How to count the number of iterations in a for comprehension in Scala? - scala

I am using a for comprehension on a stream and I would like to know how many iterations took to get o the final results.
In code:
var count = 0
for {
xs <- xs_generator
x <- xs
count = count + 1 //doesn't work!!
if (x prop)
yield x
Is there a way to achieve this?

Edit: If you don't want to return only the first item, but the entire stream of solutions, take a look at the second part.
Edit-2: Shorter version with zipWithIndex appended.
It's not entirely clear what you are attempting to do. To me it seems as if you are trying to find something in a stream of lists, and additionaly save the number of checked elements.
If this is what you want, consider doing something like this:
/** Returns `x` that satisfies predicate `prop`
* as well the the total number of tested `x`s
def findTheX(): (Int, Int) = {
val xs_generator = Stream.from(1).map(a => (1 to a).toList).take(1000)
var count = 0
def prop(x: Int): Boolean = x % 317 == 0
for (xs <- xs_generator; x <- xs) {
count += 1
if (prop(x)) {
return (x, count)
throw new Exception("No solution exists")
// prints:
// (317,50403)
Several important points:
Scala's for-comprehension have nothing to do with Python's "yield". Just in case you thought they did: re-read the documentation on for-comprehensions.
There is no built-in syntax for breaking out of for-comprehensions. It's better to wrap it into a function, and then call return. There is also breakable though, but it works with Exceptions.
The function returns the found item and the total count of checked items, therefore the return type is (Int, Int).
The error in the end after the for-comprehension is to ensure that the return type is Nothing <: (Int, Int) instead of Unit, which is not a subtype of (Int, Int).
Think twice when you want to use Stream for such purposes in this way: after generating the first few elements, the Stream holds them in memory. This might lead to "GC-overhead limit exceeded"-errors if the Stream isn't used properly.
Just to emphasize it again: the yield in Scala for-comprehensions is unrelated to Python's yield. Scala has no built-in support for coroutines and generators. You don't need them as often as you might think, but it requires some readjustment.
I've re-read your question again. In case that you want an entire stream of solutions together with a counter of how many different xs have been checked, you might use something like that instead:
val xs_generator = Stream.from(1).map(a => (1 to a).toList)
var count = 0
def prop(x: Int): Boolean = x % 317 == 0
val xsWithCounter = for {
xs <- xs_generator;
x <- xs
_ = { count = count + 1 }
if (prop(x))
} yield (x, count)
// prints:
// List(
// (317,50403), (317,50721), (317,51040), (317,51360), (317,51681),
// (317,52003), (317,52326), (317,52650), (317,52975), (317,53301)
// )
Note the _ = { ... } part. There is a limited number of things that can occur in a for-comprehension:
generators (the x <- things)
filters/guards (if-s)
value definitions
Here, we sort-of abuse the value-definition syntax to update the counter. We use the block { counter += 1 } as the right hand side of the assignment. It returns Unit. Since we don't need the result of the block, we use _ as the left hand side of the assignment. In this way, this block is executed once for every x.
If mutating the counter is not your main goal, you can of course use the zipWithIndex directly:
val xsWithCounter =
xs_generator.flatten.zipWithIndex.filter{x => prop(x._1)}
It gives almost the same result as the previous version, but the indices are shifted by -1 (it's the indices, not the number of tried x-s).


How to access previous element when using yield in for loop chisel3

This is mix Chisel / Scala question.
Background, I need to sum up a lot of numbers (the number of input signals in configurable). Due to timing constrains I had to split it to groups of 4 and pipe(register it), then it is fed into next stage (which will be 4 times smaller, until I reach on)
this is my code:
// log4 Aux function //
def log4(n : Int): Int = math.ceil(math.log10(n.toDouble) / math.log10(4.0)).toInt
// stage //
def Adder4PipeStage(len: Int,in: Vec[SInt]) : Vec[SInt] = {
require(in.length % 4 == 0) // will not work if not a muliplication of 4
val pipe = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(len/4)(0.S(in(0).getWidth.W))))
pipe.zipWithIndex.foreach {case(p,j) => p := in.slice(j*4,(j+1)*4).reduce(_ +& _)}
// the pipeline
val adderPiped = for(j <- 1 to log4(len)) yield Adder4PipeStage(len/j,if(j==1) else <what here ?>)
how to I access the previous stage, I am also open to hear about other ways to implement the above
There are several things you could do here:
You could just use a var for the "previous" value:
var prev: Vec[SInt] =
val adderPiped = for(j <- 1 to log4(len)) yield {
prev = Adder4PipeStage(len/j, prev)
It is a little weird using a var with a for yield (since the former is fundamentally mutable while the latter tends to be used with immutable-style code).
You could alternatively use a fold building up a List
// Build up backwards and reverse (typical in functional programming)
val adderPiped = (1 to log4(len)).foldLeft( :: Nil) {
case (pipes, j) => Adder4PipeStage(len/j, pipes.head) :: pipes
.tail // Tail drops "" which was 1st element in the result List
If you don't like the backwards construction of the previous fold,
You could use a fold with a Vector (better for appending than a List):
val adderPiped = (1 to log4(len)).foldLeft(Vector( {
case (pipes, j) => pipes :+ Adder4PipeStage(len/j, pipes.last)
}.tail // Tail drops "" which was 1st element in the result Vector
Finally, if you don't like these immutable ways of doing it, you could always just embrace mutability and write something similar to what one would in Java or Python:
For loop and mutable collection
val pipes = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Vec[SInt]]
for (j <- 1 to log4(len)) {
pipes += Adder4PipeStage(len/j, if (j == 1) else pipes.last)

How to add to a list you're returning?

