HTTP status code for GET request with non-existing query parameter value - rest

Let's clarify three common scenarios when no item matches the request with a simple example:
GET /posts/{postId} and postId does not exist (status code 404, no question)
GET /posts?userId={userId} and the user with userId does not have any posts
GET /posts?userId={userId} and the user with userId does not exist itslef
I know there's no strict REST guideline for the appropriate status codes for cases 2 and 3, but it seems to be a common practice to return 200 for case 2 as it's considered a "search" request on the posts resource, so it is said that 404 might not be the best choice.
Now I wonder if there's a common practice to handle case 3. Based on a similar reasoning with case 2, 200 seems to be more relevant (and of course in the response body more info could be provided), although returning 404 to highlight the fact that userId itself does not exist is also tempting.
Any thoughts?

Ok, so first, REST doesn't say anything about what the endpoints should return. That's the HTTP spec. The HTTP spec says that if you make a request for a non-existent resource, the proper response code is 404.
Case 1 is a request for a single thing. That would return 404, as you said.
The resource being returned in case 2 is typically an envelope which contains metadata and a collection of things. It doesn't matter if the envelope has any things in it or not. So 200 is the correct response code because the envelope exists, it just so happens the envelope isn't holding any things. It would be allowable under the spec to say there's no envelope if there are no things and return 404, but that's usually not done because then the API can't send the metadata.
Case 3, then, is exactly the same thing as case 2. If expected response is an envelope, then the envelope exists whether or not the userId is valid. It would not be unreasonable to include metadata in the envelope pointing out that there is no user with userId, if the API designer thinks that information would be useful to clients.
Case 2 and Case 3 are really the same case, and should both either return 200 with an empty envelope or 404.

First piece, you need to recognize that /posts?userId={userId} identifies a resource, precisely in the same sense that /posts/{userId} or /index.html specifies a resource.
So GET /posts?userId={userId} "requests transfer of a current selected representation for the target resource."
The distinction between 200 and 404 is straight forward; if you are reporting to the consumer that "the origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists", then you should be returning 404. If the response payload includes a current representation of the resource, then you should use the 200 status code.
404 is, of course, an response from the Client Error response class
the server SHOULD send a representation containing an explanation of the error situation, and whether it is a temporary or permanent condition.
So a way of figuring out which of these status codes to use, is to just look at the message body of the response. If it is a current representation of the resource, then you use the 200 status code. If it is a representation of a message that explains no current representation is available, then you use the 404 status code.
Of course that ducks the big question: what should the representation of the resource be in each case? Once you know that, you can work out the rest.
If you you think that an unexpected identifier indicates an error on the client (for example, a corrupted link), then it will probably improve the consumer's experience to report that as an explicit error, rather than returning a representation of an empty list.
But that's a judgment call; different API are going to have different answers, and HTTP isn't particularly biased one way or the other; HTTP just asks that you ensure that the response code and headers are appropriate for the choice that you have made.


Is a 404 http code appropriate when a successful REST query gives 0 results?

