When creating snippets I would like to know if it is possible to define a default value for a placeholder if no value is assigned.
For example, having this php snippet:
"get_list": {
"prefix": "get_list",
"body": "$${1:beanList} = $${2:bean}->get_list('${3:order_by}', \"${4:where}\", ${5:row_offset}, ${6:limit}, ${7:max}, ${8:show_deleted});",
"description": "Get a paginate bean list"
Where placeholders from tabstops 5 to 8 have the following default values:
$row_offset = 0
$limit= -1
$max= -1
$show_deleted = 0
I tried with choices in the following way, but with no success:
"get_list": {
"prefix": "get_list",
"body": "$${1:beanList} = $${2:bean}->get_list('${3:order_by}', \"${4:where}\", ${5:row_offset|0|}, ${6:limit}, ${7:max}, ${8:show_deleted});",
"description": "Get a paginate bean list"
Please take a look to the row_offset definition. When the snippet is rendered I get the following
$beanList = $bean->get_list('order_by', "where", row_offset|0|, limit, max, show_deleted);
In this scenario what I would like to happen is in case I omit a placeholder value 0 is assigned.
Thanks for any help.
The closest you will get to what you want are "choices". See snippet choices.
Your terminology is a little off. In ${6:limit} for example - that entire thing is the placeholder and limit is the default value for it. So it already has a default value - limit - and now you want to have another. So try this syntax:
Placeholders can have choices as values. The syntax is a comma
separated enumeration of values, enclosed with the pipe-character, for
example ${1|one,two,three|}. When the snippet is inserted and the
placeholder selected, choices will prompt the user to pick one of the
I am quite new new to Smartsheets and to programming.
I am using Integromat to update various stuff in Smartsheets - 99% operations are done via a nice interface for dummies.
But I have an issue with one column which is MULTI_PICKLIST and which cannot be processed with native dummy-friendly UI.
Basically, I'm adding a new row and one of the columns on the way is the MULTI_PICKLIST one. In order to enter value into this cell, I need to make an arbitrary HTTP API call.
I know row ID, I know column ID. I just need to construct the body of the HTTP request.
The possible picklist value are: John or Maya or Paul. Assume I need to enter "John" into the column.
Attached, you will find my "progress". I obviously, I'm stuck with the BODY part. Can someone give me a little push, please? I think it's gotta be like 5 lines of code.
This is what I have:
A few things...
First, the value that you're using for URL doesn't look quite right. It should be in the following format, where {sheetId} is replaced with the ID of the sheet you're updating:
Second, I don't think you need the key/value that you've specified for Query String -- I'd suggest that you delete this info.
Next, I'm not sure what the other possible values are for Type (based on your screenshot, it looks like a picklist) -- but if JSON is an option, I'd suggest choosing that option instead of Text.
Finally, here's any example of the correct structure/contents for Body to update a MULTI_PICKLIST cell with the value John -- replace the value of the id property (5225480965908356) with your Row ID and replace the value of the columnId property (8436269809198980) with your Column ID:
"id": "5225480965908356",
"cells": [
"columnId": "8436269809198980",
"objectValue": {
"objectType": "MULTI_PICKLIST",
"values": ["John"]
If you want to select multiple values for a MULTI_PICKLIST cell, here's an example that specifies two values for the cell (John and Maya):
"id": "5225480965908356",
"cells": [
"columnId": "8436269809198980",
"objectValue": {
"objectType": "MULTI_PICKLIST",
"values": ["John", "Maya"]
** UPDATE **
My initial answer answer above assumed you wanted to update a cell value in a MULTI-PICKLIST column (b/c you've selected PUT for the Method value in your screenshot -- which is the verb used to update a row). Having re-read your question just now though, it sounds like maybe you want to add a new row...is that correct? If so, then the value for Method should be POST (not PUT), and Body will need to include additional objects within the cells array to specify values of other cells in the new row. The following example request (when used with the verb POST) adds a new row and populates 3 cells in that row, the first of which is a MULTI_PICKLIST cell:
"cells": [
"columnId": "8436269809198980",
"objectValue": {
"objectType": "MULTI_PICKLIST",
"values": ["John"]
"columnId": 6101753539127172,
"value": "test value"
"columnId": 4055216160040836,
"value": 10
More info about the Add Rows request can be found in the Smartsheet API docs: Add Rows.
