',
'--start-at', 'duration:110', '--stop-at', 'duration:15',
'--output', 'pmovie.mp4',
'--format', 'av_mp4'
) '> .\pstd.txt 2> .\perr.txt'
Note how the two output redirections are passed as a single, quoted string, to ensure that they are interpreted by cmd.exe rather than by PowerShell.
Also note the embedded escaped double quotes (`") around the executable path to ensure that cmd.exe sees the entire path as a single, double-quoted string.
As for the extra line breaks you're seeing:
I have no specific explanation, but I can tell you how > and 2> work differently in PowerShell - both compared to cmd.exe (batch files) and Start-Process with -RedirectStandard*:
cmd.exe's redirection operator (>) writes raw bytes to the specified target file, both when redirecting stdout (just > or, explicitly, 1>) and stderr (2>); as such, text output by external programs such as HandBrakeCLI.exe is passed through as-is.
Start-Process, which uses the .NET API under the hood, does essentially the same when -RedirectStandardOutput and/or -RedirectStandardError parameters are specified.
By contrast, Powershell's own > operator functions differently:
PowerShell-internally (when calling native PowerShell commands) it converts input objects (that aren't already strings) to strings using PowerShell's rich output formatting system, before sending them to the output file(s), using the character encoding detailed below.
Output received from external programs is assumed to be text, whose encoding is assumed to be the system's OEM character encoding by default, as reflected in [console]::OutputEncoding and chcp. The decoded text is loaded into .NET strings (which are inherently UTF-16-based) line by line.
For redirected stdout output, these strings are re-encoded on output to the target file, using the following encoding by default:
Windows PowerShell: UTF-16LE ("Unicode")
PowerShell Core: UTF-8 without BOM
Note: Only in Windows PowerShell v5.1 or higher and PowerShell Core can you change these defaults - see this answer for details.
By contrast, when redirecting stderr output, via stream 2 (PowerShell's error stream), the strings are wrapped in error objects (instances of type [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) before being output, and the resulting objects are converted to strings based on PowerShell's output-formatting system, and the same character encoding as above is applied on output to the target file.
You can see evidence of that in your output containing extra information and lines such as HandBrakeCLI.exe : [10:41:44] hb_init: starting libhb thread and
At C:\Test\phandbrake.ps1:1 char:2, ...
It also means that extra line breaks can be introduced, because text produced by the output-formatting system assumes a fixed line width based on the console window's width.
That said, that doesn't explain the oddly placed line breaks in your case.

unable to create new database in DB2 11

I am using Data Studio
and DB2 Version 11.
When i try to create a new DB, I am getting instance not valid error, which however should not be the case, because i can see the instance name in the environment variables, and I am giving the correct name.
Also the instances are running which, the list of valid instances taken from output of db2ilist.exe command
Tried executing via command line..
geting error as unexpected token "8192".
How can I create a new DB? is a different version of DS is required for DB2v11?
If you are running that command in the db2cmd.exe window (the window started by db2cwadmin.bat), then you must omit the trailing semicolon. So your full command line would look like:
As a separate matter, with Db2-LUW it is wise to ensure you are always on the latest build of IBM Data Studio. But that is unrelated to the operation of commands in the regular db2cmd.exe window.

How to use Rar or WinRAR for creating an encrypted archive with a password starting with a double quote?

