PYTHONPATH in spark workers - pyspark
Is this issue actually resolved? How can you include PYTHONPATH in spark workers in spark 2.2? Looking for someway that does not involve some global change (i.e. you are not allowed to use .profile, .bashrc or dist a change to every node on the cluster).
SPARK_HOME is where spark lives. Docs seems to indicate that this is also where conf/* are picked up. Is this correct?
UPDATE: I think the answer is here: Pyspark append executor environment variable
This really was not very well linked from the search results for PYTHONPATH. I have attempted to scatter breadcrumbs everywhere to help out.


How to run a Scio pipeline on Dataflow from SBT (local)

I am trying to run my first Scio pipeline on Dataflow .
The code in question can be found here. However I do not think that is too important.
My first experiment was to read some local CSV files and write another local CSV file, using the DirecRunner. That worked as expected.
Now, I am trying to read the files from GCS, write the output to BigQuery and run the pipeline using the DataflowRunner. I already made all the necessary changes (or that is what I believe). But I am unable to make it run.
I already gcloud auth application-default login and when I do
sbt run --runner=DataflowRunner --project=project-id --input-path=gs://path/to/data --output-table=dataset.table
I can see the Jb is submitted in Dataflow. However, after one hour the jobs fails with the following error message.
Workflow failed. Causes: The Dataflow job appears to be stuck because no worker activity has been seen in the last 1h.
(Note, the job did nothing in all that time, and since this is an experiment the data is simple too small to take more than a couple of minutes).
Checking the StackDriver I can find the follow error:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: scala.collection.Seq
Related to some jackson thing:
java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.Module: Provider com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule could not be instantiated
And that is what is killing each executor just at the start. I really do not understand why I can not find the Scala standard library.
I also tried to first create a template and runt it latter with:
sbt run --runner=DataflowRunner --project=project-id --input-path=gs://path/to/data --output-table=dataset.table --stagingLocation=gs://path/to/staging --templateLocation=gs://path/to/templates/template-1
But, after running the template, I get the same error.
Also, I noticed that in the staging folder there are a lot of jars, but the scala-library.jar is not in there.
I am missing something obvious?
It's a known issue with sbt 1.3.0 which introduced some breaking change w.r.t. class loaders. Try 1.2.8?
Also the Jackson issue is probably related to Java 11 or above. Stay with Java 8 for now.
Fix by setting the sbt classLoaderLayeringStrategy:
run / classLoaderLayeringStrategy := ClassLoaderLayeringStrategy.Flat
sbt uses a new classloader for the application that is run with run. This causes other classes already loaded by the JVM (Predef for instance) to be reused, reducing startup time. See in-process classloaders for details.
This doesn't play well with the Beam DataflowRunner because it explicitly does not stage classes from parent classloaders, see
Attempts to detect all the resources the class loader has access to. This does not recurse to class loader parents stopping it from pulling in resources from the system class loader.
So the fix is to force all classes used by your application to be loaded in the same classloader so that DataflowRunner stages everything.
Hope that helps

Is there a config file when installing spark dependency with scala

I installed spark with sbt in project dependecies. Then I want to change variables of the spark env without doing it within my code with a .setMaster(). The problem is that i cannot find any config file on my computer.
This is because I have an error : org.apache.spark.SparkException: Invalid Spark URL: spark://HeartbeatReceiver#my-mbp.domain_not_set.invalid:50487even after trying to change my hostname. Thus, I would like to go deep into spark library and try some things.
I tried pretty much everything that is on this so post : Invalid Spark URL in local spark session.
Many thanks
What worked for the issue:
export SPARK_LOCAL_HOSTNAME=localhost in shell profil (e.g. ~/.bash_profil)
SBT was not able to find the host even using the command just before running sbt. I had to put it in the profil to have a right context.

Drop into a Scala interpreter in Spark script?