I have made a title depending on variable how it's shown in: Title depending on other variable in SAPUI5
I would like to make the same with rows in sap.ui.table.Table so I tried:
rows="{= ${someData>/infos}.length > 0 ? ${someData>/infos} : ${someData>/result}}"
Whereas someData is an ODataModel (v2).
But got an error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined
The problem is that you're trying to determine .length from an object. In ODataListBinding (someData>/infos), aggregations are resolved in an object rather than an array. Therefore the syntax can't work. Furthermore, the .length syntax implies that the whole collection is already available on the client-side, contradicting the purpose of sap.ui.table.Table.
Expression binding with .length makes only sense with a client-side JSONModel as mentioned here.
Alternative approach
There are multiple ways to define aggregation binding dynamically, but the most straight-forward solution would be just to access the table control reference and call bindRows dynamically. Something like this:
onInit: function() {
this.loadCountOf("SomeSet", this.bindTableRows.bind(this));
// ...
loadCountOf: function(entitySetName, handleCountSuccess) {
const odataModel = /*...*/;
odataModel.read(`/${entitySetName}/$count`, {
success: count => handleCountSuccess.call(this, +count),
bindTableRows: function(count) {
path: count > 0 ? "/SomeSet" : "/TheOtherSet",
// ...
API reference: sap.ui.table.Table#bindRows
the errors seem to tell you that either infos or result is undefined. You should check the current value of those arrays.
Anyway, it's not a really good idea to bind table rows like that IMHO.
What's you scenario?
I'm trying to write a CEP rule that would take all the existing ACTIVE alarms and increase a specific fragment bike_alarm.priority by 1 every minute. This is the whole structure of alarm:
"count": 1,
"creationTime": "2018-07-09T15:30:20.790+02:00",
"time": "2014-03-03T12:03:27.845Z",
"history": {
"auditRecords": [],
"self": "https://cumulocity.com/audit/auditRecords"
"id": "1024",
"self": "https://cumulocity.com/alarm/alarms/1024",
"severity": "WARNING",
"source": {
"id": "22022",
"self": "https://cumulocity.com/inventory/managedObjects/22022"
"status": "ACTIVE",
"text": "Bike disconnected",
"type": "bike_error_01",
"bike_alarm" {
"priority": 10
This is what I managed to create (based mainly on this question):
create schema Alarm as Alarm;
create schema CollectedAlarms(
alarms List
create schema SingleAlarm(
alarm Alarm
#Name("Collecting alarms")
insert into CollectedAlarms
select findAllAlarmByTimeBetween(
current_timestamp().minus(100 day).toDate(),
) as alarms
from pattern[every timer:interval(30 sec)];
#Name("Splitting alarms")
insert into SingleAlarm
singleAlarm as alarm
CollectedAlarms as alarms unidirectional,
CollectedAlarms[alarms#type(Alarm)] as singleAlarm;
#Name("Rising priority")
insert into UpdateAlarm
sa.alarm.id as id,
"bike_alarm.priority", GetNumber(sa.alarm, "bike_alarm.priority". 0) + 1
} as fragments
from pattern [every sa = SingleAlarm -> (timer:interval(1 minutes))];
the problem is that not all alarms are founded and even those that are the incrementation don't work, priority is set to null.
Additionally, could you point me in direction of some better documentation? Is this something you use?
In general the esper documentation that you linked is the best place to look for the generic syntax.