I am trying to create a command line to compress as RAR file using password through command line in Windows 7. I have installed WinRAR 5.31 x64.
The following command works for me:
rar a -r -m0 -hp"!(/!$!#!#=)\%" C:\files1.rar" *.*
The password is !(/!$!#!#=)\%.
My problem occurs if I wanted to put double quotes " inside my password, for example at the beginning:
rar a -r -m0 -hp""!(/!$!#!#=)\%" C:\files1.rar" *.*
The password should be "!(/!$!#!#=)\%.
That does not work for me, I tried putting \ before of ", but this is also not working.
Could anyone guide me through it in order to figure it out this special character in my password?
Further to the answer by Mofi:
Especially for Linux users using winrar/rar from the commandline, it may be worth realizing that rar effectively accepts "keyfiles", which may overcome the need to fiddle with quotes as part of the password.
Rar's documented maximum password length is 127 characters/bytes. It is not clear (to me) precisely which characters are part of the password space, but at least base64-encoded strings work. However, rar currently uses a password based key derivation function based on PBKDF2 using the HMAC-SHA256 hash function, which has a block size of 512 bits. Per PBKDF2, passwords longer than the block size of the hash function are first pre-hashed into a digest of 256 bits, which digest is then used as the password (instead of the original password). To avoid this, the archive password you pick should be no longer than 512 bits or 64 characters.
In a base64-encoded string, each character represents 6 bits of data; a 64 character password thus amounts to 384 random bits, which may be derived from 48 random bytes.
rar a -hp"$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=48 count=1 | base64 -w0 | tee /tmp/pwd)" archive
The dd-pipe above will read 48 (pseudo)random bytes from the kernel's (non-blocking) random number source device, convert these into a 64 character password, tell rar to use that password for deriving a 256-bit (AES256) encryption key (RAR5-format), and at the same time store the password in the file `/tmp/pwd'.
The archive may again be accessed, e.g. listed, by reading the password back from the file, for instance like so:
rar l -p"$(cat /tmp/pwd)" archive.rar
The password file may be safely stored separately or together with the archive, in the latter case (of course) after encrypting it, e.g. with gpg using your own public key so as to lock the archive password under your private key/key phrase. All of this aims to conveniently make good use of rar's password/key space.
I note that I didn't dive into unrar's publicly available source code; the above is merely based on the general documentation. In addition, I don't know if the above can be made to work under Windows.
The Windows command interpreter cmd.exe and Rar.exe itself determine how arguments specified on command line are interpreted on parsing the command line. Argument strings containing a space or one of these characters &()[]{}^=;!'+,`~<|> must be enclosed in double quotes. This makes it very difficult to pass a double quote character as part of an argument string to a console application, especially at begin of an argument string.
But there is a solution for this very uncommon and very specific problem caused by a password/passphrase starting with a straight double quote character which marks usually begin/end of an argument string within all characters between are interpreted literally.
The manual of console version of WinRAR is the text file Rar.txt in program files folder of WinRAR. It can be read in this manual that Rar.exe supports reading switches from an environment variable RAR. By using this environment variable and special parsing of Windows command line interpreter on a SET command line it is possible to create a RAR archive from command line with a password starting with a single straight double quote character.
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "RAR=-hp""!(/!$!#!#=)\%%""
"%ProgramFiles%\WinRAR\Rar.exe" a -r -m0 -x"%~f0" "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\files1.rar" *.*
The switch -hp is read from environment variable RAR in addition to the other switches specified directly on RAR command line as explained by the manual.
The environment variable RAR is defined using syntax set "variable=value" as explained in detail by answer on Why is no string output with 'echo %var%' after using 'set var = text' on command line?
A password/passphrase with space or one of these characters &()[]{}^=;!'+,`~<|> needs to be enclosed in double quotes on Windows command line. For that reason Rar.exe removes from the passed password/passphrase the first and last double quote if there is one at begin and/or end. So it is not possible to define the password with "!(/!$!#!#=)\%. The password must be defined with two additional double quotes using ""!(/!$!#!#=)\%" to let really used password start with a straight double quote character.
In a batch file % marks begin/end of an environment variable reference except it is escaped with one more %.
So finally the command line set "RAR=-hp""!(/!$!#!#=)\%%"" defines the environment variable RAR with switch -hp passing the string "!(/!$!#!#=)\% to Rar.exe as password to use on encryption.
The RAR archive files1.rar is created on user's desktop by this code as root of directory C: is usually write-protected.
Note: Rar and WinRAR interpret *.* different to * as also explained in manual in comparison to Windows kernel functions interpreting them identical. Rar adds only files containing a dot in name of file into the RAR archive file on using *.*. So you might better use just * as wildcard.
The switch -x"%~f0" prevents adding the batch file also into the RAR archive file if being stored in current directory on execution of the batch file. Run in a command prompt window call /? for an explanation of %~f0 – full name of argument 0 which means batch file name with extension and full path.

Reading Registry Keys to Check 32/64-bit Application

I want to read out my application name via NSIS from the windows registry. The application name may be "Application (x86)" or "Application (x64)"
I'm using following code:
ReadRegStr $R1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Something\Something\" "ApplicationName"
The output of the value of $R1 is always "Application" without the brackets.Does ReadRegStr always ignore special characters?Is there some workaround?
ReadRegStr does not filter the string in any way:
; Write the test string first
WriteRegStr HKCU "Software\NSIS\Test\" "Application" "Application (x86)"
; ...and then read it and display the result
ReadRegStr $R1 HKCU "Software\NSIS\Test\" "Application"
MessageBox MB_OK "$R1"
; Cleanup
DeleteRegKey HKCU "Software\NSIS\Test\"
Is it possible that you are reading an old string in the wrong place in the registry caused by registry redirection/reflection or 32 vs 64-bit views?
Monitor the installer with Process Monitor so you can see the actual place in the registry you are reading from and the value returned to the application.