Slurm task id as Matlab's function argument - matlab

I want to create a job array in slurm in a way such that it is called a Matlab function that depends on the array task id. I tried
#SBATCH -p slims
#SBATCH -o o
#SBATCH -e e
matlab -r "test(${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID})"
where test.m is the matlab function that I want to run. This throw the error "Not enough arguments in line 7 test.m ..."
How should I do it?

It looks like $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID was not defined, and there is no --array parameter in your submission file. So unless you provided that argument on the command line
sbatch --array ... <>
you did not tell Slurm to create an array.
Either add #SBATCH --array ... to your submission script or specify it on the command line.


Passing a parameter into a slurm script (matlab)

I am using slurm to submit jobs to the university supercomputer. My matlab function has one parameter:
function test(variable_1)
and my slurm file is (I am not sure if it is correct. I know how to define the value of the parameter in the slurm file, but I would like to pass the value to the slurm file as I need to run the matlab function many times with different values for the parameter):
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --time=2-00:00:00
#SBATCH --job-name="test"
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --mem=4gb
#SBATCH -p small
module load matlab/R2021a
matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nosplash -r "test variable_1"
I tried to use the following codes (for example, I would like to set variable_1=12) to submit the job but it did not work.
sbatch test.slurm 12
Can anyone help me with this issue? Thanks!
The first argument of the Bash script is stored in an environment variable named $1. So the last line of the script should be
matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nosplash -r "test $1"
Beware that if the argument is a number, you might need to first cast it to integer from string with str2num in your Matlab script.

How to get job ID from job array within for loop?

I am running a greedy feature selection algorithm, and I am attempting to use job arrays to explore parallelization.
The idea is that we have three steps that depend on the previous step:
Step 1: Setup for iteration i
Step 2: Fit models at iteration i
Step 3: Find best model at iteration i
Because you need all the models (>10) to have finished training before starting step 3, plain old job chaining is not optimal.
So I am trying to use job arrays, which do exactly what I want: only when all my models are fitted do I move to step 3.
However, I am having trouble setting up the dependency.
I was told that the dependency for a whole job array needs to be the job ID (which is a number) and not the job name (e.g. runSetup$n_subject$i).
So: how do I get the job ID from the whole job array ?
Or better yet: how to best set a dependency for a whole job array ?
This answer is very interesting, but doesn't tell me how to best set a dependency when my job array contains 10 or more jobs.
# Subject to consider
n_subject=$1 # takes in input arguments from command line.
for ((i = 1; i <= $nparam; i++)); do
# Run setup
if [[ $i -eq 1 ]]; then
bsub -J "runSetup$n_subject$i" matlab -singleCompThread -nodisplay -r "setup_greedy_forward($n_subject,$cohort, $priors_and_init, $i)"
bsub -J "runSetup$n_subject$i" -w "done(saveBest$n_subject$last_iter)" matlab -singleCompThread -nodisplay -r "setup_greedy_forward($n_subject,$cohort, $priors_and_init, $i)"
# Fit models
bsub -W 08:00 -J "fitDCMs$n_subject[1-$max_sim]" -w "done(runSetup$n_subject$i)" -R "rusage[mem=16000]" matlab -singleCompThread -nodisplay -r "fit_dcm_greedy_forward($n_subject,$cohort, $priors_and_init, \$LSB_JOBINDEX)"
# Extracting the job ID from the fitDCMs jobs
# Then: For all trained DCMs, get the best model and save it
JOBID=$(get_jobid bsub -W 08:00 -J "fitDCMs$n_subject[1-$max_sim]" -w "done(runSetup$n_subject$i)" -R "rusage[mem=16000]" matlab -singleCompThread -nodisplay -r "fit_dcm_greedy_forward($n_subject,$cohort, $priors_and_init, \$LSB_JOBINDEX)" 2> /dev/null)
if [ -n "$jobid" ]; then
bsub -J "saveBest$n_subject$i" -w "numdone($JOBID,*)" matlab -singleCompThread -nodisplay -r "save_best_model($n_subject,$cohort, $priors_and_init, $i)"
The output I am getting:
Job <94564566> is submitted to queue <normal.24h>.
Job <94564567> is submitted to queue <normal.24h>.
saveBest121: No matching job found. Job not submitted.
runSetup122: No matching job found. Job not submitted.
After searching a bit, I found a way to get the job ID.
JOBID=$(bsub command1 | awk '/is submitted/{print substr($2, 2, length($2)-2);}')
if [ -n "$JOBID" ]; then
bsub -w "numdone($JOBID,*)" command2
The first line submits the job and extracts its job ID.
This answer was found here.
I was told that the dependency for a whole job array needs to be the job ID (which is a number) and not the job name
That should work. For example:
bsub -J "iterate[1-10]" ...
bsub -J "finalize" -w "done(iterate)" ...
Job finalize won't start until all elements of iterate are done.

