Facebook Graph API - format of field property - facebook

Facebook Graph API is using the field property in QueryString to fetch data that is provided. Is this a standard text format of some sort or an own invention from Facebook?
For example: fields=about,address,accounts{about,access_token}

Textformat: GraphQL
Reference to Facebook GraphQL on github


Facebook Insights API + Get all metric fields (with definition) + page object

with Facebook Graph Api we can get all the fields definition by adding "?metadata=1" in the query.
With Facebook Insights I don't see how to retrieve all the metric fields (with their definition, code...)
Have you any idea to get / download this list in a usable format (csv, xml, text..)

Facebook Graph API 2.9 ChangeLog - 90-Day Deprecations

The 90-Day Deprecations in Graph API Changelog states that:
The following fields are deprecated for edges and dialogs that allow attaching links to posts:
The edges and dialogs for which these are deprecated include POST /{user-id}/feed, /{page-id}/feed, /{event-id}/feed, and /{group-id}/feed as well as the share and feed dialogs.
I am creating an app that uses Graph API v2.9 to fetch posts from a public page using app access token and includes these fields in the request e.g.
GET https://graph.facebook.com/v2.9/{page-id}/posts?access_token={app-token}&limit=10&fields=created_time,message,caption,description,icon,likes.limit(0).summary(total_count),comments.limit(0).summary(total_count),link,name,picture,status_type,type,updated_time,id
Does it imply that after 90 days of release of v2.9, graph API GET calls like these will also not return the values for these fields in the response?

Why is there difference in the post available fields between Graph API Reference and the exploration tool?

I'm trying to read some post information about some FB pages/profiles. I'm considering the Graph API version v2.8, and following this documentation.
But there are some fileds accessible from the Graph API that are not listed in the above link, for example the fields is_popular, target, promotion_status and timeline_visibility.
So far, the first two parameters didn't give me any result, but I can obtain both the promotion_status and timeline_visibility results from some posts. How can be possible that the set of the available fields in the reference and in the graph API tool are different for the same version of the API? Should I avoid to request these feelds and lean my word on them?

Get insights using Facebook API

I'm using the code below on Graph API Explorer to get my Facebook campaigns insights, but I can't get the number of page likes and the conversions. How can I do that?
You can set:
and add the 'actions' to the fields. One of the action type is 'like'

Find related facebook interests using graph API

I'm trying to figure out a way find related interests on Facebook. E.g. I want to search for Cityville and result should be Farmville, Castleville etc.
Is there an API to support this, what are the alternatives?
You can search the JSON result by the Graph API with the url https://graph.facebook.com/me/likes?access_token={your_token_here}, replacing the "me" with the Facebook User ID/Name.
If you are looking for pages search, you can use the same API, with the url https://graph.facebook.com/search?q={keyword}&type=page&access_token={your_token_here}.