Sorry if this is a stupid question as I am a total beginner. I have a function factors which looks like this:
def factors (n:Int):List[Int] = {
var xs = List[Int]()
for(i <- 2 to (n-1)) {
if(n%i==0) {xs :+ i}
return xs
However if I do println(factors(10)) I always get List().
What am I doing wrong?
The :+ operation returns a new List, you never assign it to xs.
def factors (n:Int):List[Int] = {
var xs = List[Int]()
for (i <- 2 to (n - 1)) {
if(n%i==0) {xs = xs :+ i}
return xs
But, you really shouldn't be using var. We don't like them very much in Scala.
Also don't don't don't use return in Scala. It is a much more loaded keyword than you might think. Read about it here
Here is a better way of doing this.
def factors (n:Int): List[Int] =
for {
i <- (2 to (n - 1)).toList
if (n % i) == 0
} yield i
You don't need .toList either but didn't want to mess with your return types. You are welcome to adjust
Working link:
You can think of this problem as a filtering operation. You start with all the possible factors and you keep the ones where the remainder when dividing the input by that number is 0. The operation that does this in Scala is filter, which keeps values where a particular test is true and removes the others:
def factors(n: Int): List[Int] =
(2 until n).filter(n % _ == 0).toList
To keep the code short I have also used the short form of a function where _ stands for the argument to the function, so n % _ means n divided by the current number that is being tested.

Getting an error trying to map through a list in Scala

I'm trying to print out all the factors of every number in a list.
Here is my code:
def main(args: Array[String])
val list_of_numbers = List(1,4,6)
def get_factors(list_of_numbers:List[Int]) : Int =
return list_of_numbers.foreach{(1 to _).filter {divisor => _ % divisor == 0}}
I want the end result to contain a single list that will hold all the numbers which are factors of any of the numbers in the list. So the final result should be (1,2,3,4,6). Right now, I get the following error:
error: missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$1) =>$1))
return list_of_numbers.foreach{(1 to _).filter {divisor => _ % divisor == 0}}
How can I fix this?
You can only use _ shorthand once in a function (except for some special cases), and even then not always.
Try spelling it out instead:
list_of_numbers.foreach { n =>
(1 to n).filter { divisor => n % divisor == 0 }
This will compile.
There are other problems with your code though.
foreach returns a Unit, but you are requiring an Int for example.
Perhaps, you wanted a .map rather than .foreach, but that would still be a List, not an Int.
A few things are wrong here.
First, foreach takes a function A => Unit as an argument, meaning that it's really just for causing side effects.
Second your use of _, you can use _ when the function uses each argument once.
Lastly your expected output seems to be getting rid of duplicates (1 is a factor for all 3 inputs, but it only appears once).
list_of_numbers flatMap { i => (1 to i) filter {i % _ == 0 }} distinct
will do what you are looking for.
flatMap takes a function from A => List[B] and produces a simple List[B] as output, list.distinct gets rid of the duplicates.
Actually, there are several problems with your code.
First, foreach is a method which yields Unit (like void in Java). You want to yield something so you should use a for comprehension.
Second, in your divisor-test function, you've specified both the unnamed parameter ("_") and the named parameter (divisor).
The third problem is that you expect the result to be Int (in the code) but List[Int] in your description.
The following code will do what you want (although it will repeat factors, so you might want to pass it through distinct before using the result):
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val list_of_numbers = List(1, 4, 6)
def get_factors(list_of_numbers: List[Int]) = for (n <- list_of_numbers; r = 1 to n; f <- r.filter(n%_ == 0)) yield f
Note that you need two generators ("<-") in the for comprehension in order that you end up with simply a List. If you instead implemented the filter part in the yield expression, you would get a List[List[Int]].

