I have a certain flatMap that I use at about 20 places. And I am sure it will be 20 more in the future. It is to throw an exception when a Option is empty.
def get(serverId: UUID, sessionId: UUID) = authAction.async { implicit request =>
val user = request.user.get
serverService.findByIdAndUserId(serverId, user.id.get) flatMap { s =>
if (s.isEmpty) {
Future.failed(new NotFoundException)
} else {
} flatMap { _ =>
serverSessionService.findByIdAndServerId(sessionId, serverId)
} flatMap { s =>
if (s.isEmpty) {
Future.failed(new NotFoundException)
} else {
} map { s =>
I am doing the flatMap for Option checking twice in one controller method...
How can I isolate this part:
flatMap { s =>
if (s.isEmpty) {
Future.failed(new NotFoundException)
} else {
Here's an approach using implicit class:
implicit class OptionFuture[T](f: Future[Option[T]]) {
def optionFuture(t: Throwable): Future[T] =
case Some(x) => Future.successful(x)
case _ => Future.failed(t)
Future{ Some(1) }.optionFuture(new Exception("failed"))
// Success(1)
Future{ None }.optionFuture(new Exception("failed"))
// Failure(java.lang.Exception: failed)
I would propose to add implicit class to fail if empty:
implicit class FutureFailer[T <: Option[_]](f: Future[T]) {
def failIfEmpty = {
f.flatMap {
case None => Future.failed(new NotFoundException)
case k => Future.successful(k)
flatMap(_ => Future.successful(Option.empty[String])).failIfEmpty
I'm not sure whether I chose the right title for my question..
I'm interested as to why the collection in the companion object is defined. Am I mistaken that this collection will have only one f in it? What I am seeing is a collection with exactly one element.
Here's the Future I'm dealing with:
trait Future[+T] { self =>
def onComplete(callback: Try[T] => Unit): Unit
def map[U](f: T => U) = new Future[U] {
def onComplete(callback: Try[U] => Unit) =
self onComplete (t => callback(t.map(f)))
def flatMap[U](f: T => Future[U]) = new Future[U] {
def onComplete(callback: Try[U] => Unit) =
self onComplete { _.map(f) match {
case Success(fu) => fu.onComplete(callback)
case Failure(e) => callback(Failure(e))
} }
def filter(p: T => Boolean) =
map { t => if (!p(t)) throw new NoSuchElementException; t }
Its companion object:
object Future {
def apply[T](f: => T) = {
val handlers = collection.mutable.Buffer.empty[Try[T] => Unit]
var result: Option[Try[T]] = None
val runnable = new Runnable {
def run = {
val r = Try(f)
handlers.synchronized {
result = Some(r)
(new Thread(runnable)).start()
new Future[T] {
def onComplete(f: Try[T] => Unit) = handlers.synchronized {
result match {
case None => handlers += f
case Some(r) => f(r)
In my head I was imagining something like the following instead of the above companion object (notice how I replaced the above val handlers .. with var handler ..):
object Future {
def apply[T](f: => T) = {
var handler: Option[Try[T] => Unit] = None
var result: Option[Try[T]] = None
val runnable = new Runnable {
val execute_when_ready: Try[T] => Unit = r => handler match {
case None => execute_when_ready(r)
case Some(f) => f(r)
def run = {
val r = Try(f)
handler.synchronized {
result = Some(r)
(new Thread(runnable)).start()
new Future[T] {
def onComplete(f: Try[T] => Unit) = handler.synchronized {
result match {
case None => handler = Some(f)
case Some(r) => f(r)
So why does the function execute_when_ready leads to stackoverflow, but that's not the case with handlers.foreach? what is the collection is offering me which I can't do without it? And is it possible to replace the collection with something else in the companion object?
The collection is not in the companion object, it is in the apply method, so there is a new instance for each Future. It is there because there can be multiple pending onComplete handlers on the same Future.
Your implementation only allows a single handler and silently removes any existing handler in onComplete which is a bad idea because the caller has no idea if a previous function has added an onComplete handler or not.
As noted in the comments, the stack overflow is because execute_when_ready calls itself if handler is None with no mechanism to stop the recursion.
I want to refactor by update action below to look a little more readable and also handle the failure case better
The userService has the following functions:
class UserService {
def getUserByUsername: Future[Option[Int]] // which is the UserId
def getUserById: Future[User]
My action looks like:
def update(userId: Int) = Action.async { implicit request =>
request.body.validate[User] match {
case JsSuccess(user, _) => {
userService.getUserByUsername(user.username).map { userId =>
userService.getUserById(userId.get).map { existingUser =>
case JsError(err) => Future.sucessful(BadRequest(err))
How do I handle the situation where getUserByUsername returns a None?
Would this look cleaner if it was in a for comprehension, is it better style?
You have some missing data in your questions such as case classes for the User model, userService class.
also better to attach the original function.
Anyways, I will do something as follows:
def update(userId: Int) = Action { implicit request =>
request.body.validate[User] match {
case JsSuccess(user: User, _) => {
val userId = getUserByUsername(user.username)
userId match {
case Some(userId) => {
for {
_ <- userService.getUserById(userId)
_ <- userService.update(user.username)
} yield Ok
}.recover {
case t: Throwable =>
Metrics.errOnUpdate.increment() // Some metric to monitor
logger.error(s"update userId: $userId failed with ex: ${t.getMessage}") // log the error
InternalServerError(Json.toJson(Json.obj("error" -> "Failure occured on update"))) // return custom made exception to the client
case None => Future.successful(NotFound(s"No such user with ${user.username}"))
case JsError(err) => Future.sucessful(BadRequest(err))
Note: If .update returns Future, you actually not waiting to update before returning Ok to the user, thus, if its fails, its still returns Ok.
