for comprehension fails when using an intermediate variable - scala

Scastie version
With this infra-structure:
trait Pat[A]
object Pat {
def apply[A](elems: A*): Pat[A] = ???
implicit class PatOps[A](p: Pat[A]) {
def ++ (that: Pat[A]): Pat[A] = ???
def bubble: Pat[Pat[A]] = ???
def grouped(size: Pat[Int]): Pat[Pat[A]] = ???
implicit class PatPatOps[A](p: Pat[Pat[A]]) {
def map[B](f: Pat[A] => Pat[B]): Pat[Pat[B]] = ???
def flatMap[B](f: Pat[A] => Pat[B]): Pat[B] = ???
def flatten: Pat[A] = ???
It is possible to write the following for-comprehension:
trait Test1 {
val lPat = Pat(1, 2, 3)
val xs = for {
len <- lPat.bubble
cantus <- Pat(4, 40, 3).grouped(len)
} yield {
cantus ++ Pat(-1)
But this one, using an intermediate variable, fails:
trait Test2 {
val lPat = Pat(1, 2, 3)
val xs = for {
len <- lPat.bubble // XXX
brown = Pat(4, 40, 3)
cantus <- brown.grouped(len)
} yield {
cantus ++ Pat(-1)
The error for the line marked XXX is:
type mismatch;
found : (Playground.this.Pat[Int], Playground.this.Pat[Int])
required: Playground.this.Pat[?]
Scala is 2.12.4

This happens when you define map with overly restrictive signature map[B](f: Pat[A] => Pat[B]). Recall that usually, it is supposed to accept functions with arbitrary result type B, that is, it's supposed to be rather something like:
map[B](f: A => B): <stuff>
Now, your for-comprehension with intermediate helper variable brown
val xs = for {
len <- lPat.bubble
brown = Pat(4, 40, 3)
cantus <- brown.grouped(len)
} yield {
cantus ++ Pat(-1)
is rewritten using a map into
val xs = => {
val brown = Pat(4, 40, 3);
scala.Tuple2(len, brown)
})).flatMap(((x$1) => x$1: #scala.unchecked match {
case scala.Tuple2((len # _), (brown # _)) =>
map(((cantus) => cantus.$plus$plus(Pat(-1))))
as described in the documentation or in my overly detailed answer here.
Note how the return type of the implicitly generated map is now something like (Pat[A], Pat[Int]) (the type of the tuple (len, brown)), and doesn't match the pattern Pat[B] from your declaration.
I don't see any workarounds. Just do whatever you can to avoid defining map as map[B](f: Pat[A] => Pat[B]), otherwise it will behave way too strangely. Avoid breaking functoriality of map. If your Pat[X] cannot map f: X => Y to a Pat[Y] for arbitrary X and Y, then don't call it map.
Edit: there is always a work-around...
One thing you could do is to introduce some kind of implicitly supplied CanPatFrom:
trait CanPatFrom[X, A] extends (X => Pat[A])
and then
def map[X, B](f: Pat[A] => X)(implicit cpf: CanPatFrom[X, B]) = {
val pb: Pat[B] = cpf(f(...))
/* do your stuff here with `Pat[B]` instead of
* generic `X`
Assuming that your Pat carries some kind of cartesian-monoidal structure, you could define
CanPatFrom[Pat[A], Pat[A]],
CanPatFrom[(Pat[A], Pat[B]), Pat[(A, B)]],
CanPatFrom[(Pat[A], Pat[B], Pat[C]), Pat[(A, B, C)]],
and thereby obtain a map that can at least cope with the case that the return type is a tuple.

Riffing off of Andrey Tyukin's answer, another thing you can do with implicits is assert that some type parameter satisfies some constraint. For example, we can assert that a parameter A is a subclass of Pat[A1] for some other parameter A1. Here's the code:
object Pats extends App {
trait Pat[A]
object Pat {
def apply[A](elems: A*): Pat[A] = ???
implicit class PatOps[A](p: Pat[A]) {
def ++(that: Pat[A]): Pat[A] = ???
def bubble: Pat[Pat[A]] = ???
def grouped(size: Pat[Int]): Pat[Pat[A]] = ???
def map[B, A1, B1](f: A => B)
ev1: A <:< Pat[A1],
ev2: B <:< Pat[B1]): Pat[B] = ???
def flatMap[B, A1, B1](f: A => Pat[B])
ev1: A <:< Pat[A1],
ev2: B <:< Pat[B1]): Pat[B] = ???
def flatten[A1](implicit ev: A <:< Pat[A1]): Pat[A1] = ???
val lPat = Pat(1, 2, 3)
val xs = for {
len <- lPat.bubble
cantus <- Pat(4, 40, 3).grouped(len)
} yield cantus ++ Pat(-1)
I wouldn't recommend taking this approach, though, because it violates the usual meaning of map and flatMap. What I might suggest instead is creating a private class PatInternal and completely obfuscate it from the end user.