Function to return List of Map while iterating over String, kmer count

I am working on creating a k-mer frequency counter (similar to word count in Hadoop) written in Scala. I'm fairly new to Scala, but I have some programming experience.
The input is a text file containing a gene sequence and my task is to get the frequency of each k-mer where k is some specified length of the sequence.
Therefore, the sequence AGCTTTC has three 5-mers (AGCTT, GCTTT, CTTTC)
I've parsed through the input and created a huge string which is the entire sequence, the new lines throw off the k-mer counting as the end of one line's sequence should still form a k-mer with the beginning of the next line's sequence.
Now I am trying to write a function that will generate a list of maps List[Map[String, Int]] with which it should be easy to use scala's groupBy function to get the count of the common k-mers
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// Get all of the lines from the input file
val input = Source.fromFile("input.txt").getLines.toArray
// Create one huge string which contains all the lines but the first
val lines = input.tail.mkString.replace("\n","")
val mappedKmers: List[Map[String,Int]] = getMappedKmers(5, lines)
def getMappedKmers(k: Int, seq: String): List[Map[String, Int]] = {
for (i <- 0 until seq.length - k) {
Map(seq.substring(i, i+k), 1) // Map the k-mer to a count of 1
Couple of questions:
How to create/generate List[Map[String,Int]]?
How would you do it?
Any help and/or advice is definitely appreciated!
You're pretty close—there are three fairly minor problems with your code.
The first is that for (i <- whatever) foo(i) is syntactic sugar for whatever.foreach(i => foo(i)), which means you're not actually doing anything with the contents of whatever. What you want is for (i <- whatever) yield foo(i), which is sugar for => foo(i)) and returns the transformed collection.
The second issue is that 0 until seq.length - k is a Range, not a List, so even once you've added the yield, the result still won't line up with the declared return type.
The third issue is that Map(k, v) tries to create a map with two key-value pairs, k and v. You want Map(k -> v) or Map((k, v)), either of which is explicit about the fact that you have a single argument pair.
So the following should work:
def getMappedKmers(k: Int, seq: String): IndexedSeq[Map[String, Int]] = {
for (i <- 0 until seq.length - k) yield {
Map(seq.substring(i, i + k) -> 1) // Map the k-mer to a count of 1
You could also convert either the range or the entire result to a list with .toList if you'd prefer a list at the end.
It's worth noting, by the way, that the sliding method on Seq does exactly what you want:
scala> "AGCTTTC".sliding(5).foreach(println)
I'd definitely suggest something like "AGCTTTC".sliding(5).toList.groupBy(identity) for real code.

Is there an elegant way to foldLeft on a growing scala.collections.mutable.Queue?

I have a recursive function that I am trying to make #tailrec by having the inner, recursive part (countR3) add elements to a queue (agenda is a scala.collections.mutable.Queue). My idea is to then have the outer part of the function fold over the agenda and sum up the results.
NOTE: This was a homework problem, thus I don't want to post the whole code; however, making the implementation tail-recursive was not part of the homework.
Here is the portion of the code relevant to my question:
import scala.collection.mutable.Queue
val agenda: Queue[Tuple2[Int, List[Int]]] = Queue()
def countR3(y: Int, x: List[Int]): Int = {
if (y == 0) 1
else if (x.isEmpty) 0
else if …
else {
agenda.enqueue((y - x.head, x))
countR3(y, x.tail)
agenda.enqueue((4, List(1, 2)))
val count = agenda.foldLeft(0) {
(count, pair) => {
val mohr = countR3(pair._1, pair._2)
println("count=" + count + " countR3=" + mohr)
count + mohr
println(agenda.mkString(" + "))
This almost seems to work… The problem is that it doesn't iterate over all of the items added to the agenda, yet it does process some of them. You can see this in the output below:
count=0 countR3=0
count=0 countR3=0
count=0 countR3=0
(4,List(1, 2)) + (3,List(1, 2)) + (2,List(2)) + (2,List(1, 2)) + (1,List(2)) + (0,List(2))
[Of the six items on the final agenda, only the first three were processed.]
I'm generally well-aware of the hazards of mutating a collection while you're iterating over it in, say, Java. But a Queue is kind of a horse of a different color. Of course, I understand I could simply write an imperative loop, like so:
var count = 0
while (!agenda.isEmpty) {
val pair = agenda.dequeue()
count += countR3(pair._1, pair._2)
This works perfectly well, but this being Scala, I am exploring to see if there is a more functionally elegant way.
Any suggestions?
Although probably not entirely idiomatic, you could try this:
Stream.continually({ if (agenda.isEmpty) None else Some(agenda.dequeue()) }).
map({ case (x, y) => countR3(x, y) }).
The Stream.continually({ if (agenda.isEmpty) None else Some(agenda.dequeue()) }) gives you an infinite stream of queue items wrapped in Option[Tuple2[Int, List[Int]]].
Then, takeWhile(_.isDefined) cuts off the sequence as soon as the first None item is encountered, i.e. when the queue is exhausted.
As the previous call still yields a sequence of Options, we need to unwrap them with flatten.
map({ case (x, y) => countR3(x, y) }) basically applies your function to each item.
And finally, toList forces the evaluation of a stream (that's what we were working with) and then sum calculates the sum of list's items.
I think the problem with agenda.foldLeft (that it processes only 'some' enqueued items) is I'd guess that it takes a (probably immutable) list of currently enqueued items, and therefore isn't affected by items that were added during the calculation.