Share the same parameter from model in the toplevel with all components in dymola - simulation

i tried to use something like this:
Toplevel with Model1 and the Model with the Parameter in it.
Parameter heat_coeffi = 50;
outer [Path:Parametermodel] name;
Parameter heat_coeffi = name.heatcoeffi;
The Error message is : "Found non-inner parametermodel for inner model
Failed to find matching inner ....
I tried to use it just like they use System from the original Modelica Lib.

If I understand your question correctly, you instantiate the Parametermodel (similar to the Modelica.Fluid.System) in the top-level model. When you do so you must instantiate it as an inner model. In that way the other instantiated models (model1 etc.) know where to find the global parameters.
In Modelica.Fluid.System there is an annotation defaultComponentPrefixes="inner" that ensures that it is automatically instantiated as an inner model.


How to inherit a standard Fluid component and override and replace some equations of the base model?

I want to customize a standard Fluid Library component in Modelica using OpenModelica. 
I want to create a customized version of a new Pump where several equations will be changed.
I inherited Fluid.Machines.BaseClasses.PartialPump as a base model by "extends" keyword. When I tried to change and redefine an equation, it gave an overdetermined system error. 
I put redeclare or redifine in front of the equation, and it still gives an error.
What is the best way to create a customised component model without copying everything into a new model? 
Unfortunately, you cannot change existing code* — you can only add new code.
In your case, you will have to make a copy of Fluid.Machines.BaseClasses.PartialPump and modify the equation in question. However, you don't necessarily need to copy its base class (Modelica.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialTwoPort).
The PartialPump model is quite versatile. If you need different pump curves (pressure, efficiency or power) you can write additional functions based on the base classes in Fluid.Machines.BaseClasses.PumpCharacteristics.
*) One exception to my initial statement is the inheritance of graphical annotations: if you extend a model and add the annotation primitivesVisible=false the graphical annotations (icon) will not be inherited, for example:
model myModel
extends baseModel annotation(IconMap(primitivesVisible=false));
<new icon annotations>
end myModel;
The usage of extends suggests one wants to inherit all the behaviours of the extended class. You can change those behaviours unless they are redeclarable. The best is to create a new class by duplicating the base model and then change the behaviours as you want. Hope this works!

Error in instantiating an object - Too many input arguments

I created a class with the name Player. This is the code of the class
classdef Player
Now I use the following code to create an instance of the class. In the final line I attempt to print the value of properties
Player evergreen = new Player();
evergreen.Name = "Roger Federer" ;
An error is thrown up while I run the script. This is the error - Error using Player
Too many input arguments.
Error in Team (line 1) Player evergreen = new Player();
Team is the name of the file containing script.
Compared to Java, things in Matlab work a little bit differently. When working with classes, you don't need to specify the type when declaring variables and constructors must be called without the new keyword. While your code run perfectly under Java, in order to make it work under Matlab you have to rewrite it as follows:
p = Player();
p.Name = 'Roger Federer';
For a brief introduction to object oriented programming in Matlab, read this.

Are UE4 Blueprints the same with a C++ class? If so, how will I implement a class design?

Good day! I am new to using Unreal Engine 4 and I have a few questions about how exactly blueprints work. From my understanding of it, every blueprint works like a class. By that I mean one blueprint is much like one class in an OOP programming language.
Please educate me as to - if my assumption is correct or wrong. If wrong, then maybe you could help me achieve what I want in a different method/perspective. I am willing to learn and accept suggestions.
If at some point my understanding is correct - that blueprints are actually individual classes - I would really appreciate it if you could (please) guide as to where to go and how to implement a design that I want to create. This is from a programmers perspective (PHP OOP Programming). Forgive the approach, I'm just using PHP to logically express how I want the class to work. Plus, it is the only OOP programming I know atm.
I want to create a class named: Items. class Item {}
This class is going to handle everything item related, thus we will have to give it a lot of properties/variable. (Below is just an example; Again I'm using PHP as an example.)
class Item {
var $id;
var $name;
var $description;
var $type;
var $subType;
var $mesh;
var $materials;
3.) I would like to initiate this class by having two variables as its construct arguments. (We will require itemID and itemType). This is because I will use these two variables to retrieve the item's data which is already available in a data table. I will use those data in the table to populate the class properties/variables. (I'm not sure if I said that right. I hope you understood my point anyway.)
class Item {
var $id;
var $name;
var $description;
var $type;
var $subType;
var $mesh;
var $materials;
function _construct($cons_itemID, $cons_itemType) {
/*-- Start getting the item Data here based on what item and type provided. Then, push that data into the class properties/variables. We will use individual methods/functions to fill other properties/variables later. --*/
4.) Basically with that design I could easily pass on an item ID to the class and then get the item's name, description, mesh, materials and etc using pointers.
$weapon = new Item('10001','Weapon');
$weaponMesh = $weapon->getMesh();
$armor = new Item('12345','Armor');
$armorName = $armor->getName();
I'm just having a lot of trouble working with blueprint and achieve this method or even something similar to it. I'm not trying to avoid C++, I would love to learn it but I just don't have the time freedom right now.
Few things I have tried to make it work:
Casting / Casting to class (But I couldn't figure out what the target object will be and how was I going to add input arguments into the class that way? There isn't any input there that I could use.)
Spawn Actor (This one is very promising, I need to dig in deeper into this)
Blueprint Macros? Blueprint Interfaces? (I'm just lost.)
For all those who will help or answer. Thank you!
~ Chris
So far as I know, yes, we can assume that each blueprint can be viewed as class. (Moreover, since UE 4.12 (in UE 4.11 that functionality is marked as experimental I think) you can check Compile blueprints under Project settings -> Packaging. That will create native class for each blueprint.)
You can create either Blueprint or C++ class based on Object (UObject in C++). Then you can specify all properties (or variables in UE editor terminology). In BP you have small advantage: you can mark some properties as Visible at spawn (they must be Public and Visible). So when you are creating new instance of that class, you can explicitly pass values to that properties.
And in BP Construct event, that properties are correctly filled, thus you can set another properties values based on given ID and Type.
In C++ class having different arguments than FObjectInitializer is not possible, thus you don't have that values in time when constructor is executed. But it is not so hard to achieve same functionality, you can find example here:
Something about list of what you had tried:
Spawn actor - derive from actor only if you intend to have that BP in scene. Actors are subjects to game updates and rendering, so having actor only as data container is very wrong.
BP Macro is same as BP Function except function will be called just like function (so executing necesary actions by function call conventions) and macro will replace it's implementation in place, where you are calling that macro. More exhausting explanation here.
If I would implement your code, I'd do it like I said and then I'll have that class as property in some component and that component would be attached to some actor, which would be placed in scene.