How monoids generalize over types

I was playing with cats' Monoids in scala when I see that the monoid operations are extended for Tuples in a natural way:
import cats.Monoid
object mon {
implicit object IntMonoid extends Monoid[Int] {
def combine(a: Int, b: Int) = a*a + b*b
def empty = 0
implicit object ListMonoid extends Monoid[List[Int]] {
def combine(a: List[Int], b: List[Int]): List[Int] = => z._1 * z._2)
def empty = List(1)
def comb[T](a: T, b: T)(implicit m: Monoid[T]) =
m.combine(a, b)
val list1 = List(1, 2, 3)
val list2 = List(2, 3, 4)
println(mon.comb(list1, list2)) // outputs: List(2, 6, 12) as expected
val int1 = 2
val int2 = 4
println(mon.comb(int1, int2)) // outputs: 20 as expected
val x = (list1, int1)
val y = (list2, int2)
println(mon.comb(x, y)) // outputs: (List(2, 6, 12),20)
The last output is expected in a 'natural' way, but how does de compiler knows how to do it?
I've been trying to look for it in Cats' source code, but I'm not as experienced in Scala as to be able to know what to look for. I suppose the same methods holds for similar constructions like semigroups.
Your question boils down to how implicit derivation of typeclasses for generic types work; so let's see two examples:
A case where we want to provide an instance no matter what the generic is:
// Similar to the code you had, but without being tied to just List[Int],
// Since in this case the Int part is irrelevant.
implicit def monoidList[A]: Monoid[List[A]] =
new Monoid[List[A]] {
override final val empty: List[A] = Nil
override final def combine(l1: List[A], l2: List[A]): List[A] =
l1 ::: l2
A case where we require a proof of the generic type to provide the instance of the complex type:
implicit def optionMonoid[A](implicit aMonoid: Monoid[A]): Monoid[Option[A]] =
new Monoid[Option[A]] {
override final val empty: Option[A] = None
override final def combine(o1: Option[A], o2: Option[A]): Option[A] =
(o1, o2) match {
case (None, None) => None
case (Some(a), None) => Some(a)
case (None, Some(a)) => Some(a)
case (Some(a1), Some(a1)) => Some(aMonoid.combine(a1, a2))
Thus, you can now imagine how the Monoid[Tuple2[A, B]] of cats works, but just for completeness the code would be like this:
implicit def tuple2Monoid[A, B](implicit aMonoid: Monoid[A], bMonoid: Monoid[B]): Monoid[(A, B)] =
new Monoid[(A, B)] {
override final def empty: (A, B) =
(aMonoid.empty, bMonoid.empty)
override final def combine(t1: (A, B), t2: (A, B)): (A, B) =
(t1, t2) match {
case ((a1, b1), (a2, b2)) => (aMonoid.combine(a1, a2), bMonoid.combine(b1, b2))

Adding custom collection operations in scala 2.13 to arbitrary collections of specific types