We had a bit of a heated debate at work this week regarding the proper use of HTTP error code 404. I feel that it is being used inappropriately in this situation, and they insist that "this is how it is everywhere".
Here's the scenario:
We have a REST API endpoint with a static URI like "" that accepts a json body during a POST operation to see if a server exists within the database. There is 1 server allowed per query.
The way it is designed, if the server exists, it returns http code 200 with the body of the message being the details of the server within the database. If it doesn't exist, then they return a 404 code with the message "server x is not found in database y".
I feel that this is incorrect because according to the standards from W3C 4xx codes are for client-related issues, and 404 is specifically if the server can not server up that specific URI. Further, this is not really an error, we would not only expect the occasional negative/empty response as part of the normal business, but that is expected to be the state on the majority of the calls.
Their response to this is that according to sources such as AWS REST Standards and ServiceNow REST Standards that 404 is appropriate because the query didn't find the server, therefore it couldn't find the resource (To which I feel that they are misinterpreting the term "resource").
So, who is correct here? Or is this more of a gray area than I think it is?
The relevant part of the specification here is Client Error 4xx.
Except when responding to a HEAD request, the server SHOULD send a representation containing an explanation of the error situation, and whether it is a temporary or permanent condition.
User agents SHOULD display any included representation to the user.
In other words, the status code is meta data that indicates to general-purpose components that the payload of the response is an explanation of the error, and not a representation of the resource.
If what you are actually doing is returning a representation of the resource which is at this moment an empty list, then you should be using a Successful code, not a Client Error code.
For example, if we have a resource that lists women who have been sworn into the office of President of the United States, the expression of that resource, as of 2019-09-25, would be an empty list. So a standard HTTP response would look like
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
On the other hand, this response says something completely different
404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json
What this says is that there was no current representation of the requested resource, and the representation of the explanation of the problem is an empty list, so please show an empty list to the user so that they know what to do.
This is a neverending debate with no useful outcome. See for example How to design RESTful search/filtering?, Do web applications use HTTP as a transport layer, or do they count as an integral part of the HTTP server? (disclaimer: my question), and thousands of other questions on the Stack Exchange network and thousands of blogs like "which status code to pick for REST scenario XYZ".
The fact that you're using POST for a request with GET semantics, means you're already not properly applying REST. POST is used to create resources, not to find existing resources. If you have a "servers" resource collection, then you're dealing with "server" resources.
If you want to have a "find-server" endpoint, and you want to use POST to "create" a "find-server resource result", which you can then issue a GET request to to obtain your search results, you're a masochist who tries to shoehorn an application into a design philosophy that doesn't fit the problem domain.
So just be pragmatic. Does the endpoint exist? Yes, so 404 is not applicable. Return a 200 (the resource exists, the request is correct) with an body indicating no results were found, or a 204 ("no content") without a body.

What is the correct status code after testing if an e-mail address exists in the database or not?

We are using a specific endpoint on our API to test if an e-mail address is already registered in our database. When it's not, what would be the right status code to return to the client ?
We cannot take a decision between 404, 204 and 200. There are a couple of articles over the net but all state pros and cons but it's not very clear.
200 says that the request was successful
204 says that the request was successful AND that the message body included in the response is 0 bytes long.
404 says that there is no current implementation associated with the requested resource
Which of these is correct really depends on your resource design.
Consider a database query with a where clause -- if there are no matching rows, then you get SUCCESS, with an empty result set. So the analogous thing in a HTTP response would be a 2xx status code, and a body that describes an empty set.
If you were using a JSON List as your representation of the set, then the representation would be two bytes long [], and a 200 status code would be appropriate. If you were using a json lines representation, with each record on its own line, then with no records you would have no lines, therefore a 0 byte representation and 204 would be a good choice.
What about a case where we have a simple web page, that tells you if the email address is registered or not? If it's registered, the server responds with a 200 message and a html document that tells you about the registration. If it isn't registered, then you get an html message telling you that the email address isn't registered... and a 200, because we were able to find the current representation of the resource.
And 404? 404 indicates to the client that there appears to have been a spelling error in the target-uri of the http request -- that there isn't even nothing to find.
It may help to understand that status codes are metadata about the HTTP response, which is to say that they are part of the application domain of transferring documents over a network, not about the business domain. They are there so that generic components, like caches, can do interesting things without needing to know any specifics about the domain in question.
Our web API is a facade to make our domain model look like a boring document store.

Correct HTTP status code for possible absent entity: 200 or 204 or 404

I've searched a lot about this and have found different answers, also, my case is a little different.
The context:
I have a document A with a possible sender S
Server X (so not a browser) requests the sender from document A on Server Y, but the sender is absent.
What should server Y return:
200: with a null object (not really OK and dangerous for nullpointers on Server X)
204: a correct status I think, but this is mainly used when the endpoint does not return data in general (e.g. post, update, delete), which can be confusing
404: this should definitely the answer for .../sender/{sender_id}. But in this case we ask the sender of a document, and no sender is a correct answer...
So, what would be the best practice, or is there another approach which is better fitting for this.
Thanks in advance!
Broad rule: don't try to make status codes specific the details of your api or your domain model. Those are messages to generic components (like browsers, caches, proxies) that don't need to know anything about the specifics of your domain model and your integration protocol.
404: this should definitely the answer for .../sender/{sender_id}. But in this case we ask the sender of a document, and no sender is a correct answer...
The 4xx class of response codes indicate an error in the client request. In other words, the client asked the question wrong. 404 specifically implies that the client addressed the request to the wrong integration resource.
So it's not what you are looking for.
204: a correct status I think, but this is mainly used when the endpoint does not return data in general (e.g. post, update, delete), which can be confusing
204 has a very specific meaning - is says that the representation provided in the response is zero bytes long. "You asked me to send you the contents of this file, and I'm successfully doing so, but by the way the file is empty."
So if the representation of an absent sender is zero bytes long, aces! But if the representation is instead an empty json object
Then 204 is off the table.
200 is probably your best bet.
I would suggest 404 Not Found matches best what you describe as "sender is absent"
Just in case here you can see a list of status codes:
There are two cases here.
If you are requesting a collection eg: /users and there are no users available on the server then your service should return 200 OK with an empty list.
If you are requesting a resource by id eg: /users/id and if the user is not available then you should return 404 NOT Found as the user id that you are searching is not available on the server.
Based on your situation(assuming you are requesting for a collection of resources), I probably recommend returning 200 OK with the empty list. If you does not have control over the server then you may need to have a null check on the client side.