In combination you probably sometimes also need the Cumulocity documentation for the specific stuff: http://cumulocity.com/guides/event-language/introduction
Coming to your problems:
You are miss-using a realtime processing engine to do cron-like batch operations. While it technically can be done this might not be the best approach and I will show you a different approach that you can take.
But first solving your approach:
The database queries like findAllAlarmByTimeBetween() will only return up to 2000 results and there is no way to get the next page like on the REST API of Cumulocity. Also if you say you want to handle only active alarms you should use a function that also filters for the status.
Getting null out of a function like getNumber() means the JsonPath wasn't found or the dataType is incorrect (using getNumber for a String). You can set a default value for that case as the third parameter. From you Json that you provided it looks correct though. The syntax errors in your code are copy paste errors I assume as otherwise you wouldn't have been able to deploy it.
In my opinion you should approach that differently:
On each incoming alarm raise the priority after one minute if it hasn't been cleared. Additionally trigger the 1 minute timer again. Like a loop until the alarm is cleared.
The pattern for this would like like that:
from pattern [
every e = AlarmCreated(alarm.status = CumulocityAlarmStatuses.ACTIVE)
-> (timer:interval(1 minutes)
and not AlarmUpdated(alarm.status != CumulocityAlarmStatuses.ACTIVE, alarm.id.value = e.alarm.id.value))
You need one with AlarmCreated which will only cover the initial increase and a second statement that triggers on your own schema which is then run in a loop.
In general try to avoid as many database calls as you can. So keep the loop counter in your schema so you only always need to execute the update call of the alarm.
Here is my problem: I want to add a integer to a property (which is of course a number) of a relationship, using Transactional Cypher.
With SET, I manage to change the property as a parameter ; but I can not add a integer to this value.
When I wrote :
:POST /db/data/transaction/commit {
"statements": [
"statement": "MATCH (r:CONCEPT { EX : {Example}})-[proximity:FLIGHT]->(s:NARRATION {CARD_EX: {Example2}}) SET proximity = {prop} ;",
"parameters": {"Example":"Example","Example2":"Example2","prop":{"PROX": +144}}
I obtain :
Payload does not seem to be valid (JSON) data
How can I add whithin Parameters ?
Thanks in advance.
The "+" sign in +144 is not legal in JSON. Also, that SET syntax does not support your desired functionality.
One workaround would be to just hardcode a portion of the SET clause:
:POST /db/data/transaction/commit {
"statements": [{
"statement": "MATCH (r:CONCEPT {EX:{Example}})-[proximity:FLIGHT]->(s:NARRATION {CARD_EX: {Example2}}) SET proximity.PROX = proximity.PROX + {val};",
"parameters": {"Example":"Example","Example2":"Example2","val": 144}
I am trying to use RESTful API to gather the data from a Google spreadsheet spreadsheet.
I read the document at https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/reference/rest/v4/spreadsheets.values/get but I cannot a way that allows me to specify a specific GID (tabs) of the spreadsheet.
After call the API, I was able to get a value from the first tab of the spreadsheet, but I want to change it to the second page (another GID)
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Edit: Added example:
I have a sample spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1da3e6R08S8OoibbOgshyAQy7m9VRGPOrSGzVIvMSXf4/edit#gid=0
When I want to get the value on A1, I can call the RESTful API:
And I will get:
"range": "Sheet1!A1",
"majorDimension": "ROWS",
"values": [
"This is on the first tab!"
But as you see in my spreadsheet, I have to tabs (sheet2), how can I get that value of "This is on the second tab!"?
To specify a specific GID (tabs) of the spreadsheet. Enter your 'sheet_name' with single quotes. Don't miss to add double quotes for range. Hope it helps
var query = {
auth: authClient,
spreadsheetId: 'spreadsheetID',
range: "'sheet1'!A1:D3",
$data[] = new Google_Service_Sheets_ValueRange([
'range' => 'MGM!A1:Z' . $rowNum,
'values' => $values
MGM - is your tag name