Note - the operation described below now exists in the standard library as partitionMap but I believe it's still a valid question as to how to achieve more general ends
Question regarding scala 2.13 - how do I consume/construct collections of specific types when adding custom collections operations where I need to restrict the element types of the input collections? e.g. how do I define:
def split[CC[_], A, B](coll: CC[Either[A, B]]): (CC[A], CC[B])
Following the documentation I've managed to achieve this as follows:
import collection.generic.IsIterable
import scala.collection.{BuildFrom, Factory}
class SplitOperation[Repr, S <: IsIterable[Repr]](coll: Repr, itr: S) {
def split[A, B, AS, BS](
implicit bfa: BuildFrom[Repr, A, AS],
bfb: BuildFrom[Repr, B, BS],
ev: itr.A =:= Either[A, B]): (AS, BS) = {
val ops = itr(coll)
val as = bfa.fromSpecific(coll)( { case Left(a) => a })
val bs = bfb.fromSpecific(coll)( { case Right(b) => b })
(as, bs)
implicit def SplitOperation[Repr](coll: Repr)(implicit itr: IsIterable[Repr]): SplitOperation[Repr, itr.type] =
new SplitOperation(coll, itr)
However, I need to supply types at the use-site otherwise I get diverging implicit expansion.
scala> List(Left("bah"), Right(1), Left("gah"), Right(2), Right(3))
res1: List[scala.util.Either[String,Int]] = List(Left(bah), Right(1), Left(gah), Right(2), Right(3))
scala> res1.split
error: diverging implicit expansion for type scala.collection.BuildFrom[List[scala.util.Either[String,Int]],A,AS]
But the following works:
scala> res1.split[String, Int, List[String], List[Int]]
res4: (List[String], List[Int]) = (List(bah, gah),List(1, 2, 3))
class SplitOperation[X, CC[_], S <: IsIterable[CC[X]]](coll: CC[X], itr: S) {
def split[A, B](implicit bfa: BuildFrom[CC[X], A, CC[A]], bfb: BuildFrom[CC[X], B, CC[B]], ev: itr.A =:= Either[A, B]): (CC[A], CC[B]) = {
val ops = itr(coll)
val as = bfa.fromSpecific(coll)( { case Left(a) => a })
val bs = bfb.fromSpecific(coll)( { case Right(b) => b })
(as, bs)
implicit def SplitOperation[A, B, CC[_]](coll: CC[Either[A, B]])(implicit itr: IsIterable[CC[Either[A, B]]]): SplitOperation[Either[A, B], CC, itr.type] =
new SplitOperation(coll, itr)
Gives me a slight improvement. Now I only need to provide type parameters A and B at the call site:
scala> l.split[String, Int]
res2: (List[String], List[Int]) = (List(bah, gah),List(1, 2))
This seems to work:
class SplitOperation[A, B, CC[_], S <: IsIterable[CC[Either[A, B]]]](coll: CC[Either[A, B]], itr: S) {
def split(implicit bfa: BuildFrom[CC[Either[A, B]], A, CC[A]], bfb: BuildFrom[CC[Either[A, B]], B, CC[B]], ev: itr.A =:= Either[A, B]): (CC[A], CC[B]) = {
val ops = itr(coll)
val as = bfa.fromSpecific(coll)( { case Left(a) => a })
val bs = bfb.fromSpecific(coll)( { case Right(b) => b })
(as, bs)
implicit def SplitOperation[A, B, CC[_]](coll: CC[Either[A, B]])(implicit itr: IsIterable[CC[Either[A, B]]]): SplitOperation[A, B, CC, itr.type] =
new SplitOperation(coll, itr)
In your case you don’t want to abstract over the “kind” of the collection type constructor (CC[_] vs CC[_, _], etc.), you always use the CC[_] kind, so you don’t need to use IsIterable.
I think it is also not necessary to support “Sorted” collections (eg, SortedSet) because there is no Ordering instance for Either, so you don’t need to use BuildFrom.
implicit class SplitOperation[A, B, CC[X] <: IterableOps[X, CC, CC[X]]](coll: CC[Either[A, B]]) {
def split: (CC[A], CC[B]) = {
val as = coll.iterableFactory.from(coll.iterator.collect { case Left(a) => a })
val bs = coll.iterableFactory.from(coll.iterator.collect { case Right(b) => b })
(as, bs)