What should be the response of GET for multiple requested resources with some invalid ids?

what should be the response to a request to
http://localhost:8080/users/1,2,3 when the system doesn't have a user with id 3?
When all users are present I return a 200 response code with all user objects in the response body. When the user requests a single missing user I return a 404 with an error message in the body.
However, what should be the body and status code for a mix between valid and missing ids?
I assume that you want to follow REST API principles. In order to keep clear api design you should rather use query string for filtering
Then you won't have such dilemmas - you can return just only users with id contained in provided value list and 200 status code (even if list is empty). This endpoint in general
should be reserved for requesting single resource (user) by providing primary key.
What you are requesting there is a collection. The request essentially reads: "give me all users whose ID is in {1, 2, 3}." A subset of those users (let's say there is no user yet with the ID 3) would still be a successful operation, which is asking for a 200 (OK).
If you are overly concerned by this, there's still the possibility to redirect the client via 303 (See Other) to a resource representation without the offending elements.
If all of the IDs are invalid, things get a bit tricky. One may be tempted to simply return a 404 (Not Found), but strictly speaking that were not correct:
The 404 status code indicates that the origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource
Indeed, there is one: The empty set. From a programmatic standpoint, it may indeed be easier to just return that instead of throwing an error. This relies on clients being able to process empty sets/documents.
The RFC grants you the freedom to go either way:
[…] the origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
So if you wish to hide the existence of an empty set, it's okay. It bears mentioning that a set containing nothing is not nothing itself ;)
I would recommend not to offer the method in the first place, but rather force the user of your APIto make three separate requests and return unambiguous responses (two 200s for users 1 and 2 and 404 for user 3). Additionally, the API could offer a get method that responds with all available user ids or such (depends on your system).
Alternatively, if that's not an option, I guess, you have two options:
Return 404 as soon as one user is not found, which technically is more accurate in my opinion. I mean, the request was for 1, 2 AND 3, which was not found.
Return 200 with users 1 and 2, and null, which probably is the most useful for your scenario.

RESTful service response code for Partially valid payload

I have a RESTFul service with 2 query parameters, say paramOne & Paramtwo
The possible URLs would be
The relation between paramOne & Paramtwo is one to many. So, with second route the result would contain a collection of objects. Now, if parameters we send are invalid, then the service would return 400 BAD REQUEST.
Here comes my question. If a user requests by giving one valid and other invalid param like http://someApi/someResource?paramone=1&paramtwo=invalidData then what woould be the HTTP status code? Is it a BAD REQUEST? Or a collection of objects based on paramone? (As paramone is valid)
From the Robustness Principle: "Be conservative in what you do [send], be liberal in what you accept.", I would expect a collection and neglect the invalid Paramtwo. And, when it comes to DELETE operation, this deletes all the objects with paramone. So is it OK to have this or it should be badrequest?
Thanks :)
In REST an URI should be treated as an atomic identifier, including the querystring. In theory, that means you should return 404 Not Found, even though the base resource to which the querystring is applied exists. However, I believe most APIs are more pragmatic about that and tend to return 400 Bad Request on invalid querystring parameters, based on the principle of least astonishment. If that's adopted consistently, fine.
I believe it's better to reject the whole request with a clear indication of the error and expect the user to correct it, than giving a partial success where the user might overlook the error. If you want the request to succeed partially, HTTP has no standard for that, but you may adopt the 207 Multi-Status WebDav response if you want.