How to use LSB_JOBINDEX in bsub array job arguments in Platform LSF?

I would like to pass LSB_JOBINDEX to as an argument to my script instead of using an environment variable.
This makes my script more LSF agnostic and avoids creating a helper script that uses the environment variable.
However, I was not able to use LSB_JOBINDEX in arguments: it only works as part of the initial command string.
For example, from a bash shell, I use the test command:
bsub -J 'myjobname[1-4]' -o bsub%I.log \
'echo $LSB_JOBINDEX' \
and the output of say bsub2.log is:
So in this case, only the first $LSB_JOBINDEX got expanded, but not any of the following ones.
But I would rather not pass the entire command as a single huge string as the 'echo $LSB_JOBINDEX' in this example. I would prefer to just use separate arguments as in a regular bash command.
I've also tried to play around with %I but it only works for -o and related bsub options, not for the command itself.
Related: Referencing job index in LSF job array
Tested in LSF 10.1.0. Related documentation:
bsub will add single quotes around the arguments if the argument starts with $. For example. If the bsub command line is
bsub command -a $ARG1 -b $ARG2
Then bsub will add quotes to the arguments to the 2nd and 4th parameters. The command is stored like this
command -a '$ARG1' -b '$ARG2'
One way to prevent this is to put the commands in a script. Like this:
$ cat cmd
echo "line 2"
Then run your job like this:
$ bsub -I < cmd
Job <2669> is submitted to default queue <normal>.
<<Waiting for dispatch ...>>
<<Starting on hostA>>
line 2
Note that the -I is not needed. Its just so you can see the job output on the bsub's stdout.
OK. Looks like this works. But its not really a serious answer since it's so ugly. The thing is that bsub will surround the argument with single quotes if the argument starts with $. So the strategy is to find some way to make sure that the first character in the argument isn't a $. One way is to put any character other than $ as the first character of the argument. Follow it by a backspace literal, followed by the $. Note that it needs to be the actual backspace character, not ^ followed by H. Use ctrl-v followed by a ctrl-h to get the literal appended to the command line.
$ bsub -I echo "x^H\$LSB_JOBINDEX" "x^H\$LSB_JOBINDEX"
Job <2686> is submitted to default queue <normal>.
<<Waiting for dispatch ...>>
<<Starting on hostA>>
0 0
A tab literal also works. Not that its much better.
$ bsub -I echo " \$LSB_JOBINDEX" " \$LSB_JOBINDEX"
Job <2687> is submitted to default queue <normal>.
<<Waiting for dispatch ...>>
<<Starting on hostA>>
0 0

SLURM Job Array output file in command

I have a command list like this
bedtools intersect -a BED1 -b BED2 >BED1_BED2_overlaps.txt
with over 100 files.
Here is the header for my job submission
#SBATCH -t 0-08:00
#SBATCH --job-name=JACCARD_DNase
#SBATCH -o /oasis/scratch/XXX/XXX/temp_project/logs/JACCARD_DNase_%a_out
#SBATCH -e /oasis/scratch/XXX/XXX/temp_project/logs/JACCARD_DNase_%a_err
#SBATCH --array=1-406%50
When I submit the job I get this error
Error: Unable to open file >BED1_BED2_overlaps.txt Exiting.
I tried to pipe an echo command like this
bedtools intersect -a BED1 -b BED2 | echo "BED1 BED2"
And I got
Error: Unable to open file |. Exiting.
So what gives? How can I submit array jobs with Bash syntax like > output and | pipes?
It looks like you are missing the shebang ; your submission script should start with
#! /bin/bash
or any other shell you like.

how to handle quotes and semicolon in bsub command

I'm trying to submit commands to the LSF scheduler with bsub but this command includes a parameter value that must be quoted and contains a semicolon.
Here is a simple command to illustrate my problem
bsub -o t.o -e t.e echo "foo;bar"
it fails with "line 8: bar: command not found", so I thought I could escape the semicolon but this
bsub -o t.o -e t.e echo "foo\;bar"
causes the same error, so does this
bsub -o t.o -e t.e echo 'foo;bar'
I know I can get around it by writing the command to a script file and executing that as the bsub command but in this case I am going to test a number of parameters and it would be so much handier to just modify the bsub command rather than editing a shell script each time.
Thanks for your help!
One simple way I can think of to do this is to use bsub's subshell interface: simply execute bsub <options> from your command line without specifying a command. bsub will then prompt you for a command in a subshell, and you can use quotes in this subshell.
Send the subshell an end-of-file (CTRL+D) to let it know you're done. Here's an example run using something similar to your case but running interactively instead of using -o to capture the output:
% bsub -I
bsub> echo "foo;bar"
bsub> <================[### Hit CTRL+D here ###]
Job <5841> is submitted to default queue <normal>.
<<Waiting for dispatch ...>>
<<Starting on hb05b10>>