Scala custom collection fails to pick correct map function in for-comprehension

I've implemented a custom collection class which is basically a Map with implicit integer keys and values that are subclasses of AnyRef. It uses the Int keys as index for underlying array structure. Here is the class declaration signature (class instantiation is done in companion object, hence private constructor):
class ArrayMap[T >: Null <: AnyRef: ClassTag] private (private var data: Array[T]) { self =>
Now I want to add required methods for for-comprehension. I've defined two different map functions. One that returns a List and the other one returns the same data type (ArrayMap).
def map[X](f: (Int, T) => X): List[X] = { ... }
def map[X >: Null <: AnyRef: ClassTag](f: (Int, T) => X): ArrayMap[X] = { ... }
def foreach(f: (Int, T) => Unit): Unit = { ... }
def flatMap[X >: Null <: AnyRef: ClassTag](f: (Int, T) => Iterable[(Int, X)]): ArrayMap[X] = { ... }
def filter(p: (Int, T) => Boolean): ArrayMap[T] = { ... }
No implicit is defined. Above functions work as expected when used separately. The problem is in for-comprehensions. For loop either picks the first map which returns List or throws a mysterious error. The following example produces error:
val map = ArrayMap.empty[Integer]
map(0) = 0
map(1) = 1
map(5) = 2
map(6) = 3
map(10) = 4
val rs: ArrayMap[String] = for (e <- map) yield e._2.toString
Above code throws:
Error:(293, 41) missing parameter type
val rs: ArrayMap[String] = for (e <- map) yield e._2.toString
What am I missing?
The full implementation is available as a gist here.
The problem is related to a type mismatch, you defined the function to pass to map as a function of two arguments (Int & T) to X. while in your for comprehension you treat it as a function of one argument (a tuple (Int, T)) to X.
The simplest solution is to redefine your map function signature. e.g.
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
class ArrayMap[T >: Null <: AnyRef: ClassTag] (val data: Array[T]) {
// Note the double parenthesis (()).
def map[X >: Null <: AnyRef: ClassTag](f: ((Int, T)) => X): ArrayMap[X] = ???
def withFilter(p: ((Int, T)) => Boolean): ArrayMap[T] = ???
With that definition you can make something like
val map: ArrayMap[java.lang.Integer] = new ArrayMap(Array(1, 2, 3))
// Note I use lazy val to avoid the NotImplementedException.
lazy val rs1: ArrayMap[String] = => tuple._2.toString)
lazy val rs2: ArrayMap[String] = { case (_, v) => v.toString }
lazy val rs3: ArrayMap[String] = for {
tuple <- map
} yield tuple._2.toString
lazy val rs4: ArrayMap[String] = for {
(_, v) <- map
} yield v.toString
See the full signature of map in Scala Map as a reference.

Scala: How to use Functors for multi type parameter trait

I have and ADT which is basically a wrapper over Function1:
case class Abstract[M[_], A, B](f:M[A] => M[B]) {
def fn: M[A] => M[B] = { case x: M[A] => f(x) }
I want to map over these, so I defined a Functor like so:
trait AbstractAPI[E] {
type AbsO[T] = Abstract[List, E, T]
// type AbsO[T] = Abstract[List, _, T] => does not work (?)
implicit val abstractO: Functor[AbsO] = new Functor[AbsO] {
def map[A, B](fa: AbsO[A])(f: A => B): AbsO[B] = {
new Abstract(fa.fn andThen { x: List[A] =>{ y => f(y) } })
Now, to actually map over an Abstract, I'd need AbstractAPI[Int], like
case object IntAbstractAPI extends AbstractAPI[Int]
object A {
import IntAbstractAPI._
val f:List[Int] => List[String] = { case x: List[Int] =>{ _.toString.toLowerCase } }
val hey = (new Abstract(f)).map{ x => x.toInt }
object A extends AbstractAPI[Int] {
val f:List[Int] => List[String] = { case x: List[Int] =>{ _.toString.toLowerCase } }
val res = (new Abstract(f)).map{ x => x.toInt }.map{ _.toFloat + 10f }
// Abstract[List, Int, Float] = Abstract(<function1>)
However, in this pattern, I'd have to define case objects for every possible E. Here are my questions:
Is this the correct way to use Functors?
How can I automate the creation of the case objects for every possible E (or make the compiler infer it?)
Edit 1:
Further clarification: The above implementation works, but this one does not:
object A extends AbstractAPI {
val f:List[Int] => List[String] = { case x: List[Int] =>{ _.toString.toLowerCase } }
val res = (new Abstract(f)).map{ x => x.toInt }.map{ _.toFloat + 10f }
// Abstract[List, Int, Float] = Abstract(<function1>)
gives compilation error:
value map is not a member of Abstract[List,Int,String]
I assume this is because the compiler is not able to derive a functor for Abstract[List,Int,String]?
You can derive a functor for type parameters that you don't care about.
import cats.Functor
import cats.syntax.functor._
And I'll rename second type parameter on Abstract to X, it'll help
case class Abstract[M[_], X, A](f: M[X] => M[A]) // forget the fn bit for now
You can create typeclass instances not only with a val, but also with a def. It is allowed to have type parameters and also take other implicit (but only implicit) parameters.
type Abs1[X] = ({ type L[A] = Abstract[List, X, A] })
/*implicit*/ def abstract1[X]: Functor[Abs1[X]#L] = new Functor[Abs1[X]#L] {
override def map[A, B](fa: Abstract[List, X, A])(f: A => B): Abstract[List, X, B] =
Abstract(mx => fa.f(mx).map(f))
If map is all you need from a List, you can generalize further for any M[_] that has a Functor instance. Also placing it into a companion object of Abstract enables it to be found without additional imports / inheritance / etc.
object Abstract {
// Abstract.MX[M, X]#L can be replaced with Abstract[M, X, ?] if you use kind-projector
type MX[M[_], X] = ({ type L[A] = Abstract[M, X, A] })
implicit def genericFunctor[M[_]: Functor, X] = new Functor[MX[M, X]#L] {
override def map[A, B](fa: Abstract[M, X, A])(f: A => B): Abstract[M, X, B] =
Abstract(mx => fa.f(mx).map(f)) // the implementation is the same
And it works, if you import instances for whatever your M[_] is
assert {
import cats.instances.list._ // get Functor[List]
// map is automatically picked up from Functor[Abstract[List, Int, ?]]
.map(Vector.range(0, _))
.f(List(1, 2, 3)) == List("0", "01", "012")
assert {
import cats.instances.option._
.map(_ min 42)
.map(i => Range(i, i + 3))
.f(Some(11)) == Some(Range(11, 14))
You can try the code there
Answering your second question, you could try this implicit AbstractAPI[T] factory:
implicit def abstractAPI[T]: AbstractAPI[T] = new AbstractAPI[T] {}
Any required implicit evidence for AbstractAPI[T] should work, e.g:
def f[T : AbstractAPI]: Unit = ()