To fix that, use flatMap and then map the value of update response.
You can also separate the recovering for the getUserById and update if you prefer.
def update(userId: Int) = Action { implicit request =>
request.body.validate[User] match {
case JsSuccess(user: User, _) => {
getUserByUsername(user.username).flatMap {
case Some(userId) => for {
_ <- userService.getUserById(userId)
_ <- userService.update(user.username)
} yield Ok
case None => Future.successful(NotFound(s"No such user with ${user.username}"))
}.recover {
case t: Throwable =>
Metrics.errOnUpdate.increment() // Some metric to monitor
logger.error(s"update userId: $userId failed with ex: ${t.getMessage}") // log the error
InternalServerError(Json.toJson(Json.obj("error" -> "Failure occured on update"))) // return custom made exception to the client
case JsError(err) => Future.sucessful(BadRequest(err))
First, you probably need to use Option.fold:
#inline final def fold[B](ifEmpty: => B)(f: A => B)
Then you can do something like this:
def update(userId: Int) = Action.async { implicit request =>
def handleJsonErrors(errors: Seq[(JsPath, collection.Seq[JsonValidationError])]): Future[Result] = ???
def updateUser(userWithoutId: User): Future[Result] = {
for {
userId <- userService.getUserByUsername(userWithoutId.username)
_ <- userService.getUserById(userId.get)
_ <- userService.update(userWithoutId.username)
} yield {
request.body.asJson.fold {
Future.successful(BadRequest("Bad json"))
} {
_.validate[User].fold(handleJsonErrors, updateUser).recover {
case NonFatal(ex) =>
def myMethod(myType: String) :Future[Future[Either[List[MyError], MyClass]]] {
for {
first <- runWithSeq(firstSource)
yield {
.map {s ->
val mine = MyClass(s.head, lars)
val errors = myType match {
case "all" => Something.someMethod(mine)
(s, errors)
.map { x =>
x._2.leftMap(xs => {
addInfo(x._1.head, xs.toList)
for {
myStuff <- myMethod("something")
} yield {
myStuff.collect {
case(Left(errors), rowNumber) =>
MyCaseClass(errors, None) //compilation error here
I get compilation error on MyCaseClass that expected: List[MyError], found: Any
The signature of MyCaseClass is:
case class MyCaseClass(myErrors: List[ValidationError])
How can I fix this such that I can correctly call MyCaseClass inside the yield?
Your code example doesn't make much sense, and doesn't compile, but if runWithSeq() returns a Future then you should be able to eliminate the double Future return type like so.
for {
_ <- runWithSeq(firstSource)
scnd <- runWithSeq(secondSource)
} yield { ...
Your example is pretty hard to paste and fix
Abstact example for this
Class C may be whatever you want
def test(testval: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Future[Either[String, Int]]] = {
if (testval % 2 == 0) Right(testval) else Left("Smth wrong")
implicit class FutureEitherExt[A, B](ft: Future[Either[A, B]]) {
def EitherMatch[C](f1: A => C, f2: B => C)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[C] = {
ft.map {
case Left(value) => f1(value)
case Right(value) => f2(value)
val fl: Future[Either[String, Int]] = test(5).flatten
val result: Future[String] = fl.EitherMatch(identity, _.toString)
I'm getting the following compilation error in the future recover line:
type mismatch; found : scala.concurrent.Future[Any] required:
I'm returning Ok() which is a Result object, so why is the compiler complaining?
class Test2 extends Controller {
def test2 = Action.async { request =>
val future = Future { 2 }
future.map { result => {
Ok("Finished OK")
future.recover { case _ => { // <-- this line throws an error
If you take closer look at the Future.recover method you'll see that partial function should have subtype of future's type, in your case Int, because you apply recover to original Future 'future'. To fix it you should apply it to mapped:
future.map {
result => {
Ok("Finished OK")
}.recover {
case _ => {
You forget to chain, so do like Nyavro wrote, or, if you like another style, then just introduce an intermediate variable.
def test2 = Action.async { request =>
val future = Future { 2 }
val futureResult = future.map { result => {
Ok("Finished OK")
futureResult.recover { case _ => {
I have the following function and I would like to return Future[Boolean] but the IDE prompts that I return Unit. I am new in Scala. Can someone point me out what I am doing wrong?
def remove(loginInfo: LoginInfo): Future[Boolean] = {
val result = findObject(loginInfo)
result.onSuccess {
case Some(persistentPasswordInfo) =>
val removeResult = remove(persistentPasswordInfo._id.toString)
removeResult.map {
case Left(ex) => Future.successful(false)
case Right(b) => Future.successful(b)
case None => Future.successful(false)
Replace onSuccess with flatMap. Assuming your remove(x: String) method also returns a Future, that will also need to be flatMapped:
def remove(loginInfo: LoginInfo): Future[Boolean] = {
val result = findObject(loginInfo)
result.flatMap {
case Some(persistentPasswordInfo) =>
val removeResult = remove(persistentPasswordInfo._id.toString)
removeResult.flatMap {
case Left(ex) => Future.successful(false)
case Right(b) => Future.successful(b)
case None => Future.successful(false)