I'm using Scala 2.11.8 and Spark 2.1.0. I'm totally new to Scala.
Is there a simple way to add a single line breakpoint, similar to Python:
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
where I'll be dropped into a Scala shell and I can inspect what's going on at that line of execution in the script? (I'd settle for just the end of the script, too...)
I'm currently starting my scripts like so:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --class "MyClassName" --master local target/scala-2.11/my-class-name_2.11-1.0.jar
Is there a way to do this? Would help debugging immensely.
EDIT: The solutions in this other SO post were not very helpful / required lots of boilerplate + didn't work.
I would recommend one of the following two options:
Remote debugging & IntelliJ Idea's "evaluate expression"
The basic idea here is that you debug your app like you would if it was just an ordinary piece of code debugged from within your IDE. The Run->Evaluate expression function allows you to prototype code and you can use most of the debugger's usual variable displays, step (over) etc functionality. However, since you're not running the application from within your IDE, you need to:
Setup the IDE for remote debugging, and
Supply the application with the correct Java options for remote debugging.
For 1, go to Run->Edit configurations, hit the + button in the top right hand corner, select remote, and copy the content of the text field under Command line arguments for running remote JVM (official help).
For 2, you can use the SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTS environment variable to pass those JVM options, e.g.:
SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTS="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005" \
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --class Main --master "spark://" \
Now you can hit the debug button, and set breakpoints etc.
Apache Zeppelin
If you're writing more script-style Scala, you may find it helpful to write it in a Zeppelin Spark Scala interpreter. While it's more like Jupyter/IPython notebooks/the ipython shell than (i)pdb, this does allow you to inspect what's going on at runtime. This will also allow you to graph your data etc. I'd start with these docs.
I think the above will only allow debugging code running on the Driver node, not on the Worker nodes (which run your actual map, reduce etc functions). If you for example set a breakpoint inside an anonymous function inside{ ... }, it probably won't be hit, since that's executed on some worker node. However, with e.g. myDataFrame.head and the evaluate expression functionality I've been able to fulfil most of my debugging needs. Having said that, I've not tried to specifically pass Java options to executors, so perhaps it's possible (but probably tedious) to get it work.

loading resources in spark-shell

normally, loading resources in the Scala REPL is done like this:
see here
but this doesn't find resources from jars I load using the usual startup
spark-shell --jars list-of-jars
How are resources loaded in spark-shell? (am I referencing the wrong ClassLoader?)
Please remove the prefix "/". I tested in Spark shell and both getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("resource-file") and Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("resource-file") worked. However, I would recommend using Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() since it doesn't rely on what getClass() returns.

How to build and run Scala Spark locally

I'm attempting to build Apache Spark locally. Reason for this is to debug Spark methods like reduce. In particular I'm interested in how Spark implements and distributes Map Reduce under the covers as I'm experiencing performance issues and I think running these tasks from source is best method of finding out what the issue is.
So I have cloned the latest from Spark repo :
git clone
Spark appears to be a Maven project so when I create it in Eclipse here is the structure :
Some of the top level folders also have pom files :
So should I just be building one of these sub projects ? Are these correct steps for running Spark against a local code base ?
Building Spark locally, the short answer:
git clone
cd spark
sbt/sbt compile
Going in detail into your question, what you're actually asking is 'How to debug a Spark application in Eclipse'.
To have debugging in Eclipse, you don't really need to build Spark in Eclipse. All you need is to create a job with its Spark lib dependency and ask Maven 'download sources'. That way you can use the Eclipse debugger to step into the code.
Then, when creating the Spark Context, use sparkConfig.local[1] as master like:
val conf = new SparkConf()
so that all Spark interactions are executed in local mode in one thread and therefore visible to your debugger.
If you are investigating a performance issue, remember that Spark is a distributed system, where network plays an important role. Debugging the system locally will only give you part of the answer. Monitoring the job in the actual cluster will be required in order to have a complete picture of the performance characteristics of your job.