How to define <*> for Option[List[_]] n Scala

This is a followup to my previous question with an example found on the Internet.
Suppose I define a typeclass Applicative as follows:
trait Functor[T[_]]{
def map[A,B](f:A=>B, ta:T[A]):T[B]
trait Applicative[T[_]] extends Functor[T] {
def unit[A](a:A):T[A]
def ap[A,B](tf:T[A=>B], ta:T[A]):T[B]
I can define an instance of Applicative for List
object AppList extends Applicative[List] {
def map[A,B](f:A=>B, as:List[A]) =
def unit[A](a: A) = List(a)
def ap[A,B](fs:List[A=>B], as:List[A]) = for(f <- fs; a <- as) yield f(a)
For convenience I can define an implicit conversion to add a method <*> to List[A=>B]
implicit def toApplicative[A, B](fs: List[A=>B]) = new {
def <*>(as: List[A]) = AppList.ap(fs, as)
Now I can do a cool thing !
zip two lists List[String] and apply f2 to every pair in applicative style
val f2: (String, String) => String = {(first, last) => s"$first $last"}
val firsts = List("a", "b", "c")
val lasts = List("x", "y", "z")
scala> AppList.unit(f2.curried) <*> firsts <*> lasts
res31: List[String] = List(a x, a y, a z, b x, b y, b z, c x, c y, c z)
So far, so good but now I have:
val firstsOpt = Some(firsts)
val lastsOpt = Some(lasts)
I would like to zip firsts and lasts, apply f2, and get Option[List[String]] in applicative style. In other words I need <*> for Option[List[_]]. How can I do it ?
Firstly, you need an instance of applicative for Option:
implicit object AppOption extends Applicative[Option] {
def map[A, B](f: A => B, o: Option[A]) =
def unit[A](a: A): Option[A] = Some(a)
def ap[A, B](of: Option[A => B], oa: Option[A]) = of match {
case Some(f) =>
case None => None
Then you can also create an applicative instance for the composition of two applicatives (note, based on the Haskell version):
class AppComp[F[_], G[_]](fa: Applicative[F], ga: Applicative[G]) extends Applicative[({ type f[A] = F[G[A]]})#f] {
def map[A, B](f: A => B, a: F[G[A]]): F[G[B]] = G[A]) =>, g), a)
def unit[A](a: A) = fa.unit(ga.unit(a))
def ap[A, B](f: F[G[A => B]], a: F[G[A]]): F[G[B]] = {
val liftg: G[A => B] => (G[A] => G[B]) = gf => (gx => ga.ap(gf, gx))
val ffg: F[G[A] => G[B]] =, f)
fa.ap(ffg, a)
implicit def toComp[F[_], G[_]](implicit fa: Applicative[F], ga: Applicative[G]) = new AppComp[F, G](fa, ga)
Finally you can now do:
val ola = toComp[Option, List]
ola.ap(ola.ap(ola.unit(f2.curried), firstsOpt), lastsOpt)
You could probably also remove some of the noise by generalising <*> to work for any applicative.