ObjectQuery not attaching entities instantiated using Named Type Constructor to the context

I have an entity SQL query that creates an entity based on resulting values.
The problem is the entities are not attached to the context. The web control using the ObjetQuery requires the entities be attached to the context to retrieve supporting data through navigation controls.
Manually adding the results will attach the entity to the context but the ObjectQuery is being used as a datasource. Unfortunately attaching the entities to the context manually is not an option as a Telerik control (RadGrid) requires the object query for additional functionality (Sorting, Filtering, etc).
Here is the code generating the object query (the function is a method of the generated ObjectContext):
public ObjectQuery<Invoice_Payment> getInvoicePaymentList(int PaymentID)
ObjectQuery<Invoice_Payment> oq = this.CreateQuery<Invoice_Payment>(#"SELECT VALUE DotNetNuke.Modules.Collections.Model.Invoice_Payment(Inv.ID, #PaymentID, IP.Amount, IP.TimeStamp, IP.LastModifiedBy, Inv.Company)
FROM Collections.Invoices As Inv Left Outer Join
Collections.Invoice_Payments As IP On IP.Invoice = Inv.ID && IP.Payment = #PaymentID Left Outer Join
Collections.Payments As P On P.ID = #PaymentID
WHERE (Inv.Invoice_Outstanding_Balance.ID is not null && Inv.Customer = P.Customer) || IP.Payment is not null
ORDER BY Inv.Document_Date
", new ObjectParameter("PaymentID", PaymentID));
oq = oq.Include("InvoiceDetails").Include("PaymentDetails");
oq.MergeOption = MergeOption.OverwriteChanges;
return oq;
What am I doing wrong or what could I have misconfigured for the resulting entities to not attach to the calling context?
After a little more investigation I have found that my problem is not isolated to this one entity type but all entity types that are instantiated using Named Type Constructor. My problem is better defined as:
How can entities instantiated using the Named Type Constructor in entity SQL be attached to the context when the query is executed?

MEF: metadata seem to override interface when using GetExports

I'm building a MEF-based plugin-centric WPF application and I'm facing an issue with GetExports, maybe it's just my ignorance but I find an odd behaviour. I have a number of exported parts, all derived from 2 different interfaces (let's name them A and B), but all marked with the same metadata attribute X. So I have code like:
public class SomePart1 : A { ... }
for each part, and the same for classes implementing B:
public class SomePart2 : B { ... }
Now, when I try getting all the parts implementing A and decorated by attribute X with some values, MEF returns not only the A-implementing parts, but ALSO the B-implementing parts. So, when I expect to deal with A-objects I get a B, whence a cast exception.
In the real world, interfaces are named IItemPartEditorViewModel and IItemPartEditorView, while their common attribute is named ItemPartEditorAttribute and exposes a PartType string property on which I do some filtering. My code to get parts is thus like e.g.:
var p = (from l in container.GetExports<IItemPartEditorViewModel, IItemPartEditorMetadata>()
where l.Metadata.PartType == sPartType
select l).FirstOrDefault();
When looking for IItemPartEditorViewModel whose PartType is equal to some value, I get the IItemPartEditorView instead of IItemPartEditorViewModel implementing object. If I comment out the attribute in the IItemPartEditorView object instead, I correctly get the IItemPartEditorViewModel implementing object.
Update the suggested "templated" method was used, but I mistyped it here as I forgot to change lessthan and greaterthan into entities. Anyway, reviewing the code I noticed that in the attribute I had "ViewModel" instead or "View" for the interface type, so this was the problem. Shame on me, sorry for bothering :)!
I think I'd need to see more of the code to know for sure what's going on. However, I'd suggest you call GetExports like this:
// Get exports of type A
// Get exports of type B
Then do your filtering on the list returned. This will probably fix the cast issues you are having. I'd also be interested in seeing the code for the custom metadata attribute. If it derives from ExportAttribute for example, that might be part of the problem.